Archive-name: law/net-resources/part10 Version: 5.1 Last-modifed: 94/09/17 Distribution-agent: (This document has been brought to you in part by CRAM. See the bottom for more information, including instructions on how to obtain updates.) === This chapter describes law-related resources made available by non-US organizations, governments, and educational institutions--including those made available by the United Nations. One of the best ways to find the e-mail address for a particular individual is to call that individual. If you choose to contact the individuals listed below via e-mail, please keep your e-mail message short and to-the-point. 5.00. Non-US Resources. 5.01. Australia - "E Law." E Law is an electronic journal. E Law welcomes contributions in 3 principal formats: 1) materials of current interest such as reports and comments on developments in the law including significant recent cases; 2) materials reporting on scholarly work in progress or calling for comment such as research notes and excerpts from unfinished larger works; and 3) completed papers that may incorporate, refer to, or be accompanied by materials generated by previous publication of a version of the finished work in E Law as a category 2 piece (these submissions will be subject to external peer review). For more information, contact: Archie Zariski Murdoch University Law School Perth, Western Australia, 6150 AUSTRALIA E-mail: URL: Individual articles are available by subscription. Upon subscribing you will receive a message giving full details of how to do so. Subscribe to: Text of message: subscribe elaw-j 5.02. Australia - "Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Societies for Computers & Law, The." The Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Societies for Computers & Law Dan Hunter, Co-editor University of Melbourne Law School Parkville VIC 3052 AUSTRALIA E-mail: URL: (Dan Hunter) 5.03. Australia - Murdoch University. Under the "Electronic Journals, Newsletters - Law" sub-menu, you will find "E Law: Murdoch Electronic Journal of Law" and "Legal Bytes," a computer law journal. URL: gopher:// 5.04. Australia - University of Sydney. Australian law-related information. URL: gopher:// 5.05. Canada - Canadian Institute of Resources Law. Resources is the newsletter of the Canadian Institute of Resources Law and is available via e-mail. Published quarterly, the newsletter's purpose is to provide timely comments on current resources law issues and to give information about Institute publications and programs. For more information, contact: Canadian Institute of Resources Law 3330 Professional Faculties Building, Block B University of Calgary Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4. CANADA E-mail: 5.06. Canada - Supreme Court. URL: 5.07. Canada - University of Montreal. Sponsored by the University of Montreal and The Research Centre in Public Law (CRDP), this site includes decisions of Supreme Court of Canada since January 1993. Gopher: URL: gopher:// WWW: URL: For more information, contact: Daniel Poulin Professor of Law and Computing Science E-mail: URL: or: Pablo Fuentes Research Associate E-mail: URL: 5.08. Germany - National Research Center for Computer Sciences. The listserv list Euro-Lex is archived at this site. URL: gopher:// 5.09. Germany - University of Saarland. Law-related Internet sources in Germany. Gopher: URL: gopher:// Gopher path information: Europe -> Germany -> Uni Saarbruecken - Gopher-Project -> Infos nach Fachrichtungen -> Jura - juristische Quellen im Internet (Projekt Prof. Herberger). Under the menu "Gesetze einzelner Staaten und Bundesstaaten" is a collection of German laws from the Free University of Berlin (Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Gesetzestexte via FU Berlin). Among these are the German Basic Law, the Civic Law Book (Buergerliche Gesetzbuch), Process Law (Zivilprozessordnung), and others. WWW: The site contains German and European codes, historical documents (e.g. Roman law), and the German WWW Virtual Law Library (law-related Internet information). URL: WWW path info: CERN -> The WWW Virtual Library -> Law -> Deutsche Version -> Juristische WWW-Server in Deutschland und weltweit -> jur. Internetprojekt Saarbruecken For more information, contact: Achim Voermanek E-mail: URL: 5.10. Italy - Istituto per la Documentazione Giuridica, Florence. Legal databases in English and Italian. URL: gopher:// 5.11. Italy - University of Bologna. Italian law-related information. URL: gopher:// 5.12. New Zealand - University of Waikato, School of Law. URL: Campbell Robertson University of Waikato School of Law Web Administrator E-mail: URL: 5.13. Norway - University of Tromsoe. URL: 5.14. United Kingdom - "Computer Law and Security Report." Computer Law and Security Report Stephen Saxby, Managing Editor Faculty of Law The University Highfield Southampton SO9 5NH UNITED KINGDOM E-mail: URL: (Stephen Saxby) 5.15. United Kingdom - "Computer Law & Practice." Computer Law & Practice Tolley Publishing Co. Ltd. Tolley House 2 Addiscombe Road Croydon Surrey CR9 5AF UNITED KINGDOM 5.16. United Kingdom - Just Mooting. This free BBS concentrates on UK law. BBS Phone: +44 (0)484 401139 For more information, contact: David Swarbrick Brighouse West Yorkshire GREAT BRITAIN E-mail: URL: (David Swarbrick) 5.17. United Kingdom - "Law, Computers & Artificial Intelligence." Law, Computers & Artificial Intelligence Indira Carr, Editor C/O Faculty of Law University of Exeter Amory Building Rennes Drive Exeter EX4 4RJ 5.18. United Kingdom - "Law Technology