PREFACE I have heard so many different theories about 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2, that I thought that it would be helpful to go over the chapter verse by verse. The common thread in most studies of 2nd Thessalonians 2 is that they all rely on the writings ansd thoughts of men. Whether it's Historians, Archaeologists, Experts in Hebrew tradition, or whatever, the theories are always backed up by the word of men. Well, I submit to you the "BIBLICAL" evidence of exactly what this chapter means, Direct from the scriptures. There will be no consideration of slaughtered pigs, no leaning on historians, archaeologists, or politics for interpretation, and most importantly, no "IGNORING" of ANY scriptural passages that might agree or disagree with the verses in view. When we ae done you will note "ONE" thing that is clearly seen, which is "NEVER" seen with these other, man made interpretations. NO INCONSISTANCIES, and full agreement with the rest of scripture. No one will be able to look at this and ask, where does the Bible speak of slaughtered pigs, or how can you say there was left NOT one stone upon another, when there WAS one stone left upon another, or how can this be spoken of as the Holy Temple of God when it is neither Holy, nor a temple of God? In other words, we "WILL NOT" Ignore or Contradict or lead scripture where we want it to go, we will follow it carefully. And that is the difference between "KEEPING" the word of God, and falling under the delusion of what someone had taught us. When hammer meets anvil, the anvil stands! When word of God, meets word of man, The Word of God stands. You will also note that I don't quote Pastor Bob, Dr. PHD, The X,Y,Z, catechism, The Jewish Historical Society, Pope Johnn Paul, Calvin, the valatchi papers, Archaeology Today, or The Dallas Theological Seminary. You will also note that MOST other man-made Interpretations rely heavily on these types (man's) writings, and very little (if any) on scripture. They are always telling you, "This one said" and "That one said" and "History tells us" and "Calvin said" and "My Church said" and "Some great christian wrote" etc., etc., etc. Did you ever wonder why that is? Not why they tell you that is, but why it REALLY is? I'll tell you. It's because they don't have the SCRIPTURE to back up what they say, and so they have to fill in the empty lines with something, and so they fill it with what theory someone else had, or what it sounds like it could be, or match it up with some obscure historical or political happening. It is usually starts off with "this one said in 1811, or that one wrote in 1600 etc. I've seen this error 100 times. Whether they want to put it into the national or political realm, or in the Historical, traditional, or social realm, it's always the same. It boils down to relying on the word of man. And when you "DARE" ask, where is the scripture to back this up, they are OFFENDED and give you a diatribe about History, and what some great writer said, as if that answers the question. That does not answer the question. It never has. The only thing that will "EVER" answer your question of What is true Interpretation of scripture, and what is man's, is if the Interpretation comes "DIRECTLY" from the scriptures. "THINK ABOUT IT!" The Bible is The word of God, is it not? Therefore, if the word of God says one thing, and man says something different, we are bound to believe the word of God, and "NOT" man. No matter how learned he is, no matter what position he has in the church, no matter how effectively he ignores scripture. He may ignore the scripture, but we are bound by God to consider it. Each man/woman will answer for his own sin, and no one is going to stand before God and say, Opps, I guess I was deceived, I should have looked and not ignored. "IGNORING" God's word is a grievous sin, and that's why I emphasize it so. Do not follow after Church or Man like a lemming. There's no telling where they will lead you. but do as the more noble Bereans. Search the scriptures (not the historical archives) to see if these things are TRUE or not. And if you don't find these things in the scriptures, then there is "NO REASON" for you to put any FAITH in it. I would expect you to do the SAME THING with my, or any Study. If it is "NOT" in the scriptures, and cannot be justified by chapter and verse, then there is no reason for you to believe it. But by the same token, if these things are in the scriptures, then we "CANNOT" simply IGNORE them just because our church/teachers taught us something else. that is called being faithful to your church, but unfaithful to GOD. That will never do. If you come to the TRUTH of this Study, it will be because "GOD" hath guided you into truth, through His Holy word, not because of anything I (man) says. It is the Holy Spirit of God that leadeth into Truth. If God dwells within you, I have no doubt but that He will let you know if these things are true or not, through the study of the word. But to be sure, "NEVER, EVER" IGNORE scripture as is the rule for many. Reflect on what you hear, don't deflect! Be as the bereans, be Noble. Check it out in the scriptures. ...Pray for Wisdom. ------------------------------------------------------ A STUDY OF 2ND THESSALONIANS CHAPTER 2 by Tony Warren Verse 1 "Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him," Verse 2 "That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of the Lord is at hand." Verse 1 is talking about the 2nd Coming of the Lord. A Simple deduction. When will the be the Coming of the Lord, and the true believers be gathered together to meet Him? The answer of course is at His second coming. Some folks call it The Rapture. This is when Christ comes again and we (The Believers that are alive at that time) will be caught up "TOGETHER" unto Him. That is what that 1st verse is talking about. We read in 1st Thessalonians 4:15 "For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the COMING OF THE LORD shall not prevent them which are asleep. for the LORD HIMSELF shall descend with a shout, and the voice of the archangel, and with the Trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up TOGETHER WITH THEM in the clouds, to meet the Lord: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." You see, this is the Coming of the Lord and our gathering together to meet Him according to scripture. This is exactly what verse 1 is talking about. It's not talking about 70 AD, it's not talking about a time when the romans will overrun Jerusalem, it's not talking about a time when Pigs will be slaughtered, it's talking about the "TIME" of the return of The Lord, and our gathering together to Meet Him. Let's get that straight "FIRST" and then maybe we can understand the rest. And in verse 2 of 2nd thessalonians 2, the exhortation continues. Paul is explaining to the church, don't be shaken or troubled in mind, that the day of the Lord is at hand. He says it isn't! ..People! This is an important Point! He is telling them in no uncertain terms that it hasn't arrived, and that it will not arrive (verse 3) until certain things have taken place. This should "ALERT" anyone who would seek to try and say The day of the Lord he is talking about was already here, or had already happened. It is "CLEAR" to anyone with eyes that Paul is telling them, It hasn't arrived yet, and in fact would not arrive until certain things took place. So He's telling them, You don't even have to worry about it. Don't be troubled by it. The return of the Lord is not coming until there is a APOSTASY! These are facts which "CANNOT" be ignored, but which many people ignore anyway. The original texts make clear it's talking about that day of the Lord hasn't arrived. It hasn't Come! And they shouldn't have a troubled mind thinking it was coming. Does this tell you that the day would not come in their lifetime? It would certainly appear so wouldn't it? He would certainly not be telling them don't worry about receiving an epistle from us, or be troubled in mind about the day of the Lord being at hand, if it was at hand, now would he? He's telling them, DON'T WORRY about it. It's not at hand. And it won't be at hand until there is a "GREAT APOSTACY" in the church. That's exactly what Paul is saying. Verse 3 "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away (APOSTASY) first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition." here again, he's telling them, don't listen to those who are saying the Lord's coming is at hand. Let no man deceive you! Again a "CLEAR" indication that that time would not come in their lifetime, but would come at a time when there is a "GREAT APOSTASY" in the church, and when the man of Sin will be revealed, the son of perdition. This is the time when the Lord would return, and the Church would be gathered together to meet Him. This is the time that is being talked about. This is not 70 AD, this is not any time in the past at all, this is "WHEN" the Lord returns and the Church is gathered together to meet Him, and it won't happen (The Coming of the Lord), EXCEPT there be a GREAT APOSTASY first and the son of perdition be revealed., This is not what "I" say, this is what the word of God says. MEN say other things, but the word of God says what it says, and Blessed are those that "KEEP" what it says. The word translated "falling away" in the king James version is the greek word Apostasia, from which we get the word APOSTASY, and it means to forsake, or to depart from. Because you see, at this time the unfaithful will depart from the love of truth to be seduced by the deceivers (verse 10). They fall away from God being seduced, and they serve false gods (verse 4). This is called in scripture, "ABOMINATION!" This departing from the Truth is because of one thing. They are "DECEIVED!" 