Archive-name: puzzles/archive/language/part1 Last-modified: 17 Aug 1993 Version: 4 ==> language/close.antonyms.p <== What words are similar to their antonyms in other langauges? ==> language/close.antonyms.s <== Swedish: tryck (push), Norwegian: trekk (pull) German: kalte (cold), Italian: caldo (hot) ==> language/dutch/dutch.record.p <== What are some Dutch words with unusual properties? ==> language/dutch/dutch.record.s <== Spelling Letter Patterns Entire Word longest word levensverzekeringsmaatschappijen projectontwikkelingsmaatschappij (32,2) longest palindrome meetsysteem (11,1) longest beginning with a palindrome aha ara (3,2) longest beginning with b palindrome bob (3,1) longest beginning with c palindrome ? longest beginning with d palindrome daad deed dood (4,3) longest beginning with e palindrome etste (5,1) longest beginning with f palindrome ? longest beginning with g palindrome gezeg (5,1) longest beginning with h palindrome ? longest beginning with i palindrome ? longest beginning with j palindrome jij (3,1) longest beginning with k palindrome kajak kazak (5,2) longest beginning with l palindrome lepel (5,1) longest beginning with m palindrome meetsysteem (11,1) longest beginning with n palindrome nebben neggen nekken nellen neppen nessen n etten (6,7) longest beginning with o palindrome oho (3,1) longest beginning with p palindrome paap (4,1) longest beginning with q palindrome ? longest beginning with r palindrome redder rekker remmer renner (6,4) longest beginning with s palindrome serres staats stoots (6,3) longest beginning with t palindrome temet (5,1) longest beginning with u palindrome ? longest beginning with v palindrome ? longest beginning with w palindrome ? longest beginning with x palindrome ? longest beginning with y palindrome ? longest beginning with z palindrome ? longest with middle a palindrome staats (6,1) longest with middle b palindrome nebben (6,1) longest with middle c palindrome ? longest with middle d palindrome redder (6,1) longest with middle e palindrome reeer (5,1) longest with middle f palindrome ? longest with middle g palindrome neggen (6,1) longest with middle h palindrome aha oho (3,2) longest with middle i palindrome gig jij kik lil pip sis (3,6) longest with middle j palindrome kajak (5,1) longest with middle k palindrome nekken rekker (6,2) longest with middle l palindrome nellen (6,1) longest with middle m palindrome remmer (6,1) longest with middle n palindrome meeneem (7,1) longest with middle o palindrome stoots (6,1) longest with middle p palindrome neppen (6,1) longest with middle q palindrome ? longest with middle r palindrome serres (6,1) longest with middle s palindrome nessen (6,1) longest with middle t palindrome netten (6,1) longest with middle u palindrome lul mum sus (3,3) longest with middle v palindrome neven (5,1) longest with middle w palindrome ? longest with middle x palindrome ? longest with middle y palindrome meetsysteem (11,1) longest with middle z palindrome gezeg kazak (5,2) longest tautonym blauwblauw (10,1) longest beginning with a tautonym ? longest beginning with b tautonym blauwblauw (10,1) longest beginning with c tautonym ? longest beginning with d tautonym dumdum (6,1) longest beginning with e tautonym enen (4,1) longest beginning with f tautonym ? longest beginning with g tautonym genegene (8,1) longest beginning with h tautonym haha (4,1) longest beginning with i tautonym inging (6,1) longest beginning with j tautonym jaja jojo (4,2) longest beginning with k tautonym kerker (6,1) longest beginning with l tautonym lala (4,1) longest beginning with m tautonym mama (4,1) longest beginning with n tautonym ? longest beginning with o tautonym ? longest beginning with p tautonym papa (4,1) longest beginning with q tautonym ? longest beginning with r tautonym ? longest beginning with s tautonym ? longest beginning with t tautonym taaitaai (8,1) longest beginning with u tautonym ? longest beginning with v tautonym verver (6,1) longest beginning with w tautonym ? longest beginning with x tautonym ? longest beginning with y tautonym ? longest beginning with z tautonym zozo (4,1) longest head 'n' tail kentekent kindskind (9,2) longest with middle a head 'n' tail kak lal mam pap sas (3,5) longest with middle b head 'n' tail uitbuit (7,1) longest with middle c head 'n' tail ? longest with middle d head 'n' tail enden (5,1) longest with middle e head 'n' tail kentekent (9,1) longest with middle f head 'n' tail ? longest with middle g head 'n' tail aangaan (7,1) longest with middle h head 'n' tail echec oehoe (5,2) longest with middle i head 'n' tail gig jij kik lil pip sis (3,6) longest with middle j head 'n' tail ? longest with middle k head 'n' tail enken erker omkom sekse (5,4) longest with middle l head 'n' tail inklink (7,1) longest with middle m head 'n' tail aanmaan (7,1) longest with middle n head 'n' tail ene (3,1) longest with middle o head 'n' tail verover (7,1) longest with middle p head 'n' tail ? longest with middle q head 'n' tail ? longest with middle r head 'n' tail derde (5,1) longest with middle s head 'n' tail kindskind (9,1) longest with middle t head 'n' tail enten (5,1) longest with middle u head 'n' tail teute (5,1) longest with middle v head 'n' tail ? longest with middle w head 'n' tail inwin (5,1) longest with middle x head 'n' tail ? longest with middle y head 'n' tail ? longest with middle z head 'n' tail ? Subset of Word longest internal palindrome apothekersrekening apothekersrekeningen kilometervr eter kilometervreters marktkramer marktkramers meetsysteem trekkebekken voortst roomde (9,9) longest internal tautonym noordnoordoost noordnoordwest onvergelijkelijker onve rgelijkelijkst tingelingeling (10,5) longest repeated prefix noordnoordoost noordnoordwest (10,2) most consecutive doubled letters bevoorraadde bevoorraadden (4,2) most doubled letters arrondissementscommissarissen (5,1) longest two cadence beredeneren degenereren eretekenen gedegenereerd gedegenere erde gedegenereerden geregenereerd geregenereerde geregenereerden regenereren . .. (5,11) longest three cadence adembeklemmende adembeklemmender behoeftenbevrediging des betreffende ettergezwellen inconvenienten keukengedeelte overeengestemde overee ngestemden zielverheffende ... (5,11) longest four cadence afgetelefoneerde afgetelefoneerden beeldendienaren bescher mbeelden beschermgeesten beslissingswedstrijd beslissingswedstrijden diepzeeond erzoek eindexamenfeest expresgoederen ... (4,49) longest five cadence academievergaderingen boedelvereffeningen boekenverzamelin gen feestvergaderingen geheugeninterferentie gevangenispersoneel gouvernementsg ebouwen identiteitsbewijzen inschikkelijkheid jeugdherinneringen ... (4,18) Letter Counts Lipograms longest letters from first half geleidelijkheid gemakkelijkheid (15,2) longest letters from second half voortsproot (11,1) longest without ab schilderijententoonstellingen (29,1) longest without abcd tentoonstellingsterreinen (25,1) longest without a to h rijksinstituut stroomlijnvorm (14,2) longest without a to k vooroploopt voortsproot voortstormt (11,3) longest without a to n voortsproot (11,1) longest without a to q rustuur (7,1) longest without a to s uw (2,1) longest without e brandwaarborgmaatschappij (25,1) longest without et landbouwhuishoudschool (22,1) longest without eta bijscholingscursus (18,1) longest without etai schooljuffrouw (14,1) longest without etain schooljuffrouw (14,1) longest without etains chloorzuur chloroform droogkoord omhoogklom polychroom ( 10,5) Letter Choices Vowels longest all vowels aai eau oei ooi (3,4) longest each vowel once verbrandingsprodukt (19,1) longest each extended vowel once loyauteit (9,1) shortest each vowel once douarie (7,1) shortest each extended vowel once loyauteit (9,1) shortest vowels in order lateihout (9,1) shortest extended vowels in order ? longest vowels in order arbeidsonrust (13,1) longest extended vowels in order ? shortest vowels in reverse order ? shortest extended vowels in reverse order ? longest vowels in reverse order ? longest extended vowels in reverse order ? longest one vowel schurftst (9,1) longest two vowels strijdschrift vlijmscherpst (13,2) longest containing a univocalic afschraapschaar maarschalksstaf paltsgraafschap straatlantaarns (15,4) longest containing e univocalic wegenverkeersreglement (22,1) longest containing i univocalic inschrijvingslijst (18,1) longest containing o univocalic noordnoordoost (14,1) longest containing u univocalic turfschuur (10,1) longest containing y univocalic lyncht (6,1) longest alternating extended vowel-consonant veramerikaniseren (17,1) longest alternating vowel-consonant veramerikaniseren (17,1) Consonants longest consonant string aandachtsstreep aandachtsstrepen ambachtsscholen ambac htsschool dichtschroef dichtschroefde dichtschroefden dichtschroeft dichtschroe ven gezichtsscherm ... (7,18) longest one consonant aaneennaaien (12,1) longest two consonant aaneennaaiden (13,1) Isograms longest isogram dampkringslucht (15,1) longest pair isogram steunstukken (12,1) longest trio isogram ? longest tetrad isogram ? longest polygram salarisregelingen (17,1) longest pyramid aaneengehangene (15,1) most repeated letters projectontwikkelingsmaatschappij (11,1) highest containing a repeated aanvaardbaar aanvaardbaarder aanvaardbaarheid aan vaardbaarst aanvaarpaal afbraakmateriaal bastaardnachtegaal brandwaarborgmaatsc happij brandwaarborgmaatschappijen onaanvaardbaar ... (6,11) highest containing b repeated hobbeldebobbel (5,1) highest containing c repeated accijnsrechten architectonisch architectonische b acchantisch bacchantische bacchantischer bacchantischt beschrijftechnisch besch rijftechnische calciumcarbid ... (3,73) highest containing d repeated driehonderdduizend driehonderdduizendste (5,2) highest containing e repeated weledelzeergeleerde (9,1) highest containing f repeated buffetjuffrouw buffetjuffrouwen diffusiecoefficie nt diffusiecoefficienten (4,4) highest containing g repeated beslaglegging beslagleggingen buigingsuitgang bui gingsuitgangen drooglegging geaggregeerd geaggregeerde geaggregeerden gegaggeld gegaggelde ... (4,34) highest containing h repeated huishoudhandschoenen (4,1) highest containing i repeated liquiditeitssituatie (6,1) highest containing j repeated jojootje jojootjes jokkernijtje jokkernijtjes kij verijtje kijverijtjes pijjekkertje pijjekkertjes vrijerijtje vrijerijtjes ... ( 3,13) highest containing k repeated koekoeksklokken (6,1) highest containing l repeated beleidsdoelstelling bloembollencultuur bloembolle nveld bloembollenvelden knolleschillen krokodillevellen krullebollen leerlingst elsel leliebollen luchtdoelartillerie ... (4,37) highest containing m repeated maximumthermometer maximumthermometers minimumpro gramma minimumthermometer minimumthermometers (5,5) highest containing n repeated koninginnenkronen (7,1) highest containing o repeated noordnoordoost oostnoordoost (6,2) highest containing p repeated aardappelmeelpap appelflappen begrippenapparaat k lapperdoppen moppentapper moppentappers oppepper opperheerschappij opproppen pa piersnipper ... (4,18) highest containing q repeated quinquagesima quiproquo (2,2) highest containing r repeated karrenverhuurder karrenverhuurders meerderjarighe idsverklaring meerderjarigheidsverklaringen meerderjarigverklaring meerderjarig verklaringen prikkeldraadversperring prikkeldraadversperringen programmeertaalv ertaler programmeertaalvertalers (5,10) highest containing s repeated arrondissementscommissarissen (7,1) highest containing t repeated activiteitstraktement activiteitstraktementen (6, 2) highest containing u repeated cultuurprodukt cultuurprodukten landbouwhuishoudk unde musculatuur rubbercultuur structuurformule structuurformules suikercultuur (4,8) highest containing v repeated overlevingsvermogen vastenavondvreugde veevervoer verveelvoudig verveelvoudigd verveelvoudigde verveelvoudigden verveelvoudigen verveelvoudigt verversingshaven ... (3,35) highest containing w repeated gewiewauwd nieuwbouwwijk warmwaterverwarming wedu wvrouw weduwvrouwen wiewauw wiewauwde wiewauwden wiewauwen wiewauwt ... (3,13) highest containing x repeated explosievenexpert (2,1) highest containing y repeated cyclostyle cyclostyleer cyclostyleerde cyclostyle erden cyclostyleert cyclostyleren cyclostyles gecyclostyleerd gecyclostyleerde gecyclostyleerden ... (2,25) highest containing z repeated jazzmuziek zigzagsgewijze (3,2) most different letters brandverzekeringsmaatschappij brandverzekeringsmaatschap pijen (18,2) highest ratio length/letters aaneengehangenen (320,1) highest ratio length/letters (no tautonyms) aaneengehangenen (320,1) lowest length 16 ratio length/letters computerafdeling elektrodynamisch honkbal wedstrijd (106,3) lowest length 17 ratio length/letters achtergrondmuziek ambachtsonderwijs bevru chtingsproef bloedverwantschap elektrodynamische huwelijkscontract veraanschouw elijk zelfoverschatting (113,8) lowest length 18 ratio length/letters veraanschouwelijkt (112,1) lowest length 19 ratio length/letters achtergrondmuziekje produktomschrijving v eraanschouwelijkte (118,3) lowest length 20 ratio length/letters bewustzijnsverhogend rijkslandbouwscholen veraanschouwelijking veraanschouwelijkten (125,4) lowest length 21 ratio length/letters scheepsmontagebedrijf (123,1) lowest length 22 ratio length/letters bondgenootschappelijke vliegtuigmoedersch epen (137,2) lowest length 23 ratio length/letters onderwijzersgenootschap veiligheidsfuncti onaris (143,2) lowest length 24 ratio length/letters handschriftenverzameling taalverwerkingsp roblemen verzekeringsmaatschappij waterleidingmaatschappij (150,4) lowest length 25 ratio length/letters rijkslandbouwproefstation (147,1) Letter Appearance longest short letters zwemmerseczeem (14,1) longest tall letters bijblijft (9,1) longest vertical-symmetry letters automaat haamhout taaitaai uithouwt uitwaait vaamhout vaathout (8,7) longest horizontal-symmetry letters behoedde dooddeed kiekeboe kookboek (8,4) longest full-symmetry letters hooi (4,1) highest ratio of dotted letters lijzij (66,1) Typewriter longest top row pirouetteert portretteert (12,2) longest middle row halfslag kaakslag kalklaag (8,3) longest bottom row ? longest in order eerroof tuipaal weeraal weeroog weertij (7,5) longest in reverse order blaatte blootte kapotte naaapte (7,4) longest left hand verbeteraarsters (16,1) longest right hand minimumloon (11,1) longest alternating hands roemruchtigheid wispelturigheid (15,2) longest one finger deed (4,1) longest adjacent keys redresseerde (12,1) Puzzle longest palindrome in Morse code weerkreeg (9,1) longest formed with chemical symbols binnenhuisarchitecten (21,1) longest formed with US postal codes innemend landpaal landwind moordend paasmaa l waarmede (8,6) longest formed with amino acid abbreviations metser valser (6,2) longest formed with piano notes bedaagde begaafde gedaagde (8,3) Letter Order Alphabetical longest letters in order afklopt afkorst beklopt beknopt beknort bekorst bemors t (7,7) longest letters in order with repeats afknoopt bijkoopt bijloopt (8,3) longest letters in reverse order wolkige (7,1) longest letters in reverse order with repeats vuurrood wrokkige (8,2) longest roller-coaster veramerikanisering (18,1) longest no letters in place levensverzekeringsmaatschappijen (32,1) most letters in place aandoenlijk aandoenlijke aandoenlijker aandoenlijkheid aa ndoenlijkst aaneenspijker aaneenspijkerde aaneenspijkerden aaneenspijkeren aane enspijkert ... (5,46) most letters in place shifted beweeglijk beweeglijke beweeglijker beweeglijkhei d beweeglijkst boodschappenlopers franciscanenkloosters kijkvensters koperstuk nobelprijswinnaars ... (6,20) most consecutive letters in order consecutively achterstuk achterstukken altaar stuk altaarstukken bijklank bijklanken dijklasten dijkleger doorsturen doorstuu r ... (4,106) most consecutive letters in order alarmknop ambachtsgilde ambachtsgilden ambach tsonderwijs bedrijfsklimaat bondgenootschappelijk bondgenootschappelijke deftig heid droefgeestigheid eerstehulpverlening ... (5,56) most consecutive letters financieringsmogelijkheden (13,1) highest ratio of consecutive letters to length koolmijn (87,1) ==> language/english/equations.p <== 1 = E. on a C. 1 = G. L. for M. 1 = K. K. on the E. S. B. 1 = S. C. in D. P. 1 = S. S. 1 = S. S. for a M. 1 = T. that O. K. 1 = W. on a U. 1 = if by L. 1 = the L. N. 2 = B. G. 2 = C. B. as B. as O. 2 = C. in the T. by C. D. 2 = E. of E. 2 = H. in a W. 2 = H. of C. 2 = L. in the H. B. 2 = N. in a D. 2 = O. in a D. P. 2 = P. J. P. 2 = P. in a B. 2 = P. in a P. 2 = Q. in a H.