VIRSPEC.TXT - Special information regarding unique viruses AntiVirus Lab, SYMANTEC/Peter Norton Product Group November 1, 1994 ****************************************************************** This text file contains information about viruses that cause unique problems and require special handling. ONE HALF virus ============== The November 1, 1994 definitions include a new memory definition for a virus called One Half. This virus is known to be in the wild in Europe, especially Russia and the Eastern Bloc countries. One US government agency is said to have been infected. The One Half virus is a multipartite virus that exhibits both stealth and polymorphic behavior. In addition to infecting files and master boot records, the One Half virus will encrypt data on your hard disk. This is why it requires special handling. This virus is incredibly complex and we prefer that if you become infected, please call our Technical Support department and they will help guide you through the repair process. Please do not attempt any repairs on your own if you are infected with One Half. **************************************************************** WARNING: Because of the unusual behavior of this virus, DO NOT reinoculate the master boot record or use inoculation technology to repair the virus and DO NOT attempt to repair your hard disk using Norton Disk Doctor or any other disk repair utility. ****************************************************************