Journal." Law Technology Journal CTI Law Technology Centre University of Warwick Coventry CV4 7AL UNITED KINGDOM E-mail: URL: (Law Technology Journal) 5.19. United Kingdom - National Information on Software and Services. The National Information on Software and Services (NISS) is resource of the United Kingdom. Information is available from UK universities and other sources. Information maintained at this site includes a diary of upcoming legal events related to computer technology, with an emphasis on UK and Europe. URL: telnet:// (enter "" at the "hostname:" prompt) 5.20. United Kingdom - University of Warwick. UK law schools and law-related information from the Law Technology Centre. URL: gopher:// For more information, contact: Colin Shaw Coordinator CTI Law Technology Centre University of Warwick Coventry, CV4 7AL UNITED KINGDOM E-mail: URL: (Colin Shaw) 5.21. United Nations. United Nations 1st Ave and 42nd St. New York, NY 10017 E-mail: schieber@UN.ORG (William D. Schieber) 5.22. United Nations Crime and Justice Info. Network. The United Nations Crime and Justice Information Network (UNCJIN) was established in 1989 to implement U.N. Resolution 1986/11, para. 5(a): "To establish, in cooperation with the United Nations Institutes and other entities concerned, a global crime prevention and criminal justice information network ... including a mechanism for the centralization of inputs from nongovernmental organizations and scientific institutions." The Goal of UNCJIN is to establish a world wide network to enhance dissemination and the exchange of information concerning criminal justice and crime prevention issues. URL: gopher:// The main menu looks something like the following: About UNCJIN United Nations Rules Available Information from UNCJIN UN Criminal Justice Country Profiles United Nations Development Program Bureau of Justice Statistics Documents U.S. Supreme Court Decisions, Recent (WWW Character Mode) World Criminal Justice Library Network CIA World Factbook 1992 Center for the Study of Constitutionalism in E. Europe World Health Organization Gopher +F.B.I Gopher Foreign and International Law: Primary Documents and Commentary New York State Criminal Justice Agencies For mire information, contact: UNCJIN 423 State Street Albany, NY 12203 or: Adam Bouloukos UNCJIN Systems Operator E-mail: AB5202@UACSC1.ALBANY.EDU URL: mailto::AB5202@UACSC1.ALBANY.EDU 5.23. United Nations Development Programme. United Nations Development Programme 1 UN Plaza New York, NY 10017 E-mail: lawrence.yeung@UNDP.ORG (Lawrence Yeung) 5.24. United Nations University. United Nations University E-mail: klensin@INFOODS.UNU.EDU Chapter 6. Journals, FAQs, Usenet Newsgroups, Etc. This chapter lists law-related journals, files of frequently-asked questions (FAQs), and Usenet newsgroups. Usenet is the news network that is intertwined with, but independent from, the Internet. A resource is listed in this chapter if it is primarily made available by an individual (or by individuals) rather than by an organization, government, or educational institution. One of the best ways to find the e-mail address for a particular individual is to call that individual. If you choose to contact the individuals listed below via e-mail, please keep your e-mail message short and to-the-point. 6.00. Journals, FAQs, Usenet Newsgroups, Etc. 6.01. "ABA Journal." ABA Journal American Bar Association 750 N. Lake Short Dr. Chicago, IL 60611 E-mail: (articles, editorials) URL: (articles, editorials) 6.02. "Albany Law Journal of Science & Technology." Albany Law Journal of Science & Technology 6.03. "Artificial Intelligence and Law." Artificial Intelligence and Law Prof. Donald Berman, Editor Northeastern University Law School Boston, MA 02115 E-mail: URL: (Prof. Donald Berman) 6.04. "Business Law Today." Business Law Today Section of Business Law American Bar Association 750 N. Lake Shore Dr. Chicago, IL 60611 6.05. "Business Lawyer, The." The Business Lawyer University of Maryland School of Law Section of Business Law American Bar Association 750 N. Lake Shore Dr. Chicago, IL 60611 6.06. Copyright FAQ. The Copyright FAQ is a series of six articles that contains frequently asked questions (FAQ) with answers relating to copyright law, particularly that of the United States. It is posted to the,,, comp.patents, misc.answers, comp.answers, and news.answers Usenet newsgroups monthly. The most current copy is always available via anonymous FTP: URL: URL: URL: URL: URL: URL: If you do not have access to FTP, you can obtain a copy via e-mail by sending message to with the following lines in it: send usenet/news.answers/law/Copyright-FAQ/part1 send usenet/news.answers/law/Copyright-FAQ/part2 send usenet/news.answers/law/Copyright-FAQ/part3 send usenet/news.answers/law/Copyright-FAQ/part4 send usenet/news.answers/law/Copyright-FAQ/part5 send usenet/news.answers/law/Copyright-FAQ/part6 quit URL: (with the above text in the body of the message) (MIT's Usenet mail-server) For more information, contact: Terry Carroll E-mail: E-mail: URL: (Terry Carroll) URL: (Terry Carroll) 6.07. Copyright Guide for Photographers. The following FTP site has a repository for files related to photography including the "Copyright Guide For Photographers," produced by the American Society of Media Photographers, Inc. While the Guide is particularly oriented towards photographers, much of the information it provides will be of use to anyone interested in copyright. URL: (ASCII version) URL: (TeX version) 6.08. "E-Law: Legal Issues Affecting Computer Information