-D. 2 = S. of a L.'s T. 2 = T. in the W. T. C. 2 = T. the P. A. R. 2 = W. S. in "C." 2 = W. that D.'t M. a R. 2 = if by S. 3 = B. M. (S. H. T. R.!) 3 = B. in "G." 3 = B. in "L. of the R." 3 = B. in the H. E. 3 = B. of the U. S. G. 3 = D. for J. in the B. of the W. 3 = D. of the C. 3 = F. in a Y. 3 = L. P. 3 = L. on a T. 3 = M. and a B. 3 = O. K. C.'s F. 3 = P. in a B. S. 3 = P. in a H. G. 3 = P. of an I. 3 = R. in a C. 3 = S. and Y.'re O. 3 = S. on C.' F. V. 3 = S. in a T. 3 = S. to the W. 3 = W. M. at B. 3 = W. in "M." 3 = W. on a T. 3 = on a M. 4 = B. in a W. 4 = C. in the H. H. 4 = G. M. in C. 4 = H. of the A. 4 = I's in M. 4 = L. in a D. W. 4 = M. in a S. 4 = M. of the B. 4 = Q. in a F. G. 4 = Q. in a G. 4 = S's in M. 4 = S. in a D. of C. 4 = S. in a R. 4 = S. in a S. 4 = S. in a Y. 4 = T. FDR E. P. 4 = W. on a C. 4 = Y. in an O. 5 = B. in the T. 5 = D. in a Z. C. 5 = F. on a H. 5 = G. L. 5 = M. B. in "J. and the B." 5 = M. in a C. R. 5 = P. in a N. 5 = S. in a P. 5 = S. in the S. C. 5 = T. on a F. 5 = V. O. in the H. B. 6 = D. of the C. 6 = "B. C." 6 = A. of the A. 6 = D. of C. 6 = H. D. of O. for R. C. 6 = P. in a P. 6 = P. in a P. T. 6 = S. in a H. 6 = T. Z. in the U. S. 6 = W. of H. VIII 6 = of O. and a H. D. of the O. 7 = "P. of W." 7 = A. of M. 7 = C. in a R. 7 = D. in "S. W." 7 = H. of R. 7 = K. of F. in H. P. 7 = P. of E. 7 = S. of S. the S. 7 = W. of the A. W. 8 = C. in a M. 8 = D. in H. 8 = K. H. of E. 8 = L. on a S. 8 = L. on an O. 8 = S. in a O. 8 = S. on a S. S. 8 = S.'s R. 8 = G. T. in a L. B. C. 9 = C. of H. in the "D. C." 9 = D. in a Z. C., with the S. C. 9 = G. M. 9 = I. in a B. G. 9 = J. on the U. S. S. C. 9 = L. of a C. 9 = M. in a H. B.'s G. P. 9 = P. in the S. S. 9 = S. by B. 10 = A. in the B. of R. 10 = C. G. to M. 10 = F. in B. 10 = L. I. B. 10 = P. in C. 10 = Y. in a D. 11 = F. in a C. 11 = P. on a C. T. 11 = P. on a F. T. 11 = S. in the C. 12 = A. at the L. S. 12 = C. of A. R. 12 = D. of C. 12 = D. of J. 12 = L. of H. 12 = S. of the Z. 12 = T. of I. 13 = a B.'s D. 13 = O. C. 13 = S. on the A. F. 14 = D. in a F. 14 = L. in a S. 14 = P. in W. W.'s P. 15 = M. of F. per P., A. to A. W. 15 = M. on a D. M.'s C. 16 = O. in a P. 16 = O. of M. 17 = S. in a H. 17 = P. that D. N. and S. V. 18 = H. on a G. C. 18 = I. in a C. 19 = G. S. for the V. P. 20 = C. in a P. 20 = Y. S. by R. V. W. 21 = G. S. for the P. 22 = C. 23 = P. on a G. J. 24 = B. B. in a P. 24 = B. B. to a C. 24 = D. P. to the I. for M. I. 24 = H. in a D. 24 = S. Z. of I. T. 25 = Y. of M. for a S. A. 25 = P. in a Q. 26 = L. of the A. 27 = D. W. W. by G. G. 27 = A. to the U. S. C. 28 = D. in F. 29 = D. in F. in a L. Y. 30 = D. H. S. 30 = D. in J. 30 = P. of S. G. to J. 31 = D. in O. 32 = D. F. at which W. F. 36 = I. on a Y. S. 36 = R. M. 39 = L. in M.' L. 40 = D. and N. of the G. F. 40 = D. in L. 40 = Y. in the D. for I. 43 = B. in E. C. of N. 45 = D. in a O. 46 = C. in a H. C. 47 = P. P. in E.'s E. 48 = C. in a P. D. 49 = R. A. in a R. 50 = S. in the U. 50 = W. to L. Y. L. 52 = W. in a Y. 52 = C. in a D. 54 = C. in a D. (with the J.) 57 = H. V. 61 = H. R. H. by R. M. in O. S. 64 = S. on a C. 64 = Y. O. W. I H. Y. W. S. N. M. 66 = B. in the K. J. B. 70 = D. of C. 75 = Y. of M. for the D. A. 76 = T. L. the B. P. 78 = C. in a T. D. 80 = C. in a M. 80 = D. to G. A. the W. 87 = F. S. and S. Y. 88 = C. in the S. 88 = P. K. 90 = D. in a R. A. 95 = M. L.'s T. 96 = T., by ? 99 = B. of B. on a W. 100 = C. in a D. 100 = Y. in a F. F. 101 = D. 101 = a S. M. L. 102 = F. in the E. S. B. 116 = Y. in the H. Y.'s W. 144 = U. in a G. 150 = P. in the B. 180 = D. to R. D. 200 = D. for P. G. in M. 200 = M. in a C. 206 = B. in the H. B. 235 = I. of U. in the A. B. 300 = B. in the T. of C. 365 = D. in a Y. 366 = D. in a L. Y. 432 = P. in a H. 435 = S. in the H. of R. 451 = D. F. at which B. B. 500 = F. C. 500 = M. in the I. F. H. 500 = S. in a R. 666 = N. of the B. in the B. of R. 707 = Y. of C. 755 = H. runs H. by H. A. 800 = W. in V. 880 = N. of M. S. of O. F. 1000 = I. in N. Y. 1000 = P. of L. 1000 = S. L. by the F. of H. of T. 1000 = W. that a P. is W. 1001 = A. N. 1440 = M. in a D. 1760 = Y. in a M. 5280 = F. in a M. 20000 = L. U. the S. ==> language/english/equations.s <== This puzzle originally consisted of 24 "equations" by Will Shortz, printed in the May-June 1981 issue of Games magazine, with an acknowledgement to Morgan Worthy. Games ran several followups in subsequent issues, and reported that people kept resubmitting the puzzle to them, sometimes as original work! Many people have now added to the list of equations. The 24 original ones are starred (*) below. 1 = E. on a C. (Eye on a Cyclops) 1 = G. L. for M. (Giant Leap for Mankind) 1 = K. K. on the E. S. B. (King Kong on the Empire State Building) 1 = S. C. in D. P. (Single Calorie in Diet Pepsi) 1 = S. S. (Singular Sensation) 1 = S. S. for a M. (Small Step for a Man) 1 = T. that O. K. (Time that Opportunity Knocks) 1 = W. on a U. (Wheel on a Unicycle *) 1 = if by L. (if by Land) 1 = the L. N. (the Loneliest Number) 2 = B. G. (Brothers Grimm) 2 = C. B. as B. as O. (Can Be as Bad as One) 2 = C. in the T. by C. D. (Cities in the Tale by Charles Dickens) 2 = E. of E. (Elizabeths of England) 2 = H. in a W. (Halves in a Whole) 2 = H. of C. (Houses of Congress) 2 = L. in the H. B. (Lungs in the Human Body) 2 = N. in a D. (Nickels in a Dime) 2 = O. in a D. P. (Outs in a Double Play) 2 = P. J. P. (Pope John Pauls) 2 = P. in a B. (Pieces in a Bikini) 2 = P. in a P. (Peas in a Pod) 2 = Q. in a H.-D. (Quarters in a Half-Dollar) 2 = S. of a L.'s T. (Shakes of a Lamb's Tail) 2 = T. in the W. T. C. (Towers in the World Trade Center) 2 = T. the P. A. R. (Times the Postman Always Rings) 2 = W. S. in "C." (Wicked Stepsisters in "Cinderella") 2 = W. that D.'t M. a R. (Wrongs that Don't Make a Right) 2 = if by S. (if by Sea) 3 = B. M. (S. H. T. R.!) (Blind Mice, See How They Run! *) 3 = B. in "G." (Bears in "Goldilocks") 3 = B. in "L. of the R." (Books in "Lord of the Rings") 3 = B. in the H. E. (Bones in the Human Ear) 3 = B. of the U. S. G. (Branches of the United States Government) 3 = D. for J. in the B. of the W. (Days for Jonah in the Belly of the Whale) 3 = D. of the C. (Days of the Condor -- movie) 3 = F. in a Y. (Feet in a Yard) 3 = L. P. (Little Pigs) 3 = L. on a T. (Legs on a Tripod) 3 = M. and a B. (Men and a Baby) 3 = O. K. C.'s F. (Old King Cole's Fiddlers) 3 = P. in a B. S. (Pieces in a Business Suit) 3 = P. in a H. G. (Periods in a Hockey Game) 3 = P. of an I. (Parts of an Insect) 3 = R. in a C. (Rings in a Circus) 3 = S. and Y.'re O. (Strikes and You're Out) 3 = S. on C.' F. V. (Ships on Columbus' First Voyage) 3 = S. in a T. (Sides in a Triangle) 3 = S. to the W. (Sheets to the Wind) 3 = W. M. at B. (Wise Men at Bethlehem) 3 = W. in "M." (Witches in "Macbeth") 3 = W. on a T. (Wheels on a Tricycle) 3 = on a M. (on a March) 4 = B. in a W. (Balls in a Walk) 4 = C. in the H. H. (Chambers in the Human Heart) 4 = G. M. in C. (Gang Members in China) 4 = H. of the A. (Horsemen of the Apocalypse) 4 = I's in M. (I's in Mississippi) 4 = L. in a D. W. (Letters in a Dirty Word) 4 = M. in a S. (Movements in a Symphony) 4 = M. of the B. (Members of the Beatles) 4 = Q. in a F. G. (Quarters in a Football Game) 4 = Q. in a G. (Quarts in a Gallon *) 4 = S's in M. (S's in Mississippi) 4 = S. in a D. of C. (Suits in a Deck of Cards) 4 = S. in a R. (Sides in a Rectangle) 4 = S. in a S. (Sides in a Square) ^S4 = S. in a Y. (Seasons in a Year) 4 = T. FDR E. P. (Terms FDR Elected President) 4 = W. on a C. (Wheels on a Car) 4 = Y. in an O. (Years in an Olympiad) 5 = B. in the T. (Books in the Torah) 5 = D. in a Z. C. (Digits in a Zip Code *) 5 = F. on a H. (Fingers on a Hand) 5 = G. L. (Great Lakes) 5 = M. B. in "J. and the B." (Magic Beans in "Jack and the Beanstalk") 5 = M. in a C. R. (Miles in a Camptown Racetrack) 5 = P. in a N. (Pennies in a Nickel) 5 = S. in a P. (Sides in a Pentagon) 5 = S. in the S. C. (Stars in the Southern Cross) 5 = T. on a F. (Toes on a Foot) 5 = V. O. in the H. B. (Vital Organs in the Human Body) 6 = D. of the C. (Days of the Condor -- book) 6 = "B. C." ("Brandenburg Concertos") 6 = A. of the A. (Avenue of the Americas) 6 = D. of C. (Days of Creation) 6 = H. D. of O. for R. C. (Holy Days of Obligation for Roman Catholics) 6 = P. in a P. (Pigs in a Poke) 6 = P. in a P. T. (Pockets in a Pool Table) 6 = S. in a H. (Sides in a Hexagon) 6 = T. Z. in the U. S. (Time Zones in the United States) 6 = W. of H. VIII (Wives of Henry VIII) 6 = of O. and a H. D. of the O. (of One and a Half Dozen of the Other) 7 = "P. of W." ("Pillars of Wisdom") 7 = A. of M. (Ages of Man) 7 = C. in a R. (Colors in a Rainbow : ROYGBIV) ^Q7 = D. in "S. W." (Dwarfs in "Snow White") 7 = H. of R. (Hills of Rome) 7 = K. of F. in H. P. (Kinds of Fruit in Hawaiian Punch) 7 = P. of E. (Plagues of Egypt) 7 = S. of S. the S. (Seas of Sinbad the Sailor) 7 = W. of the A. W. (Wonders of the Ancient World *) 8 = C. in a M. (Candles in a Menorah) 8 = D. in H. (Days in Hanukkah) 8 = K. H. of E. (King Henrys of England) 8 = L. on a S. (Legs on a Spider) 8 = L. on an O. (Legs on an Octopus) 8 = S. in a O. (Sides in a Octagon) 8 = S. on a S. S. (Sides on a Stop Sign *) 8 = S.'s R. (Santa's Reindeer) 8 = G. T. in a L. B. C. (Great Tomatoes in a Little Bitty Can) 9 = C. of H. in the "D. C." (Circle of Hell in the "Divine Comedy") 9 = D. in a Z. C., with the S. C. (Digits in a Zip Code, with the Street Code) 9 = G. M. (Greek Muses) 9 = I. in a B. G. (Innings in a Baseball Game) 9 = J. on the U. S. S. C. (Justices on the United States Supreme Court) 9 = L. of a C. (Lives of a Cat) 9 = M. in a H. B.'s G. P. (Months in a Human Baby's Gestation Period) 9 = P. in the S. S. (Planets in the Solar System *) 9 = S. by B. (Symphonies by Beethoven) 10 = A. in the B. of R. (Amendments in the Bill of Rights) 10 = C. G. to M. (Commandments Given to Moses) 10 = F. in B. (Frames in Bowling) 10 = L. I. B. (Little Indian Boys) 10 = P. in C. (Provinces in Canada) 10 = Y. in a D. (Years in a Decade) 11 = F. in a C. (Fathoms in a Chain) 11 = P. on a C. T. (Players on a Cricket Team) 11 = P. on a F. T. (Players on a Football Team *) 11 = S. in the C. (States in the Confederacy) 12 = A. at the L. S. (Apostles at the Last Supper) 12 = C. of A. R. (Caesars of Ancient Rome) 12 = D. of C. (Days of Christmas) 12 = D. of J. (Disciples of Jesus) 12 = L. of H. (Labors of Hercules) 12 = S. of the Z. (Signs of the Zodiac *) 12 = T. of I. (Tribes of Israel) 13 = a B.'s D. (a Baker's Dozen) 13 = O. C. (Original Colonies) 13 = S. on the A. F. (Stripes on the American flag *) 14 = D. in a F. (Days in a Fortnight) 14 = L. in a S. (Lines in a Sonnet) 14 = P. in W. W.'s P. (Points in Woodrow Wilson's Plan) 15 = M. of F. per P., A. to A. W. (Minutes of Fame per Person, According to And y Warhol) 15 = M. on a D. M.'s C. (Men on a Dead Man's Chest) 16 = O. in a P. (Ounces in a Pound) 16 = O. of M. (Orders of Mammals) 17 = S. in a H. (Syllables in a Haiku) 17 = P. that D. N. and S. V. (Parallel that Divided North and South Vietnam) 18 = H. on a G. C. (Holes on a Golf Course *) 18 = I. in a C. (Inches in a Cubit) 19 = G. S. for the V. P. (Gun Salute for the Vice President) 20 = C. in a P. (Cigarettes in a Pack) ^S20 = Y. S. by R. V. W. (Years Slept by Rip Van Winkle) 21 = G. S. for the P. (Gun Salute for the President) 22 = C. (Catch) 23 = P. on a G. J. (People on a Grand Jury) 24 = B. B. in a P. (Black Birds Baked in a Pie) 24 = B. B. to a C. (Beer Bottles to a Case) 24 = D. P. to the I. for M. I. (Dollars Paid to the Indians for Manhattan Islan d) 24 = H. in a D. (Hours in a Day *) 24 = S. Z. of I. T. (Standard Zones of International Time) 25 = Y. of M. for a S. A. (Years of Marriage for a Silver Anniversary) 25 = P. in a Q. (Pennies in a Quarter) 26 = L. of the A. (Letters of the Alphabet *) 27 = D. W. W. by G. G. (Different Wigs Worn by Gregory Giggs) 27 = A. to the U. S. C. (Amendments to the United States Constitution) 28 = D. in F. (Days in February) 29 = D. in F. in a L. Y. (Days in February in a Leap Year *) 30 = D. H. S. (Days Hath September) 30 = D. in J. (Days in June) 30 = P. of S. G. to J. (Pieces of Silver Given to Judas) 31 = D. in O. (Days in October) 32 = D. F. at which W. F. (Degrees Fahrenheit at which Water Freezes *) 36 = I. on a Y. S. (Inches on a Yard Stick) 36 = R. M. (Righteous Men) 39 = L. in M.' L. (Lashes in Moses' Law) 40 = D. and N. of the G. F. (Days and Nights of the Great Flood *) 40 = D. in L. (Days in Lent) 40 = Y. in the D. for I. (Years in the Desert for Israelites) ^Q43 = B. in E. C. of N. (Beans in Each Cup of Nescafe) 45 = D. in a O. (Degrees in an Octant) 46 = C. in a H. C. (Chromosomes in a Human Cell) 47 = P. P. in E.'s E. (Pythagorean Proposition in Euclid's Elements) ^S48 = C. in a P. D. (Cards in a Pinochle Deck) 49 = R. A. in a R. (Reasons All in a Row) 50 = S. in the U. (States in the Union) 50 = W. to L. Y. L. (Ways to Leave Your Lover) 52 = W. in a Y. (Weeks in a Year) 52 = C. in a D. (Cards in a Deck) 54 = C. in a D. (with the J.) (Cards in a Deck with the Jokers *) 57 = H. V. (Heinz Varieties *) 61 = H. R. H. by R. M. in O. S. (Home Runs Hit by Roger Maris in One Season) 64 = S. on a C. (Squares on a Chessboard *) 64 = Y. O. W. I H. Y. W. S. N. M. (Years Old When I Hope You Will Still Need Me ) 66 = B. in the K. J. B. (Books in the King James Bible) 70 = D. of C. (Disciples of Christ) 75 = Y. of M. for the D. A. (Years of Marriage for the Diamond Anniversary) 76 = T. L. the B. P. (Trombones Led the Big Parade) 78 = C. in a T. D. (Cards in a Tarot Deck) 80 = C. in a M. (Chains in a Mile) 80 = D. to G. A. the W. (Days to Go Around the World) 87 = F. S. and S. Y. (Four Score and Seven Years) 88 = C. in the S. (Constellations in the Sky) 88 = P. K. (Piano Keys *) 90 = D. in a R. A. (Degrees in a Right Angle *) 95 = M. L.'s T. (Martin Luther's Theses) 96 = T., by ? (Tears, by ?) 99 = B. of B. on a W. (Bottles of Beer on a Wall) 100 = C. in a D. (Cents in a Dollar) 100 = Y. in a F. F. (Yards in a Football Field) 101 = D. (Dalmatians) 101 = a S. M. L. (a Silly Millimeter Longer) 102 = F. in the E. S. B. (Floors in the Empire State Building) 116 = Y. in the H. Y.'s W. (Years in the Hundred Year's War) 144 = U. in a G. (Units in a Gross) 150 = P. in the B. (Psalms in the Bible) 180 = D. to R. D. (Degrees to Reverse Direction) 200 = D. for P. G. in M. (Dollars for Passing Go in Monopoly *) 200 = M. in a C. (Milligrams in a Carat) 206 = B. in the H. B. (Bones in the Human Body) 235 = I. of U. in the A. B. (Isotope of Uranium in the Atomic Bomb) 300 = B. in the T. of C. (Bees in the Tomb of Childeric) 365 = D. in a Y. (Days in a Year) 366 = D. in a L. Y. (Days in a Leap Year) 432 = P. in a H. (Pints in a Hogshead) 435 = S. in the H. of R. (Seats in the House of Representatives) 451 = D. F. at which B. B. (Degrees Fahrenheit at which Books Burn) 500 = F. C. (Fortune Companies) 500 = M. in the I. F. H. (Miles in the Indianapolis Five Hundred) 500 = S. in a R. (Sheets in a Ream) 666 = N. of the B. in the B. of R. (Number of the Beast in the Book of Revelati on) 707 = Y. of C. (Year of Confusion) 755 = H. runs H. by H. A. (Home runs Hit by Hank Aaron) 800 = W. in V. (Warriors in Valhalla) 880 = N. of M. S. of O. F. (Number of Magic Squares of Order Four) 1000 = I. in N. Y. (Islands in New York) 1000 = P. of L. (Points of Light) 1000 = S. L. by the F. of H. of T. (Ships Launched by the Face of Helen of Troy ^Q) 1000 = W. that a P. is W. (Words that a Picture is Worth *) 1001 = A. N. (Arabian Nights *) 1440 = M. in a D. (Minutes in a Day) 1760 = Y. in a M. (Yards in a Mile) 5280 = F. in a M. (Feet in a Mile) 20000 = L. U. the S. (Leagues Under the Sea) ==> language/english/etymology/acronym.p <== What acronyms have become common words or are otherwise interesting? ==> language/english/etymology/acronym.s <== The following is the list of acronyms which have become common nouns. An acronym is "a word formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term" (Webster's Tenth). A common noun will occur uncapitalized in Webster's Tenth. Entries in the following table include the year in which they first entered the language (according to the Tenth), and the Merriam-Webster dictionary that first contains them. The following symbols are used: NI1 New International (1909) NI1+ New Words section of the New International (1931) NI2 New International Second Edition (1934) NI2+ Addendum section of the Second (1959, same as 1954) NI3 Third New International (1961) 9C Ninth New Collegiate (1983) 10C Collegiate - Tenth Edition (1993) 12W 12,000 Words (separately published addendum to the Third, 1986) asdic Anti-Submarine Detection Investigation Committee (1940, NI2+) dopa DihydrOxyPhenylAlanine (1917, NI3) fido Freaks + Irregulars + Defects + Oddities (1966, 9C) jato Jet-Assisted TakeOff (1947, NI2+) laser Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (1957, NI3) lidar LIght Detection And Ranging (1963, 9C) maser Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (1955, NI3) ^Snitinol NIckel + TIn + Naval Ordinance Laboratory (1968, 9C) rad Radiation Absorbed Dose (1918, NI3) radar RAdio Detection And Ranging (ca. 1941, NI2+) rem Roentgen Equivalent Man (1947, NI3) rep Roentgen Equivalent Physical (1947, NI3) scuba Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus (1952, NI3) snafu Situation Normal -- All Fucked (Fouled) Up (ca. 1940, NI2+) sofar SOund Fixing And Ranging (1946, NI2+) sonar SOund NAvigation Ranging (1945, NI2+) tepa Tri-Ethylene Phosphor-Amide (1953, 9C) zip Zone Improvement Plan (1963, 9C) Below are blends that technically are also acronyms: alnico ALuminum + NIckel + CObalt (1935, NI2+) avgas AViation GASoline (1943, NI3) biopic BIOgraphical PICture (12W) boff Box OFFice (1946, NI3) canola CANada Oil + Low Acid (1979, 10C) ceramal CERAMic ALloy (ca. 1948, NI2+) cermet CERamic METal (1948, NI2+) comsymp COMmunist SYMPathizer (ca. 1961, 9C) cyborg CYBernetic ORGanism (ca. 1962, 9C) dorper DORset horn + blackhead PERsian (1949, NI3) elhi ELementary school + HIgh school (1948, 9C) gox Gaseous OXygen (1959, 9C) hela HEnrietta LAcks (1953, 9C) kip KIlo- + Pound (1914, NI2) linac LINear ACcelerator (1950, 9C) loran LOng-RAnge Navigation (ca. 1932, NI2+) lox Liquid OXygen (1923, 9C) mascon MASs CONcentration (1968, 9C) maximin MAXImum + MINimum (1951, 9C) minimax MINImum + MAXimum (1918, 9C) modem MOdulator + DEModulator (ca. 1952, 9C) motocross MOTOr + CROSS-country (1951, 9C) napalm NAphthenic and PALMitic acids (1942, NI2+) parsec PARallax SECond (ca. 1913, NI1+) redox REDuction + OXidation (1828, NI2) selsyn SELf-SYNchronizing (1936, NI2+) shoran SHOrt-RAnge Navigation (ca. 1932, NI2+) silvex SILVa + EXterminator (1961, 9C) sitcom SITuation COMedy (1965, 9C) teleran TELEvision-RAdar Navigation (1946, NI2+) telex TELeprinter EXchange (ca. 1943, 9C) vidicon VIDeo + ICONoscope (1950, NI3) wilco WILl COmply (ca. 1938, NI3) Acronyms from other languages: agitprop AGITatsiya + PROPaganda (Russian, ca. 1926, NI2+) flak FLiegerAbwehrKanonen (German, 1938, NI2+) gestapo GEheime STAatsPOlizei (German, 1934, NI2+) gulag