Archive-name: law/net-resources/part6 Version: 5.1 Last-modifed: 94/09/17 Distribution-agent: (This document has been brought to you in part by CRAM. See the bottom for more information, including instructions on how to obtain updates.) === 2.3.01. Congressional Budget Office. Congressional Budget Office 2nd & D Streets, S.W. Ford Office Building #2, Room 486 Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: stacy.sdru@CBO.GOV (Stacy Newman) URL: mailto::stacy.sdru@CBO.GOV (Stacy Newman) 2.3.02. Federal Bulletin Board, The. The Federal Bulletin Board is a service of the US Government Printing Office, Office of Electronic Information Dissemination Services (EIDS), Washington, DC 2040l. The BBS enables Federal agencies to provide the public immediate, self-service access to Federal information in electronic form at reasonable rates. BBS Phone: (202) 512-1387 For more information, contact: Phone: (202) 512-1524 2.3.03. Government Printing Office. In compliance with the Electronic Information Access Enhancement Act of 1993 (PL 103-40), the Government Printing Office has made the Federal Register, the Congressional Record, and other documents available (for a fee) via WAIS. telnet:// (enter "wais" at the first prompt, "newuser" at the second) For more information, contact: GPO Access Registration US Government Printing Office PO Box 37082 Washington DC 20013-7082 E-mail: help@eids05.eids.gpo URL: mailto::help@eids05.eids.gpo 2.3.04. Library Catalogs. Many library catalogs are available online. These are described in detail in The Internet Resource Guide/Directory of Directories (see Section Access to The Library of Congress Information System (LOCIS) is also described in The Internet Resource Guide/Directory of Directories. To access the system, Telnet to URL: telnet:// Data Research Associates, Inc., also maintains a database that contains all the cataloging records as distributed by the Library of Congress Cataloging Distribution Service (as part of their "Complete Service"), but this database is not the same as the Library of Congress Catalog. URL: telnet:// 2.3.05. Library of Congress. URL: gopher:// 2.3.06 US House of Representatives. In June 1993, the House of Representatives' Committee on House Administration announced a pilot program called the Constituent Electronic Mail System. E-mail addresses are available for individual Representatives and for House committees. So far, however, only a few Representatives have signed up for e-mail. The organizers of the pilot program kindly request that constituents send a letter or postcard (that includes the sender's name, address, and Internet e-mail address) by US Mail to their Representative so that the Representatives will be able to verify the incoming e-mail is from an actual constituent. The organizers also note that Representatives may reply to e-mail messages via USPS mail. For more information, contact: E-mail: URL: (US House of Representatives) Comments about the program can be e-mailed to: E-mail: COMMENTS@HR.HOUSE.GOV URL: mailto::COMMENTS@HR.HOUSE.GOV The following Representative are on the Internet: Hon. Thomas E. Andrews 1st Congressional District, Maine Rm. 1530 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: TANDREWS@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Sherwood Boehlert 23rd Congressional District, New York Rm. 1127 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: BOEHLERT@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Dave Camp 4th Congressional District, Michigan Rm. 137 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: DAVECAMP@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Maria Cantwell 1st Congressional District, Washington Rm. 1520 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: CANTWELL@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. John Conyers, Jr. 14th Congressional District, Michigan Rm. 2426 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: JCONYERS@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Sam Coppersmith 1st Congressional District, Arizona 1607 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: SAMAZ01@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Peter Deutsch 20th Congressional District, Florida Rm. 425 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: PDEUTSCH@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Jay Dickey 4th Congressional District, Arkansas Rm. 1338 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: JDICKEY@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Vernon Ehlers 3rd Congressional District, Michigan Rm. 1526 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: CONGEHLR@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Anna Eshoo 14th Congressional District, California Rm. 1505 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: ANNAGRAM@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Elizabeth Furse 1st Congressional District, Oregon Rm. 316 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: FURSEOR1@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Sam Gejdenson 2nd Congressional District, Connecticut Rm. 2416 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: BOZRAH@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Newton Gingrich 6th Congressional District, Georgia Rm. 2428 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: