Installing Document Conversion Manager ====================================== System requirements This section describes the hardware, system, printer driver, and memory requirements for using Document Conversion Manager. Hardware Document Conversion Manager requires the following hardware : A 386-, or 486-based computer certified for use with MS-Windows version 3.x, or IBM OS/2 v2.x with full Windows support. A 1.2Mb 5¬" disk drive, or a 1.44Mb 3«" disk drive. A Microsoft Windows compatible mouse. System software To use Document Conversion Manager you must have Microsoft Windows 3.x OR IBM OS/2 v 2.0 installed on your computer. Memory Document Conversion Manager requires a minimum of 512Kb of RAM to operate in Windows version 3.x enhanced mode. Document Conversion Manager will not operate in Windows Real mode. Disk space Document Conversion Manager requires 2 Mb of disk space to install correctly. Installation You install Document Conversion Manager from the Microsoft Windows version 3.x Program Manager running under DOS 3.3 or higher. The Install program transfers the Document Conversion Manager program files to your hard disk, and configures Document Conversion Manager for use with WP applications and printers. The directions that follow assume that you are performing a Workstation installation, and starting the Install program from a high-density drive A. If you start from a different drive, substitute the letter of that drive. Install will need to know the location of the work-station WP applications. If you are installing for use with Wordperfect, Install will need to know the location of the WordPerfect printer drivers. These files will have a .PRS or .WRS extension. Running Install If the installation directory does not exist, Install will create it for you. - Insert the Program diskette in drive A and close the door. - Open the Windows Program Manager. - Choose File/Run. - Type A:\ INSTALL - Choose OK The Install program prompts you for - the drive and directory where you want to install Document Conversion Manager. - The conversion READERS and WRITERS that you wish to install. Install assumes that you will be installing all READERS and WRITERS. If you don't want to install everything, highlight those READERS and WRITERS not to be installed and press REMOVE. - Press OK when finished. Install will display a list of Startable Applications corresponding to the WRITERS being installed. These applications are : Lotus Ami Pro v2 & v3 AMIPRO.EXE WordPerfect for Windows v5.2 WPWIN.EXE Microsoft Word for Windows v1 & v2 WINWORD.EXE Install will search the system PATH and Windows environment to try and locate the applications. If successful, the application path will be displayed. If unsuccessful, you will need to enter the path to the application with the application name, if you want to launch documents as they are converted. WORDPERFECT If you are installing the WordPerfect WRITER, Install will need to know the location of your WordPerfect printer files. These files will have either a .PRS or .WRS extension. Without these files Document Conversion Manager may not run, or may produce badly formatted documents. If WordPerfect is not installed on your work-station, Install will configure Document Conversion Manager to produce WordPerfect documents with a "vanilla" printer driver and default Courier, Times and Helvetic typefaces. Install will prompt you for the work-station WP format. Install will transfer the appropriate files to the specified directory, and setup default .INI files in your Windows directory. These files are : DCM.INI, which tells Document Conversion Manager which READERS and WRITERS are available, the location of applications and whether they are set startable, the setup values for each pairing, and the work-station WP. ???PRN.INI, which contains printer definitions and font mapping definitions for each READER. The first three characters represent the READER. ???FONT.INI, which provides the READER fonts/typestyles definitions. Install will setup associations for the following file extensions according to the READERS being installed: .DOC = .RFT = .WP5 = [drive][path]DCM2.EXE .UPX = .OPW = .SAM = Follow the Windows File Manager instructions to setup additional associations, or to change existing associations. The Install program will create a "Pembroke Applications" Program Group containing the Document Conversion Manager icon, on your desk-top. **************************************************************** You must go through the SETUP procedures before converting documents. Not using SETUP to ensure that font mapping and an output device are correctly defined may result in badly formatted documents. ***************************************************************** SERVER INSTALLATION =================== Install copies all files to the server drive and directory specified. You must then run NODESET.EXE from each workstation requiring conversion. If you are running OS/2 over a Novell network there may be problems associated with a WIN-OS2 session that cause the installation process to terminate the WIN-OS2 session. However all the necessary files will be installed on the server. You will need to re-start your WIN-OS2 session to run NODESET.EXE.