WHOWORKS V4.0 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE **************************************************************** It is assumed that you have a distribution disk, that is a floppy disk with all of the WHOWORKS files on it, and that you want to install those onto your hard drive. QUICK INSTALLATION -------------------------------------------------- There is a batch file on the distribution disk which can be used to perform the installation easily. It uses the default configuration. If you are installing from the A: drive, type A:INSTALL A: If you are installing from the B: drive, type B:INSTALL B: Procede to the section entitled BEFORE STARTING YOU SHOULD KNOW. STANDARD INSTALLATION ------------------------------------------------- You must decide where to store the program and text files and where to save the worksheet files. These instructions are written as if you are installing the files from drive A:, but if not, substitute the proper drive letter in the commands below. The program and text files include the executeable program, the help files and special information files. The suggested location is in a directory named C:\WHOWORKS. Create the C:\WHOWORKS directory with the following DOS commands executed one-at-a-time: C: CD\ MD WHOWORKS Copy files from the distribution floppy disk with the following DOS commands executed one-at-a-time: COPY A:\WHOWORKS.* C:\WHOWORKS COPY A:\*.TXT C:\WHOWORKS For each schedule that you make, there will be a worksheet file created. You must decide where to save them. The worksheet files may be kept in one or more separate directories if desired, or you may keep the worksheet files in the same directory as you program files. WHOWORKS comes preconfigured to keep worksheet files in a directory named C:\WHOWORKS\WWFILES. You may want to organize your files differently such as C:\WHOWORKS\FIREMEN C:\WHOWORKS\POLICE C:\WHOWORKS\RESCUE You should now make those directories. Use the DOS MD command. For the default installation type MD C:\WHOWORKS\WWFILES Next copy the sample files included on the distribution disk to that directory. Later, after you are familiar with running WHOWORKS, you can delete these. If you chose to make a directory other than the default C:\WHOWORKS\WWFILES, substitute that directory below. COPY A:\*.WW_ C:\WHOWORKS\WWFILES