Systems and System Operator Liability." Topics covered in this very informative paper include federal regulation, privacy, obscene material, copyright, and defamation. It first appeared in the Albany Law Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 3, Number 1 and is available via anonymous FTP: URL: (text) URL: (PostScript) URL: (PostScript) URL: (compressed) For more information, contact: David Loundy 465 Pleasant Ave. Highland Park, IL 60035 E-mail: (David Loundy) URL: (David Loundy) 6.09. "Foreign Affairs." URL: gopher:// 6.10. "Harvard Journal of Law and Technology." Harvard Journal of Law and Technology 6.11. "High Technology Law Journal." High Technology Law Journal University of California School of Law 182 Boalt Hall Berkeley, CA 94720 6.12. "Idea: The Journal of Law and Technology." Idea: The Journal of Law and Technology 6.13. Internet Patent News Service. A weekly mailing of all of the patents issued by the patent office during the previous week (or more specifically, all of the patents listed in the most recent issue of the USPTO Patent Gazette). For more information, contact: E-mail: 6.14. "Introduction to Using the Internet at St. Louis University School of Law, An." "An Introduction to Using the Internet at Saint Louis University School of Law" is intended for an audience of law librarians, law faculty, and law students. The material covers e-mail, Telnet and FTP, as well as useful tools like archie, WAIS, WWW, Gopher, and the Washington and Lee Law Library site. URL: (WordPerfect 5.1) URL: (ASCII) The ASCII version is also available on the SLU Law Library Gopher: URL: gopher:// (under Library Services/SLU Law Library Services/Internet Training and Access Info/) For more information, contact: James Milles Head of Computer Services Saint Louis University Law Library 3700 Lindell Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63108 E-mail: URL: (James Milles) 6.15. "Journal of Democracy." URL: gopher:// 6.16. "Journal of Law and Information Science." Journal of Law and Information Science Eugene Clark, Managing Editor University of Tasmania, Faculty of Law Box 252C, Hobart 7001, Tasmania AUSTRALIA E-mail: URL: (Eugene Clark) 6.17. "Jurimetrics, Journal of Law, Science, and Technology." Jurimetrics, Journal of Law, Science, and Technology Section of Science and Technology American Bar Association 750 N. Lake Shore Dr. Chicago, IL 60611 6.18. "Kennedy Journal of Ethics." URL: gopher:// 6.19. "Law Lists." The file "Law Lists" includes about 200 electronic mailing lists related to law. URL: gopher:// (under Discussions and Listserv Archives/Internet Law Source Archive/Law Lists). For more information, contact: Lyonette Louis-Jacques Foreign and International Law Librarian and Lecturer in Law D'Angelo Law Library University of Chicago Law School E-mail: URL: 6.20. "Law Practice Management." Law Practice Management Law Practice Management Section American Bar Association 750 N. Lake Shore Dr. Chicago, IL 60611 6.21. "Law/Technology." Law/Technology World Jurist Association Section on Law/Technology Suite 202, 1000 Connecticut Avenue N.W. Washington DC 20036 6.22. Legal Research FAQ. A legal research FAQ by Mark Eckenwiler has been posted to, news.answers, and a few other Usenet newsgroups. The FAQ is an extremely useful introduction to legal research and to the structure of the US legal system. The most current copy is always available via anonymous FTP: URL: URL: If you do not have access to FTP, you can obtain a copy via e-mail by sending message to with the following lines in it: send usenet/news.answers/law/research/part1 send usenet/news.answers/law/research/part2 quit URL: (with the above text in the body of the message) (MIT's Usenet mail-server) For more information, contact: E-mail: (Mark Eckenwiler) URL: (Mark Eckenwiler) 6.23. "National Review." URL: gopher:// 6.24. "Queensland University of Technology Law Journal." Queensland University of Technology Law Journal 6.25. "Review in American History." URL: gopher:// 6.26. "Rutgers Computer & Technology Law Journal." Rutgers Computer & Technology Law Journal 6.27. Rutgers University - Indigenous Peoples Rights Article. An article Researching Indigenous Peoples Rights under International Law. The article does not cover Native Americans in detail, but it does list major international organizations and sources for study of indigenous peoples. The article is available via Telnet: URL: telnet:// For more information, contact: Steven C. Perkins User Services Coordinator Rutgers Law School Library Newark, NJ E-mail: URL: (Steven C. Perkins) 6.28. "Santa Clara Computer and High Technology Law Journal." Santa Clara Computer and High Technology Law Journal Santa Clara University Santa Clara, CA 95053 E-mail: URL: 6.29. "Software Law Journal." Software Law Journal The John Marshall Law School 315 South Plymouth Court Chicago, IL 60604 6.30. State Adoption Laws FAQ. A summary of US state adoption laws can be found at this site. URL: gopher:// (under R0-43328- /adoption/resources/StateLaws.FAQ) 6.31. "Technology Review." "Technology Review" is edited at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. URL: gopher:// 6.32. US Code. The US Code has been made available via anonymous FTP. The files are quite large, since each file is a complete title. Title numbers 01 through 50 are available. URL: xt.gz (Title 1) URL: xt.gz (Title 50) 6.33. Usenet FAQs. Many Usenet newsgroups post FAQs about the newsgroup newsgroup. This site is an index of various such FAQs. URL: wais:// 6.34. Usenet Newsgroups. The following Usenet newsgroups are of a legal nature (some more than others): URL: URL: news:alt.child-support URL: URL: news:alt.dads-rights URL: news:alt.dads-rights.unmoderated URL: news:alt.politics.usa.constitution URL: news:alt.society.civil-disob URL: news:alt.society.civil-liberties URL: news:alt.society.civil-liberty URL: URL: URL: news:bit.listserv.ada-law (The "bit.listserv.