EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION READ THE FINE PRINT! Look for a clause that states that an employer has the right to fire without notice or cause. Lots of employers now require employees to sign these agreements to protect them from unfair firing lawsuits. APPLICATIONS ARE DESIGNED TO GET RID OF PEOPLE. Have you ever filled out an application that asked what your strengths were? If you are dependable or imaginative? Maybe once in your life. Instead, applications are designed to point out your flaws. Just look at the questions you are expected to respond to. If you have to fill out an application, follow these tips: Read the instructions! Carelessness will not get you a job. No blanks! If a question doesn't apply to you, put N/A in the line. No negatives! If your response might be negative or viewed negatively (gaps between jobs etc.), write something like "will explain in interview." Bring your own pen and make it erasable. In fact carry an extra for backup. Be neat! Appearance counts. If you can't even fill out a simple application, what makes you think you will get hired? Don't lie! If you can't fill out an application that might get you considered for a position without lying, avoid using applications in your job search completely. There is almost always a space in applications for "additional information." Use this space wisely but DO use it. List strengths and accomplishments and anything else that is pertinent that will portray you in a positive light. If one of the questions asks "Position desired," don't EVER put "any" or "anything." At least put the field you are interested in. If anything is asked about your health or work history, such as Unemployment compensation, Worker's compensation or anything else that might be construed as a negative, either give good reasons or offer to explain later.  - END FILE -