1st Timothy4:1 "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to SEDUCING spirits, and DOCTRINES of DEVILS; speaking LIES in hypocricy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which GOD hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them that believe and know the truth." Does the Spirit speak this expressly to you? It speaks it expressly to me! It spoke it expressly to he who penned this! It says in the latter "TIMES" there are going to be those who are seduced by evil spirits and doctrines of devils. Fits PERFECTLY with 2nd Thessalonians 2. the deceiving of satan, his doctrines, his deceiving lies (2nd thess 2 verse 9) the departing from the faith (falling away), happening at the latter times, it all fits perfectly, because it's TRUE. It's God's word, not mine. Don't take my word for it, check it out yourself. Now some would have you believe that this is talking about the "LAST DAYS" which covers the whole N.T. Period. But this theory can be easily rebuffed by simply "KEEPING" the word. They may be looking for excuses to ignore the passage, but they are not going to find any here. First of all it says the latter Times, not the last days. The word translated times here is "NEVER" translated days. 2nd of all, and MOST IMPORTANT is that the word "LAST" and the word "LATTER" are two entirely different words. The word last (as in last days) is eschatos, and the word translated latter here is the word "HUSERON" and it means in the sense of behind, AFTERWARD! that word is "NEVER" used in scripture in regards to the Last days, or whole N.T. Period. NEVER! Paul is "STANDING" in the last days (N.T. Period) and he is saying that AFTERWARD these things shall come. The context itself reveals that this is true. People are forever looking for reasons to IGNORE what a passage actually says, so that they can fit it into what they need it to say in order to accomodate their doctrine. There is so little humility in the world today. We need no exotic around-the-world interpretation of this. This verse says "EXACTLY" what it appears to say. It says that in the latter times, some shall depart from the truth and fall prey to deceiving (seducing) spirits and doctrines of devils. They will speak lies because their conscience is seared as with a hot iron. ....You know how when you give someone scripture that says just the opposite of what they believe, and they just pass right over it (IGNORE) like it wasn't even there? That's because their conscience is seared. They've done it so much that now It doesn't even bother them that their beliefs contradict scripture. People "PLEASE" do not fall into this SNARE! look at what verse 3 says for example. Forbiding to marry. Now we have a church that says in order to be a leader in that church, you are forbidden to marry. WHERE DOES THE BIBLE SAY THAT? but they don't care. If you show them this verse, they IGNORE it, because their conscience is seared to the point that to contradict the word doesn't bother them. Same thing here as it says in 1st timothy 1-4 about those commanding to abstain from meats. WHERE DOES IT SAY THAT IN SCRIPTURE? But you show them this verse, or particularly verse 4, and they talk right around it as if it isn't even there. Because their conscience is seared, so that they are not sensitive to the word of God. You tell them what God says, "For every creature of God is good and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving," and they'll reply, I don't buy that because my church says 'such and such! They don't realize it (deceived), but what they are saying is, I don't care what God says, I will listen only to the people in my church. This is the kind of falling away that takes place near the end (the latter times). People will listen to men for truth, and forsake (apostasia) the love of Truth, and in doing so, they make god in the image of man, and that is who they are SERVING and worshiping. Please also note that despite noises to the contrary, this idea of a great apostasy in the church before the coming of the Lord agrees PERFECTLY with the rest of scripture. 2nd Thessalonians 2 is a dynamic Illustration of this. While others may IGNORE verses like revelation chapter 20 of the loosing of Satan, I urge you not to do this. It's clear that Satan will be loosed and will gather the nations of the 4 quarters of the earth to go up to battle the camp of the saints (rev 20:8-9). This is not Theory, this is "FACT!" Also a fact is that it happens near the time of the return of the Lord. But yet, those who refuse to "RECEIVE" the love of Truth continually ignore these facts, and will actually go so far as tell you there is no connection. Even though they both are at the Time of the second coming, they both speak about this that was bound, or held back being loosed, and they both speak of this great deceiving. That's the consistancy of scripture that shows Truth, yet people will Ignore that and "INSIST" 2nd Thessalonians speaks about a time in the past, not the coming of the Lord and the gathering of us together to meet Him. What arrogance! In the face of what God's word says, they would rather depend on themselves for truth. And that is exactly why they are deceived. As verse 10 of 2nd thessalonians tells us, they were deceived because they would "NOT RECEIVE" the love of Truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. I have to think that they get their pleasure from thinking highly of themselves, or finding New ways to twist scripture so that it "APPEARS" to agree with them, or in man's illusions of self sanctification. But they are missing the point. They should be searching for Truth. It's obvious that they are not, because when it is presented, they IGNORE it. And for "THIS" reason, they were deceived. It's by their own Stubborness and pride. And this unrighteousness will give place to the man of sin. It is because of this that the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition. Verse 4 "who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he, as god sitteth in the Temple of God, shewing himself that he is god." The question is, "WHO IS THIS?" That is the ONLY question! We know by the scriptures what time this is (the time just before the coming of the Lord when we will be gathered together to meet Him [verse 1]), And we know where this will be taking place ( The Holy Temple of God [verse 4]), so the question now is, WHO is this man of Sin, the son of perdition? The answer is, He is "THE MAN OF SIN" or the man who trangresses the LAW of God. Sin is the transgression of the law of God. Not the 10 commandments only, but ANY and ALL of what God commands. That is what sin is. If God says love thy neighbor, and you don't love thy neighbor for even one minute, you have trangressed the law. In other words, you have sinned. Praise be to God that all our sins are forgiven once we have become saved. But the point is, this "MAN" of sin in the Temple is a man, but he is a man that is indwelt by satan. He is a man that has betrayed his cause in the Temple of the Lord (Church) and instead of having God as his authority, has become his own authority to do what he pleases. Where do we go for an example of the Man of Sin? ...THE BIBLE of course. When we look through the scriptures we find that there is only one other place where the "son of perdition" is mentioned. "NOT COINCIDENTRALLY" that "MAN" was a member of the church, who betrayed his cause as he came under the power (DECEPTION) of satan. That MAN OF SIN, of course was Judas. In John 17:12, jesus says, "While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Thy Name: those that thou gavest Me I have kept, and none of them is Lost, but THE SON OF PERDITION; that the scripture might be fulfilled." That is the ONLY other place where the "son of perdition" is mentioned in scripture, and it is NO COINCIDENCE that it is one of the church, who's end is "DESOLATION." Speaking of Him, we read in acts of the fulfillment of scripture, Acts 1:20 "For it is written in the book of Psalms, let his habitation be DESOLATE, and no man dwell therein: and his office let another take." This is the fate of The son of perdition, the man of sin. When satan entered into Judas (Luke 22:3) he sought to betray Christ. Because he was brought into captivity to satan, and sertved him. And just as it was one of the 12 who betreayed Christ then, it will be some of those of the church will betray Christ near the end. And just as the son of Perdition's house (habitation) was left unto him DESOLATE, so at this time his house will be left unto him DESOLATE. Did any of you ever wonder why the time of the CROSS so closely parallels the time of the End, and the second coming? It's because CHRIST so "MAGNIFICENTLY" identifies "HIMSELF" with the Church. This is the marvelous Picture of the great salvation