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Red China and the USSA Left Wing Fundamentalists Bad Attitude Baptist Blowout Strictly Personal: To the Ends of the Earth Tennessee Temple: 1994 Klingon Bible Update Dr. Ruckman's Schedule The Coming Nazi Holocaust The BBF in England A Voice from Yesteryear The Approaching Horror Black History Church Attendance Salient Verses The Police State Defined Those Changes in John XXIII's Ecumenical Council Man's Control Over Nature Report From Taiwan Designated Marksman Time and Pleasure A Preface to All Good Hymn Books A Word of Testimony Another Heretic Joining the Cult Soviet Catholicism On the March Again Ruckman's Apocalypse The Creed of The Alexandrian Cult Important Notice! Theological Studies Therefore Stand Religion Tied to the State =================================================================== ADS ================================================================== Far From Rome Near to God Testimonies of Fifty Catholic Priests Edited by: Richard Bennett & Martin Buckingham The Anti-Intellectual Manifesto Dr Peter S. Ruckman Greek Manuscript Evidence (Cassette Tapes) Dr Peter S. Ruckman Handbook of Manuscript Evidence Dr Peter S. Ruckman Eternal Security- It is finished Dr Peter S. Ruckman Discrimination: The Key to Sanity Dr Peter S. Ruckman Sunday Morning Radio Program The Last Grenade Dr Peter S. Ruckman Booklets Bible Numerics About the New King James Version Seven Resurrections The NIV: An "In Depth" Documentation of Apostasy The Full Cup Autobiography of Dr Peter S. Ruckman Caring for Converts Rev Timothy P. Rose If the Foundations Be destroyed Videos Puddle to Paradise- The Evolution Lie Exposed Why Sit We Here \ Mark of the Beast Christian Discipline \Two Kinds of repentance The Thief in the Living Room \ Pre-Sermon Short Talks Unholy Bible Versions Of The New Age (Marrs) Cassettes Hebrews Acts Jonah King James Series I King James Series II King James Series III Problem Texts Your Baptist Biblical Baloney Soul Winning Lessons Christian's History of Music Histories of the King James Bible and the Church in Relation Misc Tell It Like It Is- The Real Issue Featured tract of December The Book of Ecclesiastes AV 1611 Belt Buckles BBB-December, 1994 Cassius Clay on Intermarriage From USA Today, Friday, February 25, 1994, we have Cassius Clay--alias, Mohammed Ali-making the following statements: "We're all God's children, yet in America whites and blacks are not ready to integrate in marriage. This is my belief. Every man wants a son who looks like him. No white man wants to introduce his grandchild as half white, half black. No intelligent black man wants to introduce his grandchild as half black and half white. Tigers have tigers, lions have lions, pigeons have pigeons. I'm not trying to cause trouble. I'm not a racist, but if anyone can prove me wrong...God converts who he wants. I can't convert people. It's just my job to tell em" he says. Compare that with Martin Luther King Jr, and you "got somethin'" to study for awhile. =============================end===================================== BBB-December, 1994 "Ruckmanism" When Ruckman was Eight Years Old Those readers of the Bulletin (and those who are familiar with our work) know how many times we've printed proof that dozens of people (and perhaps millions of people) believed the King James Bible was the word of God-containing the words of God from cover to cover, including the cover-before they heard my have the copies of the Bulletin, you know who lied about this, when they lied, where they lied, and for what purpose. We came across another nice case, the other day, which was found in a book called The Romance of The English Bible, New York, Doubleday, Doran and Company in 1929. At that time, "Ruckman" was eight years old. And look what the terrible, heretical "Ruckmanites" were saying when Ruckman was eight years old: "But always in considering this, our English classic [King James Version], we must remember that behind it was the world's must profoundest religious truths uttered by Hebrews in concrete, vivid, figurative expressions. It was this right ore which was cast into the English crucible to be heated hot with religious fervor and with the zest of a new intellectual awakening.... Out of the fire came this book, so beautiful and resonant in rhythm, so majestic and inspiring in tone that as literature it is said even to surpass the original, and no one influence has been so great in the life of English speaking people, religiously, morally, socially, politically, as has this version." Correct. P.S. Nor will there ever be another close rival. ========================end======================================= BBB-December, 1994 Red China and the USSA "Christians in Red China continue to endure Marxist persecution. The South China Morning Post reported that more than a thousand Protestants in Henan Province were arrested, jailed and tortured. Evangelist Pastor Yang of China's underground church, was arrested for his faith, beaten, forced to lick the feet of his captors, and de- prived of sleep. Dozens of house churches have been closed. "Meanwhile, back in the land of the free, Judge J. G. Bakalis, Dupage County, Illinois, granted a divorced father four hours a month with his children under the following condition: 'During such periods of visitation the children are not to be subjected to any form of religious instruction or church activities'." (The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, P.O. Box 84904, Phoenix, Arizona 85071 ) . USSA, the United Soviet States of America, or the Unified Search and Seizure of Assets; a satellite of Red China. But don't forget Africa. The Wall Street Journal (quoted in Environment Betrayed, Boise, Idaho, July 1994) says: "Smithsonian's anthropologist, Paul Taylor, used a celebrity tone of voice in describing "the skill of cannibalism of the Korawai tribes". At the opening of the film the audience is told that there may be some practice which "we consider taboo." It is implied that if you have a reaction against the Korawain cannibalism that you are narrow minded. The film is called "Treehouse People-- Cannibal Justice." That is, cannibalism is a "life-style," like sex perversion or bestiality. You're intolerant if you don't grant that it could be the right thing for certain people. And that's the USSA today! That's the way it was! A satellite of the jungle. ==========================end====================================== BBB-December, 1994 Left Wing Fundamentalists Our papers today are filled with articles about the ex- reme radical right-wing fanatics and extreme radical right-wing fundamentalists, and all that garbage. A good example of a fanatical extremist-the most extreme, radical, fanatical sort-is Ja net Reno, who bragged about killing eighty-three people in Waco, Texas, including seventeen unarmed minor children. The Clinton administration now is filled with these radical fanatics. The latest one is found in a nationwide article that had to do with a man named Frank Balun, of Hillsdide, New Jersey, who was charged with "cruelty to animals," because he killed a rat with a broom handle. "The 69 year old gardener was charged with `animal cruelty' after he killed a rat that had been eating his tomato plants. Balun whacked it as it tried to escape from a trap he had set for the rodent. Union County Prosecutor Andrew Ruotolo Jr. has asked local officials to dismiss the charges, saying the matter is beneath the legal process... Hillside's prosecuting attorney, Christopher Howard, said Wednesday, that he'll have to ask the judge to dismiss the charges when the case comes up for a hearing on the 24th... Balun, whose only previous brush with the law was a parking ticket [Koresh didn't even have a parking ticket violation], hopes that state lawmakers come to the hearing so they can see why `animal cruelty' laws should be changed to exempt rodents." The two summons issued to Balun by the Associated Humane Societies carry a penalty of up to six months in jail and $1,250 in fines. Now, that's a result of all these radical left-winged fanatics in the Environmental Protection Agency who are out to protect cockroaches, mosquitoes, beetles, and now, rats. And this one was stealing something out of a fella's garden. This shows you the radical, fanatical extremism that federal left-wing fundamentalists can go to. Left-wing fundamentalism is the most dangerous type of fundamentalism. It's fundamentals are as follows: Queers are superior to straights, blacks are superior to whites, women are superior to men, children are superior to their parents, and criminals are superior to law-abiding citizens. Among the many radical, fanatical, extremist fundamentalist doctrines taught by this bunch of religious fanatics, is the teaching that at any time, federal troops can enter and break into your house and seize your property, and your family, at gunpoint, on the grounds of unfounded allegations, or unidentified rumors from an anonymous rumormonger. Nothing is more dangerous than radical, extremist, left-wing Fundamentalism. ===========================end======================================= BBB-December, 1994 Strictly Personal To the Ends of the Earth Dr Peter S. Ruckman Many long years ago, when I was a freshman at BJU-- after graduating from the University of Alabama with a Bachelor's Degree-- I used to go on "evangelistic raids" with a young man named Wally Trim. His car was equipped with a PA system, microphone, and "turntable" (for the old 78 rpm records). We would preach over this, sometimes while traveling at 60 mph, and then give an "invitation", using the recorded music as a background. Of all the records that Wally had, my favorite was one by Charles Fuller's "Old Fashioned Revival Hour" quartet, with Rudy Atwood at the "ivories." It was called "I'm on the Battlefield for My Lord." I remember some words which went like this: "I was alone and idle, I was a sinner too; I heard a voice from Heaven saying `There is work to do!' So I took the Master's hand and joined the Christian band! I'm on the battlefield for my Lord" It was the second verse that fascinated me. It said, "I left my friends and kindred, bound for the Promised Land; the grace of God upon me, the Bible in my hand. In DISTANT LANDS I trod, crying `Sinner, come to God!' I'm on the battlefield for my Lord!" I had never been in a "distant land" crying, "Sinner, come to God," and never imagined that I would. I had been in some "distant lands" (Japan, the Philippines, Guam, Johnson Island, Iwo, and Hawaii), but I certainly hadn't been crying, "Sinner, come to God!" I had been living like an incarnate demon (1945-1947). But you never know what is "in the deck"; at least what cards are going to be dealt to you. It began in Florida (1949) and went to South Carolina (1950), and then to Alabama and North Carolina (1951-52). Then I found myself in Ohio, Maryland, Indiana, Tennessee, and Georgia (1953-57), crying "Sinner, come to God!" By 1970, the "Battlefield had extended to