WinLab Image Laboratory V3.0 Beta Copyright (c) 1993,1994 PhD Engineering SRL WinLab is a shareware program for advanced image processing and photo retouch. WinLab is able to apply many image processing algorithms, geometric processing,color enhancement, Equalization, etc. Please Refere to the on-line Help for more details. This new version of WinLab is fully functional but still a beta release. WinLab package includes netproto.exe which enables WinLab to remotely send or receive documents through the use of a windows socket compatible layer (there are many including shareware ones) WinLab supports Folders which are containers of ThumbNail for fast image browsing, in addition folders supports any NETBIOS compatible network for remote drive access, in order have transparent acces to remotely stored images. This package should contain the following files: INTSUPP DLL ABOUT DLL CTL3D DLL WPP_B3L3 DLL WPP_B3L1 DLL WPP_B3L2 DLL IMGLAB DLL TOOLS DLL WINLAB EXE NETPROTO EXE WINLAB HLP INTSUPP INI LICENCE TXT ORDER TXT INSTALL TXT README TXT