*" newsgroups are gatewayed into their respective BITNET LISTSERV interest group.) URL: URL: news:bit.listserv.govdoc-l URL: news:bit.listserv.gutnberg (Project Gutenberg) URL: news:bit.listserv.lawsch-l URL: news:bit.listserv.lis-l URL: (announcements of new discussion lists) URL: news:bit.listserv.pacs-l URL: URL: (The "clari.*" groups are part of a paid service by Anterior Technology. See Section A.2.1.02.) URL: URL: URL: URL: URL: URL: URL: news:courts.usa.federal.supreme URL: news:courts.usa.state.ohio.supreme URL: URL: URL: URL: URL: URL: news:misc.taxes URL: news:news.announce.conferences (New users should read this newsgroup.) URL: news:news.announce.newgroups (New users should read this newsgroup.) URL: news:news.announce.newusers (New users should read this newsgroup.) URL: news:sfnet.keskustelu.laki (Finnish law.) URL: Appendix A. More About the Internet. This appendix contains, for example, information on how to get on the Internet, i.e. how to purchase an Internet account. A.0. More About the Internet. A.1. Introductory Internet Information. To receive introductory information on the Internet, send a message to with "document-by-name rfc1594" in the body of the text. You will receive the Request For Comments (RFC) "Questions and Answers for New Internet Users." The RFCs documents the history of the Internet (its standards, frequently asked questions, and who's who) since 1969. To get an index of RFCs, include "document-by-name rfc- index" in the text of your message. URL: (with "document-by-name rfc1594" in the body of the message) A.2.0. Internet, UUCP, and Usenet Providers. There is not a bright line separating "domain providers" and "account providers." In general, "domain providers" sell Internet links to organizations, "account providers" sell e-mail accounts to individuals. However, the services offered by each are constantly changing. The following are the major commercial Internet, UUCP, and Usenet providers. A.2.1.00. Domain Providers. The companies listed in this section can provide you with domain service. In other words, if you want to use the domain "" for your new company (called "My Company") these are the providers you should contact. A.2.1.01. Advanced Network & Services, Inc. Dedicated and dialup connectivity, name service, and security services. Advanced Network & Services, Inc. 100 Clearbrook Road Elmsford, NY 10523 1-800-456-8267 E-mail: URL: (Advanced Network & Services, Inc.) A.2.1.02. Anterior Technology. UUCP, connectivity, name service, MX forwarding, and news feeds. Anterior Technology PO Box 1206 Menlo Park, CA 94026-1206 E-mail: URL: (Anterior Technology) A.2.1.03. CerfNet. Connectivity, name service, MX forwarding, and news feeds. CERFnet PO Box 85608 San Diego, CA 92186-9784 Phone: 1-800-876-2373 E-mail: URL: (CERFnet) A.2.1.04. Colorado SuperNet. UUCP and news feeds. Colorado SuperNet, Inc. Attn: David C. Menges Colorado School of Mines 1500 Illinois Golden, CO 80401 E-mail: URL: (David C. Menges) A.2.1.05. MSEN. UUCP, connectivity, name service, MX forwarding, and news feeds. MSEN, Inc. 628 Brooks Street Ann Arbor, MI 48103 E-mail: URL: (MSEN, Inc.) A.2.1.06. MV Communications. UUCP, name service, MX forwarding, and news feeds. MV Communications, Inc. PO Box 4963 Manchester, NH 03108-4963 E-mail: URL: (MV Communications, Inc.) A.2.1.07. NEARNet. Connectivity, name service, MX forwarding, and news feeds (for NEARnet sites). NEARnet Attn: John Curran BBN Systems and Technologies, MS 6/3B 10 Moulton Street Cambridge, MA 02138 E-mail: URL: (John Curran) A.2.1.08. Netcom. UUCP, connectivity, name service, MX forwarding, and news feeds. Netcom - Online Communication Services PO Box 20774 San Jose, CA 95160 E-mail: URL: (Bob Rieger, Netcom) A.2.1.09. PSI. UUCP, connectivity, name service, MX forwarding, and news feeds. Performance Systems International, Inc. 11800 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 1100 Reston, VA 22091 Phone: 1-800-827-7482 E-mail: (auto-reply) URL: (Performance Systems International) A.2.1.10. SURANet. Connectivity, name service (for SURAnet sites), news feeds (for SURAnet sites). SURANet 8400 Baltimore Blvd. College Park, MD 20742 E-mail: URL: (SURANet) A.2.1.11. UUNET Canada. UUCP, connectivity, name service, MX forwarding, and news feeds. UUNET Canada, Inc. 1 Yonge St., Suite 1801 Toronto, Ontario M5E 1W7 CANADA E-mail: URL: (UUNET Canada, Inc.) A.2.1.12. UUNET. UUCP, connectivity, name service, MX forwarding, and news feeds. UUNET Technologies Inc. 3110 Fairview Park Drive, Suite 570 Falls Church, VA 22042 E-mail: URL: (UUNET Technologies Inc.) A.2.1.13. UUNORTH. UUCP & Connectivity Across Canada and the Northern USA. UUNORTH, Inc. Box 445, Station E Toronto, Ontario M6H 4E3 CANADA A.2.2.00. Account Providers. The companies listed in this section can provide you with e-mail accounts. In other words, if you want a single e-mail account, these are the providers you should contact. The file PDIAL (The Public Dialup Internet Access List) is perhaps the most comprehensive listing of Internet access providers. PDIAL is posted periodically to various Usenet newsgroups. To get a copy of PDIAL (which is approximately 150K), send a message