GEORGIA6@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Rod Grams 6th Congressional District, Minnesota Rm. 1713 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: RODGRAMS@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Dennis Hastert 14th Congressional District, Illinois Rm. 2453 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: DHASTERT@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Martin Hoke 2nd Congressional District, Ohio Rm. 212 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: HOKEMAIL@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Sam Johnson 3rd Congressional District, Texas Rm. 1030 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: SAMTX03@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Mike Kreidler 9th Congressional District, Washington Rm. 1535 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: KREIDLER@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. George Miller 7th Congressional District, California Rm. 2205 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: GEORGEM@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Earl Pomeroy North Dakota, At Large Rm. 318 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: EPOMEROY@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Jim Ramstad 3rd Congressional District, Minnesota Rm. 322 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: MN03@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Charlie Rose 7th Congressional District, North Carolina Rm. 2230 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: CROSE@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Karen Shepherd 2nd Congressional District, Utah Rm. 414 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: SHEPHERD@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. 'Pete' Stark 13th Congressional District, California Rm. 239 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: PETEMAIL@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Charles Taylor 11th Congressional District, North Carolina Rm. 516 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: CHTAYLOR@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Mel Watt 12th Congressional District, North Carolina Rm. 1232 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: MELMAIL@HR.HOUSE.GOV Hon. Dick Zimmer 312th Congressional District, New Jersey Rm. 228 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: DZIMMER@HR.HOUSE.GOV The following House committees are on the Internet: Subcommittee on Labor-Management Relations Committee on Education and Labor Rm. 320 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: SLABMGNT@HR.HOUSE.GOV Committee on Natural Resources 1324 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: NATRES@HR.HOUSE.GOV Committee on Science, Space, and Technology 2320 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 E-mail: HOUSESST@HR.HOUSE.GOV 2.3.07. US House of Representatives. URL: gopher:// 2.3.08. US House of Representatives, 103rd Congress Phone and Fax Numbers. >From US Congress Yellow Book, January 1993, with some updates and corrections as of March 1994. p st representative phone fax = == ============================= ============== ============== R AK Young, Donald 1-202-225-5765 1-202-225-5765 D AL Bevill, Thomas 1-202-225-4876 1-202-225-0842 D AL Browder, Glen 1-202-225-3261 1-202-225-9020 D AL Cramer Jr, Robert E. 1-202-225-4801 na D AL Hilliard, Earl F. 1-202-225-2665 na R AL Bachus, Spencer 1-202-225-4921 na R AL Callahan, H. L. 1-202-225-4931 1-202-225-0562 R AL Everett, Terry 1-202-225-2901 na D AR Lambert, Blanche 1-202-225-4076 na D AR Thornton, Raymond 1-202-225-2506 1-202-225-9273 R AR Dickey, Jay 1-202-225-3772 1-202-225-8646 R AR Hutchinson, Tim 1-202-225-4301 na D AZ Coppersmith, Sam 1-202-225-2635 1-202-225-2607 D AZ English, Karan 1-202-225-2190 1-202-225-8819 D AZ Pastor, Ed 1-202-225-4065 1-202-225-1655 R AZ Kolbe, James T. 1-202-225-2542 1-202-225-0378 R AZ Kyl, Jon L. 1-202-225-3361 na R AZ Stump, Robert 1-202-225-4576 1-202-225-6328 D CA Becerra, Xavier 1-202-225-6235 1-202-225-2202 D CA Beilenson, Anthony 1-202-225-5911 na D CA Berman, Howard L. 1-202-225-4695 na D CA Brown Jr., George E. 1-202-225-6161 1-202-225-8671 D CA Condit, Gary 1-202-225-6131 1-202-225-0819 D CA Dellums, Ronald V. 1-202-225-2661 1-202-225-9817 D CA Dixon, Julian C. 1-202-225-7084 1-202-225-4091 D CA Dooley, Calvin M. 1-202-225-3341 1-202-225-9308 D CA Edwards, Donald 1-202-225-3072 1-202-225-9460 D CA Eshoo, Anna G. 1-202-225-8104 na D CA Fazio, Vic 1-202-225-5716 1-202-225-0354 D CA Filner, Bob 1-202-225-8045 na D CA Hamburg, Dan 1-202-225-3311 na D CA Harman, Jane 1-202-225-8220 na D CA Lantos, Thomas 1-202-225-3531 na D CA Lehman, Richard H. 1-202-225-4540 na D CA Martinez, Matthew G. 1-202-225-5464 1-202-225-4467 D CA Matsui, Robert T. 1-202-225-7163 1-202-225-0566 D CA McCandless, Alfred 1-202-225-5330 1-202-226-1040 D CA Miller, George 1-202-225-2095 1-202-225-5609 D CA Mineta, Norman Y. 1-202-225-2631 na D CA Pelosi, Nancy 1-202-225-4965 1-202-225-8259 D CA Roybal-Allard, Lucille 1-202-225-1766 1-202-226-0350 D CA Schenk, Lynn 1-202-225-2040 1-202-225-2042 D CA Stark, Fortney H. 1-202-225-5065 na D CA Torres, Esteban E. 1-202-225-5256 na D CA Tucker III, Walter R. 1-202-225-7924 1-202-225-7926 D CA Waters, Maxine 1-202-225-2201 na D CA Waxman, Henry A. 