Cameron by Vicki Clowe Cameron walked down the street, carefully smashing each ant or little bug in his path. He kicked up all the little plants growing in the cracks of the sidewalk, ending their short plant life. He saw two little kids walking home from school. They couldn't have been more than seven or eight. He growled at them and they screamed in fright as they ran away to their cozy homes. "Yeah, run home to your mommies, little kids!" he snarled, as he lit a cigarette, smoking half in one drag and putting it out on his arm. He did not even flinch. Exhaling, he turned down the path to the brook, his favorite place. He looked back to see if he were being followed or if anyone saw him. The coast was clear and he pulled out his pad of paper. He began to sketch the beautiful ripples in the brook as the water glided over the rocks and boulders. He outlined the delicate flowers , then labored over their elaborate designs and vibrant colors. He worked for hours. The sun slowly creeped down in to the horizon. He put his drawing pad into his leather jacket and started to walk home, smashing the bugs and kicking up the plants.