to with "send PDIAL" as the subject of the message. URL: (with "send PDIAL" as the subject) A.2.2.01. ABA/Net. The networks from which you can access ABA/Net include Telenet, Tymnet and Uninet. For information about subscribing to ABA/Net, call the ABA/Net toll-free Subscriber Support Center: Phone: 1-800-242-6005 xABA8 A.2.2.02. America Online. Approximately 500,000 users. Phone: 1-800-827-6364, 6568 A.2.2.03. AT&T. EasyLink e-mail; bridges to fax, Telex, and USPS mail. AT&T EasyLink Services 5501 LBJ Freeway, Room 1015 Dallas, TX 75240 Phone: 1-800-242-6005 A.2.2.04. CompuServe. Approximately 1,500,000 users. CompuServe PO Box 20212 5000 Arlington Center Blvd. Columbus, OH 43220 Phone: 1-800-848-8990, 8199 There are three types of CompuServe e-mail addresses. They can be reached from the Internet as follows: a) Members of the CompuServe Information Service have an address (a.k.a. User ID) of the form "xxxxx,yyyy", such as "70000,11". To send mail to such an address from the Internet, change the comma to a period and attach "". For example: b) Members of organizations with a private CompuServe Mail area have an address of the form "organization:name", such as "ABC:J.SMITH". To send mail to such an address from the Internet, send it to "". For example: c) A few organizations have addresses that also include a department in the form "organization:department:name", such as "ABC:ACCTG:JOHN". To send mail to such an address from the Internet, send to "". For example: A.2.2.05. Delphi. Approximately 80,000 users. Delphi Internet Services Corp. 1030 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, MA 02138 Phone: 1-800-695-4005 A.2.2.06. eWorld. >From Apple Computer. Phone: 1-800-775-4566 A.2.2.07. GEnie. Approximately 400,000 users. GEnie c/o GE Information Services PO Box 6403 Rockville, MD 20850-1785 Phone: 1-800-638-9636 A.2.2.08. IGC Networks. PeaceNet is a communications system serving the peace and social change community operated by the Institute for Global Communication (ICG), a non-profit organization, a project of the Tides Foundation, and a 501(c)(3) organization. Other ICG networks are EcoNet (environmental issues), ConflictNet (mediation and conflict resolution), and LaborNet. PeaceNet 18 De Boom Street San Francisco, CA 94107 E-mail: URL: (PeaceNet) A.2.2.09. Law Journal Extra. >From the publishers of the National Law Journal and the New York Law Journal. Phone: (212) 545-6199 A.2.2.10. LAW/Net. Started by Fort Lauderdale probate lawyer Rohan Kelly and based in Florida. For more information, contact: Phone: (800) 940-1402 A.2.2.11. Lexis Counsel Connect. Lexis Counsel Connect is an online information service for law firms and corporate legal departments, providing facilities for electronic mail and computer conferences, as well as access to online databases. LCC, a worldwide service, is a partnership between American Lawyer Media, L.P, and Mead Data Central. For more information, contact: Lexis Counsel Connect 600 Third Avenue New York, NY 10016 Phone: 1-800-955-5291 A.2.2.12. MCI. MCI Mail e-mail; bridges to fax, Telex, and USPS mail. MCI Mail 1111 19th Street NW Washington DC 20036 Attn: MCI Mail Registration. Phone: 1-800-444-MAIL A.2.2.13. Portal. Internet access and Usenet. Phone: 1-800-336-0437 A.2.2.14. Prodigy. Approximately 2,00,000 users. Phone: 1-800-776-3449 A.2.2.15. Sprint. SprintMail e-mail; bridges to fax, Telex, and USPS mail. Sprint Communications Products 8320 Ward Parkway Kansas City, MO 64114-2027 Phone: 1-800-736-1130 A.2.2.16. World, The. The World is a Unix-based host system in Brookline, MA, which specializes in offering its users access to many global networks. Local-call access is via CompuServe. BBS Phone: (617) 739-WRLD (Type "new" to sign up.) A.3. Introductory UUCP Information. The book "Using UUCP and Usenet" by Grace Todino and Dale Dougherty is an excellent introduction to UUCP and Usenet. See Appendix B for ordering information. A.3.1. UUCP Software - Commercial. A.3.1.1. Macintosh. UUCP/Connect (formerly uAccess by ICE Engineering). InterCon Systems Corp. 950 Herndon Parkway Herndon, VA 22070 Phone: (703) 709-5500 A.3.1.2. DOS. Eudora (for Windows, DOS, Macintosh) Qualcomm Inc. Phone: 1-800-2-EUDORA E-mail: URL: (Qualcomm Inc.) A.3.2. UUCP Software - Shareware. A.3.2.1. Macintosh. Eudora. Since Eudora has become a commercial product, the older freeware version has become more rare at anonymous FTP sites (see Section A.3.1 for how to get newer commercial-versions). The following are a few that still maintain the older version: URL: URL: accessories.hqx URL: URL: URL: URL: accessories.hqx URL: -131.hqx.gz URL: -131-accessories.hqx.gz A.3.2.2. DOS. FSUUCP. Fubar Systems Support Staff 1742 Lima Drive San Luis Obispo, CA 93405-6817 E-mail: URL: (Fubar Systems Support Staff) A.4. Introductory BITNET Information. BITNET is an electronic communication network linking institutional and departmental computers at 550 participating Corporation for Research and Educational Networking (CREN) Members and Affiliates in the United States, including universities, colleges, and collaborating research centers. For more information, contact: BITNET Network Information Center EDUCOM, Suite 600 1112 16th St NW Washington, DC 20036 A.5. Other Shareware Software. Other shareware software is available from the numerous data archives described in chapter 3 of The Internet Resource Guide/Directory of Directories (see Section The archives of Washington University are a good place to start. URL: A.6. Yanoff List. This list of special internet connections