If you do not yet have a FidoNet Node ID, you must apply for one. Applying for a Node ID can either be a very frustrating experience or it can be quite gratifying knowing that your Network Co-Ordinator is concerned about his/her prospective new nodes. If you are lucky, your Net Co-Ordinator will respond to your request within a day and give you the information necessary for you to hook up to the FidoNet. If you are like most, your requests for a Node ID will go unnoticed and you will have to continue to "pester" the Co-Ordinator to get any action out of him or her. It is best that you get your Front End set up and working BEFORE you request a Node ID, because your Net Co-Ordinator will likely send you a message to either check your system out or to give you your Fidonet ID and your HUB assignment. So, how do you know which Fido Node to call? You will need a Fido Node List. You can request one from the Crow at 1:103/995 using the Filename of NODELIST. Its quite a large file, so be prepared. Once you obtain a Node List, you need to look at the List in an editor such as LIST.COM and search for your Telephone Area Code. You should see some entries from other Fidonet Nodes in your Area. The first listing for your area will be your Network Co-Ordinator, he/she is listed as a "Region". This is the person you need to apply to. He/she will then assign you to a local HUB or HOST. You always apply to a Node with a 0 as the Node Number (ie, 1:103/0). It is easy to find someone with your area code and that someone is listed as a Regional Co-Ordinator. If that Co-Ordinator has nodes listed under him/her and their area code is different than yours, don't apply to that Co-Ordinator (wrong person). Keep looking in the Nodelist and try and find other nodes from your immediate area. The person listed directly under the "REGION" field is the person you apply to. If you run into trouble trying to obtain a FidoNet Node ID, send a NetMail message to 1:103/995, and we will try to help you out. It can sometimes be a major frustrating experience. Your Net Co-Ordinator or the HUB you are assigned to will probably call your Front End Mailer leaving you a message with your new Node ID. You will still have to wait 1 or 2 weeks for your ID to appear in the latest Node List. This is just the system and thats how long it takes for changes to take place. To actually apply for a FidoNet Node ID, send a Message to your FidoNet Network Co-Ordinator with the following information: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To: Net Coordinator 1:Your Net/0 example 1:103/0 Subject: Application for Net/Node ID I wish to participate in FidoNet and Net (Your Net here e.g 103). Please consider this as my request for a Net/Node ID in FidoNet. I have read and understand FidoNet's Policy document (POLICY4.TXT). I agree to abide by the policy and rules spelled out in these documents. Here is the information required for registration in the Network. PLEASE, NO MORE THAN 20 CHARACTERS PER LINE! 1) Your name: (No Handles) ____________________ 2) Your VOICE telephone number: ____________________ 3) The name of your system: ____________________ 4) City and State: ____________________ 5) Your FidoNet BBS telephone number: ____________________ 6) Hours of operation: ____________________ 7) Max baud rate your system supports: ____________________ 8) The name and type of your modem: ____________________ 9) The FidoNet Compatible Frontend Mailer Software your system is using: ____________________ 10) The BBS Software you are running: ____________________ 11) Additional comments to the Network Co-Ordinator (if any): _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ =============================================================