Michigan, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Vermont, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Texas, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Illnois, Mississippi, Arkansas, Missouri, California, and Nevada. I then found myself in Hawaii again (1974), and in Germany (1978). I wound up taking five trips to Germany. Suddenly I found myself on the streets of Nurembery crying "Sinner, come to God!" I repeated the process in Badlschl, Austria. The battle didn't end. I then found myself on the streets of Odessa, Russia (the Ukraine), preaching through a Russian Major as an interpreter. The souls got saved. "In distant lands I trod, crying, `Sinner, come to God!' My what a prophesy for a boy raised in Kansas who had known nothing but dance bands, barrooms, beaches, bayonets, babes, bottles, bucks, brawls, and blasphemy for twenty-seven years. I popped up in Seoul, Korea (1994), preaching on the streets through a Korean interpreter, who had set up what he called "The Pensacola Bible Institute of Korea." He had just finished translating the entire AV into Korean. Three adults got saved during this tour. Inside the "Institute", I held two Open Bible Forums for forth or fifty young men and women. Above, and behind me, on the wall, was a large English sign in letters about a foot high. it said, "Welcome Dr Ruckman, Our Permanent Teacher." My, what a distance from the back seat of Wally Trim's worn-out used car, whit its PA system and turntable! I can still hear the quartet, "And I promised Him that I would serve Him till I die! I'm on the battlefield for my Lord!" And so it came to pass that I wound up in Manila, and then Iloilo (Panay) last summer, a neat little 9,500 miles from BJU, where I and Wally had met. "In distant lands I trod...!" But that was only the frosting on the cake. The "cake" was that during those years (1960-1995), I had had the privilege of equipping 450 young men for the ministry, and thirty-eight of them went out to "distant lands", crying, "Sinner, come to God!" While I was touring Hawaii, Germany, Austria, the Ukraine, Canada, Korea, and the Philippines, my "Timothys" were preaching on the streets of Spain, Taiwan, China, Luzon, Athens, Germany, Ireland, Scotland, New Zealand, Australia, Italy, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Alaska, South Africa, Kiev, Romania, Bulgaria, and even Cuba. After studying English, Greek, and Hebrew at PBI, these young storm troopers (believe it or not!) had gone overseas and learned a fourth language. They were actually preaching the Bible in Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Italian, Greek, and German. They are doing it right now while you are reading this page. Cooper is crying, "Sinner, come to God!" right in the middle of Roman Catholic Spain. Bill Haag cried, "Sinner, come to God!" in Moscow's Red Square. Demopoulous and Higgins have been calling sinners to God for two years in Kiev, Russia. Tim Rose in New Zealand and Brother Wheat in Australia have been giving the same call "down under." Chancey is in the Emerald Isle; Miller and Cutcheon have been among the "Highland laddies" and the "Blue Bells." Gilley and Trosclair have been ministering to Germans in their own language for years. Roger Vournas married a Phillippino girl and has led about one soul to Christ every day in the year, for nearly four years. Ricky Bolick has preached all over Bulgaria, and in the Ukraine, and has set up meetings for other missionaries. Chris Rue and his wife just joined Demopoulous and Higgins in Russia. hernandez has an independent Baptist church going on the island of Oahu (Honolulu); Stephens and Powell have been preaching in Taiwan, and on the Chinese mainland. "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel." This is what we were able to do, by the grace of God, in addition to producing the 110- plus books and booklets, the 200 plus video tapes, the 400 plus cassettes, the tracts (in five languages), raising ten children, and pastoring 500 people, while teaching Bible four night a week, September through May. Mazzaferri is in Italy, Theros and Bailey are in Greece. Sykes and Lettrick in South Africa; Melvin to Scotland; Elwood, and Dickens on their way to England; Hines and Cowen on their way to France; Shelly Root is in China; Aviles and Weldon Jones in Mexico; tomzak in Romania, and on and it goes. "In distant lands I trod, crying, `Sinner, come to God'!" We are on the battlefield for our Lord. Sometimes, when I am alone in the house in the afternoon, the German shepherds (three of them) are sleeping out in the shady yard, I reminisce, going back through the years to those days when I first came out of "Egypt" and started on my Canaan journey (1949). I am "camping in Canaan's happy land." When I think of the very small amount of persecutions I have had, and how few real trials and tribulations God has sent me during the journey, I almost cry. Others have suffered so much and paid such terrible prices. Occasionally6, while browsing "among my souvenirs," a though comes to me about Bob Jones III and his silly little temper tantrums over "Ruckmanites" and "Ruckmanism." I smile. Then I think about such poor, dead, orthodox apostates as hot Dog Hymers and Doug Kutilek, or backslidden "rejects" like Robert Sumner or David Cloud, and I chuckle. I don't get laughing until I think of Bob (Predestinated) Ross, or some idiot like Stewart Custer or James Combs, then it really gets "rib-tickling." What on earth, do you suppose, any of these poor, miserable, rear-area "garrison troops" would know about real Bible Christianity? I lie on my "sack" and look at the ceiling, and while the great Deutsch Musik (Parademarsch Der Langen Keris, Der Hohenfriedberger, Regiments Kinder, Alte Kameraden, Der Grosse Kurfurste, etc.) rolls over my soul, I take my afternoon nap, and dream of my young men-my "Sturmtroopen"--who are doing what I could not do, and reaching hundreds I could never reach, as they "carry the battle" to the gates of the enemy. Ah! what a life! "My Cup Runneth Over!" ===========================end==================================== BBB-December, 1994 Tennessee Temple: 1994 "Dear Dr. Ruckman, I was raised Catholic and was fed the lies of the devil for 17 years. At 17 I was kicked out of my house and lived with Baptists for four years. One of their sons and myself moved to Tennessee to go to Tennessee Temple. Then, I was taught Bible from my pastor. He began to root me in a King James Bible stand, as well as other doctrines. I then attended Tennessee Temple with the hopes of becoming a usable tool for God. I wasn't there long before the veil was lifted and I saw the beast that was in charge of my education. It was in Dr. Wisdom's class that my vision was cleared. He is one of the head professors. i was enrolled in one of his Hermeneutics classes, when, out of the blue, he spent four days violently attacking the King James Version. The material was in the appendix and not in the main part of the syllabus so we didn't know it was coming." Well, well, how about that? My, what a bunch of "godly" people we have on the faculty of Tennessee Temple! nothing but the best, baby! (Who don't believe in abortion, and divorce? Don't you know, sonny!) "I was lucky enough to be absent the first day of his attack on Tuesday, or I would have shared the same treatment as the `King James-only' students who had the backbone to stand up. The following class I was in my seat when four students came, each carrying a large stack of books. As class got started, and I sat in shock at what this man was saying; these students rose up and contradicted him. They matched each of his insults with a quotation from this book, or that, in defense of the word of God. He was finally outraged at what these `kids' were doing. He excused them from class, never to be seen again. I did not care to share that same treatment, so I took the matter to my pastor. I also wrote a letter to Dr. Boulet, Dr. Nichols, and Lee Roberson. A week later, Dr Wisdom apologized for the apparent attack on the KJV, but he did not stop. He changed his approach from an attack to "education." My, what a godly fella! My, what a "godly school". My what a "spiritual powerhouse"! My, what a Southwide Baptist Fellowship! Glory to God! Hallelujah!! "I finished the course. But all that he said was tainted, and it only enraged me more. The final incident was this man's blatant disregard for scripture. When I approached the NIV my statement was this, `This version might be useful in interpreting difficult passages, although I was taught the Holy Spirit would do that.' To this statement, I received the following remark. `The Holy Spirit is not going to give you direct illumination. He will use what you find in study from others'." There it is. The scholars are the Holy Spirit. The final authority is the scholars. The scholars usurp the place of the Holy Spirit; they will give you illumination, not the Holy Spirit. Read it again, "The Holy Spirit is not going to give you direct illumination. He will use what you find in study from others." And there it is. "I talked to the President of Tennessee Temple about this, and he refused to believe what Dr Wisdom had wrote. I offered to show it to him in Dr. Wisdom's own handwriting. But he wasn't interested in the truth." And there it is. That's what the moderator of the Southwide Baptist Fellowship did at the last fellowship in regards to the sale of our books. They are cowards, and they are lazy, and they think they are the source of the illumination. They're just as blind as a bat coming in backwards, and that goes for the whole backslidden crew. ===============================end================================== BBB-December, 1994 Klingon Bible Update By Larry Vance The Klingon Bible translation project mentioned in the March 1994 Bulletin has run into some problems. This was certainly to be expected since the Klingons do not even exist except in the eyes of the deluded dupes (including some Christians) who watch Star Trek movies, videos, or reruns on television. It turns out that the "scholars" developing this translation have had some disagreements. According to the Wall Street Journal (June 13, 1994), Professor Glen Proechel, of the University of Minnesota, has resigned and is now working on his own Klingon paraphrase of the New Testament. At the same time, Dr. Lawrence Schoen will be in charge of a group working on a Klingon translation of the entire Bible. Which Klingon Bible will be accepted as the final authority for Klingons? Klingons will now face the same dilemma as Americans. What is the final authority when two or more translations disagree? It will be up to Klingon scholars to decide, thus making them the final authority. Seems like we have heard this before. ==========================end==================================== BBB-December, 1994 The coming Nazi Holocaust by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman It is the main task of CBS, NBC, CNN, Time, Life, Newsweek, and National Public Radio to convince the American public that the greatest threats to "internal security" are: 1. Racists (i.i., "white separatists"). 