is posted periodically to the Usenet newsgroup It is also available from numerous other sources. URL: URL: URL: URL: gopher:// (under Remote Information Servers /Special Internet Connections) URL: URL: A.7. Two-Letter Country Codes. The International Standards Organization standard ISO 3166 defines two- letter, three-letter, and numeric codes for countries. With a few exceptions, the ISO 3166 two-letter codes are being used by the Internet mail system and in Internet domain name addresses. Country A2 A3 Number ---------------------------------------------------------- AFGHANISTAN AF AFG 004 ALBANIA AL ALB 008 ALGERIA DZ DZA 012 AMERICAN SAMOA AS ASM 016 ANDORRA AD AND 020 ANGOLA AO AGO 024 ANGUILLA AI AIA 660 ANTARCTICA AQ ATA 010 ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA AG ATG 028 ARGENTINA AR ARG 032 ARUBA AW ABW 533 AUSTRALIA AU AUS 036 AUSTRIA AT AUT 040 BAHAMAS BS BHS 044 BAHRAIN BH BHR 048 BANGLADESH BD BGD 050 BARBADOS BB BRB 052 BELGIUM BE BEL 056 BELIZE BZ BLZ 084 BENIN BJ BEN 204 BERMUDA BM BMU 060 BHUTAN BT BTN 064 BOLIVIA BO BOL 068 BOTSWANA BW BWA 072 BOUVET ISLAND BV BVT 074 BRAZIL BR BRA 076 BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY IO IOT 086 BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN BRN 096 BULGARIA BG BGR 100 BURKINA FASO BF BFA 854 BURUNDI BI BDI 108 BYELORUSSIAN SSR BY BYS 112 CAMBODIA KH KHM 116 CAMEROON CM CMR 120 CANADA CA CAN 124 CAPE VERDE CV CPV 132 CAYMAN ISLANDS KY CYM 136 CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CF CAF 140 CHAD TD TCD 148 CHILE CL CHL 152 CHINA CN CHN 156 CHRISTMAS ISLAND CX CXR 162 COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS CC CCK 166 COLOMBIA CO COL 170 COMOROS KM COM 174 CONGO CG COG 178 COOK ISLANDS CK COK 184 COSTA RICA CR CRI 188 COTE D'IVOIRE CI CIV 384 CUBA CU CUB 192 CYPRUS CY CYP 196 CZECHOSLOVAKIA CS CSK 200 DENMARK DK DNK 208 DJIBOUTI DJ DJI 262 DOMINICA DM DMA 212 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DO DOM 214 EAST TIMOR TP TMP 626 ECUADOR EC ECU 218 EGYPT EG EGY 818 EL SALVADOR SV SLV 222 EQUATORIAL GUINEA GQ GNQ 226 ETHIOPIA ET ETH 230 FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS) FK FLK 238 FAROE ISLANDS FO FRO 234 FIJI FJ FJI 242 FINLAND FI FIN 246 FRANCE FR FRA 250 FRENCH GUIANA GF GUF 254 FRENCH POLYNESIA PF PYF 258 FRENCH SOUTHERN TERRITORIES TF ATF 260 GABON GA GAB 266 GAMBIA GM GMB 270 GERMANY DE DEU 276 GHANA GH GHA 288 GIBRALTAR GI GIB 292 GREECE GR GRC 300 GREENLAND GL GRL 304 GRENADA GD GRD 308 GUADELOUPE GP GLP 312 GUAM GU GUM 316 GUATEMALA GT GTM 320 GUINEA GN GIN 324 GUINEA-BISSAU GW GNB 624 GUYANA GY GUY 328 HAITI HT HTI 332 HEARD AND MC DONALD ISLANDS HM HMD 334 HONDURAS HN HND 340 HONG KONG HK HKG 344 HUNGARY HU HUN 348 ICELAND IS ISL 352 INDIA IN IND 356 INDONESIA ID IDN 360 IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IR IRN 364 IRAQ IQ IRQ 368 IRELAND IE IRL 372 ISRAEL IL ISR 376 ITALY IT ITA 380 JAMAICA JM JAM 388 JAPAN JP JPN 392 JORDAN JO JOR 400 KENYA KE KEN 404 KIRIBATI KI KIR 296 KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF KP PRK 408 KOREA, REPUBLIC OF KR KOR 410 KUWAIT KW KWT 414 LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC LA LAO 418 LEBANON LB LBN 422 LESOTHO LS LSO 426 LIBERIA LR LBR 430 LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LY LBY 434 LIECHTENSTEIN LI LIE 438 LUXEMBOURG LU LUX 442 MACAU MO MAC 446 MADAGASCAR MG MDG 450 MALAWI MW MWI 454 MALAYSIA MY MYS 458 MALDIVES MV MDV 462 MALI ML MLI 466 MALTA MT MLT 470 MARSHALL ISLANDS MH MHL 584 MARTINIQUE MQ MTQ 474 MAURITANIA MR MRT 478 MAURITIUS MU MUS 480 MEXICO MX MEX 484 MICRONESIA FM FSM 583 MONACO MC MCO 492 MONGOLIA MN MNG 496 MONTSERRAT MS MSR 500 MOROCCO MA MAR 504 MOZAMBIQUE MZ MOZ 508 MYANMAR MM MMR 104 NAMIBIA NA NAM 516 NAURU NR NRU 520 NEPAL NP NPL 524 NETHERLANDS NL NLD 528 NETHERLANDS ANTILLES AN ANT 532 NEUTRAL ZONE NT NTZ 536 NEW CALEDONIA NC NCL 540 NEW ZEALAND NZ NZL 554 NICARAGUA NI NIC 558 NIGER NE NER 562 NIGERIA NG NGA 566 NIUE NU NIU 570 NORFOLK ISLAND NF NFK 574 NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS MP MNP 580 NORWAY NO NOR 578 OMAN OM OMN 512 PAKISTAN PK PAK 586 PALAU PW PLW 585 PANAMA PA PAN 590 PAPUA NEW GUINEA PG PNG 598 PARAGUAY PY PRY 600 PERU PE PER 604 PHILIPPINES PH PHL 608 PITCAIRN PN PCN 612 POLAND PL POL 616 PORTUGAL PT PRT 620 PUERTO RICO PR PRI 630 QATAR QA QAT 634 REUNION RE REU 638 ROMANIA RO ROM 642 RWANDA RW RWA 646 ST. HELENA SH SHN 654 SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN KNA 659 SAINT LUCIA LC LCA 662 ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON PM SPM 666 SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES VC VCT 670 SAMOA WS WSM 882 SAN MARINO SM SMR 674 SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE ST STP 678 SAUDI ARABIA SA SAU 682 SENEGAL SN SEN 686 SEYCHELLES SC SYC 690 SIERRA LEONE SL SLE 694 SINGAPORE SG SGP 702 SOLOMON ISLANDS SB SLB 090 SOMALIA SO SOM 706 SOUTH AFRICA ZA ZAF 710 SPAIN ES ESP 724 SRI LANKA LK LKA 144 SUDAN SD SDN 736 SURINAME SR SUR 740 SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN ISLANDS SJ SJM 744 SWAZILAND SZ SWZ 748 SWEDEN SE SWE 752 SWITZERLAND CH CHE 756 SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC SY SYR 760 TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA TW TWN 158 TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF TZ TZA 834 THAILAND TH THA 764 TOGO TG TGO 768 TOKELAU TK TKL 772 TONGA TO TON 776 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT TTO 780 TUNISIA TN TUN 788 TURKEY TR TUR 792 TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS