From!netcomsv!decwrl!amd!amdahl!!!agate!!!uunet!!usenet Sat Sep 3 14:28:32 1994 Xref: alt.religion.scientology:15000 Path:!netcomsv!decwrl!amd!amdahl!!!agate!!!uunet!!usenet From: Bob Penny Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology Subject: FACTNet Date: Wed, 24 Aug 94 23:45:28 -0500 Organization: Delphi ( email, 800-695-4005 voice) Lines: 839 Message-ID: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: IMAGINE THE NEW SCIENTOLOGY WORLD ORDER... * Imagine a time when no newspaper dares to publish anything about Scientology without first having Scientology's approval. * Imagine a time when all court and government records containing disclosures about Scientology have been destroyed or sealed from the public view. * Imagine that everyone who knew firsthand about Scientology's dangers and abuses has rationalized or emotionalized themselves into inaction. * Imagine that some who knew firsthand engaged in sporadic and heroic but grossly under-effective action to counter Scientology. Now they live in hiding. * Imagine that the last effective organizations for collective defense and support of Scientology critics, victims, and dissenters have been destroyed. * Imagine a time when Scientology's money, intelligence, and terror tactics have so corrupted the court system that, even if a victim could still find a lawyer, the victim is so discouraged by intimidation of past victims that he won't even try the courts any more. * Imagine a time when Scientology has become so wealthy and powerful (with a little help from the IRS) that it openly runs candidates for political office and covertly sets and controls our political agenda. * Imagine democracy redefined according to the principles of L. Ron Hubbard: only people who are "clear" are rational enough to be allowed to vote and only citizens who are honest producers have rights. Of course, it is Scientology that defines the new meanings of honesty and productivity. * Imagine all drugs not approved by Scientology being banned; all psychiatric and psychological counseling against the law. * Imagine all citizens forced to report anyone who has any disagreements with the new Scientology order. E-meter security checks are routinely ordered on anyone who shows any signs of not being Gung Ho or "hip hip hooraying" to the full program. * Imagine intelligence files, accumulating now in Scientology's underground archives, used to identify all psychiatrists, pharmaceutical company executives, bankers, media critics, lawyers, government agents, judges, former members and their families, defectors, SP's, "downstats" or other known anti-Scientologists. These records could be used to send all the previously mentioned individuals to concentration camps called "rehabilitation centers." (Secret documents seized by the FBI show that L. Ron Hubbard admired the Nazi's use of intelligence and intimidation tactics.) After this final purging of Scientology-defined "degraded beings," Scientology will have gained control of every aspect of your life, your country, and the world. Imagine your children and their children having to live under the Scientology dominated social, economic, and political order simply because you rationalized or were afraid and did nothing, too little, or failed to organize, work with, and support those organizations who were working for the collective security of all of us. Parts of the above scenario have already happened. Other parts are just beginning to happen with the help of irresponsible celebrities. It all becomes increasingly possible as every day you read more about Scientology's growing wealth, influence, and intimidation of its adversaries. YOU HAVE SEEN IT HAPPENING. YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. SEND YOUR TAX DEDUCTIBLE CONTRIBUTION TO FACTNET TODAY. ===================================================================== August 6, 1994 My name is Lawrence Wollersheim. At considerable risk to myself, I am writing you as discuss my opinions about Scientology. Some of you may be aware that in my successful 14 year battle against Scientology, my legal team has defeated Scientology in three separate lawsuits. What is happening with the most important of these three cases is most amazing and worth a few words before going on to the important points of this letter to you. Collection of the Wollersheim Judgment I am now involved in the process of enforcing my collection of what is now about a five million dollar judgment against Scientology. After I had submitted numerous formal demands for payment, Scientology attorneys told my attorney that Scientology will not pay the current Wollersheim (U.S. Supreme Court approved) judgment. They stated that the "Church" of Scientology of California has no money and that if I try to enforce collection Scientology will "declare World War III" against me. By refusing to pay the Wollersheim judgment, Scientology, through its attorneys, has once again arrogantly signaled that it considers itself beyond any reform by any outside force, that it has complete disdain for the U.S. justice system, and that it is a force "above the law." This intimidation is designed to prevent new victims from even trying to use the court system. I assure you that I will collect my full judgment and all accumulating interest. My new team will use this poorly though out move by Scientology to build better, easier, and faster Scientology victim pathways in the courts and to inflict the maximum penalties allowable by law to force Scientology to pay. I believe my upcoming seizure of Scientology assets will receive widespread media coverage because