Glavnoe Upravlenie ispravitel'notrudovykh LAGerei (Russian, 1974, 9C) kolkhoz KOLlektivnoe KHOZyaistvo (Russian, 1921, NI2) moped MOtor + PEDal (Swedish, ca. 1955, 9C) sambo SAMozashchita Bez Oruzhiya (Russian, 1972, 9C) tokamak TOroidal'naya KAMera s AKsial'nym magnitnym polem (Russian, 1965, 9C) Selected near misses: athodyd Aero-THermODYnamic Duct (1945, NI2+) -- blend awol Absent WithOut Leave (1919, NI2+) -- usually capitalized benday BENjamin DAY (1903, NI1+) -- blend deet Di-Ethyl Tolumide (1962, 9C) -- pronunciation of D. E. T. dew Distant Early Warning (1953, 9C) -- only in phrase "dew line" echovirus Enteric Cytopathogenic Human Orphan VIRUS (1955, 9C) -- blend hi-fi HIgh FIdelity (1948, NI2+) -- hyphenated ibuprofen Iso-BUtyl PROpionic PHENyl (1969, 12W) -- PH pronounced f jaygee Junior Grade (1943, NI3) -- pronunciation of J. G. jayvee Junior Varsity (1937, NI3) -- pronunciation of J. V. jeep General Purpose (1940, NI2+) -- pronunciation of G. P. nazi NAtionalsoZIalist (German, 1930, NI2) -- shorten & alter nystatin New York STATe + -IN (1952, NI3) -- extraneous suffix op-ed OPposite EDitorial (1970, 9C) -- hyphenated pixel PIX + ELement (1969, 10C) -- blend ^Q^Spj's PaJamas (1951, NI3) -- punctuated reovirus Respiratory Enteric Orphan VIRUS (1959, 9C) -- blend sci-fi SCIence FIction (1955, 9C) -- hyphenated siloxane SILicon + OXygen + methANE (1922, NI3) -- blend tradevman TRAining DEVices MAN (ca. 1947, NI3) -- blend updo UPswept hairDO (1946, NI2+) -- blend veep Vice President (1940, NI2+) -- pronunciation of V. P. warfarin Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation + coumARIN (ca. 1950, NI3) - blen d yuppie Young Urban Professional + -PIE (1983, 9C) -- extraneous suffix Acronyms that should be in Webster's Tenth: fifo First In, First Out (NI2+) lifo Last In, First Out (NI2+) nomic NO Metal In Composition (NI3) (John Bulten) quango QUAsi-Non Governmental Organization (12W) shazam Solomon Hercules Atlas Zeus Achilles Mercury (12W) tacan TACtical Air Navigation (12W) Self-referential acronyms: gnu Gnu's Not Unix nbi Nothing But Initials swan System Without A Name Supposed (but not real) acronyms: fuck For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge posh Port Out, Starboard Home spiff Sales Productivity Incentive Fund tip To Insure (should be Ensure) Politeness (or Promptness) wog Worthy (Wealthy) Oriental Gentleman ==> language/english/etymology/fossil.p <== What are some examples of idioms that include obsolete words? ^Q ==> language/english/etymology/fossil.s <== These are called fossil expresions -- words that have dropped out of common use but hang around in idioms. Not all of them are separate words, some are part of other words or have prefixes or suffixes attached. There are also words which have current meaning, but the meaning in the idiom is unrelated to it. idiom fossil meaning of fossil -------------------------------------------------- swashbuckler buckler small shield newfangled fangled siezed rank and file file column to and fro fro from gormless gorm attention hem and haw haw make the sound "haw" hem and haw hem make the sound "hem" hue and cry hue outcry kit and kaboodle kaboodle collection out of kilter kilter order kith and kin kith friends let or hindrance let hindrance footpad pad highwayman pratfall prat buttocks rank and file rank row raring to go raring enthusiastic ruthless ruth compassion short shrift shrift confession spick-and-span span chunk of wood spick-and-span spick nail (spike) swashbuckler swash bluster or stagger bank teller tell to count ==> language/english/etymology/portmanteau.p <== What are some words formed by combining together parts of other words? ^S ==> language/english/etymology/portmanteau.s <== Such words are called "Portmanteau" words. Here is a very incomplete list: beefalo beef, buffalo brunch breakfast, lunch chortle chuckle, snort fantabulous fantastic, fabulous flare flame, glare flounder flounce, founder glimmer gleam, shimmer glitz glamour, ritz liger lion, tiger motel motor, hotel smash smack, mash smog smoke, fog squiggle squirm, wiggle tangelo tangerine, pomelo tigon tiger, lion **** Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961. ==> language/english/frequency.p <== In the English language, what are the most frequently appearing: 1) letters overall? 2) letters BEGINNING words? 3) final letters? 4) digrams (ordered pairs of letters)? ==> language/english/frequency.s <== web2 = word list from Webster's Second Unabridged web2a = hyphenated words and phrases from Webster's Second Unabridged both = web2 + web2a net = several gigabytes of Usenet traffic ^Q 1) Most frequently appearing letters overall: web2: eiaorn tslcup mdhygb fvkwzx qj both: eairon tslcud pmhgyb fwvkzx qj net: etaoin srhldc umpfgy wbvkxj qz 2) Most frequently appearing letters BEGINNING words: web: spcaut mbdrhi eofgnl wvkjqz yx both: spcatb umdrhf eigowl nvkqjz yx net: taisow cmbphd frnelu gyjvkx qz 3) Most frequent final letters: web: eysndr ltacmg hkopif xwubzv jq both: eydsnr tlagcm hkpoiw fxbuzv jq net: estndr yolafg mhipuk cwxbvz jq 4) Most frequent digrams (ordered pairs of letters) web: er in ti on te al an at ic en is re ra le ri ro st ne ar ... both: er in te ti on an re al at le en ra ic ar st ri ro ed ne ... net: th he in er re an on at te es or en ar ha is ou it to st nd ... Program to compute this from word list in standard input: #include #include typedef struct { int count; char name[3]; } FREQ; FREQ all[256],initial[256],terminal[256],digram[65536]; int compare(p,q) FREQ *p,*q; { return q->count - p->count; } void sort_and_print(freq,count,description) FREQ *freq; int count; char *description; { register FREQ *p; (void)qsort(freq,count,sizeof(*freq),compare); puts(description); for (p=freq;pcount) printf("%s %d\n",p->name,p->count); } main() { char s[BUFSIZ]; register char *p; register int i; while (gets(s)!=NULL) { if (islower(*s)) { initial[*s].count++; sprintf(initial[*s].name,"%c",*s); for (p=s;*p;p++) { if (isalpha(*p)) { all[*p].count++; sprintf(all[*p].name,"%c",*p); if (isalpha(p[1])) { i = p[0]*256 + p[1]; digram[i].count++; sprintf(digram[i].name,"%c%c",p[0],p[1]); } ^S } } terminal[*--p].count++; sprintf(terminal[*p].name,"%c",*p); } } sort_and_print(all,256,"overall character distribution: "); sort_and_print(initial,256,"initial character distribution: "); sort_and_print(terminal,256,"terminal character distribution: "); sort_and_print(digram,65536,"digram distribution: "); } ==> language/english/idioms.p <== List some idioms that say the opposite of what they mean. ==> language/english/idioms.s <== I fell head over heels. I could care less. I turned my life around 360 degrees. ==> language/english/less.ness.p <== Find a word that forms two other words, unrelated in meaning, when "less" and "ness" are added. ==> language/english/less.ness.s <== base -> baseless, baseness light -> lightless, lightness sound -> soundless, soundness wit -> witless, witness ==> language/english/letter.rebus.p <== Define the letters of the alphabet using self-referential common phrases (e.g., "first of all" defines "a"). ==> language/english/letter.rebus.s <== A first of all, midday B fifth of bourbon, starting block C fifth of scotch D end of the world, back of my hand E end of the line, beginning of the end F starting friction, front G middle of the night, starting gate H end of the earth, top of the heap, middle of nowhere I next of kin J center of project K bottom of the deck, two of a kind L bottom of the barrel, starting line M top of my head N center of attention, final countdown, end run O second in command P bottom of the heap, the first of painters, starting point Q at the front of the queue, top quality R middle of the road, center of inertia ^QS _Last of the Mohicans_, start of something big T top o' the morning, one's wit's end, bottom of my heart, last, central U second guess V center of gravity W end of the rainbow, top of the world X wax finish, climax Y top of your head, center of the cyclone, early years, final extremity Z led zeppelin ==> language/english/malaprop.p <== List some phrases with the same meaning that differ by one sound. ==> language/english/malaprop.s <== The car caree(n/r)s down the road. Can you (e/i)nsure that all is well? We must inst(a/i)ll some discipline. It's coming down the pi(p/k)e. The sun pe(a/c)ked out from behind clouds. -Patricia D. Cornwell, _All That Remains_, Avon, New York, 1993, p. 36 I've been ra(c)king my brain the whole time. -Patricia D. Cornwell, _All That Remains_, Avon, New York, 1993, p. 231 Listen to the blabbing/babbling brook. -Norm Crosby ==> language/english/piglatin.p <== What words in pig latin also are words? ==> language/english/piglatin.s <== cess -> essay coke -> okay lawn -> onlay lout -> outlay plover -> overplay plunder -> underplay sass -> assay stout -> outstay trash -> ashtray wear -> airway wonder -> underway ==> language/english/pleonasm.p <== What are some redundant terms that occur frequently (like "ABM missile")? ==> language/english/pleonasm.s <== 11.5% APR (although "APR" means that interest is charged on the balance only) ABM missile ABS system AC current ACT test AMOCO Oil Co. APL programming language ATM machine BASIC Code BBS System CAD design CNN news network DC current DMZ zone DOS operating system GMT time Geirangerfjorden (Fjord Fjord Fjord) HIV virus ISBN number ISDN network LCD display LED diode MIDI Interface Mount Fujiyama (Mount Mountain) NATO organization NFS File System PIN number RAM (or ROM) memory Rio Grande River (Big River River) Ruidoso River (Noisy River River) SALT talks or SALT treaty SAT test SCSI Interface SEATO organization START talks or START treaty The La Brea Tar Pits (The The Tar Tar Pits) The Los Altos Hills (The The Hills Hills) VIN number floccinoccinihlipilification (from 4 latin words meaning "nothing") the hoi polloi (the the many) hot water heater ==> language/english/plurals/collision.p <== Two words, spelled and pronounced differently, have plurals spelled the same but pronounced differently. ^S ==> language/english/plurals/collision.s <== axe and axis -> axes base and basis -> bases ellipse and ellipsis -> ellipses ==> language/english/plurals/doubtful.number.p <== A little word of doubtful number, a foe to rest and peaceful slumber. If you add an "s" to this, great is the metamorphosis. Plural is plural now no more, and sweet what bitter was before. What am I? ==> language/english/plurals/doubtful.number.s <== cares -> caress ==> language/english/plurals/drop.terminal.p <== What words have their plurals formed by dropping the final letter? ^Q==> language/english/plurals/drop.terminal.s <== There are a number of words (e.g., "jinni") where there is a variant spelling sans the terminal letter (e.g., "jinn") and where the plural is the same as the singular. I don't think this is in keeping with the spirit of the question. There are a number of Italian words where the final "o" is dropped to form a plural: arpeggio capriccio carroccio fascio impresario intarsio latticinio pasticcio preludio scenario seraglio solfeggio Other words are: hemiepes n pl hemiepe :a dactylic tripody having a spondaic third foot or lacking the two short syllables of the third foot koruna n pl korun or koruny also korunas :the basic monetary unit of Czechoslovakia microstomia also microstomus n pl microstomias also microstomi :an abnormally small mouth necropolis n pl necropolises or necropoles also necropoleis or necropoli :a large elaborate cemetery of an ancient city samanid n pl samanids or samani :a member of a 9th and 10th century Persian dynasty ruling from Bokhara and encouraging literature and art volksdeutscher n pl volksdeutsche :a person of German ethnic origin long settled in a central or east European country, repatriated for political reasons by the Nazi regime, and expelled into West Germany after World II **** Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961. ==> language/english/plurals/endings.p <== List a plural ending with each letter of the alphabet. ==> language/english/plurals/endings.s <== Legend 0 = plural formed (basically) by adding letter 1 = plural spelled differently from singular 2 = ditto, plural contains punctuation 3 = plural spelled the same as singular All entries are from Merriam-Webster's Ninth Collegiate Dictionary, except those marked "(NI3)", which are from the Third International. Entries in brackets are probable dictionary artifacts. A 0 VAS VASA B 1 SLUBBI SLEYB (NI3) C 0 CALPULLI CALPULLEC (NI3) D 2 GRANT-IN-AID GRANTS-IN-AID E 0 ALA ALAE F 1 SHARIF ASHRAF (NI3) G 0 AIRE AIRIG (NI3) H 0 LIRA LIROTH I 0 BAN BANI J 1 KHARIJITE KHAWARIJ (NI3) K 0 PULI PULIK L 1 ARMFUL ARMSFUL M 0 GOY GOYIM N 0 KRONE KRONEN O 2 DERRING-DO DERRINGS-DO (NI3) [1 MEO MIAO/MIXTECA MIXTECO/PAPIOPIO PAPIO/SUM U SUMO (NI3)] P 2 AIDE-DE-CAMP AIDES-DE-CAMP Q 3 QARAQALPAQ QARAQALPAQ (NI3) R 0 KRONE KRONER S 0 A AS T 0 MATZO MATZOT U 0 HALER HALERU V 3 TIV TIV (NI3) W 2 SON-IN-LAW SONS-IN-LAW [1 KWAPA QUAPAW (NI3)] ^SX 0 EAU EAUX^Q Y 0 GROSZ GROSZY Z 3 HERTZ HERTZ ==> language/english/plurals/man.p <== Words ending with "man" make their plurals by adding "s". ==> language/english/plurals/man.s <== caiman doberman German human leman ottoman pitman Pullman Roman shaman talisman ==> language/english/plurals/switch.first.p <== What plural is formed by switching the first two letters? ==> language/english/plurals/switch.first.s <== falaj -> aflaj (Chambers English Dictionary) ==> language/english/potable.color.p <== Find words that are both beverages and colors. ==> language/english/potable.color.s <== burgundy champagne chartreuse chocolate claret cocoa coffee cream midori (Japanese for green. Does Japanese count?) rose wine ==> language/english/pronunciation/autonym.p <== What is the longest word whose phonetic and normal spellings are the same? ==> language/english/pronunciation/autonym.s <== spendthrift (11 letters) **** Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961. ==> language/english/pronunciation/homograph/different.pronunciation.p <== What sequence of letters has the most different pronunciations? ==> language/english/pronunciation/homograph/different.pronunciation.s <== OUGH (28) common words: BOROUGH, THOROUGH f TOUGH p HICCOUGH NOUGHT BOUGH f COUGH THOUGH OUGHT f COUGH THROUGH uncommon words: k TURLOUGH (dialectical, obsolete) BROUGH (dialectical) w BOROUGH, THOROUGH ft TROUGH (dialectical) k LOUGH (dialectical) DOUGHT, LOUGH (dialectical) th TROUGH (dialectical) g SKEOUGH (dialectical, obsolete) k WOUGH (dialectical, obsolete) BOUGHT, HOUGH (dialectical) ft TROUGH (dialectical) th TROUGH (dialectical) f SOUGH (dialectical, obsolete) g SLOUGHI k OUGH (obsolete) OUGH f SOUGH (dialectical, obsolete) OUGH Pronunciation Key: the, humdrum bother, cot father now, loud bone, snow saw, all rule, fool pull, wood German ch in ich-laut Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961. ==> language/english/pronunciation/homograph/homographs.p <== List some homographs (words spelled the same but pronounced differently) ==> language/english/pronunciation/homograph/homographs.s <== This list organized by Mark Brader Classes: A - All of the following "defects" absent B - Basic meanings are related C - Capitalization differs ("capitonyms") D - Different spellings also exist (US vs UK, hyphenation, etc.) E - Equal pronunciations also exist (US vs UK, regional, etc.) F - Foreign word, or may be distinguished with accent marks G - Gcontrived :-), coined, jargon, or other uncommon word 3 - 3-way homograph 4 - 4-way homograph B abstract {corresponding noun and verb; henceforth abbreviated NV} B abuse {NV} B addict {NV} B advocate {NV} BG affect {alter; emotion} B affiliate {NV} B affix {NV} G agape {wide open; form of love} B aggregate {NV} G ai {sloth; ouch!} BE ally {NV} B alternate {NV} BD analyses {plural noun; singular verb (UK)} B animate {verb; adjective} A appropriate {take posession of; suitable} B approximate {verb; adjective} E are {form of to be; unit of area} B arithmetic {noun; adjective} B articulate {verb; adjective} 4DFG as {like; Roman coin; Persian card game; pl. of a} B aspirate {NV} B associate {NV} A ate {past of eat; recklessness} B attribute {NV} C august A axes {plural of ax; plural of axis} A bases {plural of base; plural of basis} A bass {~ fiddle; fishing for ~} BE blessed {prosperous; he ~ her} A bow(ed) {~ and arrow; ~ to the king} E buffet {jostle; ~ lunch} B bustier {undergarment; more busty} B close {~ call; ~ the door} B closer {door ~; more close} ^S^QB coagulate {NV} G coax {urge; coaxial cable} 3FG colon {":"; colonial farmer; Costa Rican monetary unit} B combat {NV} B combine {NV} A commune {take Communion; administrative district} A compact {closely arranged; treaty} B compound {NV} B compress {NV} B conduct {NV} B confect {NV} B confines {NV} B conflict {NV} B conglomerate {NV} B conjugate {NV} BE conserve {preserve; jam} A console {soothe; keyboard desk} B consort {NV} B construct {NV} B consummate {verb; adjective} BE contact {NV} E content {what is contained; satisfied} B contest {NV} B contract {NV} B contrast {NV} BG convent {nunnery; convene} A converse {logic term; to talk} B convert {NV} B convict {NV} BE coordinate {NV} FG dame {woman; term in the game of Go} DE decameter {poetic line with 10 feet; 10 meters (US)} B defect {flaw; turn traitor} E defense {sports term; fortification} BE delegate {NV} B deliberate {adjective; verb} A desert {leave alone; Sahara ~} B desolate {adjective; verb} D dingy {dull; small boat} BE discharge {NV} B discriminate {distinguish; opposite of indiscriminate} E divers {plural diver; various} F do {perform; tonic note of scale} A does {~ the buck see the ~?