Super-Reboot v1.2 by Paul Huntington This program is Freeware. Copyright © 1994 Paul Huntington. INTRODUCTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is Super-reboot, a Windows utility whose primary purpose is to facilitate running those pesky DOS programs that simply don't like to run when Windows is loaded (i.e.: games like DOOM 1.1 ( and 1.2 on my system ) and complicated DOS CAD programs like Schema). Using Super-reboot to run those programs is just as convenient as running a Windows program because Windows will restart after the DOS program is done. Super-reboot also lets the user reboot Windows, reboot the entire system (DOS reboot), or simply exit out of Windows to DOS. FILE LIST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REBOOT.WRI Documentation for Super Reboot (Windows Write format) REBOOT.TXT Documentation for Super Reboot (text-only format) REBOOT.EXE Main executable REBOOT.BAT Batch-file generated by Super Reboot CMDIALOG.VBX Common dialog-box DLL DRAGDROP.VBX Drag-n-drop DLL VBRUN300.DLL Primary run-time DLL, may or may not be included with this package depending on how this package was distributed. THIS IS REQUIRED to run Super Reboot. Available on most BBSs. INSTALLATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just copy all the above listed files to a directory of your own choosing. Optionally, the DLL files may be placed in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. You may already have VBRUN300.DLL there. network note: Be sure that every network account which uses this to launch a particular DOS program has an individual copy of Super Reboot in it’s own directory. This is to prevent different user accounts from attempting to run different programs using the same REBOOT.BAT file. Example: Super Reboot is in a Company department's common directory, X:\UTILS\REBOOT. One network user has setup this program to run V:\MYGAMES\DOSGAME.EXE, another account has Super Reboot set to run Q:\ATE\GPIBTEST.EXE. This is bad. The REBOOT.BAT file is there to set the default path and directory of the specified DOS program. If both users try to run a DOS program via Super Reboot simultaneously, the REBOOT.BAT file meant for one user account may be used for the other, too. Avoid this by each copying the needed Super Reboot files to their own directories. This way there is no way a batch file used by one user can be accidentally used by another. OPERATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are two main ways to use Super Reboot, direct execution and command- line execution. Direct Execution ---------------- One way is to simply activate it from Windows. Then click on the button which represents the option you wish to execute. The status line on the lower portion of the dialog box displays information on the buttons as the mouse-pointer passes over them. You can restart Windows, restart DOS, exit from Windows, cancel Super Reboot, and you can exit Windows, then execute a specified DOS program, then automatically return to Windows when the DOS program finishes. You can specify the DOS program to execute by one of three ways: typed entry: Type in the FULL path name of the program into the text box (i.e.: C:\DOOM\SETUP.EXE, note that the drive letter and extension are present), file dialog-box: Click on the "Select..." button and use the resultant file dialog-box to browse through your directories to find the desired file (this will usually be a .BAT, .COM, or .EXE file). drag-and-drop: Drag-and-drop a file from Windows file manager onto the Super Reboot dialog- box. Command-Line Execution ---------------------- If Super Reboot is executed with information supplied via a command-line, it will attempt to interpret the command-line and execute accordingly. command line options: If only a DOS-program path name is supplied (as above), Super Reboot will attempt to exit Windows and execute the specified program just as if you had clicked on the "Execute" button. /w Super Reboot will attempt to restart Windows. /s Super Reboot will attempt to restart DOS. /x Super Reboot will attempt to exit Windows. /w... Super Reboot will attempt to restart Windows after the user confirms it via a dialog box. /s... Super Reboot will attempt to restart DOS after the user confirms it via a dialog box. /x... Super Reboot will attempt to exit Windows after the user confirms it via a dialog box. /W Super Reboot will load, minimize, and when activated will attempt to restart Windows. /S Super Reboot will load, minimize, and when activated attempt to restart DOS. /X Super Reboot will load, minimize, and when activated attempt to exit Windows. /E followed by a path name, Super Reboot will load, minimize, and when activated attempt to exit Windows, then execute a specified DOS program, then automatically return to Windows when the DOS program finishes. /W... Super Reboot will load, minimize, and when activated attempt to restart Windows after the user confirms it via a dialog box. /S... Super Reboot will load, minimize, and when activated attempt to restart DOS after the user confirms it via a dialog box. /X... Super Reboot will load, minimize, and when activated attempt to exit Windows after the user confirms it via a dialog box. /E... followed by a path name, Super Reboot will load and minimize. When activated and the user confirms via a dialog box Super Reboot will attempt to exit Windows, then execute a specified DOS program, then automatically return to Windows when the DOS program finishes. command line example: -------------------------- In the Windows Program Manager under File Properties, "Command Line:", here is a possible setting: C:\REBOOT\REBOOT.EXE /E... c:\dos\ c:\autoexec.bat /H Here we are loading the DOS editor with the AUTOEXEC.BAT file using the maximum number of lines the hardware will support. When this is run, Super Boot will load and minimize. When a user clicks on the iconizised Super Boot application, it will ask the user to confirm exiting out to run the EDIT program. Running Multiple Instances -------------------------- Yes! You can run multiple instances of Super Reboot. This is handy when you want to always keep, say, one always-ready option to exit Windows and another option to reboot Windows or DOS. Simply run Super Boot multiple times, each time with a different command line. Super Reboot can be run this way from the Windows Program Manager on start up, too! WARRANTY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is no warranty. Use Super Reboot at your own risk. It has been reasonably tested, but there are no guarantees of bug-free operation. SUPPORT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you encounter problems with Super Reboot, feel free to drop me a line via any of these nation-wide BBSs: America Online: PaulHH Compuserve: 71231,3636 GEnie: PHUNTINGTON