Now Available - SimCity 2000 DOS 1.1 Upgrade The upgrade file is called "SC211UPD.ZIP" and can be FTP'd from in the pub/maxis directory. This update fixes several crashing bugs and a few cosmetic bugs. Chances are, if you're not having crashing problems, you won't notice any difference. The patch is also available on the Maxis Technical Support BBS at (510) 254-3869, on America On-Line and CompuServe, and directly from Maxis Customer Service at 1-800-336-2947. The patch is freely distributable to registered owners of SimCity 2000 DOS and should patch any versions out there (including the Australian version!) to v1.1. To install the patch, you will need to use PKunZip to extract the files into your SimCity 2000 directory. Then, change to that directory and type: UPDATE The patch program will then update, add and delete several files on your hard disk giving progress reports as it goes.