plan of God has from the beginning placed in His book. Just as the "Temple" (Christ) was destroyed, betrayed by one of those claiming to be of them, So the "TEMPLE" (the body of Christ) will be destroyed near His second coming by the same fellow, the son of perdition. Those claiming to be a part of the body, but who in reality are of SATAN and OPPOSETH everything that is of God, and exalts himself above God. Do you know what is being described in 2nd Thessalonians 2? It is the abomination that maketh desolate, standing in The Holy Temple of God. It is the fulfillment of Matthew chapter 24 and other books and chapters that talk about the Return of the Lord. Matthew 24:14 "And this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. When ye THEREFORE shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the Holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains." This is not 70 AD as is commonly taught. This is at the end of the world. If we study God's word "CAREFULLY" then we can come to no other conclusion. Look first at the Context of the verses. It says the gospel will be preached to all the world, and THEN the end will come, THEREFORE, when ye see the abomination stand in the Holy place, then flee to the mountains. Do you see what God is saying in His word. Not what someone told you He was saying, but what the verse actually says. Look at the whole chapter. Christ was asked when would the Temple be destroyed (verse 3), and what are the signs of thy coming and the End of the world? And Christ proceeds to answer the questions. He tells them the signs that will alert them that His return is nigh, (false christs, prophets, famine, etc) and says THEREFORE, when you see the abomination stand in the Holy place, Flee to the Mountain. Some people would like to ignore the fact that verse 14 is talking about the End of the world, and verse 15 says "THEREFORE" when you see the abomination. You see by the use of the word THEREFORE God has equated the time of the End (verse 14), with the abomination that maketh desolate (verse 15). There is no mistaking it. He is telling us when The Holy Temple of God would be brought to Desolation. It is near the End of the world, when ABOMINATION stands in It. Not 70 AD, but near the End when we shall see these signs. Why do people come to the conclusion that the desolation of the Holy Temple was in 70 AD? Because they are listening to man, and not the Bible. They are listening to their teachers, instead of letting the Holy Spirit be the teacher, through God's Word. The Theory of 70 AD is based on Historical accounts, NOT ON SCRIPTURE. It relys on man's record of what alegedly happened in jerusalem. God does not base the Interpretation of His Holy word on man's writings, He puts the Understanding of His word "IN" His word. The "FACT" is the 70 AD Theory has so many holes, it looks like a spaghetti strainer. Just to mention a few, How could the Jewish Temple be "THE HOLY PLACE" in 70 AD. It was Neither Holy (God ripped the curtain between the Holy of Holies from top to bottom when Christ Died on the cross [Matthew 7:51]), nor was it the Temple of God. The "ONLY" Holy Temple of God after the cross, is the Church. How could abomination stand in a Temple that wasn't Holy? The Temple is called The Holy Place, THEREFORE, it can't be the Jewish temple after the cross. Besides, you would have to be out of your mind to think that Christians were worshiping in that famous Temple in Jerusalem then. None of this makes any sense. Nothing Fits! Jesus also said not one stone would be left standing upon another (matthew 24:2) in this Temple. He was "VERY SPECIFIC" not one stone upon another. Of course people want to IGNORE the fact that stones were left one upon another after the Temple was destroyed. In fact, you can still find the Temple ruins in Israel with the foundation stones One upon another. How do people get around this obvious contradiction to the 70 AD theory? They simply tell you, well uh, Ummm, Jesus didn't really mean it literally. ....You see how they entangle themselves when they try and force scripture to say what it does not? They tell you when Jesus is speaking about the Temple, He is speaking LITERALLY, and not about the church. But then when it comes to the part about the stones, because they can't "FIT" that in, they say, Oh, He was talking figurative about the stones. ...PEOPLE, listen to TRUTH. If the Temple is literal, the stones are Literal, and if the stones are not Literal, then the Temple is not Literal. You can't have it both ways. But forgetting what they say, and relying on what the Bible says, we see The Holy Temple is the Church, and the Stones of The Holy Temple are living stones. In other words, those in the Church. And that's not your teacher's interpretation, that's DIRECTLY from the word of God. Ephesians 2:20 "And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone; In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an HOLY TEMPLE in the Lord." There it is in God's word, for all to see. WE (the Believers) are the Holy Temple of God. I didn't say that, God did. But man says the Temple is bricks and Mortar, but God defines it otherwise. These teachers are making the exact same mistake the people made when Jesus told them as much. Remember when Jesus Threw the Buyers and Sellers out of the Temple, and the people say, give us a sign seeing you do these things? And Jesus said, "Destroy this Temple and in 3 days I will raise it up." well, all the people could think about was the Temple that they were standing in front of. The Literal bricks and Mortar Temple. But God's ways were far above man's. He wasn't talking about the temple building, He was talking about the Body of Christ. You'd have thought we would have learned a lesson. Because that is EXACTLY why it is there. As a lesson to us. When the scriptures said that Elias must come first, the people were baffled, because John the baptist wasn't Elias. But "NEVERTHELESS," he was the fullfillment of that scripture. The people just didn't understand. John that Baptist wasn't "LITERALLY" Eliah, but he came in the "SPIRIT" and Power of Elias. In other words, SPIRITUALLY (Liuke 1:17) he was Elias. Christians just don't seem to learn from BIBLICAL HISTORY. We see how the people of Jesus day thought that He came to set up a earthly Kingdom. They didn't understand that His Kingdom is a a Spiritual kingdom. He didn't come to reign on earth. That's man's IDEA! He told us plainly, His kingdom is "NOT" of this world. Yet today, there are those who make the exact same mistake. They tell you Christ is coming back to reign on This earth. Just as these did, they are missing the point. His Kingdom is not a earthly one, it's a heavenly one. The Temple that is being "REBUILT" is the Church. It started at the cross, with Christ being the Chief corner stone, and it won't be finished until the Time of the End. The Holy Temple is not a literal building. It is the Body of Christ. The stones are "NOT" literal stones, being layed one upon another, they are living Stones layed one upon another and growing into that Temple. We (the Church) are the BODY of Christ! 1st Peter 2:5 "Ye also as living Stones, are built up a spiritual house.." That's not speculation on the stones of the Temple, or from archaeologists or historians. That's not from the mouth of man, that's directly from the word of God. Which is more than this 70 AD teaching is from. It can't be backed up with the word of God. but if they can't back it up with the word of God, they'll back it up with the word of man instead. A History book, some secular writing, even the book of Macebees. And then they tell you, it's just as trustworthy as what you've quoted word for word from the scriptures. I've even been accused of being ANTI-GOD because I won't rely on Man's word, but on God's word exclusively for my interpretation. Somehow (I'm told) that's not being faithful. Is this how far the church has fallen? Or is it just me? Shall I please men by not saying these things? "For our exhortation was not of deceit, nor of uncleanness, nor in guile: but as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak; NOT AS PLEASING MEN, BUT GOD, WHICH TRIETH OUR HEARTS." Shall I speak of smooth things? Shall I say You're ok, I'm OK, let's not say when things are wrong because Christians aren't supposed to argue? Some say I should. But "GOD" says different. It doesn't matter if the Truth is not listened to, IT MUST BE SPOKEN. as a Encouragement, as a exhortation, as an admonishment, or as a judgement. The word of God is a two edged sword, and it sees everything. No thought, no intent of the heart, nothing hides from it. And it will speak, and it will not return VOID, or having done nothing! The interpretation I give is backed up by scripture, and is not contradictory. The ones that they give are "THEIR'S" and rely on History/Science/Geography/Archaeology/ tradition/Politics/Literal nations today/and the word of men. That's the difference. When this man of sin, the son of perdition takes a seat in The Temple of God, thsi is the Church. The falling away, the APOSTASY has made this possible. As we see that Judus was a man, and he was called the son of Perdition. Rather than being saved, he was indwelt by satan. Though he was "OF" the church, he was not "THEE" church. As