How to Install Complete Program Deleter for Windows To install CPD, simply put all the files that come with the program (WCPD.EXE, CPD.WRI, REGISTER.TXT, etc.) in your Windows subdirectory. You can, if you prefer, put the QPRO200.DLL file in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory instead, since this subdirectory is specifically designed to hold support files like this. Once you have these files in the proper directory, run Windows. Select New from Program Manager's Files menu. When it asks if you are installing a program group or program item, select Program Group and click on the Ok button. On the next windows, ignore the "Description" box and click on the "Group File" box. Type WCPD and then click on the Ok button. The Complete Program Deleter group will be installed. Note: This program requires that the library VBRUN200.DLL be in either the WINDOWS or WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. This is a common Windows library available from many sources, such as CompuServe, GEnie, America Online, or MicroSoft. Because it is so widely available and is a rather large file, it may not be included in the CPD archive that you receive.