2. Street preachers ("dangerous religious fanatics") 3. "Straights" (normal people who think that sex perverts are filthy and disgustiong). 4. Male chauvinists (who think the man should be the head of the household). 5. Law abiding citizens who stock up on guns and food (i.e., "potential terrorists"). 6. Parents that use "corporeal punishment" to discipline their children (i.e., "child abusers"). One glance at this news media agenda-- which is now called being "politically correct"--reveals that it must have been put together by women (Isa. 3:12). I don't know of one full-grown, middle class, adult male who would buy anything on the list. The news media has evidently been infiltrated (since 1945) with a mass of female weenies and a mass of "shims" (she plus him). Now from the standpoint of the Bible believer, what will all of this come to, in the light of Daniel, Revelation, 2 Thessalonians, and Matthew 24? We know, for example, that Adolph Hitler's "holocaust" was just an abridged, condensed sample of "things to come" for Israel (Lamentations, the Psalms, and Rev. 13). History will repeat itself, this time, with a "vengeance." The coming holocaust will make the Third Reich look like a dress rehearsal for a Minuet. the coming holocaust will decimate the Jews down to less than 10,000 people. Who will commit this genocide? Easy: the people who passed the Genocide Act. The way to study history is simple; every time you see ARTICLE ONE the word "unity" or "liberty", you translate "war" and "slavery". Every time you see the word "peace" or "love", you translate "arrests, imprisonment, search and seizure of assets, torture, armed robbery, assault and battery, and murder." It is essential when studying history to maintain "the power of negative thinking." Now, as you read this print the Clintonistas are setting up a Police State (IRS, BATF, DEA, CIA, NEA, HRS, EPA, and CFR). All of these bureaucratic groups are operating with one motive, and one purpose, and one goal in mind: totalitarian control over the incomes, lives, speech (and even the mind) of every American who breathes. What is being set up, "under your noses", is an international Soviet-Catholic, Totalitarian, Global State. It is the news media's job to divert you as much as possible from this operation so you will think the "trouble" is street preachers, the Bible in the schools, home schooling, "gay bashing", child abuse, child neglect, "poverty stricken minorities", the "homeless", wife beaters, segregationists, and gun owners. The coming political setup will be Russian (Rev. 13: "a bear"), and the religious set up will be Roman Catholic (Rev 17). The universal language will be English (Rev. 13: "a lion"), and the outstanding Soviet-Catholic nation that will finance this apostasy will be an integrated "melting pot" (the USSA: "a leopard", Rev. 13). The coming Nazi Police State is not connected with "discrimination", or "racial prejudice", or the KKK, or "white separatists". It is Roman Catholic from top to bottom, and is set up according to that brand of Marxism found in Russia between 1920 and 1990. At present, the outstanding representative of this form of government is the Clinton administration, backed up by all the major news media outlets plus the CFR, NEA, CIA, BATF, EPA, ACLU, HRS, and IRS. While your attention is kept on racial issues, sex issues, class issues, and GRID issues (AIDS), the Police State is gaining in power. you are going to pay them to kill you, for all units, above, are tax supported units. So is National Public Radio. Now look what happened that you didn't know about because all major news outlets were outlets were dedicated to "telling it like it is not", or else "All things considered except news items that show what is going to take place!" 1. The head of the "Cult Awareness Network" is a Catholic woman; her name is "Patricia". This Roman Catholic recommended lethal weapons to her buddy Janet (Janet Reno) to get rid of the "Davidians". You weren't told that on any news channel. 2. The head of the FBI (Freeh) is a Roman Catholic. He has taken a political stance against the Second Amendment, and declared publicly that he will disarm every law-abiding citizen in America if the Clinton politicians want it done. 3. The CIA, founded by a Roman Catholic ("Wild Bill" Donovan), came from the Roman Catholic OSS, a group trained in Catholic Canada (Montreal). At present, they use black uniforms, black Cadillacs, and black helicopters for "security missions". According to Valerian (Matrix II, p. 395 c), the color black was chosen because more than half of them were chosen from the Nazi SS intelligence, after World War II. The uniform of the SS (Schulzen Staffel) was black. 4. The black helicopters you see are UN helicopters operating on American soil against American civilians. They are unmarked. The troops in them are either Muslim (PLO, Arafat, the pope, Arabia, Hussein, Syria, etc.) or Roman Catholic (Belgians, Germans, South Americans, Spaniards, Italians, Frenchmen, Austrians, or Mexicans). 5. The foreign troops now being trained on "government reservations" are here to take over every dwelling place in America when the "crisis" comes. The "crisis" will be created by the news media. It will call, first, for "federal intervention"-- abolition of local police forces (see Goering's work in Prussia with the policemen in Berlin: 1934-1936). Then it will call for "international intervention" (see Somaliland, Peru, Desert Storm, Lebanon, and Croatia, etc.). Croatia is ninety-nine percent Roman Catholic. They cooperated with Adolph Hitler (Roman Catholic) in murdering 200,000 Serbians, in the 1940's. Serbs are Greek Orthodox. American's Army and Air Force (1994) were used to kill Serbs: not Croatians. The Croatians have one hundred percent backing by all major news outlets. They are solidly Roman Catholic to the core, and will support the killing of any "anti-Catholic" group, or nation. The news media told you nothing. They are not going to tell you anything. Their work is "cut out" for them. Their job is to get you killed. The coming holocaust, then, as the first one (Hitler's Third Reich) is solidly Roman Catholic-- Hitler had concordats with both popes (Pius XI and Pius XII) through the entire slaughter. The pope's political stance against Serbia was taken by all nations at the Olympic games in Norway (1994). This was the first in a series of mass demonstrations that will take place in the next two years to back up Vatican politics. All European "peace keeping forces" sent to the USA, to put down "separatists", "potential terrorists", and "dangerous religious fanatics" will be Roman Catholic troops. The goal for the entire operation (supported one hundred percent by all major news outlets) is the eradication of Biblical Christianity; it will be replaced with International Soviet Catholicism. The next holocaust will be a Roman Catholic holocaust, just like the last one. it will be anti-Semitic (not "anti-BLACK"), it will be carried out by international "peace keeping forces" who will follow papal directives. Biblical Christianity is pro-Jewish, pro-clean living, pro-prayer and Bible, pro-traditional family values, pro-street preaching, Premillennial, and pro-individual responsibility (and accountability). It is also anti-sex perversion, anti-leadership by females, anti-Catholic, anti-pornography, anti-Moslem, anti-abortion, anti-jungle music, and anti-rebellious children. Therefore, it must be done away with: genocide. Who will carry out this genocide? Easy: the UN, who passed the Genocide Treaty. The man who upheld the Constitution ("Honest Abe") was the man who violated it. The man who "liberated" Austria enslaved it. (Ditto with the man who "liberated" Russia (Lenin), and the man who "liberated" Cuba [Castro]). The man who brought you "economic recovery" (FDR) took your gold from you and bankrupted you permanently. The man who talks the most about "peace" (any pope) will turn out to be the bloodiest killer who ever lived: he just uses your military equipment to do his killing for him. "The only thing that men learn from history is that men never learn from history." =============================end================================== BBB-December, 1994 The BBF in England Here's a nice word of testimony from Jonathan Wray, 21 Whitkirk Close, Leeds, England LS 158PS, a born again, saved, soul winning, Bible believing, street preacher. "Most news and TV shows nowadays are just propaganda. I fell shows like The Simpsons are much more realistic than the Cosby Show, etc. The Simpson's has a character in it called Ned Flanders. Ned Flanders is exactly like a BBF clone. He claims to be a Christian, his children aren't allowed to have sugar, he sells Methusalah trading cards... A couple of days ago we were taken to a BBF fellowship meeting. At the meeting was a collection of American Independent Baptist missionaries. That day we were told not only does the AV 1611 Bible have errors in it, but the Textus Receptus has errors in it." How about that? And these were the boys that were pushing the Textus Receptus and the New King James. How about that? "We were told not to preach anything negative. We should `blend into society'. These preachers are forming an apostate Bible college patterned after one that is in Springfield, Missouri, and a fellowship to go with it. When I was at the meeting I turned to my dad and said, `We don't belong here.' After we got home, me and my dad agreed never to go to another one of those meetings. See you in the Heavenly Jerusalem. Jonathan Wray." How's that for an "evangelistic missionary burden"? Ain't that a beauty? =========================end===================================== December, 1994 BBB A Voice from Yesteryear "The children of the protesters, children of the Reformation, have been brainwashed and indoctrinated by those who believe that changes have made a difference in Christianity and a difference in Christ. We have been brainwashed to believe that we cannot read the Bible as used to. We must now read it through glasses colored by change. We have been hypnotized by the serpent, the devil, into believing that we no longer have a trustworthy Bible, so Protestantism is no longer a moral force in the world. --A.W. Tozer =========================end====================================== December, 1994 BBB The Approaching Horror By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman The fist major step in setting up the modern Fascist Police State in America was the first step that Hitler and Lenin and Mao took; disarm the populace. Under the guise of an innocent "five day waiting period" (Sarah Brady), and a "What a nasty looking gun those `assault weapons' are" (Hillary Clinton), the Second Amendment to the Constitution was effectively done away with. The Crime Control Bill was so worded that the next step would be confiscation of all non-sporting weapons: i.e., all pistols, single shot or semi-automatic, are "non sporting weapons". Here is the statement that you didn't read, but was written in a survey given to U.S. Marines at the 29 Palms California Marine base on May 10th, three months before the "Crime Control