WHEN TO LOOK FOR A JOB EVEN IF YOU ARE STILL WORKING. IF: You've been passed over for a promotion. You've been demoted. You've had your work load lightened. Your last review indicated you were only adequate or satisfactory. Or you could greatly improve. You didn't get your usual bonus, salary increase, or "step-up" while others did. If basic business is being neglected by upper echelon. The company isn't keeping up with the competition. The company has had a big succession of good years. Inevitably a down turn is in the forecast and it's best to leave as a winner. You're not getting your fair share of the companies success. You are no longer interested and unable to generate ideas. Boredom is part of your day now. A relative of management is after your job or the job which you might be next in line for. You find yourself arguing or squabbling with fellow workers, and most important, those important to your success. Intuition tells you that you are being "left out." If you feel that you can go no higher within company ranks. You've reached the top. You pull your hair out at night. - END FILE -