DeuTex 2.1 DeuSF 2.1 Official Release, October 94 a WAD composition tool for DOOM Copyright (c) Olivier Montanuy ( Features of DeuTex: - reverse engineer existing PWAD - compose your own wall textures, reusing DOOM patches or adding your own patches as bitmaps (.BMP) - add your own floors (still quite tricky. see manual) - add your own sprites (a bit tricky. see manual) - replace the ressources you want in all PWAD (missions, sounds, graphics,...) - simple WAD creation directives (text file) - simple directory structure (for the ressources) - work in batch mode (like a compiler). (see manual\deutex.txt for details) - compatible with the level editors (like DEU) Feature of DeuSF: recreate a complete sprite and flat PWAD from a partial sprite or flat PWAD and the main WAD of DOOM. Warning: These products could not be tested with DOOM2. It could be that bugs still prevent use with DOOM2. Legalese: see the deutex.txt and deusf.txt files Author's note: This program represents long hours of work, and a tremendous delay for my own PWAD project. I hope you'll find it useful. I hope it will enhance your creativity, and finaly I hope I'll find the result of your efforts on the net :-) Send me comments, bug reports, praise, flames... you're welcome. Thanx for your efforts in trying to understand the manual Thanx for your future contribution to the DOOM effort, if you manage to use DeuTex successfully :-) ******************** Enclosed files ************************ file_id.diz remotely related to BBS. readme.txt You found this one! deutex.exe DeuTex as a DOS executable. PWAD composer deusf.exe DeuSF as a DOS executable. add your SPRITES and FLATS in a separate PWAD, like DMADDS manual\ deutex.txt the manual of deutex deusf.txt the manual of deusf tutorial.txt how to use DeuTex for a few basic things manual\advanced\ format.gif an attempt to explain visualy the format used by DeuTex format.txt an attempt to clarify the format used by DeuTex by giving some examples trinity.txt insights on trinity.wad, courtesy of Steve McCrea manual\easy\ dt4idiot.txt explanations for non-hackers demo.bat demo batch example\ Examples of usage of DEUTEX: anim.bat the command to build anim.wad [anim.wad] example of animated wall made with DeuTex (and VbDeuTex for placements) wadinfo.txt ANIM.WAD creation directives anim.txt desauthoring template *\readme.txt there is a readme for each subdirectory, which explains what it should be used for. directory example\patches\ This directory contains a sample wad authoring template. Put your name & face in DOOM :-) authornm.bmp put your name as bitmap here authorfc.bmp put a bitmap of the same size, with your face. Use the wall texture AUTHOR. If you like DeuTex, please put also a wall with texture DeuTex. (It's a bit big as bitmap, but as DOOM picture format it's much smaller). palette\ To help you generate patch walls: doompal.ppm Portable Pixmap of DOOM's palete to be used with the PPMQUANT program doompal.pal DOOM palete, to be used with the Paint Shop Pro 2.0 shareware program. Use this for color quantisation, then save to BMP format (256 color) ************************************************************ Availability: DeuTex is meant to be available on Internet. DeuTex should be available Compuserve. It could also be available on some BBS. Generaly DeuTex should be available in the same sites as DEU. Internet: and mirrors /pub/doom/deu /pub/doom/wad_edit/misc Infant2 can only support a limited number of FTP connections, so please FTP to the nearest available mirror or use FSP. Compuserve: Ask Dr Sleep :-) BBS: I don't know, I don't care about modems. ************************ See Also ************************** DOOMTEX by Steve McCrea a list of tools to generate textures. not exactly user friendly, but succesfully used for TRINITY.WAD. For hackers only :-) I *do* hope you'll find DeuTex a bit easier to use, but Steve was a pioneer in the area of texture editing! WHACKER by Keith Wilkins A graphic texture editor. I could not test it, but it should be good. It would be a good idea to use it in combination with DeuTex.