SAVE OUR ANIMANIACS! Steven Spielberg Presents Animaniacs is one of the most popular cartoon shows airing today. Since its debut in September of 1993, it has gained a sizable following and is beating its competition handily in the Neilsen ratings. The reason for this is obvious: it's a terrific show. It's as funny as anything to appear on TV in years, and it's certainly NOT just a show for "little kids." Many of the fans of Animaniacs belong to an age group far older than the one aimed at during the commercials. But in spite the show's smashing success, the Fox Network has announced that there will be NO NEW EPISODES of the show airing at any time in the future. This is regardless of the fact that there are at least five completed episodes waiting to be aired this fall, and the writers and directors at Warner Bros. Animation want to produce more episodes of the show. Why is Fox not allowing new episodes to be broadcast? The Fox Network has not offered any official reasons for its refusal. However, it is possible to read between the lines and deduce the truth from this fact: Animaniacs airs due to a contract between Fox-TV and Warner Bros. Animation, the creators of the show. Time Warner has announced the creation of the Warner Network, which will compete with the Fox Network for viewers, ratings, and advertising dollars. This new network is not expected to debut until 1995 or 1996. Because of this, Fox does not want to depend on a show produced by its competiton (Time Warner). This means that the network is taking steps to cut all ties with Warner Bros., including phasing out all cartoons produced by Warner Bros. And this means that FOX WILL NOT ORDER ANY NEW EPISODES OF ANIMANIACS. But recent history has shown us that TV network executives are a superstitious, cowardly lot. The people in charge of the Fox Network WILL respond to pressure from the audience - IF we let them know that we want more new episodes of Animaniacs. SAVE OUR ANIMANIACS! WRITE A LETTER TO THIS ADDRESS: Margaret Loesch Fox Childrens' Network 5746 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90035 If you can send Email, then send a note to this address: Let them know that WE WANT MORE NEW EPISODES OF ANIMANIACS! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Fox Network will not bend until we exert pressure on them. Therefore, we have to SPREAD THE WORD! WE NEED YOUR HELP! "What can I do to help Save Our Animaniacs?" you may ask. The answer is simple: SPREAD THE WORD! Let people know that their favorite TV show is in danger of disappearing because of a silly feud between fat, greedy TV Network Executives. Animaniacs has many adult fans who don't that the show is in danger. WE MUST WARN THEM! Print out copies of this message and post them where it can be seen! WRITE A LETTER TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS! Tell them that you want more new episodes of ANIMANIACS! Tell your friends! Give them copies of this message! Make sure your friends WRITE A LETTER TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS! Post it on other bulletin boards and encourage others to do the same! Post it on the walls of your local college and high school! Post it at your favorite music store, book store, and video store! Call up your local radio talk show and spread the word over the airwaves! Hand out copies of the message to people on the street! (But don't get arrested!) And above all, get people to WRITE LETTERS and let Fox-TV know that WE WANT MORE NEW EPISODES OF ANIMANIACS!