Bill" went through. "The US government declares a ban on the possession, sale, transportation, and transfer of all non-sporting firearms. A 30-day amnesty period is permitted for these firearms to be turned over to the local authorities [i.i., a new form of revenue. The government steals $500,000,000 worth of guns]. At the end of this period a number of citizen groups [Constitution: "Militia"] ruse to turn over their firearms. Consider the following statement: I would fire upon U.S. citizens who refuse or resist confiscation of firearms banned by the U.S. government." Another statement the Marine should assent to is "I would be willing to volunteer for assignment to a U.S. combat unit under a UN commander. I feel the President of the United States has the authority to pass his responsibilities as Commander in Chief to the UN General Secretary [a Roman Catholic]." That material came from the New American magazine, July 1994, p.10. Coupled with that is the UN "Children's Rights Law" which Slick Willie is about to pass. It has no application to any child in Asia, Africa, or ARTICLE TWO South America. It is only for children in the United States and Canada. This bill states any American child has a right to disobey a parent on any issue including choice of school, books, TV programs, church, religion, friends, gangs, fornication, sex perversion, abortion, smoking, or drinking, and any parent who resists the child's wish is to be arrested and forced to pay "child support" to the government (i.e., a UN bureaucrat) which gives the child to someone else to raise: Moslem, Buddhist, Catholic, sex pervert, atheist, or Satanist. This bill then becomes "Constitutional" as it falls under the "treaty" classification. This means that the FBI, DEA, CFR, and the Clintonistas have set up every family in America for total destruction, at gun point. Foreign troops with foreign commanders (Moslem, Catholic, or Atheists) will be in charge of the killing and kidnapping. Your defense will be .22 rifles, single action shotguns, Winchester rifles, and BB guns. If you doubt one word I said, then believe the "President". He said this: (MTV's "Enough is Enough" forum, April 19th). "When personal freedoms are being abused you have to move to LIMIT them. That's what we did in the announcement I made last weekend on the public housing projects, about how we're going to have weapons sweeps, and more things LIKE THAT, to try to make people safer in their communities." A comment on The Inside Report on the "Police State Update" says "Mr. Clinton's reasoning is that because government has given people `a radical amount of freedom' the government should take away any amount of freedom it decides was excessive." Clinton has decided the following freedoms are "excessive". 1. The right to make your child attend church, pray, or memorize scripture. 2. The right to spank or whip your child for torturing animals, cursing his mother, or for killing a brother or sister. 3. The right to forbid your child to hang out with drunkards, dopers, gangs, and sex perverts. 4. The right to protect your house, or your family, against masked armed robbers engaged in "breaking and entering". 5. The right to hire, or fire, anyone you desire to hire or fire. 6. The right to choose your own associates instead of having them forced on you. 7. The right to tell racial jokes or ridicule queers. 8. The right to warn your congregation about a coming one-world, totalitarian dictatorship over the UN, from Rome, with Satan at the head of the operation. At the time of this writing (August 1994) you don't have one single "right" under any constitution on the face of this earth. you have only the temporary liberties that are allowed to you by judges' "rulings" who consider the Constitution to be a horse laugh. The killing will start shortly. =============================end=============================== December, 1994 BBB Black History "The Confederate monument on the Grayson County (Texas) courtyard was erected before any Confederate memorial in the South (1896). There is a reason it is cast in gray granite. It is not only because gray was the South's colors. In order to honor all Southern soldiers, black and white, gray was the most appropriate color. Here is hoping that when our unit commemorates its rededication in 1896, that those of the black community will be present to help us honor our heritage." "Never have I seen a movie or television documentary that had one black Confederate in uniform fighting for the South in the War Between the States. What has become of more than 93,000 black Confederates seems to be tucked away in the official records, old textbooks, and out-of-print books... In the Union army, blacks were always segregated into separate groups apart from white soldiers (54th Massachusetts/1st South Carolina) and received a much lower pay. In the Confederate army, the blacks were mixed in and were a part of the white units, receiving equal pay. The erroneous premise that the South was fighting to keep blacks enslaved does not make much sense because then you have to admit that black soldiers were fighting to keep their black brothers and sisters in bondage." "In September of 1862, Lee's Army of Northern Virginia was on its way to Sharpsburg, Maryland and nearby Antietam Creek... Their gray columns advanced to liberate a state that had lost its constitutional right [note that!] the year before when Lincoln had some 37,000 white Marylanders arrested [note that!] and un-Constitutionally suspended the writ of habeus corpus in that state [note that]." That's Slick Willy's administration. That was FDF's administration. They got it from Abe Lincoln. "As they proceeded closer to an encounter with the Union troops, Louis Stiner, M.D., inspector of the U.S. sanitary commission in Frederick, Maryland, wrote down his observations. The most liberal calculation could not give them more than sixty-four thousand men. Over three thousand Negroes must be included in this number. They were supplied in many instances with knapsacks, haversacks, canteens, and were manifestly an integral portion of the Southern Confederate Army. They were seen riding on horses and mules, driving wagons, in ambulances, and with the staff of generals." "What ensued was the bloodiest one day battle of the War Between the States: Antietam. The lives lost on both sides numbered almost 23,000. And who knows how many of the three thousand black troops fought valiantly for God, country, and heritage? I doubt I will ever see a movie with black Confederates, but, my friend, they most certainly were there." But you won't find them on CBS, NBC, documentaries, CNN, Life, Time, Newsweek, and other biased, prejudiced news media outlets. You'll only find them in history. Real "Black History" ========================end====================================== December, 1994 BBB Church Attendance Sadly the pastor said to his official board, "Brethren, I feel we may as well drop the mid-week prayer meeting." This caused a furor among the brethren and they indignantly denied him his way in the matter. "But, my brethren," said the minister, "what you don't seem to know is, we haven't had a prayer meeting for the past six months." ---Back to Brethren Bulletin October, 1994 ==================================================================== December, 1994 BBB Salient Verses You surely have noticed, by now, the mass of "salient verses" that show up in The Acts of the Apostles. With the same number of chapters found in Matthew, the Book of Acts contains THREE times as many "salient verses". This explains why six major denominations destroy their entire membership by using Acts 2:38 as a "plan of salvation". Acts 2:38 will be found quoted in every major denominational "creed" (along with John 3:5) as an "HISTORIC POSITION" for all Christians to take. Of course, it is a lie, like a lot of "historic positions." Acts 11:14. Salient, because it shows that "being accepted by God" (acts 10:35) is NOT being saved. Compare the two verses and note how all of the "Waterdogs" (Campbellites) went to hell on 10:35 thinking it meant "SAVED". It didn't. Acts 11:24. Compare this with the blatant contradiction found in Romans 3:10,12. How is he a "good man" in view of what Jesus Christ said in Matthew 19:17? The answer is Romans 9:1. In our flesh "dwelleth no good thing" (Rom 7:18). No clearer illustration of man's TWO NATURES could be found anywhere in the Bible. No man is "GOOD" until the Holy Spirit dwells in him, and, then, he is no GOOD in himself: it is the Holy Spirit (see the text) who enables the Holy Spirit to record that Barnabas "was a good man". Acts 11:29, 30. A major turning point. God is all through with the Jews in Judea after Acts 7. Now the church on the mission field (Antioch) has to send support to their "home church!" (See Paul's comment on this in Rom. 15:27). Acts 12:2. Salient. for a complete discussion see The Bible Believers's Commentary on Acts, and How to Teach the Original Greek (Pensacola Bible Press). Observe! No replacement is made for James, as was made in the case of Judas. This fixes "the twelve apostles of the Lamb" as twelve men, MINUS PAUL. Acts 13:1. Salient. The first New Testament Bible teachers, and first New Testament prophets, come from Antioch of Syria. They do not come from Alexandria (Nestle's Alexandrian Greek text, recommended by Bob Jones, Tennessee Temple, and others), nor do they come from Egypt (Origen and Augustine are both Africans), nor from Rome (Jerome and the popes). The base of New Testament Biblical Christianity is Antioch of Syria (Acts 11:26). (See comments under Acts 6:5). Acts 13:2. Note separation FOR something (see Rom. 1:1-2), not just Bob Jones Pharisaical "double separation" FROM something. Acts 13:7. Note that Paul gets his name from his first Gentile convert (Paulus). Acts 13:33-35. Salient. All Jehovah's Witnesses and Armstrongites break their neck on it. So did John R. Rice. All of these Bible-rejecting, Bible-correcting critics failed to see verse 34. The BEGATTING (verse 33) had nothing to do with the resurrection. Verse 34 had to do with the resurrection. Verse 33 was merely a reference to the Sonship of Jesus Christ. From this, G.T. Armstrong and H.W. Armstrong taught that no one in this age is born again. That is, no one is "born again" until they come up from the dead. This ludicrous nonsense would mean that Jesus Christ had to be "born again"! Jesus Christ experienced both births at one time: simultaneously (see Luke 1:35). (All the "boobies"are not in the hatch; all of the clowns are not in the circus). Acts 13:38,39. Two verses that knock out the Roman Catholic church, the Seventh Day Adventist church, all of the "Kingdom Hallers", the Mormons ("Latter Day Saints"), all the Episcopalians, and all the Charismatics. One nice, neat deep incision with two verses. Add them to Acts 15:11 and you bury a dozen religious systems. Acts 13:48. Crucial. This was the proof text that John Calvin and all subsequent "five-point-Tulip" Calvinists chose to prove the eternal election of the "predestinated" Christians. The useless appeal was as far "off