TC TCA 796 TUVALU TV TUV 798 UGANDA UG UGA 800 UKRAINIAN SSR UA UKR 804 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE ARE 784 UNITED KINGDOM GB GBR 826 UNITED STATES US USA 840 UNITED STATES MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS UM UMI 581 URUGUAY UY URY 858 USSR SU SUN 810 VANUATU VU VUT 548 VATICAN CITY STATE (HOLY SEE) VA VAT 336 VENEZUELA VE VEN 862 VIET NAM VN VNM 704 VIRGIN ISLANDS (BRITISH) VG VGB 092 VIRGIN ISLANDS (US) VI VIR 850 WALLIS AND FUTUNA ISLANDS WF WLF 876 WESTERN SAHARA EH ESH 732 YEMEN, REPUBLIC OF YE YEM 887 YUGOSLAVIA YU YUG 890 ZAIRE ZR ZAR 180 ZAMBIA ZM ZMB 894 ZIMBABWE ZW ZWE 716 Appendix B. More Books. This appendix lists introductory Internet books, law-related books, and book publishers. Many of the publishers listing in this appendix maintain a Gopher site. B.0. More Books. B.1.00. Publishers. B.1.01. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. URL: gopher:// B.1.02. Counterpoint Publishing. URL: gopher:// B.1.03. Electronic Newsstand, The (tm). URL: gopher:// B.1.04. McGraw-Hill. URL: gopher:// B.1.05. O'Reilly & Associates. URL: gopher:// B.1.06. Prentice Hall. URL: gopher:// B.2.00. Books. B.2.01. Brinson, Dianne and Radcliffe, Mark. "Multimedia Law Handbook" $74.95 (A guide to the legal issues in developing, publishing, and protecting multimedia products.) Ladera Press 3130 Alpine Road, Suite 200-9002 Menlo Park, CA 94025 Phone: 1-800-523-3721 URL: gopher://MARKETPLACE.COM B.2.02. Eis, Arlene L. "Directory of Law-Related CD-ROMS" $49.95, 154 pp. Infosources Publishing 140 Norma Road Teaneck, NJ 07666 B.2.03. Kehoe, Brendan P. "Zen and the Art of the Internet: A Beginner's Guide to the Internet" (A brief overview of the Internet. Well written, short, and easy to read.) $22, 112 pages, 1992 Prentice-Hall Englewood Cliffs, NJ B.2.04. Krol, Ed. "The Whole Internet User's Guide and Catalog, 2nd Ed." (A comprehensive and clear guide to the Internet. Considered essential for new Internet users.) $24.95, 543 pages, 1992, ISBN 1-56592-063-5 O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. 103A Morris Street Sabastopol, CA 95472 Phone: 1-800-998-9938 E-mail: URL: (O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.) B.2.05. Shea, Virginia. "Netiquette" (Documenting the formerly-unwritten rules of Internet etiquette. Recommended for new Internet users.) $19.95, 154 pp., ISBN 0-9637025-1-3 Albion Books 4547 California St. San Francisco, CA 94118 E-mail: URL: B.2.06. Todino, Grace and Dougherty, Dale. "Using UUCP and USENET" (An excellent introduction to UUCP and USENET.) $21.95, 210 pages, 1990, ISBN 0-937175-10-2 O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. 103A Morris Street Sabastopol, CA 95472 Phone: 1-800-998-9938 E-mail: URL: (O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.) Appendix C. More About Midnight Networks. This appendix describes Midnight Network Inc (, the company that provides administrative support for "The Legal List" in the form of an anonymous FTP server (and its disk space). C.1. Who Is Midnight Networks? The following is from the file /pub/AboutMidnight/Whois_Midnight.txt that is available via anonymous FTP from URL: (Midnight Networks Inc.) URL: Whois_Midnight.txt MIDNIGHT NETWORKS INC. Corporate Profile Founded: 1992 Headquarters: 100 Fifth Avenue Prospect Hill Executive Office Park Waltham, MA 02154 (617) 890-1001 Mission statement: We will provide our customers with the best network software. This software will do what they want it to for a fair price; we will maintain close links with our customers to ensure that our products evolve to continue to meet their changing needs. We will actively foster continuous improvement by seeking always to learn from our customers, competitors and each other. We will strive to find imaginative ways to employ technology to our customers' benefit, not only in our products, but also in our sales, marketing, support and management systems. By our focus on serving our customers, we expect to best serve ourselves and our investors. Characteristics: We market software that helps our customers to produce high-quality network products, and to maintain high-quality operation of their networks. The intent of both our ANVL(tm) and Recon(tm) product lines is to enable users of networks to realize the tremendous value of networking. We complement our product development with custom software development and consulting services. Company milestones: Developed ANVL in 1992. Recon/Map(tm) released in July, 1993. Other products under development are scheduled for release in Q3 1994. Sales channels: Direct sales are conducted from our Waltham, Massachusetts office: 100 Fifth Avenue Prospect Hill Executive Office Park Waltham, MA 02154 (617) 890-1001 Products: ANVL: The Automated Network Validation Library helps vendors test their products' use and implementation of network protocols by automating unit testing, negative testing, and regression testing. ANVL provides the ability to easily construct, send and receive packets that are correctly or incorrectly formatted. Plus, with ANVL, a user can develop a suite of tests to rapidly and repeatedly test network devices without the need of an analyzer or lots of equipment, saving valuable time and money. ANVL comes with ready-to-run test suites for AppleTalk endnodes, AppleTalk routers, ARAP, TCP/IP RIP, and PPP, with more suites being added monthly. Recon/Map, the first member of the Recon family, is a focused tool that keeps you aware of the current status of any segment of