CHAPTER 7: CONTACT AND CONFRONTATION The camera hovered among the cryogenic chambers in search of anything out of the ordinary. The lift behaving like it did brought on a feeling of being watched, little did they know this was quite true. Steve and Robert boarded the lift platform, which had risen like before, and they descended to the gallery below. The rest of the scientists stayed on the upper floor, for they had an uneasy feeling, a feeling they were right to have. Steve hopped off the lift before it reached the ground, went over to the nearest row of cells and pressed the end panel to reveal the hidden occupants of the mist shrouded chambers. The polished windows shimmered and the silvery lustre rippled away. What they saw next left them gaping in utter astonishment, they had found the aliens! They were strange creatures which were impossible to classify as one species. One looked like a humanoid lizard with two, many faceted silver eyes. Another was a horizontal-mouthed, beast-like creature with scaly skin and four arms. Rounding a corner, the camera was suddenly struck down in a shower of sparks by an unseen foe. "What the hell happened to our camera?" Captain Freeman shouted. "It seems to have been hit by something sir," came Grey's reply. The robot's screen showed bursts of static and occasional glimpses of its surroundings from its new vantage point on the floor. "Robert, Steve, something's happened to the camera," Freeman spoke urgently into the intercom, "I'll give you directions and you try and see what went wrong." He pressed another button and spoke once more, "Rick go down there, but stay by the lift and keep the monitor turned on." The group watching the monitor screen were just as astonished as Steve and Robert were. Cautiously they stepped onto the lift once more and Rick touched the control globes. Robert and Steve hurried in the direction of the damaged camera, a feeling of uneasiness creeping over them. Following close behind and making sure it was undetected, flew the alien disc. "Look at these creatures," said Dan as he pressed the panel which cleared the chamber windows on another block, "I wonder if there are any left alive somewhere." "We'll have to wait and see," said Clara who was examining a leathery-skinned, skeletal creature, "Imagine the things we could learn!" "Look," said Rick. He was watching the monitor, their absent team members had reached the camera and were bending over it. The alien's surveillance disc hovered silently, watching unseen over the two men's work. "I don't think we can fix it," said Robert into his communicator. Just then a muffled, shuffling sound was heard. "What's that?" Steve asked. "I don't know, but it seems to be coming this way," Robert replied, "lets get out of sight." They moved into one of the passages between the cryo-units and waited as the sound drew nearer. The surveillance disc hovered out of its hiding spot as a ferocious, ape-like cat creature, covered with a glassy exoskeleton, jumped into the passage and let out a roar. It was accompanied by a tall, hulky, leathery-skinned, being with a downward sloping, crescent mouth and an elongated skull adorned with spikes. As Robert and Steve slowly retreated, it stretched out its hand and flexed it's three long, rigid fingers and made a gurgling sound. In response, the cat-creature pounced at the two men who started running in fear. Watching their predicament on the wall screens, Captain Freeman dashed for the communication panel. "Rick are you seeing this? I want you to go and help them, but be extremely careful. See if you can lure the aliens away." Rick and the rest of the group got up and followed Freeman's directions as fast as they could, leaving the monitor behind by the lift. Steve and Robert had taken up defensive positions leaning against the sides of two of the cryonic chambers, aiming emergency flares across the gap between the two banks. They were hoping the aliens were fearful of fire and would retreat leaving them unharmed. "They don't look like the sort of creatures capable of building this place," said Steve. "Perhaps they're not..." They silenced themselves as the familiar scraping sound came again, accompanied by the howls of the strange beasts. Soon they were upon them, lighting their flares they thrust them into the alien's faces. The large one let out a howl of fear and stumbled backward, its companion hissing and keeping its ground. "How long do these flares last?" Robert asked. "Not too long, we'd better make a run for it and get back to the lift." As soon as they said this, the surveillance disc hovered into view. The aliens turned around and the tall one was hit in the chest by the disc's laser beam, the cat-like one was hit in the shoulder. Howling with pain the two fled from the disc as fast as they could. The pair safe from danger now confronted the disc, their companions rounding the corner. "What happened?" asked an out of breath Rick. "This thing just saved us from those creatures." replied Steve. They stood looking up at the hovering disc and awaited its next move. It made a grating electronic noise, its probes twitched and it turned and slowly hovered down the corridor. "Should we follow it?" asked Dan in a hushed tone. "I think that's what it wants," replied Rick. ************************