I will be seizing key Scientology tangible assets which were fraudulently conveyed, and putting a receiver in control of Scientology. In their attempt to hide assets, Scientology has set themselves up for something that has never been done before: I will be setting the stage to pierce Scientology's corporate shell sham and reveal their true activity and methods. I have been told by top legal minds familiar with the opportunities and remedies Scientology has now so vindictively and fortuitously handed me, that the actions of enforcing my judgment will create new remedies for other and future victims. Other possible effects include another public relations catastrophe, possible new criminal convictions for some of Scientology's top executives and law firms, and the possible production of new evidence that will be instrumental to remove Scientology's ill-gotten IRS non profit status -- but as I mentioned earlier, my personal litigation and collection ordeal is not the main subject of this letter. ===================================================================== You Really Can Do Something that Will Help Stop Scientology's Abuse I wanted personally to tell you about a tolerable way for you to become more empowered, co-creative, co-responsible, and realistically effective in dealing with Scientology's ongoing abuses. I also want to tell you about developments that may help you recover any financial losses you have suffered while associated with Scientology -- no matter how long ago. To do this I will first have to tell you about the success of an organization called FACTNet in forwarding the long overdue process of bringing Scientology to justice. FACTNet has almost overnight become the most successful nonprofit support and defense organization for individuals and organizations having problems with Scientology. FACTNet's electronic database provides worldwide access to information which can help the victim healing process and empower the actions of any person or organization seeking ethical means to combat Scientology's harmful activities. Scientology and its affiliates and front groups are only a few of the organizations about which FACTNet collects information. The FACTNet BBS contains a file called "Scientology" which describes the reasons for our attention to this particular group and other documents which describe our broader purpose and FACTNet 's seven organizational purposes. FACTNet is not just a good idea or a promise of what we might do someday. It exists. You can call it and see for yourself (303 530-1942). You can use it. Individuals around the world have already demonstrated an ability to work together to research and solve the Scientology human rights abuse problem without significant time, expense, information, or distance/travel restrictions. On the FACTNet system, users can evaluate arguments and information and contribute to the areas of their particular interest or expertise in the unstressed privacy, security, and comfort of their own home or office. They can even work on the system with an alias if they choose to work in complete anonymity. For the minimal cost of a phone call to FACTNet, even computer beginners can access and contribute to a fast-growing body of accumulated information that reflects the total knowledge and successful experience of almost everyone who has had to deal with Scientology over the last 40 years. Using FACTNet's 24 hour a day, seven day a week, phone lines network users are able to leverage and multiply their individual social justice efforts, ideas, and resources by linking up with other like minded individuals. Just imagine, as FACTNet grows, being able to search all articles ever written about Scientology or all of Scientology's legal briefs, testimony, interrogatories, or victim debriefing affidavits on your phone and computer with automated text search software so you can effortlessly find almost any person or any secret information you need to find out about Scientology. Now imagine linking up with others who can provide support and information to forward your particular justice and/or recovery interests. With this collected knowledge and experience easily accessible and an empowered network of independent individuals using it, Scientology will no longer be able divide and conquer and force onerous legal expenses onto those just learning about Scientology's tactics. Tens of millions of dollars in litigation and public relations work will be at each victim's or justice advocate's fingertips. Each victim or human rights advocate as an autonomous user of a powerful network will be able to learn quickly and inexpensively how easily Scientology has been repeatedly defeated or contained in past cases. FACTNet's unique use of the new technologies for social justice is not an untested theory. The Wall Street Journal reported in a March 30, 1994 article about how the use of advance computer and telecommunication technology has become a powerful leveraging force dramatically countering the vastly disproportionate financial power and influence of the tobacco companies. Groups like SCARCNet (Smoking Control Advocacy Resource Network) electronically link users from all over the world for strategy sessions on the latest news. They provide a rich array of library resources to educate, alert, and assist government regulatory bodies and also to help prevent the growth of smoking and to support the activities of anti-smoking advocates. FACTNet's Legal Success FACTNet's staff and network associates are involved in more consultation with regard to ongoing successful litigation against Scientology than