1-202-225-3976 1-202-225-4099 D CA Woolsey, Lynn 1-202-225-5161 na R CA Baker, Bill 1-202-225-1880 1-202-225-2150 R CA Calvert, Ken 1-202-225-1986 na R CA Cox, Christopher 1-202-225-5611 1-202-225-9177 R CA Cunningham, Randy 1-202-225-5452 1-202-225-2558 R CA Doolittle, John T. 1-202-225-2511 1-202-225-5444 R CA Dornan, Robert K. 1-202-225-2965 1-202-225-3694 R CA Dreier, David 1-202-225-2305 1-202-225-4745 R CA Gallegly, Elton 1-202-225-5811 na R CA Herger, Walter W. 1-202-225-3076 1-202-225-1609 R CA Horn, Steve 1-202-225-6676 na R CA Huffington, Michael 1-202-225-3601 na R CA Hunter, Duncan L. 1-202-225-5672 1-202-225-0235 R CA Kim, Jay C. 1-202-225-3201 1-202-226-1485 R CA Lewis, Jerry 1-202-225-5861 1-202-225-6498 R CA McKeon, Howard P. 1-202-225-1956 1-202-226-0683 R CA Moorhead, Carlos J. 1-202-225-4176 1-202-226-1279 R CA Packard, Ronald 1-202-225-3906 1-202-225-0134 R CA Pombo, Richard 1-202-225-1947 1-202-226-0861 R CA Rohrabacher, Dana 1-202-225-2415 1-202-225-7067 R CA Royce, Ed 1-202-225-4111 na R CA Thomas, Bill 1-202-225-2915 na D CO Schroeder, Patricia 1-202-225-4431 1-202-225-5842 D CO Skaggs, David E. 1-202-225-2161 na R CO Allard, Wayne 1-202-225-4676 1-202-225-8630 R CO Hefley, Joel 1-202-225-4422 1-202-225-1942 R CO McInnis, Scott 1-202-225-4761 1-202-226-0622 R CO Schaefer, Daniel 1-202-225-7882 1-202-225-7885 D CT DeLauro, Rosa 1-202-225-3661 1-202-225-4890 D CT Gejdenson, Samuel 1-202-225-2076 1-202-225-4977 D CT Kennelly, Barbara B. 1-202-225-2265 1-202-225-1031 R CT Franks, Gary 1-202-225-3822 1-202-225-5085 R CT Johnson, Nancy L. 1-202-225-4476 1-202-225-4488 R CT Shays, Christopher 1-202-225-5541 1-202-225-9629 D DC Norton, Eleanor Holmes 1-202-225-8050 1-202-225-3002 R DE Castle, Michael N. 1-202-225-4165 1-202-225-2291 D FL Bacchus, James 1-202-225-3671 1-202-225-9039 D FL Brown, Corrine 1-202-225-0123 1-202-225-2256 D FL Deutsch, Peter 1-202-225-7931 1-202-225-8456 D FL Gibbons, Samuel M. 1-202-225-3376 na D FL Hastings, Alcee L. 1-202-225-1313 1-202-225-0690 D FL Hutto, Earl 1-202-225-4136 1-202-225-5785 D FL Johnston II, Harry 1-202-225-3001 1-202-225-8791 D FL Meek, Carrie 1-202-225-4506 1-202-226-0777 D FL Peterson, Peter 1-202-225-5235 1-202-225-1586 R FL Bilirakis, Michael 1-202-225-5755 1-202-225-4085 R FL Canady, Charles T. 1-202-225-1252 na R FL Diaz-Balart, Lincoln 1-202-225-4211 1-202-225-8576 R FL Fowler, Tillie 1-202-225-2501 na R FL Goss, Porter J. 1-202-225-2536 1-202-225-6820 R FL Lewis, Thomas 1-202-225-5792 1-202-225-1860 R FL McCollum, William 1-202-225-2176 na R FL Mica, John L. 1-202-225-4035 1-202-226-0821 R FL Miller, Dan 1-202-225-5015 1-202-226-0828 R FL Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana 1-202-225-3931 1-202-225-5620 R FL Shaw Jr., E. C. 1-202-225-3026 1-202-225-8398 R FL Stearns, Clifford B. 1-202-225-5744 1-202-225-3973 R FL Thurman, Carol L. 1-202-225-1002 1-202-226-0329 R FL Young, C. W. 1-202-225-5961 1-202-225-9764 D GA Bishop, Sanford 1-202-225-3631 1-202-225-2203 D GA Darden III, George 1-202-225-2931 na D GA Deal, Nathan 1-202-225-5211 1-202-225-8272 D GA Johnson, Don 1-202-225-4101 1-202-226-1466 D GA Lewis, John 1-202-225-3801 1-202-225-0351 D GA McKinney, Cynthia 1-202-225-1605 1-202-226-0691 D GA Rowland, J. R. 1-202-225-6531 na R GA Collins, Mac 1-202-225-5901 1-202-225-2515 R GA Gingrich, Newt 1-202-225-4501 1-202-225-4656 R GA Kingston, Jack 1-202-225-5831 1-202-226-2269 R GA Linder, John 1-202-225-4272 na D GU Underwood, Robert A. 1-202-225-1188 1-202-226-0341 D HI Abercrombie, Neil 1-202-225-2726 na D HI Mink, Patsy T. 1-202-225-4906 1-202-225-4987 D IA Smith, Neal 1-202-225-4426 na R IA Grandy, Fred 1-202-225-5476 na R IA Leach, James 1-202-225-6576 1-202-226-1278 R IA Lightfoot, James R. 1-202-225-3806 1-202-225-6973 R IA Nussle, James Allen 1-202-225-2911 1-202-225-9129 D ID LaRocco, Larry 1-202-225-6611 na R ID Crapo, Michael D. 1-202-225-5531 na D IL Collins, Cardiss 1-202-225-5006 1-202-225-8396 D IL Costello, Jerry F. 1-202-225-5661 1-202-225-0285 D IL Durbin, Richard J. 1-202-225-5271 1-202-225-0170 D IL Evans, Lane 1-202-225-5905 1-202-225-5396 D IL Lipinski, William O. 1-202-225-5701 1-202-225-1012 D IL Poshard, Glendal W. 1-202-225-5201 1-202-225-1541 D IL Reynolds, Mel 1-202-225-0773 na D IL Rostenkowski, Daniel 1-202-225-4061 na D IL Rush, Bobby L. 1-202-225-4372 1-202-226-0333 D IL Sangmeister, George 1-202-225-3635 1-202-225-4447 D IL Yates, Sidney R. 1-202-225-2111 1-202-225-3493 R IL Crane, Philip M. 1-202-225-3711 na R IL Ewing, Thomas 1-202-225-2371 1-202-225-8071 R IL Fawell, Harris W. 1-202-225-3515 1-202-225-9420 R IL Gutierrez, Luis V. 1-202-225-8203 1-202-225-7810 R IL Hastert, J. D. 1-202-225-2976 1-202-225-0697 R IL Hyde, Henry J. 1-202-225-4561 1-202-226-1240 R IL Manzullo, Donald 1-202-225-5676 1-202-225-5284 R IL Michel, Robert H. 1-202-225-6201 1-202-225-9461 R IL Porter, John E. 1-202-225-4835 1-202-225-0157 D IN Buyer, Steve 1-202-225-5037 na D IN Hamilton, Lee H. 1-202-225-5315 1-202-225-1101 D IN Jacobs Jr., Andrew 1-202-225-4011 na D IN Long, Jill 1-202-225-4436 na D IN McCloskey, Frank 1-202-225-4636 1-202-225-4688 D IN Roemer, Timothy 1-202-225-3915 1-202-225-6798 D IN Sharp, Philip R. 1-202-225-3021 na D IN Visclosky, Peter J. 1-202-225-2461 1-202-225-2493 R IN Burton, Daniel 1-202-225-2276 1-202-225-0016 R IN Myers, John T. 1-202-225-5805 na D