My Father by Antchala Taylor Artistic smart stubborn selfish drinker strong mine! My father gone but here near me, not deceased but alive but his mind fears me. It's been five years since I touched or heard his voice, but no he's not dead just gone by choice. His stubborn and selfishness kept him away from us, but his heart is the only thing that I have to trust. He left and never came back but called this Christmas, Five years from the day when he first dismissed us. He was a drinker always had a 40oz. in his hand, a cigarette in the other and he thought he was a real man. His artistry, intelligence, and kindness could have carried him far, scholarships in football, track and arts could have made him a star. But he chose to hold the bottle and smoke "the dank," and to leave my stolen heart in the shadows of this tank. The man that I walk, talk, act, and look like... was a good man, but a sorry bastard that I will never forgive for giving me this confused life.