Making Money With Shaklee So many people want to get on the ground floor of the latest "hot fad" and miss the opportunities that have been tested and proven for decades. Since 1956 Shaklee has been offering one of the best business opportunities around, and yet many people who aren't familiar with the company dismiss it out of hand without investigating the products and the opportunity. Shaklee has a complete line of environmentally sound products for all cleaning, dish care, and laundry needs, including the only leading dishwashing concentrate formulated without phosphates. They also offer clinically-tested skin care products, water purification products, and nutritional products. Dr. Shaklee's first products were nutritional supplements, all supported with independent clinical tests. There are no artificial flavors or sweeteners, nor any fad products such as starch blockers, diet patches, or individual amino acids. No product claim is ever made without documented substantiation. They have meal shakes that we think would sell especially well on college campuses, so if you have a student in the family this could be an excellent opportunity for them to beginning building a permanent income source while networking with other students who will be their future sales organization. The Shaklee business opportunity is one of those solid programs that has no quotas or sales requirements to get paid the commissions you earn. You receive commissions on your sales, and on the sales of the people who you sponsor. The cost of becoming involved is the lowest of the major sales companies -- less than $10 pays for your first two years. Obviously you'll be likely to spend more than that on trying the products and on sales aids, but there is no obligation to spend more than you are prepared to handle. This low cost of entry makes it particularly feasible for a person with limited resources to earn their way up, and Shaklee is famous for its bonus programs such as company-paid cars and vacation trips. Shaklee owns its own 221-acre manufacturing facility, and ships 40,000 cases of products daily to Shaklee distributors nationwide. They are also active in a number of other countries. Products are available only through Shaklee independent distributors, who prosper by helping others succeed, so you don't have to compete with retail outlets. It's a long story, so for more information and a distributor application form, send $2 to Corporate Services Group, 2 West Read Street, #141, Baltimore MD 21201.