it also is with many today. Though Judas was one of the 12, and ate and drank with them, he ultimately betrayed Christ, and his habitation became a desolation. And so it is with this man of Sin in 2nd Thessalonians. When satan is loosed (Rev 20) he will go forth deceiving people and bring them against the camp of the saints (The Only Saints are the Believers), the Holy City (The Only City that is HOLY, after the cross is the City come down from Heaven) the bride of Christ (again, the believers). If you think any other city is Holy besides the City set upon a Hill that can't be hid (Matthew 5:14) you are kidding yourself. Simply put, Satan attacks the church, the saints. How does he do this? By bringing into it Deceivers, that's how. As both 2nd thessalonians 2, and Revelation 20 indicates, it is SATAN'S deception that have people believing a lie. False gospels, lying signs and wonders! Those are GOD'S words, not mine. If satan is loosed to indwell man, that he dares sit in the Holy Temple of God and make proclamations as if he was God, then obviously, they are not worshiping "GOD" they are worshiping a false God. A god of their own making. A god after the imagination of their own hearts, but not the God of the Bible. The God of the Bible is identified by "KEEPING" His word. These are identified because they "DON'T KEEP" the word of God. They IGNORE it and speak their own. They are their own authority, just as Judas was. Verse 4 is telling us that Satan is indwelling the man of sin, the son of perdition, just as he did in Judas's case, and thus Satan Rules in the temple of God. Men worship him, and not the true God there, and this my friends is ABOMINATION, and will Leave the Temple Desolate, not ONE STONE LAYING UPON ANOTHER. Totally Desolate. why? because the true believers will "FLEE" from the midst of this ABOMINATION and will have no part of it, and that will leave only the falling stones built upon a foundation of earth, Not The Rock, and no living stones. This is not clever words with no meaning, this is God's word. When we don't obey God's word, The Lord speaks of this as building a house not on Christ (The Rock). And that is precisely why this temple falls. Because it is not Built on the Solid Rock. Luke 6:48 "He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a Rock: and when the flood arose the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a Rock. But he that heareth, and doeth not, is like a man that without foundation built an house upon the earth; against which the stream did beat vehemently, and immediately it fell and the ruin of that house was great." Just as the ruin of Judas's house was great. It was brought to desolation, so the ruin of every man who will not listen (HEAR) the word of God will be great. Their house will be brought to desolation. because their house is "NOT" the house of God, but the house of satan. They don't serve God, but satan. Their house will be brought to Desolation. Great will be the ruin of it. as matthew 24 says, not one stone upon another will be left standing. Why? Because this house is not founded upon the ROCK! As The Bible clearly tells us, we are "LIVING STONES" in the Holy Temple of God. But a house built without solid foundation of Christ (The ROCK) cannot stand. And every stone in it will fall. Not one will be left standing one upon another. This Temple of satan, will be left DESOLATE! ...Yes, this is The Abomination that maketh Desolate. satan in The Holy Temple is abomination. Verse 5 "Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?" Paul had evidently told those of Thessalonica about the falling away when he was there with them, but more than a simple statement by Paul to those at thessalonica. I believe this is a exhortation by Christ that He told us these things when He was teaching, and we should bring it to mind. The Lord works in Marvelous ways, and one way is to address something to the church at Philipi, or Corrinthians, or Romans, and have it "TRULY" be to the whole Church, not simply to who it is addressed to, or speaking to, at that particualr moment in time. At any rate, Christ "DID" tell us these things when He was here with us on earth. Where you ask? Matthew Chapter 24 for one. There He told us. When He was asked, When the Temple would be destroyed, and when would be the sign of His coming, and when would be the end of the world, He started telling them all these things. He said many false Christ's will arise (verse 5), Kingdom against Kingdom (verse7) and there would be affliction, and they would be hated of all for His name's sake (verse 9). He said many false prophets would arise and DECEIVE many (verse 11) and he that shall endure to the end would be saved (verse 13), He said that this gospel shall be preached in all the world for a witness and "THEN" the end would come (verse 14). You will note that among the countless inconsistancies of those TRYING to tell you that this all speaks about 70 AD is that this BLATANTLY "IGNORES" both context and flow. They chop this chapter up like a cold Turky saying one verse deals with 70 ad, and the next verse deals with all through time, and still the next verse deals with the end of the world. PEOPLE WAKE UP! This is all talking about the same thing. GOD is Not the author of confusion. You cannot go to the Bible interpreting one verse in one time and space, and the next in another time and space, and then on the next go back to the first time, etc. At least not without strong justification. Just listen to the Mish-Mash that some would have you believe. They say the verses around 7 about the nation rising against nation is 70 AD, then they say verse 14 about the gospel being preached unto the world and then the End coming, is the time of the End, then they switch again and say verse 15 of the abomination of desolation is 70 AD or there abouts again, Then they switch and say verse 29-30 is the End of the world again (all but one fellow, who INCREDIBLY claims this was already fulfilled in the past) and then they claim verses 40 (also in other books) are 70 AD again. You can show them inconsistancy after inconsistancy after inconsistancy and they will simply pretend like they never even heard what God said about it. For example, you ask them what about where (talking about this time), verse 14 says and this gospel of the kingdom must be preached in all the world for a witness; AND THEN THE END WILL COME, and they'll write you back and say, Well that's YOUR Interpretation, or that's your skewed logic, or more than likely, they won't answer at all. They Refuse to "HEAR" what God has said. They "REFUSE TO RECEIVE" the Love of Truth. Not My Truth, But what is written in God's word. The fact is, the gospel wasn't preached in all the world for a witness IN 70 AD! And then the end will come? Anyone who cannot see the correlation between 2nd Thessalonians and Matthew chapter 24 is Truly trying VERY HARD not to. Yes, Jesus has Told us before when He was with us on the earth about this falling away, but many will not hear. They say where did He say that? You show them where there is Great Tribulation near the End of the world, and they say Where does it say that? You show them where and they say, that's your Interpretation! You tell them there will be a great Evil Loosed on the world near the End, and they say where does the Bible say this? You show them revelation 20, the loosing of satan to assult the camp of the saints, and they tell you, it's not the same thing, You don't know what you are talking about. It is truly amazing how much scripture is IGNORED in today's world, in order to cling to False teachings that man has nurtured. And so it is. But The word of God has told us Time and Time and time again, in one way and then in another. Just as Paul says in this verse, "remember ye not that when I was with you, I told you these things." So Jesus says in Matthew chapter 24:25 when talking about these signs, "Behold, I have TOLD you before." Is anyone getting the picture here? They have told you before. The Preacher has told you before. Paul has told you before. Christ has Told you before. God has told you before. There is no excuse for you not knowing, because you have been told before! Mark 13:22 "for false Christ's and false Prophets shall arise and shall Shew SIGNS and WONDERS, to SEDUCE if it were possible, even the very elect. BUT TAKE HEED: Behold, I have foretold you all things." Who is Christ talking to? Read it yourself, and answer who is He talking to. Was He just talking to those who were standing there at the time, or is He talking to THEM, YOU and ME? That is the question. What are these signs and Wonders? were they in 70 AD? 2nd Thessalonians 2:9 "Even Him whose coming is after the working of Satan, with all power and lying signs and Wonders." Is this 70 AD? Impossible, we already saw where 2nd thessalonians is talking about the time of the End. And Guess what? So is Mark, and Matthew 24. The Bible says (NOT ME) when Satan is loosed, he goes forth DECEIVING. The Bible says (Not ME) that this deceiving is lying signs and wonders. It says so in many places. This (as everyone knows) can only be false prophets and false teachers, to seduce the elect if it were possible. Anyone want to read mark 13:22 again. God says, Behold, I have told you before. Some