LetterMania Welcome to LetterMania, a game created for puzzle lovers, inspired by Wheel of Fortune. LetterMania consists of puzzles from various categories such as Things, Titles, People, and Places. Players guess letters until enough of the puzzle is revealed to solve it. Players start with a bank account of $5000.00 which resets every Monday. Each puzzle has a bonus value assigned according to the number of letters in the puzzle. Each letter guess subtracts money from the bonus. Correct guesses pay $500.00 per letter. Incorrect letters subtract $200.00 per letter. A player may try to guess the puzzle at any time, but an incorrect guess will deduct $500.00 from the puzzle value. Vowels cost $500.00. To expedite the game, the player has 60 seconds to guess a letter or solve the puzzle. $1000.00 will be deducted if time runs out. If time runs out 3 times without a guess, the player will automatically return to the BBS. The top ten scores are displayed as well as a Record High score. Top ten scores are reset every Monday. Bulletins are generated after every game. ENJOY!!!