any other organization. This includes or has included litigation in the USA, Canada, Australia, Brazil, England, Scotland, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain and Denmark. FACTNet's staff and network associates have also been consulted by government agencies in a number of countries. One major law suit that involved Scientology resulted in a Lanham Act award of defense costs against Scientology because a member of the FACTNet team provided documents which Scientology refused to produce in one case but produced in another. Another FACTNet team member just helped win a SLAPP court case where Scientology must pay all the defendants' legal costs ($125,000) because this individual helped prove this was but another frivolous Scientology suit meant only to harass and silence Scientology's adversaries. From November of 1993 to March of 1994 while still in its non-public testing phase, FACTNet and network test users played critical roles in helping to win four more separate major court victories against Scientology. One of those cases, Scientology v. Uwe Gertz, uncovered such damaging information about Scientology's experimental actions on former members that Scientology immediately quit the case and now is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to seal these court records from public and ex-member inspection. In England, FACTNet network users were able successfully to challenge the copyrights of Scientology's secret upper levels in court, using many different arguments, one of which was they cannot be kept secret because of harm they cause to the unsuspecting public and the public's safety. So far, when FACTNet shows up Scientology loses. FACTNet's People Make FACTNet's Success The FACTNet network includes the world's leading expert witnesses and high level former members well versed on Scientology. (When you log on to our system you will be able to get to know some of them.) Among our librarians are former directors of Scientology's own archives and the researchers responsible for many of the available books, articles, and academic papers on the subject. FACTNet's network has contact with many of the most recent defectors from Scientology and is connected with special consultants who help current Scientologists in their decision to leave Scientology and recovery from possible Scientology-induced damage. Other reasons the FACTNet network has been so successful is the key staff of FACTNet combine integrity and long experience with a developed awareness of the security and confidentiality needs of any organization that has to face Scientology's incessant harassment and infiltration. FACTNet's key staff and network associates have considerable positive reputations and are trusted by former victims of Scientology. FACTNet's staff and network associates have proven reputations for getting the job done and are not intimidated by Scientology. They have been tempered and adversity tested by years of dealing with Scientology and they have proven they only get stronger and more resourceful when under attack. Our staff and network associates have done a tremendous amount of good with almost nothing against the cash and staff rich GO/OSA Scientology legal machine. The winning track record of the FACTNet network and its ability to use the meagerest of resources wisely has already been proven beyond doubt. Scientology's Reaction Scientology's swift reactions to FACTNet's successes are also a strong indication of FACTNet's effectiveness and further justice potential. Scientology has already created several "dead agent" disinformation packs on FACTNet and its key people. Scientology has gone to enormous lengths to "convince" the St. Petersburg (Florida) Times that it shouldn't even mention FACTNet's name in an article that was written about the problems Scientology is having with computer communication networks like Internet and FACTNet. While still in its pre-public testing phase, FACTNet has on two occasions been threatened with lawsuits by Scientology, and as soon as we got our IRS nonprofit status, Scientology investigators began to pore over our public IRS application records. Scientology is very worried about FACTNet for two simple reasons. First, FACTNet promotes worldwide distribution of information through its electronic library services and secondly, FACTNet promotes connecting people in open and uncensored electronic dialog to discuss issues and opinions expressed in the library. Scientology knows that open information and open dialog exposes, disinfects, heals, and corrects. Scientology's highest executives know with certainty that Scientology cannot exist in any system of truly open information and dialog. Hubbard created totalitarian information control and policies for the suppression of "entheta" because he knew that Scientology would fall apart if alternative opinions or criticism were allowed. Hubbard knew if other explanations of what Scientology really is and does were discussed openly and without fear of punishment, it would create an exodus of members and a wave of lawsuits. The history of past information leaks inside Scientology, and the subsequent exoduses and lawsuits, proves this is true. Scientology executives know Scientology has never faced a more potent force to change it and bring it to justice than the electronic library and communication transfer service that FACTNet provides. Scientology executives see their worst nightmare growing every day because they know every individual and organization that Scientology has harmed over its 40 year history, and every organization and individual they have