KS Glickman, Daniel 1-202-225-6216 na D KS Slattery, James 1-202-225-6601 1-202-225-1445 R KS Meyers, Jan 1-202-225-2865 1-202-225-0554 R KS Roberts, Pat 1-202-225-2715 1-202-225-5375 D KY Baesler, Scotty 1-202-225-4706 na D KY Barlow, Tom 1-202-225-3115 1-202-225-2169 D KY Mazzoli, Romano L. 1-202-225-5401 na D KY Natcher, William H. 1-202-225-3501 na R KY Bunning, James 1-202-225-3465 1-202-225-0003 R KY Rogers, Harold 1-202-225-4601 1-202-225-0940 D LA Fields, Cleo 1-202-225-8490 1-202-225-8959 D LA Hayes, James A. 1-202-225-2031 1-202-225-1175 D LA Jefferson, William 1-202-225-6636 1-202-225-1988 D LA Tauzin, W. J. 1-202-225-4031 1-202-225-0563 R LA Baker, Richard H. 1-202-225-3901 1-202-225-7313 R LA Livingston, Robert 1-202-225-3015 1-202-225-0739 R LA McCrery, James 1-202-225-2777 1-202-225-8039 D MA Frank, Barney 1-202-225-5931 1-202-225-0182 D MA Kennedy II, Joseph P. 1-202-225-5111 1-202-225-9322 D MA Markey, Edward J. 1-202-225-2836 1-202-225-1716 D MA Meehan, Martin T. 1-202-225-3411 1-202-226-0771 D MA Moakley, John Joseph 1-202-225-8273 1-202-225-7304 D MA Neal, Richard E. 1-202-225-5601 1-202-225-8112 D MA Olver, John W. 1-202-225-5335 1-202-226-1224 D MA Studds, Gerry E. 1-202-225-3111 1-202-225-2212 R MA Blute, Peter I. 1-202-225-6101 1-202-225-2217 R MA Torkildsen, Peter G. 1-202-225-8020 1-202-225-8037 D MD Cardin, Benjamin L. 1-202-225-4016 na D MD Hoyer, Steny H. 1-202-225-4131 1-202-225-4300 D MD Mfume, Kweisi 1-202-225-4741 1-202-225-3178 D MD Wynn, Albert R. 1-202-225-8699 1-202-225-8714 R MD Bartlett, Roscoe G. 1-202-225-2721 na R MD Bentley, Helen D. 1-202-225-3061 1-202-225-4251 R MD Gilchrest, Wayne T. 1-202-225-5311 1-202-225-0254 R MD Morella, Constance 1-202-225-5341 1-202-225-1389 D ME Andrews, Thomas H. 1-202-225-6116 1-202-225-9065 R ME Snowe, Olympia J. 1-202-225-6306 na D MI Barcia, James A. 1-202-225-8171 1-202-225-2168 D MI Bonior, David E. 1-202-225-2106 1-202-226-1169 D MI Carr, Robert 1-202-225-4872 1-202-225-1260 D MI Collins Jr., Barbara 1-202-225-2261 1-202-225-6645 D MI Conyers Jr., John 1-202-225-5126 1-202-225-0072 D MI Dingell, John D. 1-202-225-4071 1-202-225-7426 D MI Ford, William D. 1-202-225-6261 na D MI Kildee, Dale E. 1-202-225-3611 na D MI Levin, Sander M. 1-202-225-4961 1-202-226-1033 D MI Stupak, Bart 1-202-225-4735 1-202-225-4744 R MI Camp, David Lee 1-202-225-3561 1-202-225-9679 R MI Henry, Paul B. 1-202-225-3831 na R MI Hoekstra, Peter 1-202-225-4401 na R MI Knollenberg, Joe 1-202-225-5802 1-202-226-2356 R MI Smith, Nick 1-202-225-6276 na R MI Upton, Frederick S. 1-202-225-3761 1-202-225-4986 D MN Minge, David 1-202-225-2331 na D MN Oberstar, James L. 1-202-225-6211 1-202-225-0699 D MN Penny, Timothy J. 1-202-225-2472 1-202-225-0051 D MN Peterson, Collin C. 1-202-225-2165 1-202-225-1593 D MN Sabo, Martin O. 1-202-225-4755 na D MN Vento, Bruce F. 1-202-225-6631 na R MN Grams, Rod 1-202-225-2271 1-202-225-9802 R MN Ramstad, James M. 1-202-225-2871 1-202-225-6351 D MO Clay, William L. 1-202-225-2406 1-202-225-1725 D MO Danner, Pat 1-202-225-7041 na D MO Gephardt, Richard A. 1-202-225-2671 1-202-225-7452 D MO Skelton, Ike 1-202-225-2876 1-202-225-2695 D MO Volkmer, Harold L. 1-202-225-2956 1-202-225-7834 D MO Wheat, Alan 1-202-225-4535 1-202-225-5990 R MO Emerson, Bill 1-202-225-4404 1-202-225-9621 R MO Hancock, Melton D. 1-202-225-6536 1-202-225-7700 R MO Talent, James M. 1-202-225-2561 1-202-225-2563 D MS Montgomery, G. V. 1-202-225-5031 1-202-225-3375 D MS Parker, Paul M. 1-202-225-5865 1-202-225-5886 D MS Taylor, Gene 1-202-225-5772 1-202-225-7074 D MS Whitten, Jamie L. 1-202-225-4306 1-202-225-4328 D MT Williams, Pat 1-202-225-3211 na D NC Clayton, Eva 1-202-225-3101 na D NC Hefner, W. G. 1-202-225-3715 1-202-225-4036 D NC Lancaster, H. M. 1-202-225-3415 1-202-225-0666 D NC Neal, Stephen L. 1-202-225-2071 1-202-225-4060 D NC Price, David E. 1-202-225-1784 1-202-225-6314 D NC Rose, Charles 1-202-225-2731 1-202-225-2470 D NC Valentine, Tim 1-202-225-4531 1-202-225-1539 D NC Watt, Melvin 1-202-225-1510 1-202-225-1512 R NC Ballenger, Thomas C. 1-202-225-2576 1-202-225-0316 R NC Coble, Howard 1-202-225-3065 1-202-225-8611 R NC McMillan, J. A. 1-202-225-1976 na R NC Taylor, Charles Hart 1-202-225-6401 1-202-251-0794 D ND Pomeroy, Earl 1-202-225-2611 1-202-226-0893 D NE Hoagland, Peter 1-202-225-4155 na R NE Barrett, William E. 1-202-225-6435 na R NE Bereuter, Douglas 1-202-225-4806 1-202-226-1148 D NH Swett, Richard N. 1-202-225-5206 na R NH Zeliff Jr., William 1-202-225-5456 1-202-225-4370 D NJ Andrews, Robert E. 1-202-225-6501 na D NJ Hughes, William J. 1-202-225-6572 1-202-226-1108 D NJ Klein, Herbert C. 1-202-225-5751 na D NJ Menendez, Robert 1-202-225-7919 1-202-226-0792 D NJ Pallone Jr., Frank 1-202-225-4671 1-202-225-9665 D NJ Payne, Donald M. 1-202-225-3436 1-202-225-4160 D NJ Torricelli, Robert 1-202-224-5061 1-202-225-0843 R NJ Franks, Bob 1-202-225-5361 1-202-225-9460 R NJ Gallo, Dean A. 1-202-225-5034 1-202-225-0658 R NJ Roukema, Marge 1-202-225-4465 1-202-225-9048 R NJ Saxton, H. J. 1-202-225-4765 1-202-225-0778 R NJ Smith, Christopher 1-202-225-3765 1-202-225-7768 R NJ Zimmer, Richard A. 1-202-225-5801 1-202-225-9181 D NM Richardson, William 1-202-225-6190 na R NM Schiff, Steven H. 1-202-225-6316 1-202-225-4975 R NM Skeen, Joseph 1-202-225-2365 1-202-225-9599 D NV Bilbray, James H. 1-202-225-5965 