} A dove {dived; pigeon} F dozen {12; stun (Scottish)} B drawer {one who draws; chest of ~s} B duplicate {NV} B elaborate {verb; adjective} A entrance {door; delight} BDE envelop(e) {NV} G ergotism {logical reasoning; ergot poisoning} B escort {NV} B essay {piece of writing; try} B estimate {NV} CFG ewe {female sheep; African language} B excuse {NV} B exploit {NV} BF expose {NV} B ferment {NV} E fiasco {failure; bottle} BDE fillet {cut of meat/fish; band of ribbon/wood} A flower {one who flows; bloom} G formal {ceremonious; methylal} DEG genet {civetlike animal; horselike animal} A gill {volume unit; organ in fish} A glower {sullen look; one that glows} B graduate {NV} F he {pronoun; Hebrew letter} CE herb {name; plant} A hinder {hamper; posterior} B house {NV} B import {NV} A incense {infuriate; perfume for burning} B increase {NV} B initiate {NV} B insert {NV} B insult {NV} B intern {NV} A intimate {~ relations; to suggest} A invalid {cripple; erroneous} B invite {NV} G is {form of to be; plural of i} B jagged {slashed or cut; having a zigzag edge} C Job BCF jubilate {rejoice; joyous song} CF junker/Junker 3A lather {suds; lath worker; lathe worker} A lead {~ pipe; ~ astray} BE legged {past tense verb; adjective} CF Lima B live {~ in peace; ~ audience} B lives {~ in peace; for all of our ~} D lower {to let down; frown} F manes {plural of mane; Roman gods} F mate {friend; type of tea} D micrometer {measuring device; .000001 meter (US)} A minute {60 seconds; tiny} B misconduct {NV} BE mobile {movable; wind-blown sculpture} B moderate {NV} EG molar {back tooth; chemical term} A moped {brooded; fun vehicle} ^S^Q^SBE mouse {rodent; to hunt them} B mouth {NV} A mow {pile of hay; to cut down} B multiply {verb; adverb} A number {decimal ~; more numb} B object {thing; complain} E offense {sports term; attack} 3DG os {bone; esker; pl. of o} A overage {too old; surplus} BD paralyses {plural noun; singular verb (UK)} A pasty {pastelike; British meat pie} ^Q^S^Q3FG pate {head; food paste; porcelain paste for ceramics} A peaked {sharply pointed; unhealthy looking} A peer {equal; one who pees} B perfect {verb; adjective} G periodic {regularly occurring; ~ acids, HIO4 and related substances} B permit {NV} C Placer C polish A poll {head; group of students} B predicate {NV} BE premise {NV} B present {NV} E primer {intro book/material (US); device for priming} B proceeds {goes; income} B produce {give rise to; fruits and vegetables} B progress {to move forward; work in ~} A project {planned undertaking; to throw forward} BE prospect {NV} B protest {NV} A pussy {cat; infected} B putter/putting {golf club; one that puts} DG rabat {clerical garment; pottery piece used for polishing} DG rabbi {clerical garment; Jewish religious official} B ragged {teased; tattered} F re {pertaining to; 2nd note of scale} B read {present tense; past tense} C Reading F real {actual; former Spanish coin} B rebel {NV} B recess {NV} B recoil {NV} B record {NV} D recreate {relax; create again} 3BD redress {compensate; compensation; dress again} B refill {NV} B refund {NV} B refuse {NV} B regress {NV} B reject {NV} E repent {regret; creeping} B replay {NV} D represent {stand for; present again} B rerun {NV} D research {investigate; search again} A resent {be indignant; sent again} D reserve {hold back; serve again} D resign {quit; sign again} D resolve {settle dispute; solve again} D resort {vacation spot; sort again} F resume {work summary; restart} A river {watercourse; one who rives} F rose {flower; wine} DE routing {making a route for (US spelling); woodworking term} A row {a fight; ~,~,~ your boat} DF sake {purpose; Japanese drink} 3AF salve {ointment; salvage; hail!} 3BE second {2nd; 1/60 minute; transfer to temporary job} B segment {NV} B separate {NV} A severer {cutter; more severe} A sewer {storm ~; one who sews} A shower {one who shows; ~ stall} A singer {one who singes; one who sings} A skied {past tense of ski; past tense of sky} A slaver {slave taker; drool} A slough {swamp; cast-off} A sow {~ seeds; female pig} A stingy {meager; able to sting} EG stipulate {request explicitly; having stipules} EG stupe {hot compress as counterirritant; stupid person} B subject {NV} A supply {in a supple way; ~ and demand} B survey {NV} B suspect {NV} G swinger {whopper; one that swings} G swingle {flax beating tool; single person who "swings"} B syndicate {NV} CF tang {flavor; Chinese dynasty} A tarry {covered in tar; dawdle} A tear {~ down; shed a ~} A thou {you; slang for thousand} A thymic {of thyme; of thymus} A tier {one who ties; row or rank} B torment {NV} A tower {one who tows; leaning ~} B transfer {NV} B transplant {NV} B transport {NV} DG unionized {~ labor; ~ hydrogen} B upset {NV} G us {we; plural of u} B use {NV} A violist {viol player; viola player} A wind {~ the clock; north ~} CF worms A wound {injury; wrapped around} E yak {ox; laugh} ==> language/english/pronunciation/homophone/homophones.alphabet.p <== Homophones can be confusing when used to exemplify a letter. For example, "g as in gnu" or "k as in knot." Give one for each letter. ==> language/english/pronunciation/homophone/homophones.alphabet.s <== A as in isle (aisle) B as in dell (bdell-) (combining form) C as in teen (ctene) D as in gin (djin) E as in air (ere) F as in phrase (frays) ('f' sound present) G as in new (gnu) H as in air (heir) I as in use (ius) J as in yuca (juca) K as in need (knead) L as in have (halve) (not first letter) M as in nemic (mnemic) (contains m) N as in dam (damn) (not first letter) O as in wed (oued) P as in salmon (psammon) Q as in key (quay) R as in foxhole (forecastle) (not first letter; pronunciation off) S as in eyelet (islet) (not first letter) T as in sign (tsine) U as in wang (uang) V as in fro (vrow) W as in rest (wrest) X as in jurel (xurel) Y as in the (ye) Z as in sabra (zabra) *** Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961. ==> language/english/pronunciation/homophone/homophones.letter.p <== ^S^Q^SFor each letter, list homophones that differ by that letter. ==> language/english/pronunciation/homophone/homophones.letter.s <== o(a)r lam(b) s(c)ent le(d)ger do(e) waf(f) rei(g)n (h)our wa(i)ve haj(j)i (k)not ha(l)ve prim(m)er dam(n) j(o)ust (p)salter ? car(r)ies (s)cent taro(t) b(u)y civ(v)ies t(w)o beau(x) re(y) biz(z) **** Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961. ==> language/english/pronunciation/homophone/homophones.most.p <== What words have four or more spellings that sound alike? ==> language/english/pronunciation/homophone/homophones.most.s <== a: ba, baa, bah (3) : nae, nay, nee, neigh (4) : : pa, pah, pas (3) a: dhow, dow, tao (3) b: cob, cobb, kob (3) ch: d: road, rode, rowed (3) e: : cee, sea, see, si (4) f: leaf, leif (2) g: h: hw: i: boy, buoy (2) : ai, ay, aye, eye, I (5) j: gage, gauge (2) k: peak, peek, peke, pique (4) : dreich, dreigh, driech, driegh (4) l: weal, weel, we'll, wheal, wheel (5) m: combe, coom, coomb, cwm (4) n: coign, coin, quoin (3) : tau, taw (2) : eau, eaux, O, oh, owe (5) p: nap, knap, nappe (3) r: air, are, ayr, ayre, e'er, ere, err, eyre, heir (9) s: cense, cents, scents, sense (4) sh: t: right, rite, wright, write (4) th: : u: : tew, to, too, two (4) v: w: y: z: raise, rase, rays, raze, res (5) zh: greige, griege (2) *** Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961. ==> language/english/pronunciation/homophone/trivial.p <== Consider the free non-abelian group on the twenty-six letters of the alphabet with all relations of the form = , where and are homophones (i.e. they sound alike but are spelled differently). Show that every letter is trivial. For example, be = bee, so e is trivial. ==> language/english/pronunciation/homophone/trivial.s <== be = bee ==> e is trivial; ail = ale ==> i is trivial; week = weak ==> a is trivial; lie = lye ==> y is trivial; to = too ==> o is trivial; two = to ==> w is trivial; hour = our ==> h is trivial; faggot = fagot ==> g is trivial; bowl = boll ==> l is trivial; gell = jel ==> j is trivial; you = ewe ==> u is trivial; damn = dam ==> n is trivial; limb = limn ==> b is trivial; bass = base ==> s is trivial; cede = seed ==> c is trivial; knead = need ==> k is trivial; add = ad ==> d is trivial; awful = offal ==> f is trivial; gram = gramme ==> m is trivial; grip = grippe ==> p is trivial; cue = queue ==> q is trivial; carrel = carol ==> r is trivial; butt = but ==> t is trivial; lox = locks ==> x is trivial; tsar = czar ==> z is trivial; vlei = flay ==> v is trivial. For a related problem, see _The Jimmy's Book_ (_The American Mathematical Monthly_, Vol. 93, Num. 8 (Oct. 1986), p. 637): Consider the free group on twenty-six letters A, ..., Z. Mod out by the relation that defines two words to be equivalent if (a) one is a permutation of the other and (b) each appears as a legitimate English word in the dictionary. Identify the center of this group. -- (Chris Long) ==> language/english/pronunciation/oronym.p <== List some oronyms (phrases or sentences that can be read in two ways with the same sound). ==> language/english/pronunciation/oronym.s <== Phrases: a name an aim a nice man an ice man a notion an ocean append up end bang cat bank at be quiet Beek Wyatt bean ice be nice bee feeder beef eater ^Q^S beer drips beard rips buys ink buy zinc catch it cat shit catch ooze cat chews Cato Kay toe damn pegs damp eggs field red feel dread forced air four stair fork reeps four creeps form ate four mate freed Annie free Danny grade A gray day grasp rice grass price great ape grey tape her butter herb utter hiatus Hy ate us homemaker hoe-maker I scream ice cream I stink iced ink it sprays it's praise it swings its wings keep sticking keeps ticking known ocean no notion lawn chair launch air may cough make off new Deal nude eel new direction nude erection night rate nitrate pawn shop paunch op peace talks pea stalks pinch air pin chair play taught plate ought plum pie plump eye scar face scarf ace seal eyeing see lying see Mabel seem able see the meat see them eat seize ooze see zoos sick squid six quid slide rule sly drool standards-based standard-spaced stay dill stayed ill that's tough that stuff the suns rays meet the sons raise meat thing call think all tour an two ran tulips two lips twenty six ones twenty sick swans we'll own we loan well done other weld another white shoes why choose yelp at yell Pat your crimes York rhymes ^Q^S^Q youth read you thread Sentences: A politician's fate often hangs in a [delicate / delegate] balance. Any [grey day/grade A] would be bad news for one professor I know. Are you aware of the words you have [just uttered / just stuttered]? He would kill Hamlet for [that reason / that treason]. How did you do in the [contest / Kant test]? I don't know how [mature/much your] people enjoy such a show. I have [known oceans/no notions] that you yourself couldn't imagine. I like [sadder day/ Saturday]. If you listen you can hear the [night rain / night train]. I'm taking [a nice / an ice] cold shower. Oh, no! [This guy/The sky] is falling! Reading in the library is sometimes [allowed / aloud]. [Some others / Some mothers] I've seen... That reflects the [secretariat's sphere / secretariat's fear] of competence . That's the [biggest hurdle / biggest turtle] I've ever seen! The [stuffy nose / stuff he knows] can lead to problems. Where is the [spice center / spy center]? [White shoes: / Why choose] the trademark of Pat Boone[./?] You'd be surprised to see a [mint spy / mince pie] in your bank. See also: the archive entry "telegrams" ^S ~References: Barry, W J, 1981, Internal Juncture and Speech Communication, Arbeitsberichte. Institut fu"r Phonetik. University of Kiel. Vol 16. Brandreth, Giles, _The Joy of Lex_, 1980, New York: William Morrow and Co., pp. 58-59, who coined the word "oronym" Cutler & Butterfield, Rhythmic Cues to Speech Segmentation. Evidence from juncture misperception, 1992, Journal of Memory and Language, Vol 31(2) 218-236 Provides materials in context frames where the alternative segmentations lead to one Vs two word parsings: in furs Vs ^Q^S^Q infers. Grice, Martine and Hazan, Valerie, 1989, The assessment of synthetic speech intelligibility using semantically unpredictable sentences, Speech, Hearing and Language, Work in Progress, University College London. The inferior quality of the synthetic speech often caused more than one type of error at once (bright eye -> dry tie). Hoard, James E., `Juncture and syllable structure', Phonetica 15, 1966, 96-109 Hockett, Charles F. Hockett, _A Course in Modern Linguistics_, New York: Macmillan, 1958, 54-61 Lehiste, Ilse. 1960. An acoustic-phonetic study of internal open juncture. Phonetica 5 (supplement). pp. 5-54. Nakatani L. H. & Dukes, K.D., 1977, Locus of Segmental Cues to Word Juncture, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol 62, pp 714-719 and Price P, Ostendorf M, Shattuck-Huffnagel S & Fong C (1991) "The use of prosody in syntactic disambibuation" JASA 90 (6) pp2956-2970. It has some good examples, ==> language/english/pronunciation/phonetic.letters.p <== What does "FUNEX" mean? ==> language/english/pronunciation/phonetic.letters.s <== FUNEX? (Have you any eggs?) SVFX. (Yes, we have eggs.) FUNEM? (Have you any ham?) SVFM. (Yes, we have ham.) FUMNX? (Have you ham and eggs?) S,S:VFM,VFX,VFMNX! (Yes, yes: we have ham, we have eggs, we have ham and eggs!) CD ED BD DUCKS? (See the itty bitty ducks?) MR NOT DUCKS! (Them are not ducks!) OSAR, CDEDBD WINGS? (Oh yes they are, see the itty bitty wings?) LILB MR DUCKS! (Well I'll be, them are ducks!) In Spanish: SOCKS. (Eso si que es.) ==> language/english/pronunciation/rhyme.p <== What English words are hard to rhyme? "Rhyme is the identity in sound of an accented vowel in a word...and of all consonantal and vowel sounds following it; with a difference in the sound of the consonant immediately preceding the accented vowel." ^S(From The Complete Rhyming Dictionary by Clement Wood). Appropriately Wood says a couple of pages later, "If a poet commences, 'October is the wildest month' he has estopped himself from any rhyme; since "month" has no rhyme in English." ==> language/english/pronunciation/rhyme.s <== Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Ninth Collegiate Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1986. NI3 = Merriam-Webster's Third New International Dictionary ^QNI2 = Merriam-Webster's New International Dictionary, Second Edition RHD = Random House Unabridged Dictionary + means slang, foreign, obsolete, dialectical, etc. Word Rhyme Assonance --------------- --------------------------------------- -------------------- aitch brache (NI2+), taich (NI2+) naish angry unangry (NI2+) aggry angst lanx beards weirds breadth death bulb pulp carpet charpit chimney timne, polymny (NI2+) cusp wusp (NI2) bust depth stepped eighth faith else belts exit direxit (RHD+) sexist fiends teinds, piends filched hilched (NI3+), milched (NI2) zilch filth spilth, tilth fifth drift film pilm (NI3+) kiln fluxed luxed (NI3+), muxed (NI3+) ducked glimpsed rinsed gospel hostile gulf pulse jinxed outminxed (?) blinked leashed niched, tweesht (NI2+) liquid wicked mollusk smallest mouthed southed month grumph mulcts bulks mulched gulched (NI3+) bulged ninth pint oblige bides oomph sumph (NI3+) orange sporange pint jint (NI2+) bind poem phloem, proem pregnant regnant purple curple (NI3+), hirple (NI3+) puss schuss rhythm smitham scalds balds, caulds (NI3+), faulds (NI3+) scarce clairce (NI2), hairse (NI2+) cares sculpts gulps silver chilver (NI3+) sixth kicks spirit squiret (NI2+) tenth nth bent tsetse baronetcy, intermezzi, theetsee tuft yuft twelfth health widow kiddo width bridge window indo, lindo wolf bulls ==> language/english/pronunciation/silent.letter.p <== For each letter, what word contains that letter silent? ==> language/english/pronunciation/silent.letter.s <== aisle comb indict handsome twitched halfpenny gnome myrrh business marijuana knock talk mnemonic autumn people psyche cinqcents forecastle viscount hautboy plaque fivepence write tableaux prayer rendezvous **** Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961. ==> language/english/pronunciation/silent.most.p <== What word has the most silent letters in a row? ==> language/english/pronunciation/silent.most.s <== BROUGHAM (4, UGHA) for each letter AISLE, COMB, INDICT, HANDSOME, TWITCHED, HALFPENNY, GNOME, MYRRH, BUSINESS, MARIJUANA, KNOCK, TALK, MNEMONIC, AUTUMN, PEOPLE, PSYCHE, CINQCENTS, FORECASTLE, VISCOUNT, ^S^Q^S HAUTBOY, PLAQUE, FIVEPENCE, WRITE, TABLEAUX, PRAYER, RENDEZVOUS homophones, for each letter O(A)R, LAM(B), S(C)ENT, LE(D)GER, DO(E), WAF(F), REI(G)N, (H)OUR, WA(I)VE, HAJ(J)I, (K)NOT, HA(L)VE, PRIM(M)ER, DAM(N), J(O)UST, (P)SALTER, ?, CAR(R)IES, (S)CENT, TARO(T), B(U)Y, ?, T(W)O, ?, RE(Y), BIZ(Z) **** Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961. ==> language/english/pronunciation/syllable.p <== What words have an exceptional number of letters per syllable? ==> language/english/pronunciation/syllable.s <== longest for each number of syllables one SCRAUNCHED [SQUIRRELLED (11)] two SCRATCHBRUSHED (14) one, for each letter ARCHED, BROUGHAMS, CRAUNCHED, DRAUGHTS, EARTHED, FLINCHED, GROUCHED, HAUNCHED, ITCHED, JOUNCED, KNIGHTS, LAUNCHED, MOOCHED, NAUGHTS, OINKED, PREACHED, QUETCHED, REACHED, SCRAUNCHED, THOUGHTS, UMPHS, VOUCHED, WREATHED, XYSTS, YEARNED, ZOUAVES two, for each letter ARCHFIENDS, BREAKTHROUGHS, CLOTHESHORSE, DRAUGHTBOARDS, EARTHTONGUES, FLAMEPROOFED, GREATHEART, HAIRSBREADTHS, INTHRALLED, JUNETEENTHS, KNICKKNACKS, LIGHTWEIGHTS, MOOSETONGUES, NIGHTCLOTHES, OUTSTRETCHED, PLOUGHWRIGHTS, QUICKTHORNS, ROUGHSTRINGS, SCRATCHBRUSHED, THROATSTRAPS, UNSTRETCHED, VERSESMITHS, WHERETHROUGH, XANTHINES, YOURSELVES, ZEITGEISTS shortest for each number of syllables two AA (2) three AREA (4) [O'IO (3)] four IEIE (4) five OXYOPIA (7) six ONIOMANIA (9) [AMIOIDEI (8)] seven EPIDEMIOLOGY (12) [OMOHYOIDEI (10)] eight EPIZOOTIOLOGY (13) nine EPIZOOTIOLOGICAL (16) ten