ever declared "Suppressive," is linking up information and resources in the present, becoming unintimidatable as a group, and working together truly to bring the out-of-control Scientology abuse machine to justice. FACTNet Today A new tool of unprecedented scope has been created finally to bring Scientology to justice. The FACTNet concept of using high technology to level the playing field against human rights abusers is already remedying the disadvantage, isolation, and disenfranchisement currently suffered by many of Scientology's former victims and critics. Network users are discovering an even more healthy and successful post-Scientology life. They are discovering they are not alone. It is a healthy closure on Scientology to work with others in the network to do the right thing, and to make one's unique contribution to bringing Scientology to justice. Scientology's ability to harm others in the future relies upon having scared and burned every past victim or victim advocate group so badly that they are too debilitated to seek justice, or are firmly locked into rationalization and denial. The history of the human rights movements shows that it is always the victims who felt the pain first hand who lead and force the way to justice. In 1987, Scientology's secret internal documents estimated its world wide membership at 25,000. Even if we double that figure in 1994 there are still 20 or more ex-Scientologists for every member currently still involved. When you then include the family and friends of ex-members who also have paid the price for Scientology's abuses, an important perspective presents itself: if we ban together in the present and act collectively the Scientology bully will be brought to justice. When all 40 years of Scientology's victims are ethically empowered and cooperatively networked, many more of them will come to understand how they were manipulated and become willing to share all the information they have. This will lead to full healing, real closure, many personal growth benefits, and finally the end to an ongoing pattern of injustice and exploitation. With Scientology's victims no longer cowed by Scientology- implanted phobias or fear of harassment tactics, Scientology will continue losing in the courts at a much increased rate. When Scientology Will Really Change Scientology will change only when the profit has been taken out of its coercive psychological manipulation of the hopes and needs of decent people and the children and young adults who most frequently become its victims. Only an abundance of court judgments, government investigations, legal censure, and exposes in the media will force Scientology finally to change its behavior for real. It's as simple as that. When we collectively take the ill-gotten profit out of Scientology's harmful activities through telling our individual stories, ethical use of the justice system, cooperation for our collective security, and use of the force of law to compel Scientology to change, then it will change. Our continued and greater success in bringing Scientology to justice depends only on the courage of Scientology's victims, their willingness to take advantage of the FACTNet opportunity, network together, and to learn about and face what was done to them rather than rationalize it. We all need to look beyond our own convenient personal rationalizations about our Scientology experience and consider our children, our grandchildren, our families, and what it means to the general public safety if a group like this continues to gain social, economic, and political power. It is rationalizations, like those of the "good Germans" when the Nazi form of facism rose to power, that allow the Scientology human rights abuse machine to grow in power and to continue to abuse the unknowing who follow behind you. What's Next? It will be our collective and coordinated strength that will stop Scientology's abuses. Victims of Scientology and advocates for bringing Scientology to justice need to network together as never before. For our collective security, it is time to demonstrate that Scientology is not "above the law" and that Scientology cannot bully all of the people all of the time by taking us on individually. I believe we all have a unique window of opportunity in FACTNet. You personally can make a powerful and immediate difference to bring Scientology to justice. Today, using the leverage of the FACTNet network, you can start to or further rebalance the scales of justice and advance the healing of the loss and pain that you have personally suffered at the hands of Scientology -- and nothing has proven to be as effective to heal the wounds of victims faster and better than bringing their oppressors to justice. I have no doubt that Scientology will use its tremendous cash resources and intimidation machine to try to destroy FACTNet during its final testing or undermine the expansion of FACTNet's library services to the general public. If FACTNet doesn't get immediate support at this critical juncture, there is a very real possibility FACTNet might not make it. You and we are all that stand against the destruction of this organization, and our willingness realistically to co-create, protect, and support our FACTNet opportunity for bringing Scientology to justice. If this powerful opportunity is lost or ignored, I don't want to imagine what Scientology's influence on our future will be like. What Is Needed? The best way to help FACTNet right now is to give it your financial support. In the next stage, when we are able to hire personnel to coordinate the work, another way to bring