people simply are Not Listening. They have tuned out and turned off to the word of God. They have shut their eyes and ears "WILLINGLY" so that they don't have to see or hear. well, they can do that if they want, but God says "BEHOLD, I have told you before. Which gives no guarantee, He'll tell you again! ...He that hath ears to hear let him hear. Verse 6 "And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time." That word withholdeth means to be held down or restrained. The question is, who is being restrained, and who is doing the restraining? This is one of those verses that many people find that they can conveniently "IGNORE" because if they "DO" ignore it, they can say that satan wasn't bound at the cross, but will be bound sometime in the future. Because once you honestly answer this question, you can only come to the conclusion that satan is (at the time of the writing of 2nd thessalonians) being restrained, or held down, that he might be revealed in his time. So How do we know this is Satan? Because verse 9 speaks about him being the PRESENCE (Coming) according to the working of Satan with all lying signs and wonders to deceive. What presence or coming could be "held Down" all this time, to be released at the time appointed, to deceive the peoples of the world? It can Only be satan. he is the only one who can QUALIFY to live this long, and to be restrained and loosed. At least when we follow scripture he is. Which by no coincidence matches the language of satan being loosed in revelation 20. But more on that when we get to verse 9. The question that now arises in verse 6 is "WHO" is restraining him? Lest we forget, the time in view is near the time of the RETURN of the Lord. The second coming, and our gathering together to meet Him. Before Christ comes, this that is restrained must be loosed. We find out two "FACTS" from this. #1. He was already bound (withholden or restrained) at the time of this writing, and #2. He would be loosed or un-held down (unrestrained) before the second coming. It's very important that you see those two facts, because they contradict the widely held view that satan will be bound sometime in the future, and wasn't bound at the cross. This idea "CANNOT" stand when carefully compared with scripture. In Matthew 12:29, Jesus Himself, speaking of Satan, CLEARLY said, "Or else how can one enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except He first BIND the strong man? and then He will spoil his house." Anyone with eyes to see knows the Truth of these words. Satan is the strong man. His goods are those who are under his control (meaning all the unsaved). He that seeks to Spoil (take by conquest) his goods, is The Lord Jesus christ. And He cound not build His Church, free the souls from captivity to satan, except He first bind satan. That is the Picture here. Christ took by conquest his goods. He didn't fail, He DID IT! But He "FIRST" had to lead captivity captive, "THEN" He could spoil his goods. Colossians 2:15, speaking of Christ "And having spoiled principalities and POWERS, He made a shew of them Openly, triumphing over them in it." Just ask yourself, WHAT principalites or Rules and Powers did Christ triumph over, and when was this done? the Only "HONEST" answer can be that He triumphed over the Power and rule of satan, and He did it at the cross. That is to say "IF" we are going to listen to scripture. So then, at the "VERY LEAST" we must admit, Yes, Christ triumphed over satan, and spolied his primciplaity. But did He spoil the house of satan, and give freedom to those who satan had held captive to sin? Well, the Bible answers that question also. Ephesians 4:8 "Wherefore He saith, when He ascended up on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men." What captivity? The captivity of satan of course. Remember when Jesus told the jews, if I shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed? They didn't understand what Jesus meant. They said we were born free and were never in bondage to any man. But Jesus was talking about being in bondage to satan, and sin. And He says, if HE (JESUS) makes you FREE, you shall be free indeed. That's the captivity that Jesus came to bind. Or to use the language above, that's the captivity that Jesus came to lead captive. He came to Bind satan that we (the Captives) could be set free. He spoiled satan's house, but he first had to Bind him. He first had to lead captivity captive, "THEN" He could give gifts to men. "THEN" He could give them salvation (true freedom). And that my friends, is the "BIBLICAL" reason why satan is bound. So that the Lord could build His Church. And near the end of the world, when the fullness of all the church be about come, then will satan be Loosed. you see how logical and Biblical this is? It follows that if satan was bound so the church could be built, then he "COULDN'T" be loosed until the church is at least almost finished. And when the church is finished being built, THE SECOND COMING OF THE LORD. It's so logical and Biblical that you wonder how anyone could hold any other view. So the next time someone tells you that satan isn't bound yet, or that Jesus didn't spoil satan's house, you answer them with scripture. As matthew 12:29 says, How could satan's house be spoiled, unless satan was bound first, then his house could be spoiled. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. The rest will most certainly IGNORE. That is the picture here, and that is the same Picture in revelation 20. Satan is bound for the fullness of Time (spoken of spiritually as 1000 years) so that the Church can be built, and once the church is built, the restraint is taken off satan, and he goes forth ONCE AGAIN to deceive, and INDEED usher in the Return of the lord. People say to me, satan wasn't bound so that he couldn't deceive the church so that it could go forth to the ends of the earth. And I say right back to them, you aren't reading the Bible "CAREFULLY!" Revelation 20 tells us "PLAINLY" why satan was bound. It says (verse 3) it was so that he could DECEIVE the nations no longer UNTIL the 1000 years were over. And then it says he "MUST" be loosed for a LITTLE season. Why a little season? Because Christ will retun presently. Do you see how God's word MAGNIFICENTLY fits together when you let it interpret itself, instead of Forcing it to say what you have been taught it says? it says the EXACT same thing 2nd Thessalonians 2 says. Before the coming of the Lord, and our gathering together to meet Him, satan will be unrestrained to go forth deceiving again for a while, and then Christ will return. How can we miss it, when it's so clearly stated? The reason is because man CHOOSES to IGNORE certain scriptures. When it says satan is bound for 1000 years, the next verses show the Dead in Christ!!!!!!!! It says they lived and reigned 1000 years. "NOT" on the earth. "MAN" adds that, but that's not what the scriptures say. And that is another very important thing to remember! These are the dead in Christ. well, what about the dead that are "NOT" in Christ? Revelation 20:5 says they lived not again until the 1000 years were finished. PERFECT FIT! When someone dies, and they are "NOT" saved, they don't go to be with the Lord. They don't Live and reign with Christ. They go to a place of Silence to await the Judgement day. THUS, They lived not again till the 1000 years were finished. Which, by the way, is just another example of the 1000 years not being literally 1000 years. Do you see the inconsistancy of this literal 1000 year theory? If the 1000 years were literal, that would mean that the rest of the dead would come to life when satan was loosed. Wouldn't that be something? Satan is loosed to deceive the nations, and the unsaved dead come to life. Because that's what it says, The rest of the dead lived not again till the 1000 years are finished, and satan is loosed to deceive the world after the 1000 years are finished. "THINK" about it. It will Not STAND! I've given reason after reason after reason over the years here how the literal 1000 year belief will not stand, and people still to this day willingly CHOOSE to IGNORE each and every one of them. I've shown contradiction after contradiction, and people act like the Bible never said these thiungs. WHY? Because that's what they have been taught. But they are deceiving themselves, because they are not relying on scripture, they are relying on the word of MAN. Just as it says the messenger with the Key (The messenger of the covenant; Malachi 3:1) Bound satan 1000 years, that is signifying that this is GOD'S Doing and satan will "NOT" be unrestrained until the time, and even then, "ONLY" for a little time, for the Lord is returning. That's what 2nd Thessalonians 2:6 is saying. "Ye know what is restraining him, that he might be revealed in his time." What time? The time when the restraining is removed. And what is withholding him is He that hath the keys, who bound him. And it ain't Peter Either! peter hath no keys to loose or to bind this one. He was bound by God and He will be loosed when God looses him. Verse 7 "For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way." This is one of those cases where the "OLD ENGLISH" language of the King James Bible may be a little confusing. That word letteth is an old english word, and simply