NEGOTIATING SALARY If asked, do your best to avoid mentioning a specific figure since it will almost always be lowered. Try to get the other person to mention a figure first. If you are asked what you made at your last job, politely state that you no longer work at your last job and that the job you are applying for is completely different than the job you last had. Ask what the salary range is for your position, telling them that you will confirm whether that is appropriate or not. Ask the salary range of workers above and below you if there is no prior history for the position you seek. Salary discussion is not necessarily a job offer. If unsure about it, ask. "Is this an offer?" If so, and the figure is too low, at least give yourself an out. Something like, "That is somewhat lower than I expected, but I am interested in the position. Is there any thing I could do in the near future to make myself more valuable to your organization?" Or, "I am very much interested in this position and flattered by your offer. This is an important decision for me and I would like some time to consider it." Mentally calculate the value of the benefits you will be receiving before agreeing on a definite figure for your salary. If you feel your performance will merit an increase, ask for a performance and salary review after six months. Don't discuss money during your first interview if at all possible. If you ask, then you are giving the impression that you are more interested in the money than the job. Let the employer name the first figure, if it is too low tell why you want to work for the company and how you might benefit them . . . then state your requirement. Decide before you go in what your worth is and stick to it. As a prospective employer, part of their job may be to get the best for the least. Subtly remind them that you usually get what you pay for. If the interviewer insists, use your current or last salary as a guideline. Then bracket your position. You should have some idea what their salary is for the position you are applying for. Use this for a broad response. If you know that they pay around $30,000.00 for instance, you could ask for "Somewhere between high twenties to low thirties." This gives you both some working room. Once you are actually offered the job, you are in a much stronger bargaining position. This is the best time to negotiate. In fact, in my opinion, it is the ONLY time to negotiate. Basic rule: The higher the salary, the fewer the jobs. Don't lie about your last salary, don't ask for more than the market will bear. Be realistic. NEVER, EVER come across as desperate.  By the same token, do not EVER turn down a job because you think they aren't paying enough. This includes doing so without verbally stating it. If you act disappointed, you will probably not be offered the job. Best to give yourself at least 24 hours to consider. It may be $3,000.00 less a year than you were considering, but what if other benefits outweigh the loss of pay. Perhaps you won't have to commute, maybe you'll actually be working less hours, or get an afternoon off in the middle of the week. It is important to seriously consider any offer. Time may change your initial reaction. - END FILE -