1-202-225-8808 R NV Vucanovich, Barbara 1-202-225-6155 1-202-225-2319 D NY Ackerman, Gary L. 1-202-225-2601 na D NY Engel, Eliot L. 1-202-225-2464 na D NY Flake, Floyd H. 1-202-225-3461 1-202-226-4169 D NY Hinchey, Maurice D. 1-202-225-6335 na D NY Hochbrueckner, G. 1-202-225-3826 1-202-225-0776 D NY LaFalce, John J. 1-202-225-3231 na D NY Lowey, Nita M. 1-202-225-6506 1-202-225-0546 D NY Maloney, Carolyn B. 1-202-225-7944 na D NY Manton, Thomas J. 1-202-225-3965 na D NY McNulty, Michael R. 1-202-225-5076 1-202-225-5077 D NY Nadler, Jerrold 1-202-225-5635 1-202-225-6923 D NY Owens, Major R. 1-202-225-6231 1-202-226-0112 D NY Rangel, Charles B. 1-202-225-4365 1-202-225-0816 D NY Schumer, Charles E. 1-202-225-6616 1-202-225-4183 D NY Serrano, Jose E. 1-202-225-4361 1-202-225-6001 D NY Slaughter, Louise M. 1-202-225-3615 1-202-225-7822 D NY Towns, Edolphus 1-202-225-5936 1-202-225-1018 D NY Velazquez, Nydia M. 1-202-225-2361 1-202-226-0327 R NY Boehlert, Sherwood 1-202-225-3665 1-202-225-1891 R NY Fish Jr., Hamilton 1-202-225-5441 1-202-225-0962 R NY Gilman, Benjamin A. 1-202-225-3776 na R NY Houghton, Amory 1-202-225-3161 1-202-225-5574 R NY King, Peter T. 1-202-225-7896 1-202-226-2279 R NY Lazio, Rick A. 1-202-225-3335 na R NY Levy, David A. 1-202-225-5516 1-202-225-4672 R NY McHugh, John M. 1-202-225-4611 na R NY Molinari, Susan 1-202-225-3371 1-202-226-1272 R NY Paxon, L. W. 1-202-225-5265 1-202-225-5910 R NY Quinn, Jack 1-202-225-3306 1-202-226-0347 R NY Solomon, Gerald B. 1-202-225-5614 1-202-225-1168 R NY Walsh, James T. 1-202-225-3701 1-202-225-4042 D OH Applegate, Douglas 1-202-225-6265 na D OH Brown, Sherrod 1-202-225-3401 na D OH Fingerhut, Eric D. 1-202-225-5731 na D OH Hall, Tony P. 1-202-225-6465 na D OH Kaptur, Marcy 1-202-225-4146 1-202-225-7711 D OH Mann, Davis S. 1-202-225-2216 na D OH Sawyer, Thomas C. 1-202-225-5231 1-202-225-5278 D OH Stokes, Louis 1-202-225-7032 1-202-225-1339 D OH Strickland, Ted 1-202-225-5705 1-202-226-0331 D OH Traficant Jr., James 1-202-225-5261 1-202-225-3719 R OH Boehner, John Andrew 1-202-225-6205 1-202-225-0704 R OH Gillmor, Paul E. 1-202-225-6405 na R OH Hobson, David L. 1-202-225-4324 na R OH Hoke, Martin R. 1-202-225-5871 1-202-226-0994 R OH Kasich, John R. 1-202-225-5355 na R OH Oxley, Michael G. 1-202-225-2676 na R OH Pryce, Deborah 1-202-225-2015 1-202-226-0986 R OH Regula, Ralph 1-202-225-3876 1-202-225-3059 D OK Brewster, Billy Kent 1-202-225-4565 na D OK English, Glenn 1-202-225-5565 1-202-225-8698 D OK McCurdy, David 1-202-225-6165 1-202-225-9746 D OK Synar, Michael 1-202-225-2701 1-202-225-2796 R OK Inhofe, James M. 1-202-225-2211 1-202-225-9187 R OK Istook, Ernest Jim 1-202-225-2132 na D OR DeFazio, Peter A. 1-202-225-6416 na D OR Furse, Elizabeth 1-202-225-0855 na D OR Kopetski, Michael J. 1-202-225-5711 1-202-225-9477 D OR Wyden, Ronald 1-202-225-4811 na R OR Smith, Robert F. 1-202-225-6730 na D PA Blackwell, Lucien E. 1-202-225-4001 1-202-225-7362 D PA Borski, Robert A. 1-202-225-8251 1-202-225-4628 D PA Coyne, William J. 1-202-225-2301 na D PA Foglietta, Thomas M. 1-202-225-4731 1-202-225-0088 D PA Holden, Tim 1-202-225-5546 1-202-226-0996 D PA Kanjorski, Paul E. 1-202-225-6511 1-202-225-9024 D PA Klink, Ron 1-202-225-2565 na D PA Margolies-Mezvinsky, Marjorie 1-202-225-6111 1-202-226-0798 D PA McHale, Paul 1-202-225-6411 1-202-225-5320 D PA Murphy, Austin J. 1-202-225-4665 1-202-225-4772 D PA Murtha, John P. 1-202-225-2065 1-202-225-5709 R PA Clinger Jr., William 1-202-225-5121 1-202-225-4681 R PA Gekas, George W. 1-202-225-4315 1-202-225-8440 R PA Goodling, William F. 1-202-225-5836 1-202-226-1000 R PA Greenwood, Jim 1-202-225-4276 1-202-225-9511 R PA McDade, Joseph M. 1-202-225-3731 1-202-225-9594 R PA Ridge, Thomas J. 1-202-225-5406 na R PA Santorum, Richard J. 1-202-225-2135 1-202-225-7747 R PA Shuster, Bud 1-202-225-2431 na R PA Walker, Robert S. 1-202-225-2411 na R PA Weldon, Curt 1-202-225-2011 1-202-225-8137 D PR Romero-Barcelo, Carlos 1-202-225-2615 1-202-225-2154 D RI Reed, John F. 1-202-225-2735 1-202-225-9580 R RI Machtley, Ronald K. 1-202-225-4911 1-202-225-4417 D SA Faleomavaega, Eni F.H. 1-202-225-8577 na D SC Clyburn, James E. 1-202-225-3315 1-202-225-2302 D SC Derrick, Butler 1-202-225-5301 na D SC Spratt Jr., John M. 1-202-225-5501 1-202-225-0464 R SC Inglis, Bob 1-202-225-6030 na R SC Ravenel Jr., Arthur 1-202-225-3176 na R SC Spence, Floyd 1-202-225-2452 1-202-225-2455 D SD Johnson, Timothy P. 1-202-225-2801 1-202-225-2427 D TN Clement, Robert 1-202-225-4311 1-202-226-1035 D TN Cooper, James 1-202-225-6831 1-202-225-4520 D TN Ford, Harold E. 1-202-225-3265 na D TN Lloyd, Marilyn 1-202-225-3271 1-202-225-6974 D TN Tanner, John S. 1-202-225-4714 1-202-225-1765 R TN Duncan Jr., John J. 1-202-225-5435 1-202-225-6440 R TN Gordon, Bart 1-202-225-4231 1-202-225-6887 R TN Quillen, James H. 1-202-225-6356 1-202-225-7812 R TN Sundquist, Donald 1-202-225-2811 1-202-225-2814 D TX Andrews, Michael A. 1-202-255-7508 na D TX Brooks, Jack 1-202-225-6565 1-202-225-1584 D TX Bryant, John 1-202-225-2231 na D TX Chapman, Jim 1-202-225-3035 1-202-225-7265 D TX Coleman, Ronald D. 1-202-225-4831 na D TX Edwards, Chet 1-202-225-6105 1-202-225-0350 D TX Frost, Martin 1-202-225-3605 1-202-225-4951 D TX Geren, Peter 1-202-225-5071 1-202-225-2786 D TX Gonzalez, Henry B. 1-202-225-3236 1-202-225-1915 D TX Green, Gene 