means restraineth, or holding down. Now note, it says that the mystery of Iniquity was already at work when 2nd thessalonians 2 was written. Did you ever get this argument from people that, "If satan was bound at the cross, why is there so much Evil in the world?" Or "He must not have been bound to tightly, because he's sure loose in the world today." I can understand this feeling in light of the world, but not in the LIGHT of Scripture. First of all, this is what this verse is saying. YES, Iniquity is already at work in the world, but it nevertheless is being restrained, and will be restrained until the time. Second, Satan was BOUND/RESTRAINED for a specific reason. It was "NOT" so that there would be no more evil in the world, it was not so that the church would never be persecuted, and it was not so there would be some golden age of purity. He was (as we've clearly seen) bound so that he could not go forth deceiving the nations to assult the camp of the saints Once more. That is why he was bound. So that Christ could spoil or capture by conquest those of his house. Nothing will "PREVENT" the Church from being built, and that is why satan was bound. "BUT" when the time nears for Christ's return (meaning the church is complete or nearly complete) then satan will be loosed again, and will deceive again and cause a "GREAT APOSTASY/TRIBULATION" in the camp of the saints. But only for a little season, as judgement upon the unfaithful Church. As it is written, "Judgement begins at the House of the Lord." That is the way satan was bound, but as the verse says, iniquity was not bound. It was already at this time, at work, but it is restrained of God, until God remove himself out of the way. Look at this verse 7. It is not unlike what we read of Anti-Christ in 1st John 4:3 "And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is NOT of God: and this is that spirit of anti-christ, whereof ye have heard that it SHOULD COME; and EVEN NOW ALREADY is it in the world." You see, iniquity was already in the world when this was written. The anti-christ was already there. There are people who will tell you that the Anti Charist must come. And they are right, but then they tell you it is a "SINGLE" man, and they are wrong! No man was "ALREADY" in the world when these passages were written, and will also be in the world when the End Comes. That is "NO" single man! That is Satan, working his deceivings through men. Only he could go from the time of John here, to the time of the second coming. I've even had people try and split hairs by saying, this is talking about the "Spirit of Anti Christ," but it doesn't say Antichrist. But they are grasping at staws. 2nd John 7 says, "For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a DECEIVER and an ANTICHRIST." Well this doesn't say The spirit of Antichrist, it says "THE ANTICHRIST," trannslated "an antichrist" rightly, because it is speaking of many. So then, if we have the antichrist at the time of John, and will come to the full near the End, then this "THEORY" that this is a single man cannot be substantiated. Let me say with all due respect to those who believe such a thing. It can "NOWHERE" be shown in the scriptures that the Antichrist is ONE SINGLE MAN, who will come near the End. If we let the Bible (and not our teachers) "DEFINE" what a Antichrist is, then we will have no problem understanding scripture. The Problem comes in when people "IGNORE" how the word of God defines antichrist, and accepts what some preacher says it will be. BIG MISTAKE! The Word of God says a DECEIVER who confesses not that Jesus is the Christ, is the AntiChrist. Now that's what "GOD" says. What man says makes no difference, so I won't even go into it. And speaking of these antiChrists that come with these false doctrines we read, 2nd John 9, "Whosoever trangresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, HATH NOT GOD. He that abideth in the DOCTRINE of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed; For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds." Now that's what the word of God says. There are some men who say, both invite them into your house, talk with them, and say to them Gob bless you when they leave. In fact, they will bring accusation against those who are faithful to what the word says here, by saying they don't care about the unsaved. But as usual, they miss the point. And the point "IS" the Word of God is NON-NEGOTIABLE! The Word is a book of commandments, not a book of soft reccomendations. It is so easy to "IGNORE" our pet verses when we want to do things our own way. It's much more difficult to SURRENDER our will, and do it God's way. Not what way "WE THINK" would be best. But be aware that the more that you are faithful to God's word, the more you will be condemned, because everyone (relative) is breaking God's laws, so the chance that your words will step on someone's foot is Great! Man says and does whatever he wants to do and he throws up his hands and says, I have done no wrong! But AS FOR WHAT THE WORD OF GOD SAYS, it's Clear. So then, Anti Christ was TO COME, and yet it also said, it was already in the world at that time of John. That's exactly what 2nd Thessalonians 2:7 means when it says the iniquity was already at work, yet was restrained to come at a future time. Both verses say the same thing. There will come a "TIME" when Stan will be loosed and EVIL and wickedness will increase. A great deceiving when Satan is loosed. GOD bound and restrains satan. So then it is "ONLY" God who can Loose, or unrestrain him. The Mystery of Evil of satan is already at work in the world. But since the cross, it has been restrained to a degree so that the Church could be built. Many are risen up to reign with Christ in Heaven. And when the time comes, satan is loosed, as God takes His hand of restraint out of the way. This is what verse 7 says. Verse 8 "And then shall that wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming;" When the Lord takes His restraining hand away, then this Wickedness will be revealed. This verse says "THEN" will that Wicked be revealed. When? When He that restraineth, takes His hand of restraint from off Him. Or as Revelation 20 puts it, When he (satan) shall be loosed a little season. And though it doesn't say in this verse he's loosed a little season as clearly as revelation 20, it's clear by the context and language that it is a short while. The context after all "IS" the Return of the Lord when we shall gather to meet Him, and these things must happen first. And this verse says, the Lord will consume this Evil with the Spirit of His Mouth (The Word of God) and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming. Clearly, this is telling us this Wicked one won't be destroyed until Christ's second coming. He will be destroyed by the Brightness of Christ's coming. Matthew 24:27 "For as the lightnning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the COMING of the Son of man be." Folks! This isn't talking about 70 AD or anytime thereabouts. It's talking about Christ Coming in "judgement" and not one eye anywhere on the earth not seeing Him. Is this the Coming brightness that will destroy that wicked one? Yes it is. The brightness shines from the east even unto the west with the Coming of the Lord. And none shall be able to hide from Him. They will be destroyed by the brightness of His coming. The Minute His light shines upon them, they are UNDONE! And that is I believe the language of being destroyed by the brightness of His coming. Lightning is often symbolizing judgement. When Christ returns, believe me, He's coming in JUDGEMENT! Verse 9 "Even him, whose coming is after the working of satan with all power and signs and lying wonders." This verse is telling us "WHO" Christ will destroy with the brightness of His coming. He will destroy him, whose PRESENCE is after the working of satan, with all signs and "LYING" wonders! Satan Manifests himself through false prophets. And as the TRUE signs and wonders of salvation follow the "TRUE" prophets (mark 16:17), so with the false prophets they are LYING signs and wonders. In other words, the salvation is a lie. No one is saved by this gospel, but they are "DECEIVED" into thinking they are. These false Prophets say Peace and safety when there is none. There is no peace with God, and there is no Safety in the arms of God with these false prophets. They deceive the people. And from all scriptures in the Bible, this is exactly what will happen near the end of the world. Satan will be loosed and false Christs and false prophets will abound to deceive even the Chosen if that were possible. But it is not, because the Elect don't put stock in fables and Historians tales, they rely on God's word for TRUTH that they are not deceived. So this verse is telling us that when satan is loosed, he shall come upon the world with lying signs and wonders. Again this perfectly mirrors matthew 24 of Abomination standing in the Holy Place and false Christs, and false prophets arising to deceive even the Elect if that were possible. It is called a time of Tribulation or a time of trouble. As well it should be! Because when false prophets are loosed that it makes the church abominable, there can be no greater tribulation for "TRUE BELIEVERS." What could be worse than