base" as the left field backstop. The reference is to GENTILES (look at the context), who had been SEEKING GOD BY WORKS (see Rom. 2:6-7). This group was ORDAINED BECAUSE OF THEIR WORKS. (See Rom. 2:13,14). The Trinitarian Bible Society with Cornelius Stam, J.G. Machen, Benjamin Warfield, Gill, Dabney, Bob Ross, John Gilpin, Berkhof, Hodge, Arthur W. Pink, L.R. Shelton, and John Calvin made, here, one of the stupidest and most childish blunders in primary exegesis that any four year-old could make. Acts 14:11-12. Salient. Jupiter is the factor. Notice that Jupiter pops up again in Acts 19:35. If you must observe "signs" and fool with astrology, then you had better get a King James Bible. In that Book, Satan, Mary, the "Sons of God", the Blarney Stone, the fallen angels, the Antichrist, and giants are all connected with Jupiter. The Moslem BLACK STONE, in Mecca, is connected with Jupiter, and the Greek "gods" are connected with it. Jupiter is a "GIANT" with one red eye. Acts 14:15-17. Note every time God makes an appeal to the heathen, it is based on his power as Creator (see Jer 10:11, Isa. 40:26 and Rev. 14:7). This is the testimony that Darwin and his monkey retinue got rid of back in 1890. In ANY form of evolution, there is no creator. Theistic Evolution is not "evolution"; evolution teaches accidental, spontaneous generation without CAUSE OR REASON (See The Christian's Handbook of Science and Philosophy, 1982). Acts 14:22. Note that although the Kingdom of God is always a spiritual kingdom (see Rom. 14:17) it is present in the Millennium, and is, therefore, spoken of as a kingdom that can be entered by works. (See a similar use of the expression in Acts 1:3). Acts 15:1,5. Salient. They prove to be the two verses marking out the two main doctrinal disputes in the next 1,970 years. 1. Does a man have to do something to get saved? (Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Episcopalian, Mohammaden, Jew, Reformed, etc.). 2. Does he have to do something to stay saved? (Jehovah Witness, Mennonite, Seventh Day Adventist, Methodist, Lutheran, etc.) ==========================End Article One=========================== December, 1994 BBB The Police State Defined From a born-again, Bible believing Christian in Panama City, we received a good quotation from H.L. Mencken, which is "very timely" for today. Mencken said this: "The government consists of a gang of men exactly like you and me (?). They have, taking one with another, no special talent for the business of government. They have only a talent for getting into and holding office. Their principal device to that end is to search out groups who pant and pine for something they can't get and promise to give it to them. Nine times out of ten, that promise is worth nothing. The tenth time, it is made good by looting `A' to satisfy `B'. In other words, government is a broker in pillage, and every election is a sort of advance auction for the sale of stolen goods." That's what we've said in the Bulletin for twelve years. No government works. no government gets an income except by stealing. And you steal "A" to satisfy the covetous "who pant and pine for something they can't get". That means that the promises politicians make are, "We'll give you women rights the Bible doesn't give you", "We'll give you blacks rights the Bible doesn't give you", "We'll give you criminals rights the Bible doesn't give you", and "We'll give you queers rights the Bible doesn't give you". And to do it, you loot "A", white, male, straight, law-abiding, citizens. H.L. Mencken had the politicians' number. ==========================end===================================== December, 1994 BBB Those Changes in John XXIII's Ecumenical Council If you remember from our debate with Karl Keating out in California many years ago, Keating pulled the old one about Ruckman's quoting from "ancient sources" that no longer apply; Catholics no longer believe what he's quoting, and Ruckman should quote some more "modern works", written after 1960. That is , after Pope John XXIII. The idea behind this lying-- and Karl Keating is one of the biggest liars in the country-- is to make you think the Catholic church doesn't really believe what they say they believe, and they have "changed". So I though you'd like to read a 1990 Catechism. That's thirty years after the ecumenical council of Pope John XXIII. Up here, in 1990, from a Roman Catholic catechism, let's see what they believe. This is A Catechism for Adults. It has a cross on it and says, "Official Catholic Teachings". The Catechism was sent to me by Dr. Thomas J. Ammerman of Altoona, Pennsylvania. I am quoting from this Catechism for Adults from pages 3,4,5,6,7, and 8. These are quotations from forth-two subjects which are listed in the index as "Lessons". There isn't one lesson on salvation in the list of forth-two lessons. The lessons are on religion, prayer, angels and devils, grace, heaven, mortal and venial sin, hell, purgatory, baptism, confirmation, nature of marriage, faith hope love, and the Rosary, "Salvation" doesn't occur in on lesson of forty-two. First of all, from page 3, we have, "The Redeeming Power of the Mass". "That is the great thing-- the Chalice filled with the Precious Blood... The Holy Eucharist is the Sacrament in which Jesus Christ is really and physically present under the appearances of bread and wine... When does the priest change bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus? At Mass, when he says, `This is My Body, This is My Blood'." That's what a Catholic believes in 1990. Thirty years after Pope John XXIII. Purgatory, page 4. "What is purgatory? A place or state of temporary punishment after death, for sinners who have damaged their union with God. ow do we know there is a purgatory? The Bible [no reference quoted], the constant teaching and practice of the Catholic Church, and even common sense, prove the existence of purgatory... Where will you go if you die in venial sin? Before going to Heaven, you must go to Purgatory. Does the Bible say anything about praying for the dead? yes..." Then is quoted 2 Macabees 12:43, which is not in the Jewish Old Testament cannon, and the oracles were given to the Jew; not to the Catholics (see Rom. 3:2). When the Ten Commandments in Pope John XXIII's ecumenical council were published, the first commandment was "I am the Lord your God. you shall not prefer man-made gods to Me." The second commandment listed was "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain." That isn't the Second Commandment. The Second Commandment is "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.. Thous shall not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God." Exodus 20:4,5. That's how much the Catholics have "changed". The Sacrament of Baptism. "What is Baptism? It is the Sacrament of spiritual rebirth in which we receive a share of the Divine Life which makes us children of God and heirs of heaven." (Of course, you can lose your inheritance and not go to heaven.) "What does Baptism do for us? It cleanses us from Original Sin, from all personal sins, and from the temporal punishment due to sin... It makes us living members of Christ's Body which is the Church... Do babies have to be baptized? Yes, because they are affected by Original Sin, and lack Divine Life... What kind of sin is it to delay your Baptism? A serious sin once you have come to understand how necessary Baptism is for salvation. Thank you Alexander Campbell. "Did Mary have any other children besides Jesus? No, she and Joseph lived as brother and sister, although they were legally married. Is that right? Do you know what Jesus Christ said about that list of brothers and sisters in Mark 6. He said they were His "mother's children", Psalm 69:8. The Catholic Catechism is a HOAX. "Was any human being preserved from Original Sin? Yes the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose soul was created in union with God. This is called the Immaculate Conception". Scripture? no scripture. Scripture for Mary not having other children? No scripture. This is what a Catholic believes thirty years after the Ecumenical Council. "What is necessary to be saved? you have to be brought into spiritual contact with that saving death of Jesus by faith and Baptism (one), by loving God (two) and neighbor (three), by obeying His commandments (four), by receiving the other Sacraments (five) especially Holy Communion, by praying (six) and doing good works (seven), by preserving God's friendship until death (eight)." That's a "plan of salvation" with eight works. They can take the whole catechism and put it in Hell where it belongs. "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Up-to-date, modern, Roman Catholicism, thirty years after the so-called Ecumenical Council, is a vicious fraud. And if you believe that garbage, you "got one oar in the water" and your "elevator is not reaching the top floor". =============================end=================================== December, 1994 BBB Man's Control Over Nature God set up the circuits for the sun, moon, and planets, so they run courses, just like the water and wind do. you have no solutions for earthquakes; you have no solutions for hurricanes and tornadoes; and you have no solutions for tidal waves, or volcanoes. You have never had a solution for these things that God set up, and you never will... Modern man has no more control over the elements than a modern dog, cat, opossum, or skunk. --Bible Believer's Commentary on Ecclesiastes ==============================end================================== December, 1994 BBB Report From Taiwan Ronnie Powell, in Taiwan, has the following information which might be of interest to our readers. "Everybody now knows about you and Pensacola Bible Institute here. You are almost universally hated here. Brother Wheat in Australia, sent me a letter a few days ago and said something that is very true. He said, `People are scared to death of anybody from Ruckman's school.' Brother, he is right! They hate you, and they hate the King James Bible. I mean with a real hatred. They are obsessed in trying to destroy it, and anyone that believes it. you know who is winning the souls here? Three of us King James men. You know what Jack Chick told me last year? He said. `We sell most of our tracts overseas to Brother Ruckman's graduates.' Who wants to see souls saved? It's the King James men." "A friend decided to help me get my five books into the bazaar at the school so we could sell them to the Chinese and English Christian community. He listed the publishing company under my Chinese middle name. But at the school office a missionary who is on the board of the school intercepted my friend's wife and said he would take care of it. He guessed it was me and talked to the principal who asked to have copies of the books sent to go through to see `if there was any pornography in them'! They refused to let me go inside to sell the books and are refunding my $40.00 for the space that I had paid for." "The people who stopped this are three. One from BBF", (Hello, missionary burden in Taiwan just like England, hey boys?) "[Malcolm