BatchMenu Version 3.0C Copyright (c) 1995 Phe Meas All Rights Reserved SUMMARY Product: BatchMenu Version 3.0C Description: Menu for Batch Programs Required: 286 or higher with an EGA or higher graphics display Registration: $5.00 Author: Phe Meas Skyline BBS: (617) 286-3808 Internet: PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS SHORT DESCRIPTION: BatchMenu v3.0C is a Menu for Batch Programs. EGA/VGA graphics with Mouse & ANSI support. KEY WORDS: Shareware, Menu, Batch, DOS, Utilities, ANSI, VGA, EGA DISTRIBUTION POLICY Shareware Vendors have permission to copy and redistribute this program on the following conditions: 1. The product is distributed in its entirety without modification directly from the Shareware Installation Disk. Loader programs and documentation files may be added, and the product may be bundled with catalogs or other Shareware titles. 2. The product is identified as Shareware in all catalogs and labelling. The recipients must be informed that the program requires further payment to the author for use beyond the 30 day evaluation period; 3. Only a reasonable copying and distribution fee of not more than $7.00 US dollars is charge. Vendors who inform the author that they wish to distribute this product will be sent updates, periodically. ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTION Placing of this program on bulletin boards and the like is encouraged. The contents of the Shareware Installation Disk should be packed into a single file with a popular file archiving and compression program. The file should be called where the 30B indicates version 3.0C, and xxx is the normal file extension associated with the compression program used. FILES ON THE INSTALLATION DISK The Shareware Installation Disk contains the following files. No copy of the program may be distributed unless all files are included. MENU .BAT An example batch file. MENU .ANS An example ANSI screen. ANSIMENU.BAT An example batch file for ANSI screens. BATCHMEN.EXE BatchMenu Executable. README .1ST Product and installation information VENDOR .TXT Vendor and distribution information ORDERFRM.TXT Order Form REGISTER.TXT Registration and support information