EPIZOOTIOLOGICALLY (18) twelve HUMUHUMUNUKUNUKUAPUAA (21) **** Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961. ==> language/english/pronunciation/telegrams.p <== Since telegrams cost by the word, phonetically similar messages can be cheaper. ^QSee if you can decipher these extreme cases: UTICA CHANSON MIGRATE INVENTION ANNUAL KNOBBY SORRY IN FACTUAL BEEN CLOVER. WEED LICHEN ICE CHEST FOREARM OTHER DISGUISE DELIMIT. CANCEL MYOCARDIA ITS INFORMAL FUNCTION. YEARN AFFIX, LOST UKASE, UGANDA JAIL, CONSERVE TENURES YACHT APPEAL. EYELET SHEILA INDIA HOUSE SHEILAS TURKEY. BOB STILT SEA, CANTANKEROUS BOAT, HUMUS GOAD IMMORTAL DECOS GUARD. MARY SINBAD SHEER TOURNEY AUGUSTA WIND NOCTURNE TOOTHBRUSH. WHINE YOSEMITE NAMES SOY CAN PHILATELIST. ALBEIT DETRACT UNIVERSE EDIFY MUSTAFA TICKET TICKET IN. ==> language/english/pronunciation/telegrams.s <== These are from an old "Games" magazine: UTICA CHANSON MIGRATE INVENTION ANNUAL KNOBBY SORRY IN FACTUAL BEEN CLOVER. You take a chance on my great invention and you'll not be sorry. In fact, you'll be in clover. WEED LICHEN ICE CHEST FOREARM OTHER DISGUISE DELIMIT. We'd like a nice chest for our mother; the sky's the limit. CANCEL MYOCARDIA ITS INFORMAL FUNCTION. Can't sell my ol' car dear; it's in for malfunction. YEARN AFFIX, LOST UKASE, UGANDA JAIL, CONSERVE TENURES YACHT APPEAL. You're in a fix. Lost your case. You goin' to jail. Can serve ten years. You ought to appeal. EYELET SHEILA INDIA HOUSE SHEILAS TURKEY. I let Sheila in their house; she lost her key. BOB STILT SEA, CANTANKEROUS BOAT, HUMUS GOAD IMMORTAL DECOS GUARD. Bob's still at sea; can't anchor his boat. You must go to him or tell the coast guard. MARY SINBAD SHEER TOURNEY AUGUSTA WIND NOCTURNE TOOTHBRUSH. Mary's in bed; she hurt her knee. A gust of wind knocked her into the brush. WHINE YOSEMITE NAMES SOY CAN PHILATELIST. Why don't you (why'n'ya) send me the names, so I can fill out a list. ALBEIT DETRACT UNIVERSE EDIFY MUSTAFA TICKET TICKET IN. ^S I'll be at the track and I have a receipt if I must have a ticket to get in. Here are some others not from "Games": BRUISES HURT ERASED AFFORD ERECTED TOO Bruce is hurt. He raced a Ford. He wrecked it, too. ==> language/english/puns.p <== Where can I find a collection of puns? ==> language/english/puns.s <== ==> language/english/rare.trigraphs.p <== What trigraphs (three-letter combinations) occur in only one word? ==> language/english/rare.trigraphs.s <== Here is a list of all the trigraphs which occur exactly once in the union of _Official Scrabble Words_ (First Edition), the _Official Scrabble Players Dictionary_ and _Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (Second Edition)_, together with the words in which they occur. The definition of "word" is a problematic. For example, lots of words starting deoxy- contain the trigraph `eox', but no others do. Should `eox' be on the list? Common words are marked with a *. aae baaed adq*headquarter headquarters ajs svarajs aqs talaqs bks nabks bze subzero cda ducdame dph*headphone headphones dsf*handsful dts veldts dzu kudzu kudzus ekd*weekday weekdays evh evhoe evz evzone evzones exv sexvalent ezv*rendezvous fhu cliffhung fjo fjord fjords fsp*offspring offsprings gds smaragds ggp*eggplant eggplants gnb signboard signboards gnp*signpost signposted signposting signposts gnt sovereignty gty hogtying gza*zigzag zigzagged zigzagging zigzaggy zigzags hds camanachds hky droshky hlr kohlrabi kohlrabies kohlrabis hrj lehrjahre hyx asphyxia asphyxias asphyxiate asphyxies asphyxy itv mitvoth iwy skiwy ixg sixgun jds slojds jje hajjes jki pirojki pirojki jym jymold kky yukky ksg*thanksgiving kuz yakuza kvo mikvoth kyj*skyjack skyjacked skyjacker skyjackers skyjacking skyjackings skyjacks llj killjoy killjoys lmd filmdom filmdoms ltd*meltdown meltdowns lxe calxes lzy schmalzy mds fremds mfy comfy mhs ollamhs mky dumky mmm dwammming mpg*campground mss bremsstrahlung muo muon muonic muonium muoniums muons nhs sinhs njy benjy nuu continuum obg hobgoblin hobgoblins ojk pirojki okc*bookcase bookcases ovk sovkhoz sovkhozes sovkhozy pev*grapevine grapevines pfs dummkopfs php ephphatha pss topssmelt pyj pyjama pyjamaed pyjamas siq physique physiques slt juslted smk besmkes spb*raspberries raspberry spt claspt swy swythe syg*easygoing szy groszy tux*tux tuxedo tuxedoes tuxedos tuxes tvy outvying tzu tzuris ucd ducdame vho evhoe vkh sovkhoz sovkhozes sovkhozy sovkhos vly vly vns eevns voh evohe vun avuncular wcy gawcy wdu*sawdust sawdusted sawdusting sawdusts sawdusty wfr bowfront wft ewftes xeu exeunt xgl foxglove foxgloves xiw taxiway taxiways xls cacomixls xtd nextdoor xva sexvalent yks bashlyks yrf gyrfalcon gyrfalcons ysd paysd yxy asphyxy zhk pirozhki zow zowie zwo*buzzword buzzwords zzs*buzzsaw ==> language/english/self.ref/self.ref.letters.p <== Construct a true sentence of the form: "This sentence contains _ a's, _ b's, _ c's, ...," where the numbers filling in the blanks are spelled out. ==> language/english/self.ref/self.ref.letters.s <== A little history of the problem, culled from the pages of _Metamagical Themas_, Hofstadter's collection of his _Scientific American_ columns. First mention of it is in the Jan. '82 column. Lee Sallows opened the field with a sentence that began "Only the fool would take trouble to verify that his sentence was composed of ten a's ...." etc. Then in the addendum to the Jan.'83 column on viral sentences, Hofstadter quotes Sallows describing his Pangram Machine, "a clock-driven cascade of sixteen Johnson-counters," to tackle the problem. An early success was: "This pangram tallies five a's, one b, one c, two d's, twenty- eight e's, eight f's, six g's, eight h's, thirteen i's, one j, one k, three l's, two m's, eighteen n's, fifteen o's, two p's, one q, seven r's, twenty-five s's, twenty-two t's, four u's, four v's, nine w's, two x's, four y's, and one z." Sallows wagered ten guilders that no-one could create a perfect self- documenting sentence beginning, "This computer-generated pangram contains ...." within ten years. It was solved very quickly, after Sallows' challenge appeared in Dewdney's Oct. '84 SA column. Larry Tesler solved it by a method Hofstadter calls ^Q^S^Q"Robinsonizing," which involves starting with an arbitrary set of values for each letter, getting the true values when the sentence is made, and plugging the new values back in, making a feedback loop. Eventually, you can zero in on a set of values that work. Tesler's sentence: This computer-generated pangram contains six a's, one b, three c's, three d's, thirty-seven e's, six f's, three g's, nine h's, twelve i's, one j, one k, two l's, three m's, twenty-two n's, thirteen o's, three p's, one q, fourteen r's, twenty-nine s's, twenty-four t's, five u's, six v's, seven w's, four x's, five y's, and one z. The method of solution (called "Robinsonizing," after the logician Raphael Robinson) is as follows: 1) Fix the count of a's. 2) Fix the count of b's. 3) Fix the count of c's. ... 26) Fix the count of z's. Then, if the sentence is still wrong, go back to step 1. Most attempts will fall into long loops (what Hofstadter calls attractive orbits), but with a good computer program, it's not too hard to find a Robinsonizing sequence that zeros in on a fixed set of values. The February and May 1992 _Word Ways_ have articles on this subject, titled "In Quest of a Pangram, (Part 1)" by Lee Sallows. It tells of his search for a self-referential pangram of the form, "This pangram contains _ a's, ..., and one z." (He built special hardware to search for them.) Two such pangrams given in the article are: This pangram lists four a's, one b, one c, two d's, twenty-nine e's, eight f's, three g's, five h's, eleven i's, one j, one k, three l's, two m's twenty-two n's, fifteen o's, two p's, one q, seven r's, twenty-six s's, nineteen t's, four u's, five v's, nine w's, two x's, four y's, and one z. This pangram contains four a's, one b, two c's, one d, thirty e's, six f's, five g's, seven h's, eleven i's, one j, one k, ^S^Q^S^Q two l's, two m's eighteen n's, fifteen o's, two p's, one q, five r's, twenty-seven s's, eighteen t's, two u's, seven v's, eight w's, two x's, three y's, & one z. It also contains one in Dutch by Rudy Kousbroek: Dit pangram bevat vijf a's, twee b's, twee c's, drie d's, zesenveertig e's, vijf f's, vier g's, twee h's, vijftien i's, vier j's, een k, twee l's, twee m's, zeventien n's, een o, twee p's, een q, zeven r's, vierentwintig s's, zestien t's, een u, elf v's, acht w's, een x, een y, and zes z's. ~References: Dewdney, A.K. Scientific American, Oct. 1984, pp 18-22. Sallows, L.C.F. Abacus, Vol.2, No.3, Spring 1985, pp 22-40. Sallows, L.C.F. Word Ways, Feb. & May 1992 Hofstadter, D. Scientific American, Jan. 1982, pp 12-17. ==> language/english/self.ref/self.ref.numbers.p <== What true sentence has the form: "There are _ 0's, _ 1's, _ 2's, ..., in this sentence"? The "'s" can be dropped if there is only one of any number. ==> language/english/self.ref/self.ref.numbers.s <== There are 1 0, 7 1's, 3 2's, 2 3's, 1 4, 1 5, 1 6, 2 7's, 1 8, and 1 9 in this sentence. There are 1 0, 11 1's, 2 2's, 1 3, 1 4, 1 5, 1 6, 1 7, 1 8, and 1 9 in this sentence. ==> language/english/self.ref/self.ref.words.p <== What sentence describes its own word, syllable and letter count? ==> language/english/self.ref/self.ref.words.s <== This sentence contains ten words, eighteen syllables, and sixty-four letters. ==> language/english/sentences/behead.p <== Is there a sentence that remains a sentence when all its words are beheaded? ==> language/english/sentences/behead.s <== Show this bold Prussian that praises slaughter, slaughter brings rout. ==> language/english/sentences/charades.p <== A ....... surgeon was ....... to operate because he had ....... ==> language/english/sentences/charades.s <== A notable surgeon was not able to operate because he had no table. ^S^Q^S^Q ==> language/english/sentences/emphasis.p <== List some sentences that change meaning when the emphasis is moved. ==> language/english/sentences/emphasis.s <== Give what you WANT to her and keep the rest for yourself. Give what YOU want to HER and keep the rest for yourself. ==> language/english/sentences/pangram.p <== A "pangram" is a sentence containing all 26 letters. What is the shortest pangram (measured by number of letters or words)? What is the shortest word list using all 26 letters in alphabetical order? In reverse alphabetical order? ==> language/english/sentences/pangram.s <== The single-letter words that have meanings unrelated to their letter shapes or sounds, position in the alphabet, etc. are: a - indefinite article; on; in; at; to; he; him; she; her; they; them; it; I; have; of; all c - 100; cocaine; programming language d - 500 e - base of natural logs; eccentricity; enlarging g - acceleration of gravity; general ability; $1000; general audience i - one; unit vector in x direction; personal pronoun; in; aye j - one; unit vector in y direction k - 1000; 1024; strikeout; unit vector in z direction l - 50; ell; elevated railroad m - 1000; em; pica; an antigen of human blood n - an indefinite number; en; an antigen of human blood o - oh q - quality of oscillatory circuit R - one of the three Rs; restricted audience t - t-shirt u - upper class v - five w - w particle x - unknown quantity; atmospherics; adults only y - unknown quantity; YMCA z - unknown quantity; buzzing sound; z particle It is therefore advisable to exclude single-letter words, with the possible exception of 'a'. As always, word acceptability varies with the dictionaries used. We use these: 9C - Merriam-Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, 1986 NI3 - Merriam-Webster's Third New International Dictionary, 1961 NI2 - Merriam-Webster's New International Dictionary, Second Edition, 1935 ^S^QOED - Oxford English Dictionary with Supplements, 1933 - 85 '+' indicates obsolete, dialectical, slang, or otherwise substandard word. Some exceptional pangrams: Using only words in 9C: Sympathizing would fix Quaker objectives. (5 words, 36 letters) Quick brown fox, jump over the lazy dogs. (8 words, 32 letters) Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs. (8 words, 32 letters) Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz. (7 words, 31 letters) The five boxing wizards jump quickly. (6 words, 31 letters) How quickly daft jumping zebras vex. (6 words, 30 letters) Dub waltz, nymph, for quick jigs vex. (7 words, 28 letters, Stephen Smith, from a palindrome by Gyles Brandreth) Quartz glyph job vex'd cwm finks. (6 words?, 26 letters) Cwm, fjord-bank glyphs vext quiz. (6 words, 26 letters, Dmitri Borgmann) Using words in 9C and NI3: Veldt jynx grimps waqf zho buck. (6 words, 26 letters, Michael Jones) Using words in 9C, NI3 and NI3+: Squdgy fez, blank jimp crwth vox. (6 words, 26 letters, Claude Shannon) Using words in 9C, NI3, NI2 and NI2+: Phlegms fyrd wuz qvint jackbox. (5 words, 26 letters, Dmitri Borgmann) Some exceptional panalphabetic word lists: jackbox viewfinder phlegmy quartz (4 words, 31 letters, Mary Hazard) benzoxycamphors quick-flowing juventude (3 words, 36 letters, Darryl Francis) Some exceptional nearly panalphabetic isogrammatic word lists: blacksmith gunpowdery (2 words, 20 letters) humpbacks frowzy tingled (3 words, 22 letters) Some exceptional panalphabetic word lists with letters in alphabetical order: Using only words in 9C: a BCD ef ghi jack limn op querist ulva wax oyez (11 words, 37 letters) ABC defog hijack limn op querist ulva wax oyez (9 words, 38 letters) Using words in 9C and NI3: a BCD ef ghi jak limn op qres to uva wax oyez (12 words, 34 letters) ABC defy ghi jak limn op qres to uva wax oyez (11 words, 35 letters) ABC defy ghi jak limn opaquers turves wax oyez (9 words, 38 letters) scabicide afghani jokul manrope querist purview oxygenize (7 words, 51 letters) Using words in 9C, NI3 and NI3+: a BCD ef ghi jak limn op QRS to uva wax yez (12 words, 32 letters) ABC defy ghi jak limn op QRS to uva wax yez (11 words, 33 letters) ab cad ef ghi jak limn op qre stun vow ox yez (12 words, 34 letters) ABC defy ghi jak limn op querist uva wax yez (10 words, 35 letters) Using words in 9C, NI3, NI3+, NI2 and NI2+: ABC def ghi jak limn op qre struv wax yez (10 words, 32 letters) ABC def ghi jak limn opaquer struv wax yez (9 words, 34 letters) Using words in 9C, NI3, NI3+, NI2, NI2+ and the OED: ABC defog hij klam nop QRS tu vow XYZ (9 words, 29 letters, Jeff Grant) ABC def ghi jak limn op qres tu vow XYZ (10 words, 30 letters) ABC defog hij klam nop querist uvrow XYZ (8 words, 33 letters, Jeff Grant) ABC defyghe bij sklim nop querist uvrow XYZ (8 words, 36 letters) ABC defog hijack limnophil querist uvrow XYZ (7 words, 38 letters, Jeff Grant) Some exceptional panalphabetic word lists with letters in reverse alpha order: Using words from 9C: lazy ox ow vug tsar quip on milk jib hag fed cab a (13 words, 38 letters) lazy ox wave uts reequip on milk jihad gifted cabal (10 words, 42 letters) Using words from 9C and NI3: lazy ox ow vug tsar quip on milk jib hag fed caba (12 words, 38 letters) ^Slazy ox wave uts roque pon milk jihad gifted caba (10 words, 40 letters) Using words from 9C, NI3 and NI2: zo yex wu vug tsar quip on milk jib hag fed caba (12 words, 37 letters) zo yex wave uts roque pon milk jihad gifted caba (10 words, 39 letters) All words are main entries in 9C except the following: 9C: ghi (at 'ghee') NI3: caba, fyrd, jak, opaquers, pon, qre(s), squdgy, uva NI3+: jimp, QRS (at 'QRS complex'), sklim, vox (at 'vox populi'), yez NI2: benzoxycamphors, jackbox, limnophil, quick-flowing, yex, zo NI2+: def, juventude, klam, quar, qvint, struv, tu, wuz ^QOED: defyghe (at 'defy'), bij (at 'buy'), hij, nop, uvrow (at 'yuffrouw'), XYZ (at 'X') The first time I saw this pangram was in Gyles Brandeth's _The Joy of Lex_. It appeared there as: Waltz, nymph, for quick jigs vex Bud. (7 words, 28 letters, proper noun.) I always wondered why they didn't try modifying it as: Waltz, nymph, for quick jigs vex buds. (7 words, 29 letters, no proper noun.) However, why fast dances would irritate incipient flowers is beyond me, so I tried again: Waltz, dumb nymph, for quick jigs vex. (7 words, 29 letters, no proper noun, makes more sense.) However, sounds kind of sexist, and we can maybe chop off a letter and eliminate the sexism, although suffering some loss of sense: Waltz, bud nymph, for quick jigs vex. (7 words, 28 letters, no proper noun, makes less sense.) There are river nymphs and tree nymphs and mountain nymphs, so there can be nymphs of the aforementioned incipent flowers, right? Sense is a matter of opinion, so you can move the bud around or turn it into another imperative verb rather than a noun-as-adjective: Waltz, nymph, bud, for quick jigs vex. (7 words, 28 letters, no proper noun, sense is dubious.) [We've all heard of budding youth, right?] Waltz, nymph, for quick bud jigs vex. (7 words, 28 letters, no proper noun, sense is dubious.) [Yeah, we've all learned to dance a merry jig that looks like one of those infamous incipient flowers.] Dub waltz, nymph, for quick jigs vex. (7 words, 28 letters, no proper noun, came up with this on the spot and actually it looks pretty good!) [The idea being that a nymph, being in control of the soundtrack for a TV ^S^Q^S^Qsitcom, has to change the music to which a grandmother is listening, from something from Ireland to something from Strauss.] -- Stephen Joseph Smith It is fairly straightforward, if time-consuming, to search for minimal pangrams given a suitable lexicon, and the enclosed program does this. The run time is of the order of 20 MIPS-days if fed `Official Scrabble Words', a document nominally listing all sufficiently short words playable in tournament Scrabble in Britain. I also enclose a lexicon which will reproduce the OSW results much more quickly. The results are dominated