Fiestel] who is King James in the States, but not on the field." Well, well, how about that? Champion for the Textus Receptus in England says it has errors in it. Champion for King James Bible here, drop it on the field. That's Springfield, Missouri. "One who graduated from Liberty [Dean Boyer]... and is school principal and another one who claims to be King James from a North American Baptist Mission Association." "When those cherries read those books, they went into shock, then rage. They sent word for me to call them... This thing is coming off the 8th and 9th of October. I plan on parking next to it on the public road parking space. I will paint two big signs that say, `Biblical books and commentaries that were banned from being sold inside because someone decided for you that you should not read them'." Now, you want a similar picture of that? Contact the Southwide Baptist Fellowship. This year, they did exactly the same thing. Make no mistake about it. When the Bible says, In the last days "shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears, and turn away... from the truth, and be turned into fables", it's not talking about the apostasy of unsaved liberals in the National Council of Churches. It's not talking about New Evangelicals or "Modernists". It's talking about born-again Baptists in the Body of Christ who profess to have a "burden" for unsaved people. The apostasy is total. =============================end=================================== December, 1994 BBB Designated Marksman Our proudest and best military outfit for decades has been the United States Marine Corps. But now-- as in all other branches of the Service-- we find this peculiar news media "double-talk"; this NEA, cultural thing talking over. For example, they're not training snipers anymore in the Marine Corps. Do you know what they're called? They are called "designated marksmen". Isn't that sweet? It was a "designated marksman" with a scope who killed Mrs. Randy Weaver when she was carrying her baby. That took place out in Boise, Idaho. They used to call people like this "snipers". From the October issue of Leatherneck, the magazine of the Marines, October 1994, we read an interesting article under "Sound Off". It says this: "Dear Sir: This letter is in response to `Staying Competitive for Twenty or More', which was published in Leatherneck, July 1994 issue. A very eye-opening article for a Marine of another era, an era of Gung Ho, hard-chargers, assault troops, grunts, Khe Sanh, Con Thien, Ashau Valley, Hue Cuty, Da Nang, etc... I realize that times change, but I always thought the mission of the USMC would remain `First line of American defense'." That isn't the mission now. The mission of the Army and Marine Crops, now, and most of the Navy units, is to defend the European Community and the United Nations against Americans. There are more than thirty thousand foreign troops in America right now training, and they've been given slips asking if they'd be willing to fire on American citizens if American citizens kept pistols in their houses. "A line of men schooled in war, proud of that historical heritage of nine generations, who learned to endure. Where every Marine was expected to qualify with a rifle every year. Where every Marine was will and able to plug a hole in the line; will and able for war. According to Major J. Wilkinson, Captain John Vanden Berghe and 1st Sgt. Ron Himsworth, my Corps is a long ago Corps. This is a Corps of recruiting duty being the highest priority. Imagine that in 1968! This is a Corps of embassy duty, a small group of poster boys. Imagine that! This is a Corps of drill instructors, there only for promotion. Imagine that duty being performed by pogues. This is a Corps of, according to 1st Sgt. Himsworth, `quality time'. Imagine `quality time' at Khe Sanh combat base." There it is. You know what "quality time" is? That's National Education Association crap taught in the Social Studies, and humanistic studies, that's promoted by Life, Time, Look, and the news media. "Quality time". And along with it "quality persons". Did you ever see that one? "This is a Corps of Marines who might not be able to stay because they didn't talk to the career planner or first sergeant two years ago." See that term, "career planner"? That's an NEA term. That's out of socialistic atheists and evolutionists in the public school system. "Major Wilkinson describes our current decline very clearly with his assessment of the reason some Marines won't be promoted. `If a Marine is deployed to Somalia, the reporting senior is protecting the Marine by noting it on the fitness. This is a serious indictment of the current USMC. The pogue protecting the grunt for performing the mission. If this is really what it takes to stay competitive for twenty or more, God help our Corps? P.S. Good night, `Chesty' Puller. We miss you." That ain't the half of it. The Marines were issued orders on how to avoid "sexual harassment". That's a NEA, socialistic, atheistic, materialistic, AMA, news media term. The news media cult now controls the United States Marine Corps. ===============================end=============================== December, 1994 BBB Time and Pleasure 1. Time flies quickly when you are enjoying fellowship with God, so "forgetting those things which are behind" is much easier than when you are tied down to something back in the past as a substitute. 2. The present is more real than the past when you are in fellowship with God, so your eyes... tend to turn to the future; not the past. you "press forward".... if God is not the author of the pleasure, it will not satisfy. --Bible Believers Commentary on Ecclesiastes ============================end===================================== December, 1994 BBB A Preface to All Good Hymn Books by Martin Luther Of all the joys that are on earth Is none more bear nor higher worth, Than what in my sweet songs is found And instruments of various sound. Where friends and comrades sing in tune, All evil passions vanish soon; Hate, anger, envy, cannot stay, All gloom and heartache melt away; The lust of wealth, the cares that cling, Are all forgotten while we sing. Freely we take our joy herein, For this sweet pleasure is no sin. But pleaseth God far more, we know, Than any joys the world can show; The Devil's worth it both impede, And hinders many a deadly deed. So fared it with King Saul of olb: When David struck his harp of gold, So sweet and clear its tones rang out, Saul's murderous thoughts were put to rout. The heart grows still when I am here, And opens to God's Truth and Word; So are we by Elisha taught, Who on the harp the Spirit sought. The best time of the year is mine, When all the little birds combine To sing until the earth and air Are filled with sweet sounds everywhere; And most the tender nightingale Makes joyful every wood and dale, Singing her love-song o'er and o'er, For which we thank here evermore. But yet more thanks are due from us To the dear Lord who made her thus, A singer apt to touch the heart, Mistress of all my dearest art, To God the sings by night and day, Unwearied, praising Him alway; Him I, too, laud in every song, To whom all thanks and praise belong. ---Translated by Catharine Winksworth ==========================end======================================= December, 1994 BBB A Word of Testimony This is a word of testimony from an evangelist named Al Lacy, of Littleton, Colorado. He says, "I took my stand on the King James Bible as a perfect, infallible, inerrant, incorruptible word of God many years ago. When I did, it necessitated that I take my stand against all other bibles in the English language. Since God is not the author of confusion, the devil is the author of confusion, therefore, God could be the author of only one Bible in the English language and it is the AV 1611. Since his [the devil] greatest task is to keep people from being saved, he has produced all these other Bibles... A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. The Bible perversions are all bad through and through. They are totally corrupt. Another Biblical principle says, "Light produces light, always after its own kind". A source always produces its own kind. Therefore, a corrupt Bible cannot produce anything but corruption. Counterfeit Bibles produce counterfeit Christians. It's a Biblical law." Now there it is, straight over the plate, waist high. you won't find anything like that coming out of Bob Jones, PCS, or BBC these days. =============================end================================== December, 1994 BBB Another Heretic Joining the Cult Throughout the years we get letter, after letter, from born-again, saved, soul winning, once married Christians who thank God for our work and ministry. And thank God, most of all, that they've been turned back to the Book after being led astray by people like Bob Jones Jr, Bob Jones III, Donald Waite, Bobbie Scumner, David Combs, Roy Livesey, A.T. Robertson, Zane hodges, Kenneth Wuest, and the facilities of BBC, and so forth and so on. These real Bible believers are immediately labeled as "heretics", and members of a "cult", by the apostates who try to destroy their faith in the Book. Here's a gem. This one comes from Lark Mary, Florida. "Dear Dr. Ruckman, I have been enjoying your works for a few years now, most notably, your commentaries on Genesis, Revelation, Proverbs, Matthew, Galatians thru Colossians, and Ecclesiastes, not to mention your numerous paperbacks. I just want to thank you for the light you have shed on my studies. you are my favorite author, and I'm sure you will be richly rewarded. I hope and pray that you are here with us for the duration (until the rapture). "I was highly recommended to you by a red haired fellow from Cincinnati, named Clay Warnemude. I think you know him. Anyway, I got saved in Clay's living room 19 years ago. Since then I've done 11 years in the Navy, most of it with the SEAL teams, and currently work for the Post Office in Orlando. I'm 37 and am contemplating a move back to the Panhandle, in the event we don't get raptured before the upcoming depression. Sincerely, your Brother in Christ..." What I intend to do is save up all these letters, and produce them at the Judgment Seat of Christ. And if they all burn up, that'll prove they are wood, hay, and stubble. but if they don't burn up, that will prove they're either gold, or silver, or precious stones. The Alexandrian Cult is betting their soul that the letters will burn. As a matter of fact, they're betting more than that. They're betting that "Brother Ruckman" will be severely punished for misleading all these innocent, naive, stupid people who don't know the "original Hebrew and Greek." For those gullible apostates I have, at the bookstore, a nice little volume called How to Teach the "Original" Greek. Send it to your Greek professor and have him critique it. And when he sends a letter back to you, send it to me, and I'll straighten the buzzard out. I mean that. No holds barred. I a no more worried about Dr. A.T. Robertson, or Kittel (Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, etc.), or