This documentation and DESCENT.EXE are Copyright 1995 by Mike Audleman I make no warrenties. Back up your data. This program is FREE to ALL who Register their Descent. Anyone wanting to use it for the Shareware version should send Descent their money. Get the Registered version. Then DESCHT will work. One note, THIS WILL NOT WORK WITH THE SHAREWARE VERSION OF DESCENT. I did this VOLUNTARILY to force you to register the game. Please do so. The registered version has much better sound, a LOT more levels and weapons as well as some pretty evil enemeys. (You thought those cloaked beasties at the end of level 7 were bad...just wait!). Shareware is a privelage not a right, if we support them, they support us. To install, simply copy the DESCHT.EXE into your DESCENT directory and run it. This program _REQUIRES_ a mouse to use. When editing, all fields are limited to values that Descent will accept. For single byte(see HEX chart) the limit is 255 and for 2 byte the limit is 32767 (signed integers). The one exception is the Lasar Level(see below) which is 20. This means, you can have a Shield of 32767! MUCH better than 200 huh? The score(4 byte) is limited to 2 billion. I think that should do. When you edit the LASAR LEVEL above level 4, you will get some supprising weapons! Not really what you may expect! Here is the list of what you get with the Lasar Level: 1-4 Normal as in game 5 Big Blue Balls (medium speed) 6 Big Orange Balls (medium speed) 7 Big Red Balls (medium speed) 8 Can't use. Descent Locks up 9 Concussion Missiles 10 Flares (useless) 11 Blue Lasars 12 Vulcan Cannon 13 Small Blue Balls (Fast) 14 Plasma Blasts (My favorite with the Quad!) 15 Fusion Blasts (Can't adjust energy like Fusion Gun) 16 Homing Missiles 17 Proximity Bombs 18 Smart Missiles 19 Mega Missiles (Be carefull with this one!) 20 Homing Plasma Blasts (like from smart bomb)(Slow speed) All rest seem to be duplicates of above so DESCHT limits you to 1-20 One note on the projectile conversions, they DON'T count against your inventory. In other words, if you have 16 selected, you can fire Homing missiles forever! Same with 12, doesn't count against your ammo. And as a bonus, if you have the QUAD FIRE option, you will fire 4 missiles or Vulcans at once! Major dammage! Be real carefull with 19, especially if you have the fires 4 of them RAPIDLY and you can hurt yourself as much as the enemy! Also, note that some of the ones above 4 will revert to 4 if you hit a lasar power up. Simply save the game and re-edit it. I have made no effort to locate your X-Y position, facing angle, selected weapon, view size etc so they are not modifyable. Saw no real need YET. Also, the Vulcan ammo is stored in modulus 12 so there may be some conversion error. Say you set it at 10000, it may be 10625 in the game because of the integer remainder in converting from base 16/10 to 12. I have found the flags that indicate you are Cloaked and also the one for Invulnerability but have as yet not discovered the timer for them so if I set them, they immediatly power down when the game is restored. Anyone out there got them? Lemme know and I will add them to the program and list below. Here are the HEX locations in the *.SG? files for the mods if you want to do your own editor. If you use them to make your own editor, please send me a copy, I enjoy seeing other's work. All 2 byte fields are signed integers (-32767 to 32767). The Score is a 4 byte LONG Integer Ú# of Bytes HEX ³ Stored Value Notes ----- - ----------------- --------------------------------------------- H13B1 1 Map Level Don't Change, unpredictable results! H13D9 1 Keys Bit1=Blue Bit2=Red Bit3=Yellow Bits4-7,0 not used H13DA 1 Lasar Quad 0=No, 4=Yea! H13DF 2 Energy H13E3 2 Shield H13E5 1 Lives H13E7 1 Lasar Level See Above Chart H13EB 1 Weapons Owned Flag Bit0=Lasar Bit1=Vulcan Bit2=SpreadFire Bit3=Plasma Bit4=Fusion Bit5-7 Not used H13EC 1 Missiles Owned Flag Bit0=Concussion Bit1=Homing Bit2=Proximity Bit3=Smart Bit4=Mega Bit5-7 Not used H13EF 2 Vulcan Ammo in Mod 12 (This # * 12 for ammo) H13F7 2 # Concussion Missiles H13F9 2 # Homing Missiles H13FB 2 # Proximity Bombs H13FD 2 # Smart Missiles H13FF 2 # Mega Missiles H1405 4 Score H1437 1 Cheated 1=You used the GABBAGABBAHEY!, Set to 0 to clear Here are some cheats that I found on the Internet. Be warned, Descent sets a flag once you use them and you don't get any score credit for anything and it sets the score to 0! Use my program to clear that flag. ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍ º Cheats for DESCENT by interplay º ------------------------------------------- º First you will have to type this in the beginning: GABBAGABBAHEY º you should then see on the top of your screen: Cheats Enabled!! º you are now set to use these commands anytime during the game º SCOURGE = gives you a full complement of weapons º not including Smart and Mega Missiles º MITZI = will supply you with all keys to various colored doors º GUILE = cloaks your ship, will cloak your ship for a short time º TWILIGHT = restores your sheilds to 100% º FARMERJOE = allows you to warp to any level desired º RACERX = will make you invincible for a while º º These should help in the game of destruction of the horrid alien ships º --by the way the registered full version has better sound fx and º more ships--this is a must buy game º enjoy º SUPERVee ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍ I hope you enjoy the program. If you would like to suggest changes or additions, please feel free to Email me at the below addresses. Also if you find other information in the save game files, please forward it to me and I will add it to the list. \ | / \|/ \--|--/ |\| |/| /\|_|/\ / \ INTERNET: /\/\/\/\/\\ FIDO: Mike Audleman @ 1:154/280 //\/\/\/\/\/\ / /\ \ /=====/ \======\ /______\__/_______\