Psssssst!!! The shareware version is nearly completed - just a couple more stupid glitches to go before the grand unveiling. Hang in there, everyone! :-) This is probably going to be the last compilation of the Freeware version. It's about as small as I can make it (during my off-hours) and besides everybody's badgering me for the bells and whistles I promised way back when .... This version writes only one file to disk, the batch file PICKED.BAT with your selection in it. The old PICKLIST.DAT file is history! Amazing what one can accomplish after work between changing diapers and the like. :-) Stay tuned - this time I'm posting to PC-Ohio FIRST! So there, Usenet! Mark P.S. I forgot to remove one piece of debugging code in the previous upload and the result was that item #11 was transposed with dots - SORRY! Let's just blame this on absentmindedness, my kids' incessant intrusions, my wife's constant clamoring for affection ... anything but me!!! :-)