1-202-225-1688 1-202-225-9903 D TX Hall, Ralph M. 1-202-225-6673 1-202-225-3332 D TX Johnson, Eddie Bernice 1-202-225-8885 na D TX Laughlin, Gregory H. 1-202-225-2831 1-202-225-1108 D TX Ortiz, Solomon P. 1-202-225-7742 1-202-226-1134 D TX Pickle, J. J. 1-202-225-4865 na D TX Sarpalius, Bill 1-202-225-3706 1-202-225-6142 D TX Stenholm, Charles W. 1-202-225-6605 1-202-225-2234 D TX Tejeda, Frank 1-202-225-1640 na D TX Washington, Craig A. 1-202-225-3816 na D TX Wilson, Charles 1-202-225-2401 1-202-225-1764 D TX de la Garza, E 1-202-225-2531 1-202-225-2534 R TX Archer, William 1-202-225-2571 1-202-225-4381 R TX Armey, Richard K. 1-202-225-7772 1-202-225-7614 R TX Barton, Joseph 1-202-225-2002 1-202-225-3052 R TX Bonilla, Henry 1-202-225-4511 na R TX Combest, Larry 1-202-225-4005 na R TX DeLay, Thomas 1-202-225-5951 na R TX Fields, Jack 1-202-225-4901 na R TX Johnson, Sam 1-202-225-4201 na R TX Smith, Lamar S. 1-202-225-4236 1-202-225-8628 D UT Orton, William H. 1-202-225-7751 1-202-226-1223 D UT Shepherd, Karen 1-202-225-3011 1-202-226-0354 R UT Hansen, James V. 1-202-225-0453 1-202-225-5857 D VA Boucher, Rick 1-202-225-3861 na D VA Byrne, Leslie L. 1-202-225-1492 na D VA Moran Jr., James P. 1-202-225-4376 1-202-225-0017 D VA Payne Jr., Lewis F. 1-202-225-4711 1-202-226-1147 D VA Pickett, Owen B. 1-202-225-4215 1-202-225-4218 D VA Scott, Robert C. 1-202-225-8351 1-202-225-3854 D VA Sisisky, Norman 1-202-225-6365 1-202-226-1170 R VA Bateman, Herbert H. 1-202-225-4261 1-202-225-4382 R VA Bliley Jr., Thomas J. 1-202-225-2815 na R VA Goodlatte, Robert W. 1-202-225-5431 1-202-225-9681 R VA Wolf, Frank R. 1-202-225-5136 na D VI de Lugo, Ron 1-202-225-1790 1-202-225-9392 I VT Sanders, Bernard 1-202-225-4115 1-202-225-6790 D WA Cantwell, Maria 1-202-225-6311 1-202-225-2286 D WA Dicks, Norman D. 1-202-225-5916 na D WA Foley, Thomas S. 1-202-225-2006 na D WA Inslee, Jay 1-202-225-5816 1-202-226-1137 D WA Kreidler, Mike 1-202-225-8901 1-202-226-2361 D WA McDermott, James A. 1-202-225-3106 1-202-225-9212 D WA Swift, Al 1-202-225-2605 1-202-225-2608 D WA Unsoeld, Jolene 1-202-225-3536 1-202-225-9095 R WA Dunn, Jennifer 1-202-225-7761 na D WI Barrett, Thomas M. 1-202-225-3571 na D WI Gunderson, Steve 1-202-225-5506 1-202-225-6195 D WI Kleczka, Gerald D. 1-202-225-4572 na D WI Obey, David R. 1-202-225-3365 na R WI Klug, Scott 1-202-225-2906 na R WI Petri, Thomas E. 1-202-225-2476 1-202-225-2356 R WI Roth, Toby 1-202-225-5665 1-202-225-0087 R WI Sensenbrenner, F. J. 1-202-225-5101 1-202-225-3190 D WV Mollohan, Alan B. 1-202-225-4172 1-202-225-7564 D WV Rahall II, Nick Joe 1-202-225-3452 1-202-225-9061 D WV Wise Jr., Robert E. 1-202-225-2711 1-202-225-7856 R WY Thomas, Craig 1-202-225-2311 1-202-225-0726 2.3.09. US Senate. URL: gopher:// 2.3.10. US Senate, 103rd Congress Phone and Fax Numbers. >From US Congress Yellow Book, January 1993, with some updates and corrections as of March 1994. p st name phone fax = == ======================== ============== ============== R AK Murkowski, Frank H. 1-202-224-6665 1-202-224-5301 R AK Stevens, Ted 1-202-224-3004 1-202-224-1044 D AL Heflin, Howell T. 1-202-224-4124 1-202-224-3149 D AL Shelby, Richard C. 1-202-224-5744 1-202-224-3416 D AR Bumpers, Dale 1-202-224-4843 1-202-224-6435 D AR Pryor, David 1-202-224-2353 na D AZ DeConcini, Dennis 1-202-224-4521 1-202-224-2302 R AZ McCain, John 1-202-224-2235 na D CA Boxer, Barbara 1-202-225-5161 1-415-956-6701 D CA Feinstein, Diane 1-202-224-3841 1-202-228-3954 D CO Campbell, Ben N. 1-202-225-4761 1-202-225-0228 R CO Brown, Henry 1-202-224-5941 na D CT Dodd, Christopher J. 1-202-224-2823 na D CT Lieberman, Joseph I. 1-202-224-4041 1-202-224-9750 D DE Biden Jr., Joseph R. 1-202-224-5042 na R DE Roth Jr., William V. 1-202-224-2441 1-202-224-2805 D FL Graham, Robert 1-202-224-3041 na R FL Mack, Connie 1-202-224-5274 1-202-224-8022 D GA Nunn, Samuel 1-202-224-3521 1-202-224-0072 R GA Coverdell, Paul 1-202-224-3643 na D HI Akaka, Daniel K. 1-202-224-6361 1-202-224-2126 D HI Inouye, Daniel K. 1-202-224-3934 1-202-224-6747 D IA Harkin, Thomas 1-202-224-3254 1-202-224-7431 R IA Grassley, Charles E. 1-202-224-3744 na R ID Craig, Larry E. 1-202-224-2752 1-202-224-2573 R ID Kempthorne, Dirk 1-202-224-6142 1-202-224-5893 D IL Moseley-Braun, Carol 1-202-224-2854 na D IL Simon, Paul 1-202-224-2152 1-202-224-0868 R IN Coats, Daniel R. 1-202-224-5623 1-202-224-8964 R IN Lugar, Richard G. 1-202-224-4814 na R KS Dole, Robert 1-202-224-6521 1-202-224-8952 R KS Kassebaum, Nancy L. 1-202-224-4774 1-202-224-3514 D KY Ford, Wendell H. 1-202-224-4343 na R KY McConnell, Mitch 1-202-224-2541 1-202-224-2499 D LA Breaux, John B. 1-202-224-4623 na D LA Johnston, J. Bennett 1-202-224-5824 na D MA Kennedy, Edward M. 1-202-224-4543 1-202-224-2417 D MA Kerry, John F. 1-202-224-2742 1-202-224-8525 D MD Mikulski, Barbara A. 1-202-224-4654 1-202-224-8858 D MD Sarbanes, Paul S. 1-202-224-4524 1-202-224-1651 D ME Mitchell, George J. 1-202-224-5344 1-202-224-6853 R ME Cohen, William S. 1-202-224-2523 1-202-224-2693 D MI Levin, Carl 1-202-224-6221 na D MI Riegle Jr., Donald 1-202-224-4822 1-202-224-8834 D MN Wellstone, Paul 1-202-224-5641 1-202-224-8438 R MN Durenberger, David 1-202-224-3244 na R MO Bond, Christopher S. 1-202-224-5721 1-202-224-8149 R MO Danforth, John C. 1-202-224-6154 na R MS Cochran, Thad 1-202-224-5054 na R MS Lott, Trent 1-202-224-6253 