by onomatopoeic interjections (`pst', `sh', etc.), and words borrowed from Welsh (`cwm', `crwth') and Arabic (`qat', `suq'). Other lexicons will contain a very different leavening of such words, and yield a very different set of pangrams. Readers are invited to form sentences (or, less challenging, newspaper headlines) from these pangrams. Few are amenable to this sort of thing. -- Steve Thomas -----cut-----here----- #include #include extern void *malloc (); extern void *realloc (); long getword (); #define MAXWORD 26 int list[MAXWORD]; int lp; struct list { struct list *next; char *word; }; struct word { long mask; struct list *list; } *w; int wp; int wsize; char wordbuf[BUFSIZ]; char *letters = "qxjzvwfkbyhpmgcdultnoriase"; int cmp (ap, bp) struct word *ap, *bp; { char *p; long a = ap->mask, b = bp->mask; for (p = letters; *p; p++) { long m = 1L << (*p - 'a'); if ((a & m) != (b & m)) if ((a & m) != 0) return -1; else return 1; } return 0; } void * newmem (p, size) void *p; int size; { if (p) p = realloc (p, size); else p = malloc (size); if (p == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Out of memory\n"); exit (1); } return p; } char * dupstr (s) char *s; { char *p = newmem ((void *)NULL, strlen (s) + 1); strcpy (p, s); return p; } main (argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { long m; int i, j; while ((m = getword (stdin)) != 0) { if (wp >= wsize) { ^S^Q^S wsize += 1000; w = newmem (w, wsize * sizeof (struct word)); } w[wp].mask = m; w[wp].list = newmem ((void *)NULL, sizeof (struct list)); w[wp].list->word = dupstr (wordbuf); w[wp].list->next = (struct list *)NULL; wp++; } qsort (w, wp, sizeof (struct word), cmp); for (i = 1, j = 1; j < wp; j++) { if (w[j].mask == w[i - 1].mask) { w[j].list->next = w[i - 1].list; w[i - 1].list = w[j].list; } else w[i++] = w[j]; } wp = i; pangram (0L, 0, letters); exit (0); } pangram (sofar, min, lets) long sofar; int min; char *lets; { register int i; register long must; if (sofar == 0x3ffffff) { print (); return; } for (; *lets; lets++) if ((sofar & (1 << (*lets - 'a'))) == 0) break; must = 1 << (*lets - 'a'); for (i = min; i < wp; i++) { if (w[i].mask & sofar) continue; if ((w[i].mask & must) == 0) continue; list[lp++] = i; pangram (w[i].mask | sofar, i + 1, lets); --lp; } } long getword (fp) FILE *fp; { long mask, m; char *p; char c; while (fgets (wordbuf, sizeof (wordbuf), fp) != NULL) { p = wordbuf; mask = 0L; while ((c = *p++) != '\0') { if (!islower (c)) break; m = 1L << (c - 'a'); ^Q^S^Q^S^Q^S if ((mask & m) != 0) break; mask |= m; } if (c == '\n') p[-1] = c = '\0'; if (c == '\0' && mask) return mask; } return 0; } print () { int i; for (i = 0; i < lp; i++) { struct word *p = &w[list[i]]; struct list *l; if (p->list->next == NULL) printf ("%s", p->list->word); else { printf ("("); for (l = p->list; l; l = l->next) { printf ("%s", l->word); if (l->next) printf (" "); } printf (")"); } if (i != lp - 1) printf (" "); } printf ("\n"); fflush (stdout); } -----and-----here----- ankh bad bag bald balk balks band bandh bang bank bap bard barf bark bed beds beg bend benj berk berks bez bhang bid big bight bilk bink bird birds birk bisk biz blad blag bland blank bled blend blight blimp blin blind blink blintz blip blitz block blond blunk blunks bod bods bog bok boks bold bond bong bonk bonks bop bord bords bosk box brad brank bred brink brinks brod brods brog brogh broghs bud bug bugs bulk bulks bump bumps bund bunds bung bungs bunk bunks burd burds burg burgh burghs burk burks burp busk by ch crwth cwm cwms dab dag dak damp dap deb debs debt deft delf delfs delft delph delphs depth derv dervs dhak dib dig dight dink dinks dirk disk div divs dob ^Qdobs ^Sdog dop dorp dowf drab draft drib dribs drip drop drub drubs drunk drunks dub dug dugs dung dunk dunks dup dusk dwarf dzo dzos fad fag falx fank fard fax fed fend fends fenks fez fib fid fig fight fink firk fisk fix fiz fjord fjords flab flag flak flank flap flax fled fleg flex flight flimp flip flisk flix flog flogs flong flongs flop flops flub flump flumps flung flunk flux fob fobs fog fogs fold folds folk folks fond fonds fop fops ford fords fork forks fox frab frank frap fremd fright friz frog frond frump frumps fub fud fug fugs fund funds funk funks fy fyrd fyrds gab gad gamb gamp gap gawk gawp ged geld gib gid gif gild gink gip gju gjus gled glib glid glift glitz glob globs glyph glyphs gob god gold golf golfs golp golps gonk gov govs gowd gowf gowfs gowk gowks graft graph grub grypt gub gubs gulf gulfs gulp gulph gulphs gunk gup gym gymp gyp gyps hadj hank hyp hyps jab jag jak jamb jap jark jerk jerks jib jibs jig jimp jink jinks jinx jird jirds jiz job jobs jog jogs jud juds jug jugs junk junks jynx kang kant kaw keb kebs ked kef kefs keg kelp kemb kemp kep kerb kerbs kerf kerfs kex khan khud khuds kid kids kif kifs kight kild kiln kilp kind kinds king kip klepht knag knight knob knobs knub knubs kob kobs kond kop kops kraft krantz kranz kvetch ky kynd kynds lav lev lez link luz lynx mawk nabk nth pad park pawk pax ped peg pegh peghs pelf pelfs penk perk perv pervs phang phiz phlox pig pight pix pleb plebs pled plight plink plod plongd plonk pluck plug plumb plumbs plunk ply pod polk polks pong pork pox poz prex prod prof prog pst pub pud pug pugh pulk pulks punk pyx qat qats qibla qiblas quark quiz sh skelf skid skrump skug sphinx spiv squawk st sunk suq swiz sylph tank thilk tyg vamp van vang vant veg veld velds veldt vend vends verb verbs vet vex vibs vild vint vly vox vug vugs vuln waltz wank welkt whack zag zap zarf zax zed zek zeks zel zig zigs zimb zimbs zing zings zip zips zit zurf zurfs ==> language/english/sentences/repeated.words.p <== What is a sentence with the same word several times repeated? Do not use quotation marks, proper names, a language other than English, or anything else distasteful. ==> language/english/sentences/repeated.words.s <== Five "had"s in a row: The parents were unable to conceive, so they hired someone else to be a surrogate. The parents had had a surrogate have their child. The parents had had had their child. The child had had no breakfast. The child whose parents had had had had had no breakfast. It is arguably possible to construct sentences with arbitrarily many repetitions of a word. For example: 1. Bulldogs fight 2. Bulldogs bulldogs fight fight. (i.e., bulldogs (that) bulldogs fight, (themselves) fight) 3. Bulldogs bulldogs bulldogs fight fight fight. (i.e., bulldogs (that) bulldogs (that) bulldogs fight, (themselves) fight, (themselves) fight) ... n. etc. ==> language/english/sentences/sentence.p <== Find a sentence with words beginning with the letters of the alphabet, in order . ==> language/english/sentences/sentence.s <== After boxes containing dynamite exploded furiously, generating hellish inferno jet killing laboring miners, novice operator, paralyzed, quickly refuses surgical treatment until veteran workers x-ray youth zealously. A big cuddly dog emitted fierce growls, happily ignoring joyful kids licking minute nuts on pretty queer rotten smelly toadstools underneath ^Q^S^Q^S^Qvampires who x-rayed young zombies. ==> language/english/sentences/snowball.p <== Construct the longest coherent sentence you can such that the nth word is n letters long. ==> language/english/sentences/snowball.s <== I do not know where family doctors acquired illegibly perplexing handwriting; nevertheless, extraordinary pharmaceutical intellectuality, counterbalancing indecipherability, transcendentalizes intercommunications' incomprehensibleness. If you add the condition that the letters in each word must be in inverse alphabetic order, you have: A zo fed upon solid toffee zyxomma. ==> language/english/sentences/weird.p <== Make a sentence containing only words that violate the "i before e" rule. ==> language/english/sentences/weird.s <== From the May, 1990 _Word Ways_: That is IE - Or, Is That EI? by Paul Leopold Stockholm, Sweden "Seeing wherein neither weirdly-veiled sovereign deigned agreeing, their feisty heirs, leisurely eyeing eight heinous deity-freightened reindeer sleighs, counterfeited spontaneity, freeing rein (reveille, neighing!); forfeited obeisance, fleeing neighborhood. Kaleidoscopically-veined foreign heights being seized, either reigned, sleight surfeited, therein; reinvented skein-dyeing; reiteratedly inveighed, feigning weighty seismological reinforcement." The above passage appears in a book on the ecological conservation measures of the enlightened plutocracies of antiquity, Ancient Financier Aristocracies' Conscientious Scientific Species Policies, by Creighton Leigh Peirce and Keith Leiceister Reid. . . . Any beings decreeing such ogreish, albeit nonpareil, homogeneity must be nucleic protein-deficient from sauteing pharmacopoeial caffeine and codeine! From an 'fgrep cie /usr/dict/words', with similiar words removed. ancient coefficient concierge conscience conscientious deficient efficient ^S^Qfinancier glacier hacienda Muncie omniscient proficient science Societe(?) society species sufficient A search through Webster's on-line dictionary produced the following exceptions : Word: *cie* Possible matches are: 1. -facient 2. abortifacient 3. ancien regime 4. ancient 5. ancientry 6. boccie 7. cenospecies 8. christian science 9. coefficient 10. concierge 11. conscience 12. conscience money 13. conscientious 14. conscientious objector15. deficiency 16. deficiency disease 17. deficient 18. domestic science 19. earth science 20. ecospecies 21. efficiency 22. efficiency engineer 23. efficient 24. facies 25. fancier 26. financier 27. genospecies 28. geoscience 29. glacier 30. glacier theory 31. habeas corpus ad subjiciendum32. hacienda 33. inconscient 34. inefficiency 35. inefficient 36. insufficience 37. insufficiency 38. insufficient 39. international scientif ic vocabulary 40. library science 41. liquefacient 42. mental deficiency 43. mutafacient 44. natural science 45. nescience 46. omniscience 47. omniscient 48. physical science 49. political science 50. precieux 51. prescience 52. prescientific 53. prima facie 54. proficiency 55. proficient 56. pseudoscience 57. rubefacient 58. science 59. science fiction 60. scient 61. sciential 62. scientific 63. scientific method 64. scientism 65. scientist 66. scientistic 67. secret society 68. self-sufficiency 69. self-sufficient 70. social science 71. social scientist 72. societal 73. society 74. society verse 75. somnifacient 76. specie 77. species 78. stupefacient 79. sub specie aeternitatis80. subspecies 81. sufficiency 82. sufficient 83. sufficient condition 84. superficies 85. type species 86. unscientific 87. valenciennes 88. vers de societe ==> language/english/sentences/word.boundaries.p <== List some sentences that can be radically altered by changing word boundaries and punctuation. ==> language/english/sentences/word.boundaries.s <== Issues topping our mail: manslaughter. Is Sue stopping our mailman's laughter? The real ways I saw it. There always is a wit. You read evil tomes, Tim, at Ed's issue. "You're a devil, Tom!" estimated sis Sue. ==> language/english/spelling/gry.p <== Find three completely different words ending in "gry." ==> language/english/spelling/gry.s <== Aside from "angry" and "hungry" and words derived therefrom, there is only one word ending with "-gry" in Webster's Third Unabridged: "aggry." However, this word is defective in that it is part of a phrase "aggry beads." The OED's usage examples all talk about "aggry beads." Moving to older dictionaries, we find that "gry" itself is a word in Webster's Second Unabridged (and the OED): gry, n. [L. gry, a trifle; Gr. gry, a grunt] 1. a measure equal to one-tenth of a line. [Obs.] (Obs. = obsolete) 2. anything very small. [Rare.] This is a list of 100 words, phrases and names ending in "gry": [Explanation of references is given at the end of the list.] aggry [OED:1:182; W2; W3] Agry Dagh (Mount Agry) [EB11] ahungry [OED:1:194; FW; W2] angry [OED; FW; W2; W3] anhungry [OED:1:332; W2] Badagry [Johnston; EB11] Ballingry [Bartholomew:40; CLG:151; RD:164, pl.49] begry [OED:1:770,767] bewgry [OED:1:1160] bowgry [OED:1:1160] braggry [OED:1:1047] Bugry [TIG] Chockpugry [Worcester] Cogry [BBC] cony-gry [OED:2:956] conyngry [OED:2:956] Croftangry [DFC, as "Chrystal Croftangry"] dog-hungry [W2] Dshagry [Stieler] Dzagry [Andree] eard-hungry [CED (see "yird"); CSD] Echanuggry [Century:103-104, on inset map, Key 104 M 2] Egry [France; TIG] ever-angry [W2] fire-angry [W2] Gagry [EB11] gry (from Latin _gry_) [OED:4/2:475; W2] gry (from Romany _grai_) [W2] haegry [EDD (see "hagery")] half-angry [W2] hangry [OED:1:329] heart-angry [W2] heart-hungry [W2] higry pigry [OED:5/1:285] hogry [EDD (see "huggerie"); CSD] hogrymogry [EDD (see "huggerie"); CSD (as "hogry-mogry")] hongry [OED:5/1:459; EDD:3:282] huggrymuggry [EDD (see "huggerie"); CSD (as "huggry-muggry")] hungry [OED; FW; W2; W3] Hungry Bungry [Daily Illini, in ad for The Giraffe, Spring 1976] iggry [OED] Jagry [EB11] kaingry [EDD (see "caingy")] land-hungry [OED; W2] leather-hungry [OED] Langry [TIG; Times] Lisnagry [Bartholomew:489] MacLoingry [Phillips (as "Flaithbhertach MacLoingry")] mad-angry [OED:6/2:14] mad-hungry [OED:6/2:14] magry [OED:6/2:36, 6/2:247-48] malgry [OED:6/2:247] man-hungry [OED] Margry [Indians (see "Pierre Margry" in bibliog., v.2, p.1204)] maugry [OED:6/2:247-48] mawgry [OED:6/2:247] meagry [OED:6/2:267] meat-hungry [W2] menagry [OED (see "managery")] messagry [OED] nangry [OED] overangry [RH1; RH2] Pelegry [CE (in main index as "Raymond de Pelegry")] Pingry [Bio-Base; HPS:293-94, 120-21] podagry [OED; W2 (below the line)] Pongry [Andree (Supplement, p.572)] pottingry [OED:7/2:1195; Jamieson:3:532] puggry [OED:8/1:1573; FW; W2] pugry [OED:8/1:1574] rungry [EDD:5:188] scavengry [OED (in 1715 quote under "scavengery")] Schtschigry [LG/1:2045; OSN:97] Seagry [TIG; EB11] Segry [Johnston; Andree] self-angry [W2] self-hungry ? Shchigry [CLG:1747; Johnson:594; OSN:97,206; Times:185,pl.45] shiggry [EDD] Shtchigry [LG/1:2045; LG/2:1701] Shtshigry [Lipp] skugry [OED:9/2:156, 9/1:297; Jamieson:4:266] Sygry [Andree] Tangry [France] Tchangry [Johnson:594; LG/1:435,1117] Tchigry [Johnson:594] tear-angry [W2] tike-hungry [CSD] Tingry [France; EB11 (under "Princesse de Tingry")] toggry [Simmonds (as "Toggry", but all entries are capitalized)] ^S^Q^Sulgry [Partridge; Smith:24-25] unangry [OED; W2] vergry [OED:12/1:123] Virgy [CLG:2090] Wirgy [CLG:2090; NAP:xxxix; Times:220, pl.62; WA:948] wind-angry. wind-hungry [W2] yeard-hungry [CED (see "yird")] yerd-hungry [CED (see "yird"); OED] yird-hungry [CED (see "yird")] Ymagry [OED:1:1009 (col. 3, 1st "boss" verb), (variant of "imagery")] This list was gathered from the following articles: George H. Scheetz, In Goodly Gree: With Goodwill, Word Ways 22:195 (Nov. 1989) Murray R. Pearce, Who's Flaithbhertach MacLoingry?, Word Ways 23:6 (Feb. 1990) Harry B. Partridge, Gypsy Hobby Gry, Word Ways 23:9 (Feb. 1990) A. Ross Eckler, -Gry Words in the OED, Word Ways 25:4 (Nov. 1992) ~References: (Many references are of the form [Source:volume:page] or [Source:page].) Andree, Richard. Andrees Handatlas (index volume). 1925. Bartholomew, John. Gazetteer of the British Isles: Statistical and Topographical. 1887. BBC = BBC Pronouncing Dictionary of English Names. Bio-Base. (Microfiche) Detroit: Gale Research Company. 1980. CE = Catholic Encyclopedia. 1907. CED = Chambers English Dictionary. 1988. Century = "India, Northern Part." The Century Atlas of the World. 1897, 1898. CLG = The Colombia Lippincott Gazetteer of the World. L.E.Seltzer, ed. 1952. CSD = Chambers Scots Dictionary. 1971 reprint of 1911 edition. Daily Illini (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). DFC = Dictionary of Fictional Characters. 1963. EB11 = Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th ed. EDD = The English Dialect Dictionary. Joseph Wright, ed. 1898. France = Map Index of France. G.H.Q. American Expeditionary Forces. 1918. FW = Funk & Wagnalls New Standard Dictionary of the English Language. 1943. HPS = The Handbook of Private Schools: An Annual Descriptive Survey of Independent Education, 66th ed. 1985. Indians = Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. F. W. Hodge. 1912. Jamieson, John. An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language. 1879-87. ^Q^S^QJohnston, Keith. Index Geographicus... 1864. LG/1 = Lippincott's Gazetteer of the World: A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer or Geographical Dictionary of the World. 1888. LG/2 = Lippincott's New Gazetteer: ... 1906. Lipp = Lippincott's Pronouncing Gazetteer of the World. 1861, undated edition from late 1800's; 1902. NAP = Narodowy Atlas Polski. 1973-1978 [Polish language] OED = The Oxford English Dictionary. 1933. [Form: OED:volume/part number if applicable:page] OSN: U.S.S.R. Volume 6, S-T. Official Standard Names Approved by the United States Board on Geographic Names. Gazetteer #42, 2nd ed. June 1970. Partridge, Harry B. "Ad Memoriam Demetrii." Word Ways, 19 (Aug. 1986): 131. Phillips, Lawrence. Dictionary of Biographical Reference. 1889. RD = The Reader's Digest Complete Atlas of the British Isles, 1st ed. 1965. RH1 = Random House Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged. 1966. RH2 = Random House Dictionary of the English Language, Second Edition Unabridged. 1987. Simmonds, P.L. Commercial Dictionary of Trade Products. 1883. Smith, John. The True Travels, Adventvres and Observations: London 1630. Stieler, Adolph. Stieler's Handatlas (index volume). 1925. TIG = The Times Index-Gazetteer of the World. 1965. Times = The Times Atlas of the World, 7th ed. 1985. W2 = Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language, Second Edition, Unabridged. 1934. W3 = Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged. 1961. WA = The World Atlas: Index-Gazetteer. Council of Ministires of the USSR, 1968. Worcester, J.E. Universal Gazetteer, Second Edition. 