CHAPTER 9: REBIRTH They found themselves gazing across green fields and forests of alien vegetation. Dotted around were huge buildings of martian architecture and lakes of blue water. Shining down over the pristine landscape was a huge dome set into the concave metal sky. It was filled with radiating cylinders and emitted a sun like glow. "That is an artificial sun we built to give life to the land we have reconstructed below, this is what mars used to look like," said Betl. "Mars was once like this?!" said Several of the group in disbelief. "The Overseer shall explain." said Kryll. The elevator was rising up the side of a cylindrical building topped with a huge disc resembling one of the flying machines they had encountered while exploring the face. The elevator stopped at the end of the tube and the group marched out into a corridor with windows along its length. Through the windows could be seen rooms of recreation and learning. At the end of the corridor was a lift platform, this one without any control dias. It was large enough to carry the entire group so they all stood on and quickly ascended to the dome on top of the disc shape building. The domed room was lined with multi coloured crystals which gave out an iridescent glow. "You shall now meet Xanthir, the Overseer of the martian race," said Kryll. "He is older than anyone else on this and your world, and extremely intelligent." On one wall of the room there was a space between the crystals where a viewer screen was mounted, showing images from their exploration of the face. "You've been watching us all along!" said Rick. "Yes." replied Betl to the accusation. The two aliens motioned them to a podium in the center of the room, which the scientists stood on. Kryll and Betl stayed by the lift. At the far end of the room a mass of crystals flashed with electricity and slid away in all directions. A tall, floating object appeared out of the depression left and the crystals locked back into place. It stayed motionless for a moment and then turned around to face the group. The bullet- shaped capsule had a clear shell at the front, through which could be seen swirling gases, lit like clouds by lighting with a golden glow. It slid through the air towards them, coming to a stop before the podium. The clear outer shell at the front slid back, the gasses within dissipating into the room. Revealed inside was a seated figure, with golden skin glowing with a golden aura, its long robe sparkling as if it were made of diamonds. The tall figure stood slowly from its chair and looked with ancient, intelligent eyes upon the group assembled before it. This was Xanthir, the light being, the most intelligent being on the planet. He had lived for many million years, kept alive by the martians advanced scientific knowledge and was forever hooked up to a mobile life support system. "I have been waiting for you," the being began in a frail but clear voice, "I know you have a lot of questions about our civilization. The images projected into your mind by the teaching machine are of our history. Mars was once very close to earth's orbit around the sun. At that time it was very much like earth is now, though it was inhabited by the dinosaurs." Xanthir moved his hand slowly over a row of crystals along the arm of his chair. He then pointed to the wall behind them. The images Steve had seen when using the teaching machine were shown in more clarity on the wall viewer. No longer were the pictures just fleeting images imprinted in his mind. The group watched this as Xanthir continued his narrative. "Our civilization lived in peace apart from the occasional disagreement, we were an advanced species and had a fairly advanced form of space travel, much like your technology today. One day our astronomers had discovered a gigantic meteor heading straight for our planet, it was too large for us to deflect so we built huge, strong structures filled with cryonic freezers to preserve large numbers of our population. We had several years to prepare for the upcoming catastrophe. We had also been studying life on nearby earth at the time, and to save the dinosaurs from destruction we brought many species to mars to preserve, in case part of the meteor also hit there. The structures were built all around the globe and preserved within, as well as our race and the dinosaurs, were as many species of plant and animal life that we could collect. The main computer, which controlled all other systems around the world from the main building, was set to revive us when the conditions were right outside. That, however, never happened. It was some 63 million years later that another meteor struck close to the main cryonic pyramid and jolted the computer system, awakening the occupants and those of several other cryonic buildings whose receivers had not been damaged. Those that had been damaged had to be reactivated manually, some however had been totally destroyed by volcanic activity. This was brought on by the meteor impact, which had resurfaced much of the northern hemisphere where the impact occurred. The meteor hit with such force that it knocked mars out of orbit, cracking the surface and destroying all organic matter. The planet was extremely changed by its newly formed orbit path: there was only a thin atmosphere of carbon dioxide left, shrouding a now barren surface. The world's water supply seeped into the cracked surface and froze beneath the land with the extreme cold. We learned from our computers that one of many pieces of the meteor had cracked off and hit the Earth, resulting in the destruction of the dinosaurs. Earth, unlike mars, had recuperated well and primitive life was prospering on the surface by the time we awoke from our cryonic suspension. After recovering from the shock of our changed world, we quickly took on the monumental task of rebuilding the lives we used to live as best we could: growing gardens for oxygen and reclaiming the water frozen underground. Soon the majority of the population decided they would take their chances and build a colony on earth, which had an atmosphere very close to that of mars before the meteor impact. Within a few decades, the colonists took a fleet of our fastest ships towards earth. Upon reaching it they began to construct cities, dismantling their ships and mining earths resources for building materials. The rest of the martian civilization stayed here and built huge underground cities, this pyramid being the main building. We set to work devising ways to resurface mars to its former glory by studying data on Earth's ecological balance stored in the main computer. Soon the earth colony had expanded to two small countries, one of them was named Atlantis and the other Eden. The colonists began carrying out genetic experiments on the more intelligent earth creatures, enhancing their brain capacity and making them more martian like in appearance. This was early man. Over the centuries they grew in intelligence and began to develop primitive civilizations, treating the Atlanteans and their machines like gods. This was recorded in their hieroglyphic writing, on their pyramids and stone monuments. Eden's landmass was largely taken up by a zoo-like ecosystem, set up by the colonists as an experimental paradise used as a model for reconstructing mars. Also carried out in this land were experiments of growing martian flora brought by the spaceships. The martian plants grew wildly in earth's conditions. They grew to immense proportions and spread over vast expanses of Eden's experimental land, eventually getting out of control. The rulers of Eden wanted to let the plants keep spreading to eventually cover the globe. And what was more they wanted to destroy all of the indigenous flora and fauna on earth and turn it into a new mars. The majority of Eden's inhabitants, small compared to the population of Atlantis, were supportive of the idea. The Atlanteans however were outraged that members of their own race could even think such a thing. The two sides waged war against each other, building huge warships, and soon Atlantis was threatened by nuclear bombs. At this the Atlanteans fled their continent and went underground. Not knowing the Atlanteans had fled, Eden fired their bombs and Atlantis sank beneath the ocean. Soon afterwards, Eden was also destroyed, all life wiped out, including the martian vegetation, by a nuclear bombardment from the underground Atlanteans, leaving the earth's original inhabitants to rule the planet. They are still on your planet, the Atlanteans, living peacefully beneath the land. They still look human though, not like us here on mars. We started experimenting with genetics many millennia ago and only stopped when it was already too late. There wasn't a pure bred martian left among us, we had turned ourselves into reptiles, insects, using the genetic codes of the many creatures we had saved from the meteor impact. We still bear some resemblance to our original forms however. We are still visiting your planet, and recording every stage of your civilization's and planet's development. You deduced that from your discoveries beneath the face, it was one of the only significant structures that survived the meteor impact and the following disasters. It was converted into a laboratory and research building, the lower levels are catacombs which extend below the planet's surface. The bodies are stored in cryonic chambers to preserve genetic material and tissue." The picture faded away, leaving the screen a silvery lustre, and the group turned to face Xanthir who was still standing tall and majestic over them. ************************