1-202-224-2262 D MT Baucus, Max 1-202-224-2651 na R MT Burns, Conrad R. 1-202-224-2644 1-202-224-8594 R NC Faircloth, D. M. 1-202-224-3154 1-202-224-7406 R NC Helms, Jesse 1-202-224-6342 na D ND Conrad, Kent 1-202-224-2043 na D ND Dorgan, Byron L. 1-202-225-2611 1-202-225-9436 D NE Exon, J. J. 1-202-224-4224 na D NE Kerrey, Joseph R. 1-202-224-6551 1-202-224-7645 R NH Gregg, Judd 1-202-224-3324 na R NH Smith, Robert 1-202-224-2841 1-202-224-1353 D NJ Bradley, William 1-202-224-3224 1-202-224-8567 D NJ Lautenberg, Frank R. 1-202-224-4744 1-202-224-9707 D NM Bingaman, Jeff 1-202-224-5521 na R NM Domenici, Pete V. 1-202-224-6621 1-202-224-7371 D NV Bryan, Richard H. 1-202-224-6244 na D NV Reid, Harry 1-202-224-3542 1-202-224-7327 D NY Moynihan, Daniel P. 1-202-224-4451 1-202-224-9293 R NY D'Amato, Alfonse M. 1-202-224-6542 1-202-224-5871 D OH Glenn, John 1-202-224-3353 na D OH Metzenbaum, Howard 1-202-224-2315 1-202-224-6519 D OK Boren, David L. 1-202-224-4721 na R OK Nickles, Donald 1-202-224-5754 1-202-224-6008 R OR Hatfield, Mark O. 1-202-224-3753 na R OR Packwood, Robert 1-202-224-5244 na D PA Wofford, Harris 1-202-224-6324 1-202-224-4161 R PA Specter, Arlen 1-202-224-4254 na D RI Pell, Claiborne 1-202-224-4642 1-202-224-4680 R RI Chafee, John H. 1-202-224-2921 na D SC Hollings, Ernest F. 1-202-224-6121 na R SC Thurmond, Strom 1-202-224-5972 1-202-224-1300 D SD Daschle, Thomas A. 1-202-224-2321 1-202-224-2047 R SD Pressler, Larry 1-202-224-5842 1-202-224-1630 D TN Mathews, Harlan 1-202-224-1036 1-202-228-3679 D TN Sasser, James 1-202-224-3344 na D TX Krueger, Robert 1-202-224-5922 na R TX Gramm, Phil 1-202-224-2934 na R UT Bennett, Robert 1-202-224-5444 na R UT Hatch, Orrin G. 1-202-224-5251 1-202-224-6331 D VA Robb, Charles S. 1-202-224-4024 1-202-224-8689 R VA Warner, John W. 1-202-224-2023 1-202-224-6295 D VT Leahy, Patrick J. 1-202-224-4242 na R VT Jeffords, James M. 1-202-224-5141 na D WA Murray, Patty 1-202-224-2621 1-202-224-0238 R WA Gorton, Slade 1-202-224-3441 1-202-224-9393 D WI Feingold, Russell 1-202-224-5323 na D WI Kohl, Herbert H. 1-202-224-5653 na D WV Byrd, Robert C. 1-202-224-3954 1-202-224-4025 D WV Rockefeller, John D. 1-202-224-6472 1-202-224-1689 R WY Simpson, Alan K. 1-202-224-3424 1-202-224-1315 R WY Wallop, Malcolm 1-202-224-6441 1-202-224-3230 2.4.00. US State Governments. 2.4.01. State of Arizona - State Government. State of Arizona Department of Administration 1616 West Adams Phoenix, AZ 85007 E-mail: sysadm@EMAIL.STATE.AZ.US URL: mailto::sysadm@EMAIL.STATE.AZ.US 2.4.02. State of California - State Government. California State Senate 1020 N Street, Rm 501 Sacramento, CA 95814 E-mail: JMS@OPUS1.COM (Joel M. Snyder) URL: mailto::JMS@OPUS1.COM (Joel M. Snyder) 2.4.03. State of California - Legislative Information. In accordance with a 1993 law (AB 1624, Chapter 1235, Statutes of 1993), information regarding matters pending before the California Legislature is available on the Internet. Information available includes bill history and status, the California Codes, Constitution, and all statutes enacted on or after 01/01/93. To receive the help file and the public access guide, send the following message to connect help get README_public_access_guide_txt quit URL: (with the above text in the body of the message) Information is also available via anonymous FTP: URL: URL: URL: 2.4.04. State of California Government Information. California government information is available from numerous sources, including the following Gopher sites: URL: gopher:// URL: gopher:// 2.4.05. State of California, State Legislature. URL: gopher:// 2.4.06. State of Florida - State Government. E-mail: jensen@ACNS.FSU.EDU (Phil Jensen) URL: mailto::jensen@ACNS.FSU.EDU (Phil Jensen) 2.4.07. State of Florida - Supreme Court. Supreme Court of the State of Florida Supreme Court Building Tallahassee, FL 32399 E-mail: jcook@LAW.FSU.EDU URL: mailto::jcook@LAW.FSU.EDU 2.4.08. State of Georgia - State Government. E-mail: Jerry@PEACHNET.EDU (Jerry Segers) URL: mailto::Jerry@PEACHNET.EDU (Jerry Segers) 2.4.09. State of Hawaii - State Government. E-mail: torben@Hawaii.Edu URL: mailto::torben@Hawaii.Edu 2.4.10. State of Idaho - State Government. E-mail: PBURNS@CSUPWB.COLOSTATE.EDU (Pat Burns) URL: mailto::PBURNS@CSUPWB.COLOSTATE.EDU (Pat Burns) 2.4.11. State of Illinois - State Government. State of Illinois CMS, BCCS, NCC 120 W. Jefferson St. Springfield, IL 62702 E-mail: mthomas@FORBES.STATE.IL.US (Thomas Marvin) URL: mailto::mthomas@FORBES.STATE.IL.US (Thomas Marvin) 2.4.12. State of Indiana - State Government. Indiana Dept. of Education Room 229, State House Indianapolis, IN 44204-2798 E-mail: mhuffman@IDEANET.DOE.STATE.IN.US (Michael Huffman) URL: mailto::mhuffman@IDEANET.DOE.STATE.IN.US (Michael Huffman) 2.4.13. State of Iowa - Department of Public Safety. Iowa State Government, Department of Public Safety Wallace State Office Building Data Services Bureau, Third Floor Des Moines, IA 50319-0045 E-mail: (Larry Grund) URL: (Larry Grund) 2.4.14. State of Iowa - State Government. Government of the State of Iowa Iowa Communications Network Hoover Building, A Level Des Moines, IA 50319 E-mail: URL: 2.4.15. State of Kansas - State Government. Kansas State Government 900 SW Jackson, Room 751S Topeka, KS 66612 E-mail: admin@ADMIN.STATE.KS.US URL: mailto::admin@ADMIN.STATE.KS.US 2.4.16. State