Scientology to justice will be to get active in the FACTNet network on a project that fits your interest and support the network in any way you can. (See list of attached projects.) One of the projects that FACTNet is working on is an evaluation of the best way to get all money back, per Scientology's "money back guarantee" -- no matter how many years ago it was. If we collectively force this issue into the open and force it to be dealt with, I estimate Scientology has a 1/2 to 1 billion dollar liability to reimburse burned past members. F.A.C.TNet has collected and posted scores of reports and relevant materials in this area Your help is urgently needed now (not 6 weeks or six months from now) to raise a minimum of $750,000 to get FACTNet out of final testing phase and fully operational by December 30, 1994. FACTNet does not yet have the personnel or resources to call or repeatedly contact you to convince you to help us. Stop rationalizing, either in a lesser or greater degree. Do what you know in your heart you should be doing or doing more of. Please review the attached project list and get involved with the rest of us (or increase your involvement) on some level with a significant tax deductible contribution. Remember that if you have a court case with Scientology, and you settle, then you lost. Their objective is to seal evidence exhibits and make them unavailable to future litigants. Their power is built upon concealed information. They don't need or deserve your help. I will be giving substantial donations to FACTNet when I collect or as I sell off seized Scientology assets. If everyone gave FACTNet only 10% of what they lost in Scientology, FACTNet would have the resources immediately to go head-to-head with the Scientology intimidation machine and enforce justice through the courts world wide -- as well as do more to support victim recovery. Everyone do something! At least get this to every ex-Scientologist whom you know and can correspond with. You can tell other people about the real Scientology but, if you do nothing else, please at least type out your personal story about Scientology and let others learn from your experience. Break the grip of intimidation, silence, rationalization, and inactivity. Help FACTNet now. Sincerely, Lawrence Wollersheim P.S. You can reach me by E-Mail in FACTNet's main conference or by mailing letters to Lawrence Wollersheim, c/o FACTNet, 601 16 th. St., Golden, CO. 80403, or phone 1- 303-473-011 ex 5 for questions. If you want to see more information on FACTNet, I invite you to use your computer and modem and log on to FACTNet's test system at 1-303-530-1942. There is more information on line in the main conference bulletins and files sections. In other sections you can look over media articles on Scientology, amazing former member affidavits about their Scientology experience, and articles and support resources for healing abuse or confusion resulting from Scientology. Connect and join in dialog with other interested parties or your old Scientology friends from all over the world who have also left. Read the best of the Internet conferences dialog on Scientology (over 42,000 people have logged into these uncensored discussions), watch the latest breaking news bulletins covering everything from reports on the Michael Jackson marriage to a Scientologist to the growing list of new legal actions from all over the world that Scientology is losing. Please, I need your help in getting these documents into the hands of every person or organization that has been harmed by Scientology or any of its affiliates in the last 40 years. Send us your personal mailing list of all persons who should see these materials -- or copy and mail them directly. ===================================================================== "When Did You Last Get Through The Morning Without A Good Rationalization?" -- from a Monty Python movie The following are rationalizations I have heard repeatedly from individuals or organizations who know firsthand of Scientology's abuses yet do little or nothing effective to stop them. I'm tired. * I already gave too much of my life to dealing with Scientology. I've endured lost and upset family relations, staff contracts, loan repayments, lost years, lost education, etc. I just want to put Scientology behind me and get on with my life." * I'm burned out on Scientology. Let someone else bring Scientology to justice. I'm just one tired victim or victim's family member that wants a little joy back in my life." * "I did my part to collectively bring the Scientology bully to justice, I would have to deal with old buried issues and finally deal with and heal them. I 'm not ready for that." Scientology relies on silence and inactivity to keep abusing new victims and families. It's hopeless. * "I can't (won't) do anything against their cash rich intelligence agency (GO/OSA) litigation and harassment machine. They are fanatics." This one usually comes from former fanatically active GO, OSA or staff members. In general, I have found the more fanatical the individual was in committing crimes and outrageous activities while in Scientology, the more embarrassed, cowardly, inactive, and non-supportive these individuals are when they get out. Their own denial prevents them from disciplining the organization that manipulated them into fanaticism. They desperately deny their co-responsibility to correct the damage of their own past fanaticism. Some fear their criminal or other unethical acts while in Scientology will be exposed in the present. In fact, if they don't help correct the wrongdoing, their esteem will