Parent Information Network (P.I.N.) P.O. Box 733 Elm Grove, WI 53122 414-821-1873 ------------------------------------------------------------------ GLOSSARY OF IMPORTANT OBE TERMS Outcome Based Education (OBE) - This is the latest fad and accompanying "buzzword" in education circles which promises to be as controversial as sex education and equally dangerous to the values, morals and family relationships of the young people who are ravaged by it. An educational philosophy, not a program per se - It is an old product in a new package, formerly called Mastery Learning or Learning for Mastery. Attempts are made to disavow the connection, but it is clear that the concept's nomenclature and inspirators are all the same. The following are additional synonyms, used interchangeably: Performance-Based Education Outcome-Driven Developmental Model (ODDM) Competency-Based Education and Project Re: Learning Outcome-Based Instruction (OBI) The OBE methodology establishes "outcomes" upon which the respective student's success is analyzed. While mastery of these outcomes is mandatory for graduation, the time limit is broadly relative for each student. This is in direct contrast to the "traditional" approach which allocated a "fixed" amount of time for a particular topic and is one reason that taxpayer and citizens' groups are up in arms regarding OBE, namely the potentially much higher per pupil cost. Required Student Learning Outcomes (RSLO's) - The bottom-line basis of OBE. They are detailed descriptions of the expected knowledge, values and behavior that the student must demonstrate in his life. At least half of the goals do not deal with academics (learning how to think), but are affective in nature (learning what to think). Not demonstrating a particular outcome would prevent the student from advancing to the next grade level and ultimately from receiving a diploma. remediation - That process of mind-manipulation/behavior modification which ostensibly is to qualify the scholastically delinquent student for the next level of learning. This period of "remediation" can be unlimited and continue for as long as required for the mandatory outcome. (When this technique is applied in the military to prisoners-of-war it is commonly referred to as "brain-washing.") --------------------------------------------------------- Parent Information Network (P.I.N.) P.O. Box 733 Elm Grove, WI 53122 414-821-1873 -------------------------------------------------------- Educational Testing Service (ETS) - Brainchild of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (CFAT), which created and owns all of the testing programs Ten Quality Goals of Education - A committee of unelected officials, comprised of eight top behavioral psychologists in the country, formulated them. The committee consensus edicted that any education program would be inadequate unless it embraced the "development of the whole child," meaning more than the three R's. It meant that the whole personality - the social, emotional, intellectual and psychomotor areas of each child - needed to be considered in the curriculum. Whole-Child Development Concept - If one wishes to change the way a child acts, he must change the way the child feels and thinks. To do this it is necessary to gain access to the individual's belief system; hence, the test or survey, the journal-writing or diary-keeping, the role-playing and discussion groups - all common to the psychiatric mind-manipulation technique known as "sensitivity training." Educational Quality Assessment (EQA) - Used in Pennsylvania, it is a model for the country; the results are used to manipulate behavior through specially designed curricula. belief system - That which is tested and scored for "preferred" attitudes as each child is judged on opinions and personality traits, not academic knowledge, not what the average parent would call "skills" National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) - Tests designed to elicit information about beliefs and attitudes, half of which questions are psychologically oriented...Even the U.S. Dep't. of Education has been forced to admit this. These types of behavior-oriented questions have been traditionally classified as affective, rather than cognitive. To justify such probing the behaviorists have simply redefined "cognitive" as having an emotional as well as intellectual aspect. ---------------------------------------------------------- Parent Information Network (P.I.N.) P.O. Box 733 Elm Grove, WI 53122 414-821-1873 ---------------------------------------------------------- "Presidential Citation For Educational Excellence" - Awarded to high school students who do well on American Achievement Tests, putting Christian, private and home-schooled students at a disadvantage if they did not take the tests. Being ineligible for the citation, they would be competitively deprived when seeking employment or entrance to higher education institutions. SCANS Commission - Developed to formulate "national competency guidelines" that will be used countrywide in developing new curricula and training programs for schools...The mentors for the guidelines are all Carnegie personnel. America 2000 - An education strategy proposed by President Bush that will affect every family, business and citizen in America. If the "social engineers" behind these goals prevail, it will destroy our heritage of freedom, and our children will be indoctrinated into a globalist, one-world order which denounces Judeo-Christian ethics as unacceptable. The Elementary and Secondary Integrated Data System (ESIDS) - A supercomputer which, using children's social security numbers (mandatory by age 5), can store and access personal and academic test information. The system also enables data to be cross-referenced with innumerable other systems with little security-control over access to these records. Interesting legal questions arise therein which are yet to be resolved such as invasion of privacy. Use of such data on family and community is accessible to international organizations as well. It is clear that the potential for abuse of this information is staggering. "Parents as Teachers" Program - H.R. 120 disturbingly reveals the purpose of this strategy the need to remedy the training already received by the child from its parents. The bill defines the term "parent educator" as a state-designated person who is to come into the home a minimum of 8 times per year to monitor the quality of parenting. Bettina Hobbs, former consultant to the U.S. Dep't. of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW), and current president of Guardians of Education for Maine, says of the program: "It will result in state control of the children and reduce parents to the status of breeders and supervised custodians." The program already exists in 40 states! ----------------------------------------------------- Parent Information Network (P.I.N.) P.O. Box 733 Elm Grove, WI 53122 414-821-1873 ----------------------------------------------------- "at risk" - There are 12 computer code definitions which label the child "at risk." They are stated on the record-keeping forms. Every family could unquestionably fit into one of these categories. This could lead to being labeled "dysfunctional" and having your children removed by means of Senate Bill 1133, the "Comprehensive Services for Children and Youth Act of 1991." Since the expectation is that every child will be found "mentally ill," there is no code for normal! The assessment is made by the "parent educator" during each home visit. [end]