PERSONAL INFORMATION on Mortimer Goldfarb 30332 Snivel RD Hupuckit LA 22341 (444) 555-1212 EDUCATION 8 years of grade school. 1 year of High school. Am currently taking Home Study Course in Restaurant Management. On the job training as Assistant Manager at Burger Bash. HEALTH Excellent health. I have had all my shots and only miss a couple of days a month because of my foot. Another three months of therapy should take care of that. I almost never hear voices in my head anymore. MARITAL STATUS I am single but I live with a married woman. Her name is Angie and her husband committed suicide. Shot himself 17 times. I guess that makes her a widow. GOALS To be the best I can possibly be. To do everything in my power to bring about world peace. To foster love and harmony among nations and people all over the world and to further the exploration of space with my friends from the galaxy Thrimfurnad. END FILE