LIFE ON MARS? PROLOGUE: It is now the year 2087. Fossil fuels are being phased out by efficient solar cells and a cleaner, more economically sound form of nuclear power: nuclear fusion. The main building material of this part of the century is a three dimensional plastic material, which is extremely strong and heat resistant. Space travel history was made when the first team of astronauts, scientists and naturalists was sent to the planet mars to set up a biosphere in 2043. Over the years, as better, faster space ships were developed and the biospheres were a success, more and more people, not just astronauts, began to make their home on the red planet. The loss of calcium, plus the fact that no supplements were absorbed into the body in micro gravity was resolved by the development of a chemical which lets the body absorb the calcium which is taken in the form of small pills. Many communication and data satellites were put into mars' orbit and the colony was expanded to five main domed structures radiating from a central building. Everything was going perfect on mars, but unbeknownst to most of the population of earth, and even mars, the governments on earth have extremely detailed photographs of unmistakable alien presence on mars... ********************