that? What could be more trouble than having the Temple of God brought to desolation by those under satan's power, deceived by Lying signs and wonders? They will not receive the love of Truth, and those bringing the truth they will REVILE and SPEAK EVIL OF, and PERSECUTE. And they will give you every single excuse in the universe for doing so, EXCEPT the true one, which is "THEY DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT because they don't want to do it. When you don't want to follow God's word, you hate someone who KEEPS bringing it up, because it is like torment. And this is what Revelation 13:13-14 is talking, "And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, and DECEIVETH them that dwell on the earth, by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword and did live." This is this same Satan of 2nd Thessalonians, working through the false prophets and deceiving by lying signs and wonders. You see, TOTAL CONSISTANCY in God's word. You don't get that with man made interpretations. The symbolism is Horns like a Lamb (Christ) and speaks like a dragon (Satan). In other words, they look like christians, but their words are not of God, but of satan. They go forth doing great wonders and deceiving those on the earth by the great Miracles they had power to do, IN THE SIGHT OF THE BEAST. Not in my eyes! Maybe not yours. But you see, this is satan at work in the lives of the false prophets. Christ brought the true miracle, but these are of satan, and they bring false miracles. False salvation, that people should worship a false god, represented by this image of the beast. They've made their god in the image of satan, and they worship it in the Temple, and they cause any that will not worship as they do to be killed. That means all the True Believers. For they see this abomination in the Holy Place and they speak out against it, and will not worship the image these church goers have made. They know a lying miracle when they see it, and they know the Fire from heaven (Judgement of God) when they see it. And because they TESTIFY against the churches, they are hated, driven out, Killed in the spiritual sense (rev 11:7), yet they will "NOT" be satan's Spoil (Branded 666), they will not worship in an abominable Temple, they will flee to the mountains, as God had warned them to do. Remember, He had told them before....... Verse 10 "And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of Truth that they might be saved." That's PRECISELY why Satan is loosed. Does not Revelation chapter 20 tell us this plainly. He is Loosed to deceive the nations. And this verse tells us, these are the ones who are deceived, and this is why they are deceived. These are the unrighteous that are going to perish, and they were deceived why? "Because they received NOT the love of Truth that they might be saved. What is the Truth? It is The word of GOD! A lesson for us all. Believe your pastor, believe your priest, believe your teacher, believe a historian or an archiologist if you want. But when you come up against the word of God, you'd better RECEIVE it and not IGNORE it in order to KEEP your teaching. Because your arms are to short to Box with God. We must "NOT" Fight God, but receive His truth with humbleness and surrendering love. There are people who no matter how many scripture passages you give them to prove a point, they fight against it. It doesn't matter if it's Plain, or if it's not plain, if it goes against what they already believe, they will fight it. And with each passage you give them to prove the Bible says something, they become more agitated and will revile you for making them uncomfortable. They simply don't want to hear it. We've had that happen here where some were speaking about Israel being a representation of The Church, The Congregation of The Lord, and there are those who Ignored each and every chapter and verse that was presented, some becoming so incensed that they refused to even consider it, and one who actually left the conference rather than answer questions about Hebrews chapter 8 where CLEARLY, the New Covenant with the church is called the New Covenant with Israel. That, my friends is called "NOT RECEIVING" the Love of Truth. Not My Truth, or someone elses Truth, But the Truth written in the word of God. It's a blatant rejection of what is written in the Bible in order to hold to man's teachings. Verse 11 "And for this cause GOD shall send them STRONG delusion, that they should believe a lie." JUDGEMENT upon the unfaithful Church. God is not neutral in this. At this time GOD HIMSELF will take an active roll in the judgement of the unfaithful church. Let us not forget, it was the Lord who BOUND satan, and it must be the Lord who LOOSES him. And if you ever asked yourself why, here is your answer. He is loosed that all may be fulfilled. God has warned the Church Time after Time after Time. But the church will continue in it's unrighteousness, just as Israel of old. And just like Israel of Old, it will be judged. Satan will be Loosed! Judgement must start at the House of the Lord. As Judgement, God will send them strong Delusion that they believe the lies of theses false prophets of satan. Verse 12 "That they all might be Damned who believed NOT the Truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." This is the reason for the judgement of the unrighteous church. The APOSTASY, the falling away from God that is taking place. Did the Church think that it could turn away from the statutes of the Living God and not come under judgement of God? If they did, they have been reading some other bible. Because GOD hath told us Time and again that the Church would be judged if it started falling away. We have the examples of Israel in the Old Testament. We have all the parables Jesus told. Or we have Revelation 2, of the warning by God to the people of the Church at Ephesus Revelation 2:4 "Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast LEFT thy FIRST LOVE. Remember therefore from whence thou art FALLEN, and repent and do the first works; oe else I will come quickly, and will REMOVE THY CANDLESTICK out of it's place, except thou Repent." Did the Church for one minute think GOD was "ONLY" talking to the church at Ephesus? NO WAY! God is talking to THEE Church. He's talking to all of us. He says to the Church that has LEFT it's first Love, to repent! In other words, TURN AWAY from your unrighteousness and remember from where you are fallen. You see, God is saying these have fallen away from Him, and that they should Bring their First Estate to Mind, or Remember just From where they have fallen from, and repent, be faithful and do what Christ sent you to do (The First Works). Our Commission. Bring the word faithfully to the world. That is our work. That is the job we were SENT to do. Spread the Good news, send forth the True Gospel. Preach the word faithfully. KEEP the word of God, stay with our First Love. But if we don't, The Lord has HERE Warned us. He will not sit idly by. He says that He will take action against that Church. He will COME QUICKLY (language of Judgement) and will remove that church out of it's Place. In other words, that Church will no longer be the Church of God. It will no longer be The Holy Place. It can mean "NOTHING" else. That Church will be Left a church not of God. This was God's warning to the Churches, and to the Churches Today, but the unfaithful Church WILL NOT Listen. They are stubborn as Israel was. They are Prideful, hard headed, Egotistical and vain. And this is why They are damned. Verse 12 of 2nd Thessalonians tells it plainly. They were damned because they believed NOT the Truth, but had plaesure in unrighteousness. How many times have you read a verse of God, word for word, (WORD FOR WORD) and the church member you're reading it to will look you dead in the eye and say with a straight face, .......well, that's your interpretation! You see, they Refuse to receive the Love of Truth. Because of Pride, because they don't want to give up some sin, Because of Ego, Because they are comfortable with their teaching, whatever. They simply IGNORE the scripture and continue believing what they want. This is called, having pleasure in Unrighteousness, and not RECEIVING the Truth. And because of this in the Churches, God will send them strong Delusion, that they all might be damned, beacuse they WOULD NOT BELIEVE the TRUTH, but had plaesure in unrighteousness. And that's exactly what this verse is telling us. God has given us the reason for the Judgement upon the Church before the End of The world. It will be a time of TRIBULATION and Trouble for those who are Truly saved, for satan will be loosed to Deceive Greatly, and assult the camp of the saints. Verse 13 "But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through the sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the Truth." Do you see how the REST of these verses of 2nd Thessalonians are a contrast to the Judgement of God of the first 12 verses? God is saying, YES He will judge the unfaithful Church who will not believe the TRUTH, BUT YOU (The Chosen) we give thanks for. Notice Paul calls them "The Beloved of the Lord." Do you remember when satan Musters his army to come up against the camp of the saints, THE BELOVED CITY! My friends, "WE" the true believers are the