Underground Informer Volume 5 Issue 18 November 5, 1994 Page 10 ----------------------------- Prop 187, Pete Z, and the KKK ----------------------------- Submitted by Bruce Murphy Sysop Dood, The Murph Zone BBS Studio City, CA Here in California, there is a Proposition on the November 8th ballot that makes it illegal for non-citizens to collect welfare and other benefits from the state. [Ed. Note: Proposition 187 would also prevent illegal immigrants from obtaining medical benefits and keep the children of such immigrants out of public schools.] While on the SURFACE this may seem like a reasonable idea, the fine print allows anyone to turn in to law enforcement agencies anyone whom they even suspect of being in this country illegally. Still not that big of a deal, you say? Add that those who turn in these people can do so anonymously and without fear of recrimination, and you have a police state happening right here in these United States. Well, OK, so we've already got a great start at that after 12 years of Reagan and Bush, but we still have SOME rights left.... To top that, in the last few days, a message thread has appeared on my BBS that has me up in arms. The following is the thread as it appears on The Murph Zone. [Ed. Note: The following posts have not been edited.] ******************************** To : Sysop Dood From: Peter Zsolnay Subj: My Farewell To DEA And The 'Barrel... (Ref. is 00546) Date: 04 Nov 94 @ 01:15 pm SD> Hmmmm.... Then you are saying that there are millions of Mexicans SD> who mass at the border each night, just to get into the US where SD> they can do nothing but kick back, get free benefits, and make SD> babies... Is that about it? SD> Sorry, but that ain't so... If it were, INS would be out of a SD> job... Just because it's illegal to do something hasn't stopped SD> people from doing whatever the illegality is... Business owners do SD> it to keep their product competetive with cheap imports... They pay SD> sweat shop wages to those who CAN'T complain, under the table so SD> there isn't a paper trail... In that case, I hereby invite you to go down to your local Welfare office and scope out the situation for yourself. Count the number of caucasian people and the number of hispanics.. I'd be willing to bet that the number of hispanics outnumbers the number of white people standing in line.. Pete ******************************** To : Peter Zsolnay From: Sysop Dood Subj: Illegals On Welfare (Ref. is 00574) Date: 05 Nov 94 @ 08:57 am Two questions: 1) Why were YOU down at the Welfare office? Sucking on the Governmental Teat again, Pete? 2) Just curious - how many green cards did you check? Just because they are Hispanic does NOT mean they are illegal aliens! BTW, are you aware that LA has the highest number of Hispanics in the WORLD second only to Mexico City? That combined with the nature of business to hire anglo's over other minorities makes for a real accurate solution to your problem... B ******************************** To : Sysop Dood From: Peter Zsolnay Subj: Illegals On Welfare (Ref. is 00577) Date: 05 Nov 94 @ 12:09 am 1.) I was down there with a friend.. she needed a ride.. I do not collect welfare, nor do I care to.. I *DO* have my pride.. 2.) None.. However, these people LOOK like they were fresh over the border (and sometimes even smelled like it too). The majority of them couldn't even speak a little tiny bit of english. Then again, I didn't see the welfare people checking for green cards either.. Pete ******************************** To : Peter Zsolnay From: Indranil Mookherjee Subj: Illegals On Welfare (Ref. is 00578) Date: 05 Nov 94 @ 06:48 am How do illegals smell Pete? What is the deal? You sign a piece of paper from the US Government, and your odor disappears? How come this is the country with the largest sales of deodorant products? You know Pete, there are two ways to answer your bigoted bs. One is to go into rant mode, call you an ignorant fool, question your heritage, go into rhapsody about the irrefutable evidence of a rather dwindling IQ on your part and so on. The second way is to try to argue with you, give you facts. Refute your assertions. I am not very sure that you are capable of understanding the logic that is apparent in an argument. The only sense you have shown is a keen sense of smell. So I will do none of the above. Instead, let's just call you bigoted. And end this puerile conversation. Thanks for listening. Use your ears Pete, your nose doesn't do any argument justice. Indro ******************************** To : Indranil Mookherjee From: Peter Zsolnay Subj: Illegals On Welfare (Ref. is 00580) Date: 05 Nov 94 @ 06:54 pm For what it's worth Indro, people who are from south of the border often times haven't had a chance to get up to speed on our rather self concious hygene rituals. People who've been here have a long time have been sold on the idea of daily bathing AND purchasing vast volumes of anti-perspirants and deodorants. If you doubt me, just tune into your favorite commercial TV station and count the number of ads for various soaps, bath bars, feminine hygene products, baby powders, deodorants, anti-perspirants, and a whole plethora of other related products including, but not limited to perfumes, after shave lotions, etc, et al, ad nauseum. When you've got someone who doesn't practice the same sort of hygene that we've been taught (by Madison Ave, among others) to do, then they kinda stick out like a sore thumb. Sorry.. No racism is intended. Just plain and SIMPLE facts. Pete ******************************** To : Peter Zsolnay From: Sysop Dood Subj: Illegals On Welfare (Ref. is 00578) Date: 05 Nov 94 @ 08:04 am Pete, I have a suggestion. If you aren't already a card carrying member of the KKK, you should be... They welcome that kind of thinking[?]... Oh, and if you bothered to look, they would have been asking for SOME kind of identification - NO government agency does a thing unless they have you identified 17 ways from Sunday... As to being too proud to draw welfare, there are many people who can't find work for one reason or another and HAVE to have money to survive... Sure, it's easy to have pride when you can live at home with your parents - it's not so easy when you have noone to turn to... Yessir... Back Prop 187! It's sponsored by people who think like Pete... B ******************************** I'm a firm believer in the Constitution of these United States.... Many people like Pete claim to be so as well, but they conveniently forget some of the important rights afforded ALL individuals when it suits them. Let's not forget that a person is GUARANTEED to be INNOCENT until proven guilty in this country. That is one of the laws that sets us apart from so many of the other countries around the globe. We do NOT need another police state on this planet. Freedom is something that applies to all. Curtailing it to any one individual or group makes this country no better than Hitler's Germany. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~