Dr. Finkle Freeware Pix Files ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr.Finkle Master Pix No# and Quote. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fink#2 "Sex is hereditary...If your parents never had it.. .Chances are you won't either!" Fink#6 "If...Adam & Eve were alive today ...They would probably sue the snake!" FINK#15 "I'm not afraid to die...I just don't want to be there when it happens!" FINK#24 "Politics. The process of turning energy...Into solid waste!" FINK#26 "Don't go to bed Mad! Stay up and fight!" FINK#33 "Sow your wild oats on Saturday night...And pray for crop failure on Sunday!" FINK#34 "It was not the apple on the tree...But the pair on the ground...That caused all the trouble in the garden!" FINK#39 "Wasting time...Is an important part of work!" FINK#41 "Modern Man...Is the missing link between apes and humans!" FINK#42 "I was once thrown out of a mental hospital... Because I was depressing the other patients!" **************