Rendall ((Expositor's Greek New Testament), than I would be Zodhiates or Hodges. Birds of a feather foul-up together. ==============================end================================ December, 1994 BBB Soviet Catholicism On the March Again We have a good friend up in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, who sends us material from the paper called Sunday, "Winneabago County's largest circulation newspaper." Since the Catholics are as strong in Wisconsin and Minnesota as they are in New Orleans and Notre Dame, you often get a real picture of what's going on. Here is one called "Priests resurrect old ways in guiding a new flock." "These Roman Catholic priests are a sampling of many striving to meet the needs of the community with their vitality and creativity." "As the Catholic Church evolves, priests and parishioners can find more variety in the sermons", said a Catholic priest. "In the past, a priest stood with his back to the parish community and delivered the mass in Latin. Everyone joined in `prayer by rote' to `God you should be afraid of'". "So, in the 1990's, there came a more vibrant, spirited faith to Catholics." "The old church was good, but it was a more passive church. It's become more of a church of and with the people", said Father Martin Carr. "One of the church's activities to which [Father] Gallas referred to was the annual St. Raphael parish picnic. Once again, Father Felton plans to sit in the dunk tank." Vanden Heuvel said, "Being in a dunk tank-- I think Jesus would do it." "Basically," he said, "Jesus was entertaining." There you have it. If you can find Jesus entertaining anybody in the Bible, you get a booby prize. That's modern Catholicism in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. ==============================end=============================== December, 1994 BBB Ruckman's Apocalypse From the Jerusalem Post, a special article by Steve Rodan. "The archaeologist has many Israeli friends and she is sure they will all come to Petra given peace. `If the border opens and there is peace, everybody will want to come here', she says. `Petra is a holy place. This is where Aaron was buried'." Isn't that "the most"? Isn't that "a trip"? A flood of Israelis to Petra? Look at Revelation 12 and Matthew 24. And then look at page 251 in Ruckman's Apocalypse. ==============================end================================= December, 1994 BBB THE CREED OF THE ALEXANDRIAN CULT 1. There is no final authority but God. 2. Since God is a spirit, there is no final authority that can be seen, heard, read, felt, or handled. 3. Since all books are material, there is no book on this earth that is the final and absolute authority on what is right and what is wrong; what constitutes truth and what constitutes error. 4. There WAS a series of writings one time which, IF they had all been put into a BOOK as soon as they were written the first time, WOULD HAVE constituted an infallible and final authority by which to judge truth and error. 5. However, this series of writings was lost, and the God Who inspired them was unable to preserve their content through Bible- believing Christians at Antioch (Syria), where the first Bible teachers were (Acts 13) and where the first missionary trip originated (Acts 13:1-6), and where the word "Christian" originated (Acts 11:26). 6. So, God chose to ALMOST preserve them through Gnostics and philosophers from Alexandria, Egypt, even though God called His Son OUT of Egypt (Matthew 2), Jacob OUT of Egypt (Genesis 49), Israel OUT of Egypt (Exodus 15), and Joseph's bones OUT of Egypt (Exodus 13). 7. So, there are two streams of Bibles: the most accurate--though, of course, there is no final, absolute authorlty for determining truth and error: it is a matter of "preference"--are the Egyptian translations from Alexandria, Egypt, which are "almost the originals," although not quite. 8. The most inaccurate translations were those that brought about the German Reformatlon (Luther, Zwingli, Boehler, Zinzendorf, Spener, etc.) and the worldwide missionary movement of the English speaking people: the Bible that Sunday, Torrey, Moody, Finney, Spurgeon, Whitefield, Wesley, and Chapman used. 9. But we can "tolerate" these if those who believe in them will tolerate US. After all, since there is NO ABSOLUTE AND FINAL AUTHORITY that anyone can read, teach, preach, or handle, the whole thing is a matter of "PREFERENCE." You may prefer what you prefer, and we will prefer what we prefer: let us live in peace, and if we cannot agree on anything or everything, let us all agree on one thing: THERE IS NO FINAL, ABSOLUTE, WRITTEN AUTHORITY OF GOD ANYWHERE ON THIS EARTH. This is the Creed of the Alxandrian Cult ==============================end==================================== December, 1994 BBB Important Notice! Theological Studies We are in the process of reprinting the THEOLOGICAL STUDIES booklet series in a more convenient and less expensive 2-volume set. Some of the individual booklets are now out of print and we are no longer able to sell complete sets except for a limited supply in the hardbound edition for $39.95. We are excited about publishing these 2-volumes as the studies have been extensively revised by Dr. Ruckman, and the books will reflect the increased quality that our new equipment can provide. Every effort will be made to have these volumes ready for you by this coming Spring. Volume 1 will include booklets 1 thru 14, Volume 2 will include booklets 15 thru 23. For current information about the availability of specific booklets or the hardbound edition, please call the Bookstore (904) 477-8812. =============================end==================================== December, 1994 BBB Therefore Stand Our position on such matters is well known, both nationally and internationally. Where one hundred percent of the good, godly scholars don't agree with the AV text, we cancel them out with the AV text. Where the majority of Conservative scholars agree that the AV is in error, we correct their errors with the Book they found to be in "error". We have the scriptures (2 Tim 3:16); they do not. We believe the Book; they do not. We do not put it under them; we put them under it. The Book has the first place in our convictions, as well as our affections; "Let God be true, but every man a liar" (Rom 3:4) ---Dr Peter S. Ruckman Commentary on Ecclesiastes page xxiii =============================end================================== December, 1994 BBB Religion Tied to the State After all the talk about getting prayer and the Bible out of the school system because they didn't want to have "religion" or "churches" hooked up with the State, we suddenly get this remarkable "NASA Strategic Plan" published by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washingtion, D.C.-- for which NASA got $14,000,000,000 of your tax money. On page 13, it says, "The purpose of the Scientific Research Enterprise is to seek answers to the following questions. One, "What is the origin of the Universe?" (See Gen 1:1) Two, "What is the nature of the Big Bang and quasars?" (Easily, both theories are hypothetical.) Three, "What is the origin of the Sun, the Solar System, and life?" (Answer Gen. 1.) Four, "How has the Universe evolved since the Big Bang?" (Nothing evolves. Everything explodes outward.) Five, "How has the Solar System evolved?" (Noting has evolved. Everything degenerates. The solar system is losing hear.) Six, "What is the ultimate fate of the Universe?" (2 Pet. 3.) Seven, "is the Solar System unique? Is the Earth unique in the Universe?" Eight, "How are conditions for life on Earth maintained?" (That's easy. Acts 14 and Acts 17). "How does the Earth's magnetic field trap radiation and protect the planet?" (That's easy. The earth's magnetic field is deteriorating and degenerating every year and will soon be gone.) Nine, "Did life ever arise on Mars or elsewhere in our Solar System?" (It depends on what kind of life you're talking about.) "Is there life or are there even civilizations around other stars?" (Read Eph 6) Ten, "What knowledge from space can improve the quality of life on Earth?" That's easy. Find the one that came down from space and went back up again. Read Ephesians 4. Now, isn't that something? Here these fellas are taking $14,000,000,000 of your money to investigate something that the Bible laid down more than two thousand years before their grandmothers were born. And they're using $14,000,000,000 of your money to try to prove that that record is a lie. Isn't that something. How is that for a Church State? Look at this last one. Eleven, "What knowledge from space can improve the quality of life on Earth?" That's easy. Nothing. If by "knowledge from space" you mean "physical knowledge of material space". if you mean, "spiritual knowledge from outer space" (see Eph. 4, John 3:13, and read carefully John 18 and 19) you're talking about something, but he's not talking about that. What he means is, "What material knowledge from physical outer space can improve the physical quality of material life on the physical earth". And the answer to that is absolutely nothing. Early next year we'll have a book out called BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL, and you'll see why NASA took the line they did. The truth of the matter is NASA, with the CIA, shortly to be combined in what we call the NCI", has been spending a lot of time talking to ducky-wucky, and oobergoober, and floppy-doppy, and mamby-pamby. These are the "Deros", or "Lemurians", or "Sirias", or "Grays" who have kidded NASA, and the CIA into thinking that they are from "outer space", and can improve the "quality of life" on earth: and that there is "life" on other planets, and so forth, and so on. Their purpose is religious. They want you to adopt a new religion. It's the religion of Thales and Anaximenes, and Anaximander, set up between 600 and 400 B.C.. It is called Pantheistic Materialism, or Animism. It is the teaching that the electronic force field of the material physical universe if god. That's the religion. The whole thing is based on Darwin's theory of Evolution. That is the religion being promoted by NASA and you pay the church bill, $14,000,000,000 a year to keep the "church" separated from the "state", while prayer and the Bible go out of the public schools. That's Slick Willie, in the raw. ==============================end================================= December, 1994 BBB Dr Ruckman's Schedule Dec 9-11 Landmark Indep. Bapt. Church 6502 Johnstown Rd. Louisville, Ky 40272 (502) 933-3000 Pastor-- Don Mangus Jan. 6-8 Hyles Baptist Church 7220 Courthouse Road Chesterfield, Va 23832 (804) 796-9020 Pastor-- Ron Talley ============================end================================== December, 1994 BBB Bad Attitude Baptist Blowout January 19-22, 1995 Starts Thursday, 6pm Bible Baptist Church Pensacola, Florida Preaching: Hugh Pyle Sam Delaney Harold Leake ===========================end====================================== December, 1994 BBB Far From Rome Near to God Testimonies of Fifty Catholic Priests Edited by: Richard Bennett & Martin Buckingham The personally written testimonies of fifty men who believed so strongly in the Catholic faith that they had made sacrificial lifetime commitments to become priests. But even after being ordained into the priesthood, they expressed an empty, unfulfilled feeling that something was still missing. Although they were isolated by time and geographical location, these priests all reached the same conclusion. 