of Kentucky - State Government. Kentucky State Government Dept of Information Systems Network Support Branch 101 Cold Harbor Drive Frankfort, KY 40601 E-mail: dwhitehouse@DWHITEHOUSE.DIS.STATE.KY.US (Dan L. Whitehouse) URL: mailto::dwhitehouse@DWHITEHOUSE.DIS.STATE.KY.US (Dan L. Whitehouse) 2.4.17. State of Maine - State Government. State of Maine Bureau of Information Service Telecommunications Division 397 Water Street Gardiner, ME 04345 E-mail: KERRY@MAINE.MAINE.EDU URL: mailto::KERRY@MAINE.MAINE.EDU 2.4.18. State of Maryland - State Government. E-mail: petry@NETWOLF.UMD.EDU (Michael Petry) URL: mailto::petry@NETWOLF.UMD.EDU (Michael Petry) 2.4.19. State of Minnesota, House of Representatives. This gopher site includes the Minnesota statutes and information about bills and House members. URL: gopher:// For more information, contact Rep. Marc Asch 507 State Office Building St. Paul, MN 55155 E-mail: URL: or: Craig S. Wilson Document & Image Specialists, Inc. 1677 West County Road F. Arden Hills, MN 55112 2.4.20. State of Minnesota - State Government. Minnesota Dept. of Administration 658 Cedar St. 500 COB St. Paul, MN 55155 E-mail: amy@NIC.STATE.MN.US (Amy Coulter) URL: mailto::amy@NIC.STATE.MN.US (Amy Coulter) 2.4.21. State of Nebraska - State Government. State of Nebraska Division of Communications 501 South 14th Street, Room 20 Lincoln, NE 68508-0534 E-mail: wmiller@DOCSUN.DOC.STATE.NE.US (William Miller) URL: mailto::wmiller@DOCSUN.DOC.STATE.NE.US (William Miller) 2.4.22. State of New Mexico - Criminal Justice Network. New Mexico Criminal Justice Network c/o City of Albuquerque ISD One Civic Plaza, NW Room 2061 Albuquerque, NM 87102-2166 E-mail: DJONES@CABQ.GOV (Dan Jones) URL: mailto::DJONES@CABQ.GOV (Dan Jones) 2.4.23. State of New Mexico - State Government. New Mexico State Government 715 Alta Vista Santa Fe, NM 87503 E-mail: wise@STATE.NM.US (Jerry Wise) URL: mailto::wise@STATE.NM.US (Jerry Wise) 2.4.24. State of New York - Court of Appeals. URL: telnet:// (then "go court") 2.4.25. State of New York, Government Info. URL: gopher:// (under "New York State Government Info Locator") 2.4.26. State of New York, State Library. This Gopher site was created to serve as the Government Information Locator System for New York State and to make available a variety of State documents and publications. URL: gopher:// For more information, contact: E-mail: URL: 2.4.27. State of North Carolina - State Government. North Carolina State Telecommunication Services 3700 Wake Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27609 E-mail: smj@SIPS.STATE.NC.US (Mark Johnson) E-mail: jim_broadwell@SIPS.STATE.NC.US (Jim Broadwell) URL: mailto::smj@SIPS.STATE.NC.US (Mark Johnson) URL: mailto::jim_broadwell@SIPS.STATE.NC.US (Jim Broadwell) 2.4.28. State of Oregon - State Government. Oregon Department of Administrative Services IRMD, Telecommunications Section 1225 Ferry Street SE Salem, OR 97310 E-mail: rutley@LYNX.OR.GOV (Ron Utley) URL: mailto::rutley@LYNX.OR.GOV (Ron Utley) 2.4.29. State of Texas - State Government. E-mail: bard@UTEXAS.EDU (William C. Bard) URL: mailto::bard@UTEXAS.EDU (William C. Bard) 2.4.30. State of Utah - State Courts. Utah State Courts 230 S. 500 E. Suite 360 Salt Lake City, UT 84102 E-mail: Asay@UTCOURTS.GOV URL: mailto::Asay@UTCOURTS.GOV 2.4.31. State of Utah - State Government. E-mail: cole@CC.UTAH.EDU (Allen Cole) URL: mailto::cole@CC.UTAH.EDU (Allen Cole) 2.4.32. State of Utah - Statutes. The Utah Code is at available at this site. URL: gopher:// (under /Off Campus Information/State of Utah) 2.4.33. State of Vermont - State Government. Vermont Communications and Information Technology 33 State Street Montpelier, VT 05609 E-mail: paturban@CIT.STATE.VT.US (Pat Urban) URL: mailto::paturban@CIT.STATE.VT.US (Pat Urban) 2.4.34. State of Virginia - State Government. Commonwealth of Virginia 110 South 7th Street Richmond, VA 23219 E-mail: lcarter@DIT1.STATE.VA.US (Leslie Reiss Carter) URL: mailto::lcarter@DIT1.STATE.VA.US (Leslie Reiss Carter) 2.4.35. State of Washington - State Government. Department of Information Services 512 12th Ave SE PO BOX 42450 Olympia, WA 98504-2450 E-mail: grege@DIS.WA.GOV (Greg Emans) URL: mailto::grege@DIS.WA.GOV (Greg Emans) 2.4.36. State of Wisconsin - Circuit Court Automation Project. Circuit Court Automation Project Wisconsin State Supreme Court 110 E. Main St., Suite 215 Madison, WI 53703 E-mail: Jmichae@FULLFEED.COM URL: mailto::Jmichae@FULLFEED.COM 2.4.37. State of Wisconsin - State Government. E-mail: dorl@MACC.WISC.EDU (Michael Dorl) URL: mailto::dorl@MACC.WISC.EDU (Michael Dorl) 2.4.38. State of Wyoming - State Government. Dept of Admin & Info Computer Technology Division 2001 Capitol Avenue Cheyenne, WY 82002-0060 E-mail: netmaster@WYDSPROD.STATE.WY.US URL: mailto::netmaster@WYDSPROD.STATE.WY.US "The Legal List, Law-Related Resources on the Internet and Elsewhere" Erik J. Heels \ 39 Main Street \ Fax: (207) 439-8647 Eliot, ME 03903 \ ISBN 0-9643637-0-4 (v5.1 paperback) === DISTRIBUTION: How to obtain this document This document has been brought to you in part by CRAM, involved in the redistribution of valuable information to a wider USENET audience (see below). The most recent version of this document can be obtained via the author's instructions at the beginning. 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