1823. Some words containing "gry" that do not end with "gry": agrypnia, agrypnotic, Gryllidae, gryllid, gryllus, Gryllus, grylloblattid, Gryllotalpa, gryllos, grypanian, Gryphaea, Gryll, Gryphaea, gryposis, grysbok, gryphon, Gryphosaurus, Grypotherium, grysbuck. Most of these are in Webster's Second also with one from Webster's Third Edition and one from the Random House Dictionary, Second Edition Unabridged. ==> language/english/spelling/j.ending.p <== What words and names end in j? ==> language/english/spelling/j.ending.s <== Following is a compilation of words ending in j from various dictionaries. Capitalized words and words marked as foreign are included, but to keep the list to a managable size, personal and place names are excluded. aflaj plural of falaj (Cham) benj variant of bhang - hemp plant (NI2) bhimraj the rachet-tailed drongo (F&W) Bhumij branch of Munda tribes in India (NI3) Chuj a people of Northwestern Guatemala (NI3) esraj an Indian musical instrument with 3 or 4 strings (OED2) falaj a water channel as part of the ancient irrigation system of Oman (Cham) Funj variant of Fung - a people dominant in Sennar (NI3) gaj Omanese coin (NI2) genj a common type of cotton cloth in Sudan (F&W) gunj a grannery in India (NI2) hadj variant of hajj (NI3) haj variant of hajj (NI3) hajilij the bito - a small scrubby tree that grows in dry parts of Africa and Asia (NI2) hajj pilgimage to Mecca (NI3) hij obsolete form of hie or high (OED2) Jubaraj variant of Yuvaraja - the male heir to an Indian pricipality (OED2) kaleej variant of kalij (NI3) kalij any of several crested Indian pheasants (NI3) kankrej guzerat - a breed of Indian cattle (NI3) kharaj a tax on unbelievers (NI2) Khawarij plural of Kharijite - a member of the oldest religious sect of Islam (NI3) khiraj variant of kharaj (NI2) kilij a Turkish saber with a crescent shaped blade (RHD) kurunj variant of kurung - the Indian beech (NI2) Maharaj variant of Maharaja - East Indian prince (OED2) munj a tough Asiatic grass (NI3) naranj Maldive Island name for mancala - an Arabian board game (CD) pakhawaj a doubleheaded drum used in Indian music (OED2) raj rule (NI3) saj the Indian laurel (NI2) samaj Hindu religious society (NI3) sohmaj variant of samaj (NI2) somaj variant of samaj (NI2) svaraj variant of swaraj (F&W) swaraj local self-government in India (NI3) taj a tall conical cap worn by Moslems (NI3) tedj variant of tej (OED2) tej Ethiopian mead (OED2) Viraj in Hindu Mythology, the mysterious primeval being when differentiating itself into male and female (F&W) Yuvaraj same as Jubaraj (OED2) Yuveraj same as Jubaraj (OED2) Yuvraj same as Jubaraj (OED2) zij Persian astronomical tables (F&W) This list is almost certainly not complete. For example, on page 187 of Beyond Language, Dmitri Borgmann has "Udruj" in a word list. What reference he dug this word out of is unknown; the combined efforts of the NPL electronic mailing list could not produce the source of this word. So additions to this list will be welcomed by the author. REFERENCES CD - The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia, 1911 Cham - Chambers English Dictionary, 1988 F&W - Funk & Wagnall's New Standard Dictionary of the English Language, 1941 NI2 - Webster's New International Dictionary, Second Edition, 1942 NI3 - Webster's Third New International Dictionary, 1981 OED2 - Oxford English Dictionary, Second Edition, 1989 RHD - Random House Dictionary of the English Language, 1966 --- Dan Tilque -- dant@logos.WR.TEK.COM ==> language/english/spelling/lipograms.p <== What books have been written without specific letters, vowels, etc.? ==> language/english/spelling/lipograms.s <== Such a book is called a lipogram. A novel-length example in English (omitting e) exists, titled _Gadsby_. Georges Perec wrote a French novel titled _La Disparition_ which does not contain the letter 'e', except in a few bits of text that the publisher had to include in or on the book somewhere -- such as the author's name :-). But these were all printed in red, making them somehow ``not count''. Perec also wrote another novel in which `e' was the only vowel. In _La Disparition_, unlike _Gadsby_, the lipogrammatic technique is reflected in the story. Objects disappear or become invisible. We know, however, more or less why the characters can't find things like eggs or even remember their names -- because the words for them can't be used. Amazingly, it's been ``translated'' into English (by Harry Mathews, I think). Another work which manages to [almost] adhere to restrictive alphabetic rules while also remaining readable as well as providing amusement and literary satisfaction (though you have to like disjointed fiction) is _Alphabetical Africa_ by Walter Abish. The rules (which of course he doesn't explain, you can't help noticing most of them) have to do with initial letters of words. There are 52 chapters. In the first, all words begin with `a'; in the second, all words begin with either `a' or `b'; etc, until all words are allowed in chapter 26. Then in the second half, the letters are taken away one by one. It's remarkable when, for instance, you finally get `the' and realize how much or little you missed it; earlier, when `I' comes in, you feel something like the difference between third- and first-person narration. As one of the blurbs more or less says (I don't have it here to quote), reading this is like slowly taking a deep breath and letting it out again. ---- Mitch Marks ==> language/english/spelling/longest.p <== What is the longest word in the English language? ==> language/english/spelling/longest.s <== The longest word to occur in both English and American "authoritative" unabridged dictionaries is "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis." The following is a brief citation history of this "word." New York Herald Tribune, February 23, 1935, p. 3 "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis succeeded electrophotomicrographically as the longest word in the English language recognized by the National Puzzlers' League at the opening session of the organization's 103d semi-annual meeting held yesterday at the Hotel New Yorker. The puzzlers explained that the forty-five-letter word is the name of a special form of silicosis caused by ultra-microscopic particles of siliceous volcanic dust." Everett M. Smith (b. 1/1/1894), President of NPL and Radio News Editor of the Christian Science Monitor, cited the word at the convention. Smith was also President of the Yankee Puzzlers of Boston. It is not known whether Smith coined the word. "Bedside Manna. The Third Fun in Bed Book.", edited by Frank Scully, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1936, p. 87 "There's been a revival in interest in spelling, but Greg Hartswick, the cross word king and world's champion speller, is still in control of the situation. He'd never get any competition from us, that's sure, though pronouncing, let alone spelling, a 44 letter word like: Pneumonoultramicrosopicsilicovolkanakoniosis, a disease caused by ultra-microscopic particles of sandy volcanic dust might give even him laryngitis." It is likely that Scully, who resided in New York in February 1935, read the Herald Tribune article and slightly misremembered the word. Supplement to the Oxford English Dictionary, 1936 Both "-coniosis" and "-koniosis" are cited. "a factitious word alleged to mean 'a lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica dust' but occurring chiefly as an instance of a very long word." Webster's first cite is "-koniosis" in the addendum to the Second Edition. The Third Edition changes the "-koniosis" to "-coniosis." I conjecture that this "word" was coined by word puzzlers, who then worked assiduously to get it into the major unabridged dictionaries (perhaps with a wink from the editors?) to put an end to the endless squabbling about what is the longest word. ==> language/english/spelling/most.p <== What word has the most variant spellings? ==> language/english/spelling/most.s <== catercorner There's eight spellings in Webster's Third. catercorner cater-cornered catacorner cata-cornered catty-corner catty-cornered kitty-corner kitty-cornered If you look in Random House, you will find one more which doesn't appear in Web3, but it only differs by a hyphen: cater-corner --- Dan Tilque -- ==> language/english/spelling/near.palindrome.p <== What are some long near palindromes, i.e., words that except for one letter would be palindromes? ==> language/english/spelling/near.palindrome.s <== Here are the longest near palindromes in Webster's Ninth Collegiate: catalatic footstool red pepper detonated locofocos red spider dew-clawed nabataean retreater eisegesis possessor stargrass foolproof ratemeter webmember ==> language/english/spelling/operations.on.words/deletion.p <== What exceptional words turn into other words by deletion of letters? ==> language/english/spelling/operations.on.words/deletion.s <== longest beheadable word P(REDETERMINATION) (16/15) longest for each letter (6-88,181,198,213,13-159,14-219,15-155,16-96,220, 17-85) APATHETICALLY, BLITHESOME, CHASTENING, DEMULSIFICATION, EMOTIONLESSNESS, FUTILITARIANISM, GASTRONOMICALLY, HEDRIOPHTHALMA, IDENTIFICATION, JUNCTIONAL, KINAESTHETIC, LIMITABLENESS, METHYLACETYLENE, NEOPALEOZOIC, OENANTHALDEHYDE, PREDETERMINATION, QUINTA, REVOLUTIONARILY, SELECTIVENESS, TREASONABLENESS, UPRAISER, VINDICATION, WHENCEFORWARD, XANTHOPHYLLITE, YOURSELVES, ZOOSPORIFEROUS longest beheadable down to a single letter PRESTATE (8) longest curtailable word (not a plural) (COUNTERMAN)D, (UNDERCOVER)T (11) longest curtailable down to a single letter LAMBASTES longest alternately beheadable and curtailable word ASHAMED (7) longest arbitrarily beheadable and curtailable (all subsequences words) SHADES (6) longest terminal ellision word D(EPILATION)S (11) longest letter subtraction down to a single letter STRANGLING, STRANGING, STANGING, STAGING, SAGING, AGING, GING, GIN, IN, I longest charitable word (subtract letter anywhere) PLEATS: LEATS,PEATS,PLATS,PLEAS,PLEAT shortest stingy word (no deletion possible) PRY (3) **** Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961. ==> language/english/spelling/operations.on.words/insertion.and.deletion.p <== What exceptional words turn into other words by both insertion and deletion of letters? ==> language/english/spelling/operations.on.words/insertion.and.deletion.s <== longest word both charitable and hospitable AMY: AM,AY,MY;GAMY,ARMY,AMOY,AMYL shortest word both stingy and hostile IMPETUOUS (9) **** Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961. ==> language/english/spelling/operations.on.words/insertion.p <== What exceptional words turn into other words by insertion of letters? ==> language/english/spelling/operations.on.words/insertion.s <== longest hydration (double reheadment) (D,R)EVOLUTIONIST (12/13) longest hospitable word (insert letter anywhere) CARES: SCARES, CHARES, CADRES, CARIES, CARETS, CARESS shortest hostile word (no deletion possible) SYZYGY (6) **** Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961. ==> language/english/spelling/operations.on.words/movement.p <== What exceptional words turn into other words by movement of letters? ==> language/english/spelling/operations.on.words/movement.s <== longest word allowing exchange of letters (metallege) CONSERVATIONAL, CONVERSATIONAL longest head-to-tail shift SPECULATION, PECULATIONS longest double head-to-tail shift STABLE-TABLES-ABLEST longest complete cyclic transposal ATE-TEA-EAT (3) **** Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961. ==> language/english/spelling/operations.on.words/substitution.p <== What exceptional words turn into other words by substitution of letters? ==> language/english/spelling/operations.on.words/substitution.s <== longest onalosi (substitution in every position possible) PASTERS: MASTERS,POSTERS,PALTERS,PASSERS,PASTORS,PASTELS,PASTERN shortest isolano (no substitution possible) ECRU longest word, all letters changed to other letters in minimum number of steps, yielding another word THUMBING-THUMPING-TRUMPING-TRAMPING- TRAPPING-CRAPPING-CRAPPIES-CRAPPOES longest word girders BADGER/SUNLIT, BUDLET/SANGIR (6) longest word with full vowel substitution CL(A,E,I,O,U)CKING (8) also Y D(A,E,I,O,U,Y)NE (4) longest words with vowel substitutions DESTRUCTIBILITIES, DISTRACTIBILITIES (17) longest word constant-letter-shifted to another PRIMERO-SULPHUR (7) arithmetical-letter-shifted DREAM-ETHER (5) constant-shift-with-transposal (shiftgrams) AEROPHANE-SILVERITE (9) longest word pair shifted one position on typewriter keyboard WAXIER-ESCORT (6) longest word pair confusable on a telephone keypad AMOUNTS-CONTOUR (7) **** Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961. ==> language/english/spelling/operations.on.words/transposition.p <== What exceptional words turn into other words by transposition of letters? ==> language/english/spelling/operations.on.words/transposition.s <== longest reversal DESSERTS,STRESSED (8) longest well-mixed transposal CINEMATOGRAPHER, MEGACHIROPTERAN (15) longest transposition list APERS, APRES, ASPER, PARES, PARSE, PEARS, PRASE, PRESA, RAPES, REAPS, SPARE , SPEAR (12) ANGRIEST, ANGRITES, ASTRINGE, GAIRTENS, GANISTER, GANTRIES, GRANITES, INGRATES, RANGIEST, TEARINGS (10) [SATING(ER), SIGNATE(R), TANGIER(S) (3)] ANORETICS, ATROSCINE, CANOTIERS, CERTOSINA, CONARITES, CREATIONS, REACTIONS , TRICOSANE (8) transposition with deletion, insertion, or substitution longest well-mixed transdeletion SONOLUMINESCENCES, UNECONOMICALNESSES (17/18) longest word transdeletable to a single letter CONCENTRATIONS-CONSTERNATION-CONTORNIATES-TRANSECTION- STENTORIAN-TRANSIENT-ENTRAINS-NASTIER-ASTERN-TEARS-SATE-TEA-AT-A (14) longest Baltimore transdeletion (word transdeletable on every letter) IDOLATERS: DELATORS, SOTERIAL, DILATERS, ASTEROID, STOLIDER, SOREDIAL, DILATORS, DIASTOLE, TAILORED (9) shortest word that cannot be transadded to another word SYZYGY (6) longest well-mixed transubstitution MICROELECTROPHORESIS, SPECTROCOLORIMETRIES (20) **** Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961. ==> language/english/spelling/operations.on.words/words.within.words.p <== What exceptional words contain other words? ==> language/english/spelling/operations.on.words/words.within.words.s <== longest non-trivial charade IN-DISC-RIM-IN-A-TI-ON (16) longest forward and reverse charade MAT-HE-MA-TI-CAL, LAC-IT-AM-EH-TAM longest snowball or rhopalic T-EM-PER-AMEN-TALLY (15) longest reverse rhopalic HETERO-TRANS-PLAN-TAT-IO-N (21) highest ratio of subwords/length (logogram) FIRESTONE: RE, TO, ON, NO, IF, FIR, IRE, RES, TON, ONE, NOT, RIF, FIRE, IRES, REST, TONE, FIRES, STONE, SERIF (20/9) longest charlinkade FORESTALL: FOREST, ALL; FORE, REST, TALL (9) longest alternade TRIENNIALLY: TINILY, RENAL (11) shortest three-letter-minimum word deletions PILGRIMAGE: RIM, GAG, PILE; GRIM, LAG, PIE **** Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961. ==> language/english/spelling/palindromes.p <== What are some long palindromes? ==> language/english/spelling/palindromes.s <== The first words spoken were a palindrome: Madam, I'm Adam. or perhaps: Madam in Eden, I'm Adam. The response, of course, must have been: Eve Napolean's lament: Able was I ere I saw Elba. Has been improved with: Unremarkable was I ere I saw Elba, Kramer, nu? A fish is a: laminar animal The timeless classic: A man, a plan, a canal; Panama? Has been improved by: A dog, a plan, a canal: pagoda! -- Roger Angell A man, a plan, a cat, a canal; Panama? -- Jim Saxe, plan file @ CMU, 9 October 1983 A man, a plan, a cat, a ham, a yak, a yam, a hat, a canal--Panama! -- Guy Jacobson, plan file @ CMU late 1983 A man, a plan, a caret, a ban, a myriad, a sum, a lac, a liar, a hoop, a pint, a catalpa, a gas, an oil, a bird, a yell, a vat, a caw, a pax, a wag, a tax, a nay, a ram, a cap, a yam, a gay, a tsar, a wall, a car, a luger, a ward, a bin, a woman, a vassal, a wolf, a tuna, a nit, a pall, a fret, a watt, a bay, a daub, a tan, a cab, a datum, a gall, a hat, a fag, a zap, a say, a jaw, a lay, a wet, a gallop, a tug, a trot, a trap, a tram, a torr, a caper, a top, a tonk, a toll, a ball, a fair, a sax, a minim, a tenor, a bass, a passer, a capital, a rut, an amen, a ted, a cabal, a tang, a sun, an ass, a maw, a sag, a jam, a dam, a sub, a salt, an axon, a sail, an ad, a wadi, a radian, a room, a rood, a rip, a tad, a pariah, a revel, a reel, a reed, a pool, a plug, a pin, a peek, a parabola, a dog, a pat, a cud, a nu, a fan, a pal, a rum, a nod, an eta, a lag, an eel, a batik, a mug, a mot, a nap, a maxim, a mood, a leek, a grub, a gob, a gel, a drab, a citadel, a total, a cedar, a tap, a gag, a rat, a manor, a bar, a gal, a cola, a pap, a yaw, a tab, a raj, a gab, a nag, a pagan, a bag, a jar, a bat, a way, a papa, a local, a gar, a baron, a mat, a rag, a gap, a tar, a decal, a tot, a led, a tic, a bard, a leg, a bog, a burg, a keel, a doom, a mix, a map, an atom, a gum, a kit, a baleen, a gala, a ten, a don, a mural, a pan, a faun, a ducat, a pagoda, a lob, a rap, a keep, a nip, a gulp, a loop, a deer, a leer, a lever, a hair, a pad, a tapir, a door, a moor, an aid, a raid, a wad, an alias, an ox, an atlas, a bus, a madam, a jag, a saw, a mass, an anus, a gnat, a lab, a cadet, an em, a natural, a tip, a caress, a pass, a baronet, a minimax, a sari, a fall, a ballot, a knot, a pot, a rep, a carrot, a mart, a part, a tort, a gut, a poll, a gateway, a law, a jay, a sap, a zag, a fat, a hall, a gamut, a dab, a can, a tabu, a day, a batt, a waterfall, a patina, a nut, a flow, a lass, a van, a mow, a nib, a draw, a regular, a call, a war, a stay, a gam, a yap, a cam, a ray, an ax, a tag, a wax, a paw, a cat, a valley, a drib, a lion, a saga, a plat, a catnip, a pooh, a rail, a calamus, a dairyman, a bater, a canal--Panama. --Dan Hoey, 'discovered' in 1984. Dan goes on to say "...a little work on the search algorithm could make it several times as long." Those wonderful proper names: Dennis, Nell, Edna, Leon, Nedra, Anita, Rolf, Nora, Alice, Carol, Leo, Jane, Reed, Dena, Dale, Basil, Rae, Penny, Lana, Dave, Denny, Lena, Ida, Bernadette, Ben, Ray, Lila, Nina, Jo, Ira, Mara, Sara, Mario, Jan, Ina, Lily, Arne, Bette, Dan, Reba, Diane, Lynn, Ed, Eva, Dana, Lynne, Pearl, Isabel, Ada, Ned, Dee, Rena, Joel, Lora, Cecil, Aaron, Flora, Tina, Arden, Noel, and Ellen sinned. A poem: Mood's mode! Pallas, I won! (Diaper pane, sold entire.) Melt till ever sere, hide it. Drown a more vile note; (Tar of rennet.) ^S^Q^SAh, trowel, baton, eras ago. The reward? A "nisi." Two nag. Otary tastes putrid, yam was green. Odes up and on; stare we. Rats nod. Nap used one-erg saw. (May dirt upset satyr?) A toga now; 'tis in a drawer, eh? Togas are notable. (Worth a tenner for Ate`.) Tone liver. O Man, word-tied I. Here's revel! Little merit, Ned? Lose, Nap? Repaid now is all apedom's doom. -- Hubert Phillips: Headmaster's Palindromic List on his Memo Pad: Test on Erasmus Dr of Law Deliver slap Stop dynamo (OTC) Royal: phone no.? Tel: Law re Kate Race Ref. Football. Caps on for prep Is sofa sitable on? Pots- no tops XI--Staff over Knit up ties ('U') Sub-edit Nurse's order Ned (re paper) Caning is on test (snub slip-up) Eve's simple hot dish (crib) Birch (Sid) to help Miss Eve Pupil's buns Repaper den T-set: no sign in a/c Use it Red roses Put inkspot on stopper Run Tide Bus? Prof.