FAMILYNET INTERNATIONAL FAMILYNET is an association of NETMAIL compatible nodes. Members of FAMILYNET have no rights per se, every BENEFIT available to FAMILYNET Nodes is conditional, and revokable at any time with no advanced notice, and without cause by any level of management in FAMILYNET. Membership in FAMILYNET is a privilege, revokable at any time without cause by the management of FAMILYNET. Having said the above - let me add: FAMILYNET is a means to alternatives. We were founded to offer sysops a choice. If you have problems with one manager, you are able to contact any other manager that will have you. This gives the managers a free hand, and allows people to peacefully coexist. All levels of FAMILYNET managers should subscribe to the theory - if one node is having problems, what can I do to help solve the problem for EVERYONE. Requirements for Membership 1) Netmail Compatible mailer - All members must have a "mailer" that is capable of communicating with other mailers in FAMILYNET. 2) G Rated System - All systems must be "G" rated. No profanity, obscenity on member systems. Each member should be a 'FAMILY' type/rated system. 3) No illegal activities - credit card numbers, phreaking (illegal long distance) codes, passwords, pirating of software, are some of the illegal activities that are expressly forbidden. This list is not by any means intended to be all inclusive. 4) No threats are permitted to any other node in FAMILYNET, or outside FAMILYNET. Threats include damage to software/systems, law suits, personal harm, etc. Local/National Managers will make the determination as to what constitutes a "threat." Applying for Membership 1) Obtain a current copy of the FMLYLIST (this is the list of nodes in FAMILYNET). 2) Members should only have ONE node number in FamilyNet (with the exception of Special Interest Nets (SIGNETS). If you are a member of a SIGNET you should NOT join a TBN (topology based Network), or a geographical net. Your SIGNET membership entitles you to all the benefits of membership in FamilyNet. If you are a Manager (at any level) you should use ONLY your manager's node number for all mail. 3) Send a message to the manager that would handle your geographical area, or area of interest (Special Interest Nets), or a TBN (topology based Network) manager that is willing to feed you. (Note: TBN is based soley on feeds, Special Interest and Geographic Nets are not. In a TBN, the manager assigning a node number will be your feed). If there is a local FAMILYNET net, send a message to the host node for the Local Net you wish to join. If there is no local Net, send your message to the Regional Manager that handles your Region. If there is a zone instead of a Region, send a message to the Zone Manager. Nodes can choose to have membership in geographical Nets, and/or Special Interest Nets. If you are a member of a TBN you may NOT also be a member of a geographical Net as well. The message should contain: Name of Your System. Name of System Operator (Your name). Location of System (ie Los Angelas, Ca). Phone number of System (where other nodes can deliver) mail - pvt or unlisted nodes are not permitted). Baud rate of your system Name and version of mailer (or proper flags if known). Allowable flags are listed at bottom of FMLYLIST. Hours that system is available for mail. Type of Modem system is running (For flags). Note: Points can be issued a regular node number in the network as long as their 'boss node' phone number is listed under their listing. If you are having problems with a manager, contact the next manager up the line and request a node number from him/her. If you have at least three nodes, you can request another network, even if a network is existing in the same geographical area. Note: Members may only be members of ONE geographical network if two exist in the same area. Positions * Node - One system (may be a BBS or Point) * Point - A system connected to FAMILYNET that is not public/has no users other than the operator. * Local FAMILYNET (Net) - A group of nodes in a local (geographical) area, a group of nodes with a topoplogy of echomail feeds (TBN), or areas of special interests (SIGNETS), Managed by a FAMILYNET Manager (Host). * Regional Manager - Has a REGION in the FMLYLIST. A Region is comprised of a group of NETS. Regions should have at least 50 separate nodes at the minimum. * Zone Manager - Has a group of REGIONS in the FMLYLIST. Can be SIGNET, Geographical, or TBN. * International Director - Gives direction to the entire network. Day to day operation rests with the Managers. The director will set policy and have the final say in resolving disputes. Disputes should be settled at the lowest level in the heirarchy. Managers are empowered to resolve any disputes at their level. * Moderator - Runs an echomail conference. A moderator of an echomail conference has complete control of that conference. All FAMILYNET nodes acknowledge the rights of the moderator to take whatever measures necessary to control the integrety of their conference. This includes dictating the guidelines for participating in a conference, and the power to order feeds be cut for a given conference (a conference will include both echomail and groupmail for the purpose of this document). * Echomail Coordinator - This position is responsible for making sure that echomail flows smoothly. This person will also be responsible for creating and maintaining an echomail list for all FAMILYNET Echoes/Groups. The echomail Coordinator will have the final say in where feeds may be made - by permission of the moderators, in the case of disputes/problems. Free flow of echomail dictates that any node can go anywhere to get any feed they like (exception is gated echomail). Required Conferences The following conferences are required for all FAMILYNET nodes. You are NOT required to get them, but are responsiblible for the content in them. If an announcement is made in these conferences that puts you in policy violation, for example, the fact you are not tied into the conference does not constitute a valid defense for not conforming to the policy! As such it is STRONGLY suggested all nodes tie into these conferences where applicable. NETWORK_MGRS - All FAMILYNET managers and coordinators should be tied into this echo/conference. This is where policy will be made and discussed. This is also where all problems are discussed. By default, the moderator of this conference will be the International director. Only managers and coordinators may tie into this conference. This conference is restricted. NETWORK_SYSOP - This is the FAMILYNET sysop's echo. This is where announcements are made, and topics of discussion of interest to all sysops will take place. All FAMILYNET systems SHOULD have a tie in to this conference. Announcements made in this conference will be binding on all nodes. This conference should not need a moderator. Only topics of interest to ALL sysops in FamilyNet should be discussed here. Users may NOT have access to this conference. ECHOES - This is the place where echoes are searched for, commented on, new echoes are announced, and notice of terminations are made. Any Echo news should be made in the conference. By default, the FamilyNet Echomail Coordinator is the moderator of this conference. This conference is open to users and sysops. BACKBONE - This is the business conference for the FamilyNet Backbone nodes. All backbone nodes should be tied into this conference. Any node may tie into this conference. Access should be limted to sysops.