CHAPTER 5: THE TEACHING MACHINE Clara and David found themselves in a large room filled with the soft hum of machinery which lined the walls. In the center of the dimly lit room, stood a small, three sided pyramid which stood about a metre high. On top of this were three stilts supporting a silvery crystal sphere, inside of which was a complex looking arrangement of multi-coloured crystals. Directly above this was a large three sided crystal attached to the ceiling. A few metres away from the pyramid was a raised dias with two steps leading up to two posts about a metre apart topped with the same half-globes as were on the lift platform. Meanwhile the rest of the team were standing around the circular metal space where the lift had been just minutes before. Rick had switched on the portable viewer, and everyone was watching the images transmitted by David's camera below. Dan, while finding a good spot to see the screen, stood on an outlined square on the floor at the side of the circle. It lit up and the floor opened, the lift poking its console through and stopping before the scientists. Noticing the lift had gone, Clara pressed her intercom button to talk to the rest of the crew. "Where are you?" she asked. "Straight above you, at the lift," came Rick's reply. "Place your hands on the globes on the side of the console opposite to the one we used on the way into the hangar," David said to the party above. Rick walked to the console and motioned everyone to get onto the platform. He did as David had said and the lift floated down into the dim room below. As soon as the lift stopped they walked over to the center of the room where David was standing before the dias. He walked up the two steps, turned to face the pyramid and slowly lowered his hands onto the domed tops of the posts. There came the sound of machinery, a panel of the floor slid away behind David and a chair with an arrangement of three spheres at the top rose from beneath the pedestal. He took his hands off the posts and sat down, replacing his hands when seated. The sphere on top of the pyramid rose into the air as it's three supports moved outward. Hanging in the air, the sphere started spinning, sending rainbow-coloured swirls of light around the room as the crystal above it and the top of the pyramid below it glowed with light. The three spheres on the head rest surrounding David's head also glowed as the spinning sphere spun faster. He closed his eyes, his head filling with vague images of a paradise world with great towering buildings and green landscapes. These were all suddenly destroyed, leaving a barren wasteland. The image of earth in the period of the dinosaurs appeared, the skies clouded over and the huge lizards on the surface died from the lack of food and sunlight. Then the picture changed to a different earth, this one covered with green vegetation. A huge fleet of space ships landed on the planet and great cities, not unlike the ones that were destroyed, were constructed. The next image was not a pretty one, a primitive ape-like creature was being used for experimentation in a strange laboratory. This ghastly image caused David to take his hands off the posts and shiver with fear. The sphere stopped spinning and Dan came up to him to calm him down. "Are you alright?" he asked, "What did you see?" "I'm fine," replied the sweating David, "I'm fine. I'm going on." Dan stepped back to rejoin the rest of the group who were looking on nervously as David placed his hands back on the two posts. He tensed up and the pictures went flowing back into his mind as the sphere started spinning again. He saw a devastating war, ending with a great flash of light, then the evolution of man. Pictures of man's great achievements flashed through his mind, the steam engine, electricity, nuclear power, and many others. Soon he saw the flying discs, all coming from mars, landing and spying on the earth. After this, the launch of aerospace planes from earth heading toward mars. The images stopped at a picture of the biosphere, fading away to reveal Cydonia. David rose from the chair, this last image stuck firmly in his mind. The sphere settled back on its supporting stilts which had folded back to their original position, and the light from the crystals above and below faded to a dim glow, leaving enough light to see the inside of the room in detail. At the same time the chair slowly receded beneath the dias, the floor panel sliding back over it. "What did you see David?" asked Vicki. He told them what he had seen in the chair. "Amazing!" said Rick, "what do you think it all means?" "It's hard to say," said David in reply. While all this was going on, Dan had become preoccupied with examining the walls. Among the strange machinery along them he had found a tall slab resembling a door which was hardly distinguishable from the wall. He examined it with his hands and started pressing it in different areas to try and open it. When he pressed it on the right side, a small square lit up and it silently opened. Dan went through to the other side of the wall into a huge laboratory, something akin to the one Vicki had investigated inside the flying disc. The room was filled with strange apparatus and tables of odd looking devices and half completed assembly jobs. Noticing Dan's absence, Robert called out to him from where he was examining one of the machines attached to the wall. "Dan? Where are you?" There was no answer, he looked around the room, Vicki joined him as he walked to the door that Dan had entered. They found Dan examining a jumble of metallic components at one of the tables in the cluttered room he had stumbled upon. On several walls were a number of screens with operating boards beneath them. Vicki and David walked over to one and studied the rows of flat squares outlined on the operating board. Robert pressed one at random and an image formed on the viewer, it was some kind of organic cell matter, magnified and subtitled in the martian hieroglyphs. "Dan!" he called, "we've found something you have to see." Dan came over and gazed at the picture. "Is it alien?" asked Vicki. "No," said Dan in reply, "It is however very significant. It's human tissue!" He leaned over the panel and selected another square, the image on the screen changed to a three dimensional X-ray of a human skeleton. Meanwhile Vicki and Robert were preoccupied, debating over the fact that whatever alien creatures had lived here, may just still be around. Back in the other room, the lift mysteriously descended down one more level of the stone face's interior, with no one at its controls. No one noticed its absence, until Dan poked his head out of the laboratory door. "Hey you guys come and look at this..." He stopped abruptly upon seeing the absence of the lift, the gaping aperture still open. "Did anyone go down there?" ************************