216 pages $11.95 (plus postage) CL-3054 Co-author Richard Bennett has prepared a series of pre-recorded messages to assist Roman Catholics.-- (503) 257-6093 ==================================================================== The Anti-Intellectual Manifesto by: Dr. Peter S. Ruckman "I thought I would write something just for my own enjoyment and personal satisfaction. I did... I hope you like "The Anti-Intellectual Manifesto". I enjoyed writing it as I have enjoyed writing very few things on this earth." --Dr. Peter S. Ruckman The "main thrust" of this book is to show that the supreme goal and main purpose of Higher Christian Education is to deify Higher Christian Education while using the Bible as a tool for attaining this end. The theme of the book is the belly of the tradesmen and their "trade" is essential to your understanding the scriptures. It is an essay on the utter superfluity and uselessness of the world's scholarship from 4000 B.C. to 1991 A.D. Over 157 pages and 19 cartoons $5.95 (plus postage) RK-2060 =============================end=================================== Greek Manuscript Evidence by: Dr Peter S. Ruckman Primarily aimed at Fundamental, Premillennial, Greek professors who have rejected the King James Bible as the word of God. Dr. Ruckman battles the scholars on their own ground, proving the superiority of the King James text from the Greek textual evidence. 4 tapes with album $13.95 (plus postage) SP-40265 ==========================end====================================== Handbook of Manuscript Evidence by: Dr. Peter S. Ruckman Presents arguments for the King James text that have never been refuted, including evidence that the phony "Septuagint" never existed before 100 A.D.. Excellent study for those whose faith in the King James Version has been attacked. 230 pages $5.95 (plus postage) RK-93 Ringbound.. RK-93rb $8.95 ============================end===================================== Eternal Security- It is finished! by: Dr Peter S. Ruckman A booklet covering those passages that deal with eternal security, or, conversely, the teaching that a believer can lose his salvation in this age. $1.25 (plus postage) RK-2225 ============================end===================================== Discrimination: The Key to Sanity by: Dr. Peter S. Ruckman One word did the job for America; it had emotional appeal coupled with psychotic content. That word was "DISCRIMINATION". It is the lever by which the lid was pried off the entire nation to let in the most immoral jungle culture that ever destroyed a nation. $4.95 (plus postage) RK-2210 Completely New Binding and a Full Color Cover ============================end===================================== Sunday Morning Radio Program ---------------------------- These lessons are from the International Sunday School Hour radio programs taught each Sunday morning over the radio in Pensacola by Dr Ruckman. SS-421 Spying Out The Land Acting on Faith SS-422 Winning The Battle Choosing To Serve God $3.00 each (plus postage) ============================end===================================== The Last Grenade by: Dr. Peter S. Ruckman Dr Ruckman identifies the apostates in the Alexandrian Cult and exposes their vicious assaults and attacks upon the word of God with their own correspondence. Their headquarters, speech, and tactics are made readily identifiable. $9.95 (plus postage) RK-97 This 342 page book graphically illustrates the conflict with 58 pen and ink drawings.---- Ringbound only. ============================end===================================== BOOKLETS -------- Bible Numerics -------------- Dr Peter S. Ruckman Numbers, like colors, have universal significance. The mathematical phenomena presented here prove the Bible to be supernaturally inspired, written, and preserved. 41 pages $1.25 (plus postage) RK-2100 About the New King James Version ================================ Dr Peter S. Ruckman The "Jerry Falwell Version" is shown to be a subtle and crafty attempt to replace the true King James Bible with a resurrection of the same old Roman Catholic RSV-ASV-NASV text. 39 pages $1.25 (plus postage) RK-2025 Seven Resurrections =================== Dr Peter S. Ruckman The Bible speaks about he first and the second resurrections (the resurrection of the quick and the dead). but there are five more, and this booklet shows all of them. 29 pages $1.25 (plus postage) RK-2510 The NIV: An "In Depth" Documentation of Apostasy Dr Peter S. Ruckman Ninety-three examples of apostasy are refuted and categorized by type of perversion, showing this version to be the result of a long line of Bible apostasy. 39 pages $1.25 (plus postage) RK-2510 ============================end===================================== The Full Cup (A Chronicle of Grace) Autobiography of Dr Peter S. Ruckman He lived twenty -seven years "alone in the world... without hope and without God" (Eph 2:12), then, after being "accepted in the beloved" (Eph, 1:6), he went another forth-three years as the Lord's "junk yard dog", a sentinel placed at the doors of the Authorized Version of the Holy Bible, to take the seat of the britches out of "godly" scavengers who used the Book to make a living with when they didn't BELIEVE it. 314 pages $9.50 (plus postage) RK-101 ============================end===================================== Video Tapes =========== Puddle to Paradise A Fairytale for Grownups- The Evolution Lie Exposted ======================== Complete Set: $67.50 Order: VT-AES-0 (plus postage) All 5 Tapes and Book of 19 Charts Christian Schools Need to show This Presentation To Their Students! Tapes Ordered Separately VT-AES-1----- Call for price VT-AES-2----- Call for price VT-AES-3----- Call for price VT-AES-4----- Call for price VT-AES-5----- Call for price 20 PAGE BOOK OF CHARTS SENT FREE WITH TAPE #1. Video Tapes - $14.95 each (plus postage) =========== Why Sit We Here\ Mark of the Beast VT-195 Christian Discipline \ Two Kinds of Repentance VT-198 The Thief in the Living Room \ Pre-Sermon Short Talks VT-199 Video Tapes- $19.95 (plus postage) =========== Unholy Bible Versions Of The New Age (Marrs) VT-TMKJV Cassette Tapes ============== King James Series I (Sam Gipp)...(8 tapes)... $25.00 (plus postage) King James Series II (Sam Gipp)..(6 tapes)... $20.00 (plus postage) King James Series III (Sam Gipp).(8 tapes)... $25.00 (plus postage) Books ===== If the Foundations Be Destroyed (KJ-1732) $5.99 (plus postage) (What does the NIV have against Jesus?) =============================end===================================== AV 1611 Belt Buckles Layered in 14k yellow gold $7.00 NV-1449 3.5" x 2.75" Nugget pattern ============================end===================================== Tell It Like It Is" The Real Issue (Tract) Originally drawn by Dr. Ruckman and used in his personal soul-winning ministry. This booklet has proven fruitful over the years as an effective presentation of the Gospel. Now reduced in size, it is easily carried wherever you go. + Full Color Throughout + Easily Understandable + High Quality + Forty-eight pages + Twenty-Four Pictures 25 cents each (plus postage) TR-15 ============================end===================================== Bible Study Cassettes ==================== Hebrews ======= 8 Tape Set Attractive Vinyl Case $28.95 (plus postage) BS-58-8 ACTS ==== 16 Tape Set Attractive Vinyl Case $57.95 (plus postage) BS-44-16 JONAH ===== 2 Tape Set $5.95 (plus postage) BS-32-2 Special Study Tapes =================== Problem Texts......................SP-20333... $5.95 (plus postage) ============= A question and answer session with Dr. Ruckman. This meeting was held at a school and covers a variety of topics of interest to any Christian. Your Baptist Biblical Baloney......SP-10850... $3.00 (plus postage) ============================= This tape shows the typical baloney of the apostates today through the debate in 1990 when Gary Hudson tried to prove mistakes in the KJV. Soul Winning Lessons...............SP-60075...$17.95 (plus postage) ==================== A practical study done by Dr. Ruckman in the classroom of Pensacola Bible Institute covering such topics as the methods, needs, and different types of soul-winning. Christian's History of Music.......SP-20800... $5.95 (plus postage) ============================ These study tapes make music for what it is, beginning with Genesis and the introduction of musical instruments into the modern era. Histories of the King James Bible And the Church in Relation.......SP-40255.. $13.95 (plus postage) ============================ Over a hundred hours of classroom study condensed down into four tapes, highlighting the main points of Church History and the Bible. ----------------------- The number of tapes in each study is indicated by the first number of the product number. for example: special study SP-40245 would be a set of four tapes. ^ ============================end===================================== Caring For Converts =================== A Basic Course for New Christinas by: Rev. Timothy P. Rose This series of studies should help strengthen a local church that has the resolve to nurture her new converts. It will give the specific instructions needed for the new convert to take his very first steps in the Christian walk. It is done in a way that the new convert can relate to. It is a book of answers to their questions. Ringbound $6.95 (plus postage) GN-9165 Seven Lessons 119 pages ============================end===================================== The Book of Ecclesiastes The Bible Believers' commentary Series by: Dr Peter S. Ruckman The Book of Ecclesiastes, written by the wisest man who will ever live, is certainly the book for America. Ecclesiastes is the greatest document against Materialism in the whole Bible. The philosophies taught in today's colleges and universities are covered in this one book $9.50 (plus postage) RK-21 Ringbound....... RK-21RB...........$12.00 (plus postage) ============================end===================================== Featured Tract for December- Tracts you KNOW are sound. =========================== "Of course I'm a Christian" "You are?" 100 for $1.00 (plus postage) ============================end===================================== If you enjoyed the ads section, please let me know... I included them this month as a trial... your input would help to determine if the extra effort is worthwhile. Thanks In Christ, Steve ====================================================================== Pensacola Bible Institute/The Firehouse bbs (904)-934-8678 (8:1011/0) "And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh." (Jude 1:23) ====================================================================== =================End-- December, 1994 BBB===========================