Beloved city, we are the saints, and this verse tells us that we were Chosen from the beginning. We are the ELECT (Chosen) who cannot be deceived (matthew 24:24) because we Believe the Truth (The Word of God) and not historians or men. Notice this verse says we are Sanctified through the Spirit to Belief of The Truth. I had a conversation with a catholic gentleman who was saying we couldn't know the Truth except the Church told us. Well, I tried to explain to Him that it is by the Holy Spirit that we Know what is true and believe in the scriptures, but somehow I don't think he heard me. Oh, I'm sure he heard me, but he wasn't listening. It is the Holy Spirit Of God that Guides us into all truth. It didn't come just to guide Peter or the 12, it came to guide us all into all Truth. The problem is, some simply will Not RECEIVE the love of Truth that they might Believe and be saved. When we are sanctified by the Holy Spirit of God, then we believe the Truth. We do Not IGNORE what is written in God's word to embrace man made doctrines. And those who are TRULY saved, as this verse tells, were sanctified and Chosen from the Beginning (Predestinated) to the belief of the Truth. It's by the Grace of God that we know these things, not by any goodness of our own. God says, ASK, and I will give it unto You. The problem is, people don't ask humbly, because they think they are so smart they already have the Truth, or don't need anymore understanding. Unfortunately, their philosophy is, I know what I know, so don't try and tell me anything. ...That's the sad state of the Church today. Verse 14 "Whereunto He called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ." Who called them? God of course. We were CALLED and we were CHOSEN to Believe the Truth, THROUGH THE GOSPEL. When someone preaches the gospel, and a believer hears it, and becomes saved, He has been called by the preaching of the gospel, to Christ. When Paul preached the gospel, these people at thessalonica were called by it, and obtained the Glory of Christ by it. So we today, when we preach the gospel many are called and become saved, by the Spirit working within them that they "BELIEVE" the truth. But the ground must be fertile. When the word comes upon those who IGNORE it's like coming upon rocky ground where it can't take root. But God in His MERCY is also able to break that rock to dust. He is able and gives ears to hear. If He calls, who can but answer..... Verse 15 "Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle." When some people read this verse, they want you to believe that this means that Tradition counts as what we should obey, as well as the written word. but they IGNORE two important things. #1. This word translated tradition, means a totally different thing Today, as it did then. #2. When Paul wrote this, the Bible was not completed, and words that GOD spoke through him were still becoming THE WORD OF GOD (The Bible), so naturally, they should hold fast what Paul had to say. that does "NOT" mean we should hold fast "Today" what Dr. Theology Jr. PHD, or Pope Paul or Preacher Brown, or Pastor Bob has to say. This is an unjustified application of this verse. First of all, the word translated Tradition is PARADOSIS, and means simply a tramsmitting, as a law or an ordinace. It does not mean TRADITION in the way that we understand the word Today. For example, it is NOT used here to contrast between the written law and the spoken law. That can be seen rather easily if one not "IGNORE" the context and read the passage carefully. Note that it speaks of this tradition (ordinance) as being a teaching of "BOTH" by word and by letter (epistle). And so you see, any logical thinking person can deduce that it is not saying the tradition is the spoken word and the Epistle is the Letter. It is saying the orinance was taught them by both word and by letter. The PARADOSIS was by BOTH. That should settle it Right? But it won't, because people REFUSE to receive the love of truth. They will talk around or IGNORE any and every single passage you put forth. This word Tradition is the exact same word translated ordinance in 1st Corithians 11:2, "But now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I have delivered them to you." Is Paul talking about tradition in the sense that we Today understand the word. Hardly! Paul is talking about the things that he had taught them about the New Testament Church. In fact, right in the verse itself, paul is giving instruction how the Church is to be run, how Christ is the head etc. This ia an example of the ordinances he wants them to Keep. He's saying, Keep what I am telling you about the church as laws. And that's EXACTLY the same thing he is saying in 2nd Thessalonians. He's saying, whether I write them to you in a message, or speak them to you by word, KEEP these ordinances. You see, He spoke as he was moved by the Spirit, because "GOD" was writing His Holy word. God was putting together the Bible. And as we can see, CLEARLY this verse does not contrast the written word with the spoken word. The word tradition (ordinace) here, is used to "IDENTIFY" both spoken word, and written word. So that settles that. This verse is encouragement to the Church to "HOLD FAST, and KEEP the word of God. Verse 16 "Now our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and God, even our Father, which hath Loved us and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through Grace." In this verse we see the Loving Kindness and the Mercy of God. we read GOD Loves us, and has given us ETERNAL consolation. If we are saved, it is for ever. It's not for a while, it's everlasting. As the Bible says, when we meet Him in the air, so shall we "EVER" be with Him. this is our Hope. we have this hope because God sent The Lord Jesus Christ, the Sacrifice Lamb, that we could become adopted children of God, and He our Heavenly father. And that by grace, not by anything we do, lest we should boast. It is by God's Mercy and Grace that we are saved. Verse 17 "Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work." With this Hope, and with this knowledge our hearts are comforted in knowing that God hath Loved us, and given us everlasting Life. It is not of us, but it is of God. Do we know because we are smart? Do we have hope because we are desperate? No, it is all because Of God. It's by grace. He hath established us in every good work and word. We have been called, and Chosen, a Royal priesthood, a Chosen People, a Holy nation, a Beloved People, The Children of God, A special People, The Elect of God. He Comforts us, because "WE ARE HIS PEOPLE..." He hath established us in every good thing, and in this knowledge we are comforted. ------------------------------------ So there it is. The Biblical explanation of 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2. It is explained verse by verse and is 100% consistant with the rest of scripture, which shows clearly that there will be a time of great Tribulation, a falling away, an apostasy in the Church before the coming of the Lord. It's also clear that this chapter was talking about the second coming of the Lord (verses 1-3) and not some other time, as has been widely taught. We have also seen that this falling away of the church must happen FIRST! The most important thing that we have seen is that all these things are explained in the scriptures and they don't need Historians, Archiologists, Professors, Brick experts or Greek Experts to try and explain them For us. GOD HIMSELF explains them. And it doesn't take a PHD to understand it, all it takes is a willingness to RECEIVE the love of truth and not IGNORE what God has written in His word. It's a common practice for "LAZY" christians to say, "that's a really hard chapter to understand" but the truth is, it's only hard to understand when we go to it with preconceived ideas about what it means. Then of course it's hard, because we don't want to turn away from what we have been taught. But if we go to the scripture with a open mind to "RECEIVE" the Truth that is in God's word, we find that it is not hard to understand at all. What's hard is turning away from indoctrination. Test this interpretation with any of the other man made teachings, and I can guarantee you that they rely not on the Bible, but on man, History, or some national politics. But the "FACT" is, these things can't interpret God's word. Only God can do that. And He does it through His Word. Show me a Contradiction, between what I have said here and what the scriptures say. I have shown countless contradictions between these other theories and the scriptures. Why do I call them Theories? Because the interpretations rely on the word of man, not the word of God. That's theory, not Biblical backing. But when the scripture is consistant with all other scripture, and there is no contradiction, you have come to the TRUTH. The only question then is .....will we RECEIVE it. Peace, Copyright 1995 Tony Warren I can be reached via InterNet at or in the SeekNet(tm) International Christian/Bible conference -------------------------*--------------------------- Feel free to duplicate and distribute this publication to anyone who would like a copy, so long as there are no changes made to it. This publication must be distributed only in it's original form, and unedited.