continue to suffer and they may be exposed anyway as more is exposed about Scientology's dirty past. The only logical thing is to stand up and be at least as active in bringing Scientology to justice as they were in serving it. The statute of limitations has long since past for most, and no one is interested in prosecuting former victims who are now bringing Scientology to justice. * "Nobody who goes against them lives a successful life. They just die, get cancer, or go insane." ..or some other false Scientology implanted phobia or PR story that convinces you exactly what they want their victims to believe. No one can stand up to them. Go find a hole and hide somewhere and try to recover but never, never think Scientology techniques were the cause or aggravated your problems or that you can successfully challenge Scientology. I'm done. * "I already did my piece. I'm done." In hindsight, we can see how Germans could have prevented the coming holocaust when the Nazi party was still small enough to be contained. In the same way, ex-scientologists can see better than most people what kind of world will be created if Scientology's human rights abuse becomes accepted and "legitimate." In fact, the more any individual knows about the actual nature and activities of Scientology, the greater their responsibility to be active to change Scientology. This rationalization is often also used by media people and lawyers who are very active for a little while they are profiting from exposing Scientology. They profess they are working for justice but only if they get paid for it. The Scientology abuse problem is beyond just getting paid to do this work. Individuals who have benefitted financially in any way from attempts to bring Scientology to justice are under the strongest of moral imperatives financially to support the ongoing process to bring Scientology to justice. * "I lost tens (hundreds) of thousands of dollars in Scientology. I am done." The individuals who were taken for the most money generally contribute the least. They don't want to have to think about how they were deceived, burned, or intimidated. They refuse to recognize that not realistically supporting realistic efforts and a network to bring Scientology to justice is only allowing Scientology to do the same to some other family, business, or young adult. In their minds, collectively supporting bringing Scientology to justice erroneously equates to throwing good money after bad. Scientology's not so bad. * "I got some good out of it" ..while ignoring and passing on the greater harms and other related personal and financial losses the organization and the technology will cause to those who come behind you. * Scientology wasn't really so bad. I could have made better decisions but I wasn't really hurt. This might be true, or the person who uses this rationalization may be in fairly serious personal danger. Denial results in people going on through life considering their condition "normal" when in fact no awareness (which comes after denial) or recovery has taken place. * "The organization was bad but the tech has some good. If I admit Scientology tech was dangerous and caused me some damage I would get old my aches and pains back. It's got to be all or nothing." Most people don't realize that Scientology techniques are laced with covert hypnosis and covert trance induction. The gains were at best the placebo effect and the power of suggestion. * "If I really admitted to myself that I was harmed or deceived, I would feel like such a fool. How could I trust myself again after I gave so much to Scientology and was so certain?" It takes a courageous person to step beyond their pride and ego and admit they have been completely taken and deceived, but it is also the beginning of real healing. What happened to me in Scientology was my fault. * I am totally responsible for the harm and loss that happened to me in Scientology." ...while Scientology has no responsibility. * It happened to me because I had "overts." I was SP." ..or some other false Scientology blame-the-victim introversion. I'm afraid * "Scientology is a scary bunch of fanatics. They will never leave you along until you stop opposing them." We need to use our fears to confirm the seriousness of the Scientology problem not be paralyzed into inaction by them. 50 million people died in WW II because people were afraid to stand up to the Nazi's when they were beginning to gain power. * "As long as I don't think of Scientology I don't get flashbacks, get angry, feel my losses or feel burned." I made a deal with Scientology for my kids or for money. * Some family members say as long as they don't make waves for Scientology, Scientology lets the kids see them and write them. Other former members have been paid cash for silence. Such deals allow Scientology to control you by controlling your kids or your fears. It's like car companies finding it cheaper to pay off victims instead of making safe cars. Other victims are left to start over from the beginning. (Through anonymous donations to FACTNet, you can break this grip and help bring justice to Scientology without jeopardizing your deal.) I'm doing it myself. * "I am going to work on my own and do what I can in secret. I don't trust anyone and I might be compromised." This rationalization plays right into what Scientology most wants: isolated, easily handled, minimal and ineffective pockets of resistance that are unable to change or really threaten it. These individuals are often the "hit and run" specialists -- the ones who most often come in like sprinters and then quit. These "do it