Document 2528 DOCN M94A2528 TI The probabilities of HIV spread in Egypt. DT 9412 AU Hasan MA; Farag AB; Hanna NE; Arab International Center for Fighting Against AIDS, Cairo,; Egypt. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):283 (abstract no. PC0054). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370047 AB OBJECTIVE: Harvard School of Public Health in Boston has made a research to assess the vulnerability of nations in the world to HIV/AIDS. Egypt was one of 57 countries found to be at high risk. The aim of the present research is to evaluate the probabilities of HIV spread in Egypt. METHODS: The Arab International Center for Fighting Against AIDS investigate the probabilities of spread of HIV in Egypt; including a randomised sample of 5000 persons. The Following items were considered in the research: 1. The individual factors that influence the risk of acquiring HIV infection. 2. Evaluating the strength of collective efforts to prevent and control HIV/AIDS. 3. Evaluating the degree of social vulnerability to the epidemic. RESULTS: 1. (92.5%) never use condoms even during casual intercourse. 2. (79.5%) think that the only way of HIV transmission is by homosexuality. 3. All persons said that there is no sex education in Egypt due to sex taboo. 4. (60.5%) declared deficient facilities for determining the correct number of cases. 5. (86%) declared absence of serious programs for AIDS prevention in Egypt. DISCUSSION & CONCLUSIONS: There is a high probability of HIV Spread in Egypt. 1. There is a great need for promotion of condom use by Egyptians. 2. Condensing media campaigns about the epidemic. 3. Proper sex education program for Egyptians should start as soon as possible. 4. Improving the picture of infected persons in the society. 5. The Egyptian government should be aware of the seriousness of HIV/AIDS problem and should plan for high quality programs for control of this epidemic. DE Egypt Human HIV Infections/DIAGNOSIS/PREVENTION & CONTROL/*TRANSMISSION Risk Factors Sex Behavior Sex Education MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).