your TCP/IP network by providing up-to-date snapshots of your network on demand. By allowing you to instantly view an up-to-date host table and note inconsistencies in the various hostname databases on your system, Recon/Map helps keep your network operating smoothly. With Recon/Map, an administrator with a problem segment can actually see changes happening in real-time. Services: Midnight Networks provides custom software development and consulting services to complement its product line. Past consulting engagements include the development of a suite of negative and stress tests for DEC's AppleTalk router using ANVL technology, comprehensive enhancements of Wellfleet Communications' Site Manager user interface software, the development of a communications infrastructure linking heterogeneous platforms within a large-scale manufacturing system for Polaroid, and on-call troubleshooting and support as the Internet administrator for both NEC Technologies and Avid Technology. Markets and Customers: Our ANVL products are used by the top networking vendors, including Wellfleet, Cisco, and Xylogics. Our Recon family of network management tools are used by managers and users of TCP/IP networks in all industries. Our software development and consulting services have been used by top computer and communications companies including NEC Technologies, DEC, and Cayman Systems. Executives: Wilson Farrar, Vice President of Sales Art Mellor, Vice President of Engineering John Reardon, Chief Engineer Hollie K. Schmidt, Director of Marketing Peter H. Schmidt, President ANVL, Recon and Recon/Map are trademarks of Midnight Networks Inc. All other trademarks used within are the properties of their owners. Index. Back Cover. The Legal List, Law-Related Resources on the Internet and Elsewhere The first Internet reference book for those in the legal profession Erik J. Heels has been writing about law and technology since 1992 (when "The Legal List" was first released).and is starting his second decade on the Internet. His first started when he entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1984. He graduated from MIT in 1988 with a degree in electrical engineering. In the years following MIT, he spent four years as a United States Air Force officer and worked for various high-tech firms in the Route 128 region of Boston. His interest in law and technology led him to the University of Maine School of Law in Portland, Maine, where he is now a third-year student and from where he will be graduating in December 1994. Before entering the Air Force, Erik spent some time working as an engineer in Finland. While in Finland, he met Pirjo, whom he married three years later. Erik and Pirjo and their five-month-old son, Samuel, now live in Eliot, Maine. Erik J. Heels has been writing about law and technology since 1992 (when "The Legal List" was first released).and is starting his second decade on the Internet. His first started when he entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1984. He graduated from MIT in 1988 with a degree in electrical engineering. In the years following MIT, he spent four years as a United States Air Force officer and worked for various high-tech firms in the Route 128 region of Boston. His interest in law and technology led him to the University of Maine School of Law in Portland, Maine, where he is now a third-year student and from where he will be graduating in December 1994. Before entering the Air Force, Erik spent some time working as an engineer in Finland. While in Finland, he met Pirjo, whom he married three years later. Erik and Pirjo and their five-month-old son, Samuel, now live in Eliot, Maine. USA $29.95 ISBN 0-9643637-0-4 "The Legal List, Law-Related Resources on the Internet and Elsewhere" Erik J. Heels \ 39 Main Street \ Fax: (207) 439-8647 Eliot, ME 03903 \ ISBN 0-9643637-0-4 (v5.1 paperback) === DISTRIBUTION: How to obtain this document This document has been brought to you in part by CRAM, involved in the redistribution of valuable information to a wider USENET audience (see below). The most recent version of this document can be obtained via the author's instructions at the beginning. The following directions apply to retrieve the possibly less-current USENET FAQ version. FTP --- This FAQ is available from the standard FAQ server via FTP in the file /pub/usenet/news.answers/law-net-resources Email ----- Send a message to with the following lines: send usenet/news.answers/law/net-resources/part[n] send ... ... quit where [n] is 1-10. 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If you know of an existing compilation of Internet information that is not currently a FAQ, please contact us and we may `sponsor' it. The benefits to the author include: - use of the existing FAQ infrastructure for distribution: - automated mail server service - FTP archival - automated posting - a far wider audience that can improve the quality, accuracy, and coverage of the document enormously through email feedback - potential professional inquiries for the use of your document in other settings, such as newsletters, books, etc. - with us as your sponsor, we will also take care of the technicalities in the proper format of the posted version and updating procedures, leaving you free of the `overhead' to focus on the basic updates alone The choice of who we `sponsor' is entirely arbitrary. You always have the option of handling the submission process yourself. See the FAQ submission guidelines FAQ in news.answers. 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