aloners" are the ones who usually make secret deals with Scientology that cash them out but seal critical information needed by everyone behind them. If you find yourself angry or still having flashbacks, get online with FACTNet and find others who can understand and help. Two books which may help you are: Captive Hearts, Captive Minds -- Freedom and Recovery from Cults and Abusive Relationships, by Madeline Landau Tobias and Janja Lalich. A Piece of Blue Sky -- Scientology, Dianetics and L. Ron Hubbard Exposed, by Jon Atack. ===================================================================== TYPES OF TAX DEDUCTIBLE CONTRIBUTIONS Founding Guarantor of F.A.C.T.Net Contribution of $1,000,000 or more Founding Patron of F.A.C.T.Net Contribution of $500,000 to $1,000,000 Guarantor of F.A.C.T.Net Contribution of $250,000 to $500,000 Patron of F.A.C.T.Net Contribution of $100,000 to $250,000 Benefactor of F.A.C.T.Net Contribution of $100,000 to $250,000 Key Sponsor of F.A.C.T.Net Contribution of $25,000 to $100,000 Special Sponsor of F.A.C.T.Net Contribution of $5,000 to $25,000 Sponsor of F.A.C.T.Net Contribution of $5,000 to $25,000 Key Friend of F.A.C.T.Net Contribution of $1,000 to $5,000 Special Friend of F.A.C.T.Net Contribution of $500 to $1,000 Friend of F.A.C.T.Net Contribution of $25 to $500 1. I am enclosing my tax deductible contribution of $_________________________________ 2. I am unable to send a contribution now but I will pledge (min $50) $___________________ which I will send on _________________________________. 3. Yes I have information to donate to your electronic library. I will send it on ____________________________________. 4. Yes I want to help with F.A.C.T.Net's fund raising.: I know of individuals or organizations who would likely contribute to your cause. I am including this information now, or please call me at ________________________________________. 5. Yes, I want to contribute, but I still have questions. (If you have questions please feel free to call 1-303-473-0111 and push the 5 key at the voice mail prompt.) YOUR GENEROUS CONTRIBUTION HELPS PROTECT OUR FREEDOMS AND RIGHTS FROM THE GROWING USE OF COERCIVE MIND CONTROL. F.A.C.T.Net will accept anonymous contributions. If confidentiality is requested, we will keep donor's identities confidential within the full extent of IRS regulations and the law. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTION AND HELP. ===================================================================== CHECK YOUR DESIRED SCIENTOLOGY PROJECT CONTRIBUTION. Project 1. Funding F.A.CT.NET's $750,000 public activation budget. F.A.C.T.NET will be able to go fully on-line to the public on December 31, 1994 with the equipment, staff, full Intemet connection, and ex-member and member public outreach capable of servicing 8-10,000 global computer information request calls a month. Project 2. Funding a $150,000 estimated budget for continued monitoring, investigation, and verification of Scientology's alleged victim casualty rates. This investigation is critical to later professional scientific studies to independently summarize and analyze Scientology's actual results and casualties. Project 3. Funding an estimated $150,000 special assistance project for the children and families most harmed by Scientology. This would include educational child custody information, rehabilitative educational materials for children raised in Scientology, and other educational activities that expose the public and government regulatory bodies to this human rights abuse of children. Project 4. Funding an estimated $50,000 Scientology victim emergency fund. This would provide emergency shelter, food, medical care, and emergency counseling services for Scientology victims left without resources after leaving or being thrown out of Scientology. Project 5. Funding an estimated $100,000 budget for investigation of the circumstances of the recent award by IRS of a 501(c)(3) non profit status to Scientology. If current allegations being investigated prove true, this information will be used to compel the IRS to re- investigate Scientology's non profit status award as well as its own decisional activities in this matter. Project 6. Funding for an initial estimated $7,000,000 global legal assistance fund for all past individual or organizational victims of Scientology. This would be used to assist current key court cases that desperately needing financial assistance. It would also be used for creating a expert legal team to evaluate new civil, criminal, and governmental actions and, if applicable, file new legal actions such as a civil RICO (racketeering) lawsuit, an "all past victims" class action or refund suits or other new legal actions to counter Scientology's continuing abuses. Project 7. Funding the estimated $250,000 European project to set up F.A.C.T.Net computer operations in Denmark, England, and the old Soviet Union. Project 8. Funding the estimated $100,000 to computerize 250,000 more pages of Scientology legal and investigatory materials donated to F.A.C.T.Net. Project 9. You suggest a personal project that fits within F.A.C.T.Net's goals and purposes. Until F.A.C.T.NET Inc. has attained it's $750,000 public activation budget, if you choose projects 2-9 50% of what you contribute will go toward public activation and the remainder directly into the project of your choice. Once we have reached our $750,000 public activation goal, 75% of your contributions will go directly to the project you select and the rest will go for maintaining F.A.C.T.Net's operations. (Detailed budget for project #1 available on request.)