CHAPTER 6: CRYOGENIC SURPRISE Everyone turned around, Vicki and Robert came out of the lab. "What's going on?" Asked Robert. "The lift went down with nobody on it." Dan said. "Don't go near the lift," this was Captain Freeman's voice crackling over the receiver, "I'm going to lower the camera, to see what's on the next level, so turn on your monitor." This Rick did and the camera hovered through the hole in the floor. "Your images have been getting pretty distorted," said Captain Freeman, "there's heaps of magnetic interference in that place." The camera found itself in a corridor of sorts, with a row of almost triangular, large metal objects on each side. These were actually banks of machinery extending down the sides of the lift area. The camera turned into one of the wide spaces between them, the machinery had silvery, elliptical panels along its length. These were frosted over with ice crystals, with wisps of cold vapour hugging the ground around the base. The temperature readings fluctuated. The air was fairly warm, kept that way by some kind of heaters, though the machinery's temperature dropped below zero. Seeing no signs of life or harmful gases, the team decided it was safe to descend into the next level. "How are we going to get down there?" asked Clara. "Good question," said Rick in reply. As if the lift had known their predicament, it rose up slowly to greet them as if it had a mind of its own. "What's going on here?" remarked David, "this thing is acting weird." "Yes, very weird," said Rick, "We'll just have to be careful." They boarded the platform and went down to the next level where the camera was waiting for them. Had they looked up they would have seen a discus-like object eject from a depression in the ceiling above their heads and descend through the aperture to lodge itself in a similar concavity above them. Somewhere else on the planet, an unseen figure in a brightly lit room was watching the scientists on a wall screen outlined by jagged edged crystals which formed the glowing walls. Rick walked to the end of one of the blocks of machinery, he rested his hand on the metal and drew it back in pain. "Christ that's cold!" he remarked. He found his heavy gloves in one of the pockets of his spacesuit and put them on his hands. He leaned back again, his hand shielded from the sub zero temperature of the surface. There was a click as part of the machinery where his hand was resting was slightly pressed into the wall. He immediately took his hand away and stepped back, fearing he had done something he shouldn't have. There came a low buzzing sound and along the side of the machinery the elliptical panes shimmered, the silvery, metallic lustre rippled and disappeared, leaving them clear and glass-like. The team looked on at this spectacle, now that the panels were clear of their silvery tint and sheets of ice crystals, rows of vapoury chambers were revealed behind them. Inside these chambers, connected to the machinery by assortments of flexible pipes, were a range of large, lizard-like creatures, dinosaurs! "Dinosaurs!" exclaimed several members of the group in unison. Those who were dumbfounded just stood in wonderment. After a few seconds they started to walk the corridors between the cryogenic chambers. The inside walls of the chamber and parts of the dinosaurs themselves were coated in a jelly-like substance. This was riddled with rubbery, bulbous strands of some unknown, kelp-coloured substance which was puffed out at regular intervals. "The aliens must have lived at the time of the dinosaurs and taken specimens like those animals we saw in the flying disc," said Rick. "That's not all they've taken," said Dan. "What do you mean?" asked Rick. "Up in the lab we found on the last level, there was a viewer which showed the cell structure of a human being. Also there were a number of Xray pictures, there must be some form of life still here somewhere." "Let's just hope it's friendly!" Captain Freeman was registering everything the scientists were seeing. He had instructed the wide eyed pilot to explore further along the seemingly endless corridors with the remote controlled camera. When he was satisfied there was nothing else but the blocks of cells containing the frozen, and probably still living dinosaurs, he told Grey to turn back for the lift. Clara peered at a ferocious looking Tyrannosaur baby in one of the cryogenic chambers, above its head was a form of electronic graph, each cell had one of these, obviously for monitoring the internal machinery. She moved along the row towards the lift and was startled by the sound of the camera hovering over it. "You startled me," she spoke into the lens, "This place is amazing..." She stared at the lift as it descended once again to another floor. The camera turned to see what had made her stop, and seeing the hole, hovered through to the next level. While left unguarded, the aperture in the floor was accessed by the alien surveillance device. It hovered down, hid behind a bank of chambers and waited patiently for the scientists. Clara sped around the corner to find the rest of the group. "Rick!" she gasped as she found them, "The lift's gone down again!" They followed her to the opening in the floor and Steve set up the portable viewer which Rick had placed on the floor. The next floor was the same in appearance as the cryonic suspension gallery they were in now. ************************