--no space Rev off at six Caretaker (wall, etc.) Noel Bat is a fossil Too many d*** pots Lab to offer one 'Noh' play-- Wal for duo? (I'd name Dr. O) or 'Pals Reviled'? See few owe fees (or demand IOU?) Sums are not set. -- Joyce Johnson (_New_Statesman_ competition in 1967. 126 words, 467 letters) The entire book _Satire: Veritas_ is a palindrome, it starts "Sir, I stra..." and ends "... Art, sir, is Satire: Veritas." Other palindromes in ascending length (drum roll please): O, no! Do God! We few. Go, dog! Old? Lo! Top pot. A Toyota. Redivider Top spot. Live evil. Semi limes Stun nuts. Taft: fat! Go do, dog. Never even. Stop spots. ^Q^S^Q Regal lager. Dot sees Tod. Lepers repel. Ma has a ham. Dennis sinned. Sir, I'm Iris. Dee saw a seed. Del saw a sled. I met System I. Lee had a heel. Lonely Tylenol. Not so, Boston. Senile felines. Sup not on pus. "Naomi," I Moan. He won snow, eh? Laid on no dial. Name no one man. Peel Sam asleep. Redraw a warder. Step on no pets. Do geese see God? Ed is on no side. Emil saw a slime. Dot saw I was Tod. Eros' sis is sore. Gateman's nametag. God saw I was dog! Lem saw I was Mel. Naomi, did I moan? Never odd or even. Rise to vote, sir. Sleep on no peels. Enid and Edna dine. He stops spots, eh? Revenge Meg? Never! Sleep not on peels. Was it a rat I saw? Wendel's sled: new? A Toyota's a Toyota. No lemons, no melon. O, stone, be not so. God, a saw was a dog! Ma is a nun, as I am. No, I met System Ion. No, it is opposition. Now I see bees I won. Delia saw I was ailed. Dr. Lime, 121 Emil Rd. He goddam mad dog, eh? He harasses Sarah, eh? Niagara, O roar again! No evil shah lives on. Dennis and Edna sinned. Rats drown in WordStar. Star comedy: Democrats! Drat Saddam mad dastard. He lived as a devil, eh? He won a Toyota now, eh? Red rum, sir, is murder. Sit on a potato pan Otis! A slut nixes sex in Tulsa. A slut nixes sex in Tulsa. Ma is as selfless as I am. Nurse, I spy gupsies, run! Rats live on no evil star. Slap a ham on Omaha, pals! Top step's pup's pet spot. A dog! A panic in a pagoda! Go deliver a dare, vile dog. I won, Karen, an era know I. May a moody baby doom a yam? Murder for a jar of red rum. No "x" in "Mr. R. M. Nixon"? Swen, on gnus, sung no news. Ten animals I slam in a net. Was it Eliot's toilet I saw? Was it a car or a cat I saw? Al lets Della call Ed Stella. No, she stops spots, eh, son? Eros? Sidney, my end is sore! Devil Natasha, ah, Satan lived. Draw, O Caeser, erase a coward. Emil's Nip eels sleep in slime! Did Eve salt an atlas? Eve did. I, man, am regal; a German am I. Golf? No sir, prefer prison flog. No pinot noir on Orion to nip on. O, memsahib Bart, rabbi has memo. Trap all afoot; I too fall apart. Evil I did dwell; lewd did I live. Norma is as selfless as I am, Ron. "Naomi, sex at noon taxes," I moan. Yo, bad anaconda had no Canada boy. "Asi, Buenos Dias!" said Son Eubisa. Egad! A base tone denotes a bad age. Egad, a base life defiles a bad age. Kay, a red nude, peeped under a yak. Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas. Sums are not set as a test on Erasmus. Marge lets Norah see Sharon's telegram. Red dude kill lion. No ill-liked udder. Anna: "Did Otto peep?" Otto: "Did Anna?" Address of Emil Otto Lime: Fosse Rd., DA. Aim a Toyota tatami mat at a Toyota, Mia. ^S Did I draw Della too tall, Edward? I did? I roamed under it as a tired, nude Maori. He won't, ah, wander, Edna. What now, eh? To Peru, named llama mall 'De Manure Pot'. Anne, I vote more cars race Rome to Vienna. Stop, Syrian! I start at rats in airy spots. I roamed under rats as a starred, nude Maori. Paget saw an Irish tooth, Sir, in a waste gap. We few erase cares, Al; laser aces are we few. Level? No, I tan, I'm at no contamination level. Straw? No, too stupid a fad; I put soot on warts. Live dirt up a side track carted is a putrid evil. No gnu have never after fret far, even Eva hung on. Now, Ned, I am a maiden nun; Ned, I am a maiden won. We repaid a no name Pacific ape man on a diaper, ew! Here we no got conical ill lilac in octogon ewer, eh? Salamander a ton now. Raw war won not, a Red Nam, alas. I prevent U-boats, tar, evil live rats, Tao but never pi. Fool! A dog lives sad a boxer, Rex. O bad ass evil god aloof! 'Tenor Octopus Night' netted a cadet tenth ginsu pot, coronet. Won total, I am a pro. Bali radar I labor. Pa, mail a tot now! Yo, boy! Trap gnus, nude. 'Kangaroo Rag' naked unsung party, O boy! Did I strap red nude, red rump, also slap murdered underparts? I did! Doc, note: I dissent. A fast never prevents a fatness. I diet on cod. So regards Rat's Lib: regrets no more hero monster gerbil stars' drag Eros. Degas, are we not drawn onward, we freer few, drawn onward to new eras aged ? Garret, I ogle. Enemy democrats party; trap star comedy men, eel goiter rag . Named undenominationally rebel, I rile Beryl? La, no! I tan. I'm, O Ned, nude, man! Sagas emit taxes, rat snot, or pastrami. I'm Arts, a proton star - sex at t imes a gas. Dr. Ana, Cataracts. Uranium enema smarts if fist rams, Amen! Emu in a rust car at a canard. T. Eliot, top bard, notes putrid tang emanating, is sad; I'd assign it a na me: gnat dirt upset on drab pot toilet. Some word (not letter) palindromes: So patient a doctor to try to doctor a patient so. You can cage a swallow, can't you, but you can't swallow a cage, can you? Girl, bathing on Bikini, eyeing boy, finds boy eyeing bikini on bathing girl. Amusing is that company of fond people bores people fond of company that is amusing. Line palindrome poems: As I was passing near the jail I met a man, but hurried by. His face was ghastly, grimly pale. He had a gun. I wondered why He had. A gun? I wondered... why, His face was *ghastly*! Grimly pale, I met a man, but hurried by, As I was passing near the jail. DOPPELGANGER (umlaut on the A) Entering the lonely house with my wife, I saw him for the first time Peering furtively from behind a bush-- Blackness that moved, A shape amid the shadows, A momentary glimpse of gleaming eyes Revealed in the ragged moon. A closer look (he seemed to turn) might have Put him to flight forever-- I dared not (For reasons that I failed to understand), Though I knew I should act at once. I puzzled over it, hiding alone, ^Q^S^Q^S^Q^S^Q^S^Q^S Watching the woman as she neared the gate. He came, and I saw him crouching Night after night. Night after night He came, and I saw him crouching, Watching the woman as she neared the gate. I puzzled over it, hiding alone-- Though I knew I should act at once, For reasons that I failed to understand I dared not Put him to flight forever. A closer look (he seemed to turn) might have Revealed in the ragged moon A momentary glimpse of gleaming eyes, A shape amid the shadows, Blackness that moved. Peering furtively from behind a bush, I saw him, for the first time, Entering the lonely house with my wife. Some palindromic names: Lon Nol (former premier of Cambodia) U Nu (former premier of Burma) Revilo P. Oliver (professor at U. of Illinois; his father and grandfather have/had the same name, which was deliberately contrived) Wassamassaw (a swamp north of Charleston SC) Yreka Bakery (a former business in Yreka CA) Yrella Gallery (a business which later occupied the same premises) ~References: Palindromes and Anagrams Howard W. Bergerson Dover Publications New York, 1973 ISBN 0-486-20664-5. The Oxford Guide to Word Games, chapter 11, titled "Palindromes" Tony Augarde Lid Off a Daffodil John Pool Holt, Rinehart and Wilson 1982 The Palindromicon Jeff Grant Word Ways Spring Valley Road Morristown, NJ 07960 From A to Zotamorf: The Dictionary of Palindromes Stephen Chism Word Ways Spring Valley Road Morristown, NJ 07960 ==> language/english/spelling/sets.of.words/ladder.p <== ^Q^S^QFind the shortest word ladders stretching between the following pairs: hit - ace pig - sty four - five play - game green - grass wheat - bread order - chaos order - impel sixth - hubby speedy - comedy chasing - robbers effaces - cabaret griming - goblets vainest - injects vainest - infulae ==> language/english/spelling/sets.of.words/ladder.s <== Using every unabridged dictionary available, the best yet found are: hit ait act ace pig peg seg sey sty four foud fond find fine five play blay bray bras baas bams gams game green grees greys grays grass wheat theat treat tread bread order older elder eider cider cides codes coles colls coals chals chaos order ormer armer ammer amper imper impel sixth sixty silty silly sally sably sabby nabby nubby hubby speedy speeds steeds steers sheers shyers sayers payers papers papery popery popely pomely comely comedy griming priming prising poising toising toiling coiling colling collins collies dollies doilies dailies bailies bailees bailers failers fablers gablers gabbers gibbers gibbets gobbets goblets chasing ceasing cessing messing massing masting marting martins martens martels cartels carpels carpers campers cambers combers cobbers combers robbers vainest fainest fairest sairest saidest saddest maddest middest mildest wildest wiliest winiest waniest caniest cantest contest confest confess confers conners canners fanners fawners pawners pawnees pawnces paunces jaunces jaunced jaunted saunted stunted stented stenned steined stained spained splined splines salines savines savings pavings parings earings enrings endings ondings ondines undines unlines unlives unwives unwires unwares unbares unbared unpared unpaged uncaged incaged incased incised incises incites indites indices indicts inducts indults insults insulas insulae infulae This is not another travelling salesman - it is merely finding the diameter of connected components of that graph. The simple algorithm for this is to do ^S^Q^Sone depth first search from each word, resulting in an O(n*m) worst case algorithm (where n is the number of words, and m is the number of arcs). In practice, it is actually somewhat better, since the graph breaks down into many connected components. However, the diameters (and solutions) depend on what dictionary is used. Here are the results from various dictionaries: From /usr/dict/words (restricted to words all lower case alphabetical) (19,694 words): sixth - hubby (46 steps) From the official scrabble players dictionary (94,276 words): effaces - cabaret (57 steps) From the british official scrabble words (134,051 words): vainest - infulae (73 steps) From webster's ninth new collegiate dictionary (abridged) (78, 167 words): griming - goblets (56 steps) From all of the above, merged (180,676 words): vainest - injects (58 steps) To see the effect the dictionary has on paths, here are the lengths of the shortest paths these pairs, and for the ones mentioned in previous posts, for each dictionary (a - means that there is no path using only words from that dictionary): UDW OSPD OSW W9 ALL hit - ace 5 3 3 5 3 pig - sty - 5 4 5 4 four - five 6 6 5 7 5 play - game 8 7 7 8 7 green - grass 13 4 4 7 4 wheat - bread 6 6 6 6 6 sixth - hubby 46 9 9 - 9 effaces - cabaret - 57 - - 33 vainest - infulae - - 73 - 52 griming - goblets - 22 19 56 15 vainest - injects - - 72 - 58 ==> language/english/spelling/sets.of.words/nots.and.crosses.p <== What is the most number of letters that can be fit into a three by three grid of words, such that no letter is repeated in any row, column or diagonal? ==> language/english/spelling/sets.of.words/nots.and.crosses.s <== Games magazine ran a contest on this. The winner had 62: proxying| buckwash | veldt ------------------------------------ stumbled| j | zincography ------------------------------------ whack | providently | bumfs Here are some good tries: backsword |thumpingly | fez ---------------------------------- vexingly | q | throwbacks = 61 ---------------------------------- thump | beadworks | jingly backsword | thumpingly| vex ---------------------------------- vexingly | q | throwbacks = 60 ---------------------------------- thump | bedrocks | flying subjack |downrightly| fez ---------------------------------- novelwright| q | backups = 59 ---------------------------------- pyx | subface | downright krafts | exhuming | blowzy ----------+-----------+----------- phylum | j | transfixed = 56 ----------+-----------+----------- vexing | folkways | chump klutz | cymograph | fend ----------+-----------+----------- exscind | j | kymograph = 54 ----------+-----------+----------- myograph |flunked | vibs **** Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961. ==> language/english/spelling/sets.of.words/perfect.ladder.p <== A "perfect" ladder comprises five-letter words where every letter is the new letter once, no position is changed twice in a row, and fifth letter changes are better than fourth letter changes are better than third letter changes, etc. (as defined by "Games" magazine, July 1993) ==> language/english/spelling/sets.of.words/perfect.ladder.s <== The winning entry: Score: 9, 4, 8, 1, 4 SOAPS SOUPS U 3 COUPS C 1 COMPS M 3 COMBS B 4 COMBO O 5 COMPO P 4 COMPT T 5 COMET E 4 COMES S 5 COXES X 3 COXEY Y 5 COZEY Z 3 COZEN N 5 COVEN V 3 COVED D 5 CAVED A 2 CAVEL L 5 JAVEL J 1 JAVER R 5 JAGER G 3 WAGER W 1 ^Q^SWAKER K 3 FAKER F 1 FAKIR I 4 FAQIR Q 3 FAQIH H 5 ==> language/english/spelling/sets.of.words/squares.p <== What are some exceptional word squares (square crosswords with no blanks)? ==> language/english/spelling/sets.of.words/squares.s <== Word squares are a particular example of a type of crossword known as "forms". They were more popular early in the late 19th and early 20th century than they are now, but people still like to compose and solve them. Forms appear every month in the _Enigma_ (as well as many other puzzle types), which is the monthly publication of the National Puzzlers' League. The membership fee is $13 for the first year, $11 a year thereafter. Information (or a free sample) may be obtained from: Joseph J. Adamski 2507 Almar Jenison, MI 49428 All members have the option of choosing a nom de plume ("nom"); for example, I go by the nom "Cubist". Another good place to find information on forms is in _Word Ways_, which is a quarterly journal of recreational linguistics: Word Ways Faith and Ross Eckler, editors Spring Valley Road Morristown, NJ 07960 I had a paper appear in the February 1993 issue (Vol. 26 Num. 1) on the mathematics of word squares, and the ideas extend to more general forms. Word squares come in two traditional types, regular and double. In regular word squares the words are the same across and down; in double word squares all words are different. The largest "legitimate" word square has order 9 (although Jeff Grant has come close to the 10), and what is considered to be one of the finest examples was discovered by Eric Albert via computer search: necessism existence circumfer escarping sturnidae sempitern infidelic scenarize mergences All words appear in from Webster's New International Dictionary, Second ^Q^S^Q^SEdition. It's the *only* single-source 9-square known, and the only (minor) flaw is that "Sturnidae" is a proper (capitalized) word. All words are also solid-form (no phrases, spaces, punctuation marks, etc.). Eric was using about 63,000 words when he discovered his square. Using about 78,500 9-letter words, I found the square on the left; adding another 4,000 I found the square on the right: bortsches karatekas overtrust apocopate reparence rosecolor trabeatae acetoxime strestell tokokinin creatural epoxidize hunterite kalinites escalates atomizers steelless serenesse For the left square, all are in the OED, except for "trabeatae", which is in NI2. This makes this square arguably the second-best ever discovered. All words are uncapitalized and solid-form, and it is the only known 9-square that uses only uncapitalized, solid-form dictionary words. I consider the square on the right to be one of the most interesting ever found, as it has two rare letters ("x" and "z") not on the main diagonal. Since then I've found four additional squares, which will be appearing in a _Word Ways_ article sometime in the near future. There are about 1000 9-squares known, all of which were constructed by hand except for the seven noted above. Almost all of these use very obscure sources of words. As a general rule of thumb, if you discover a new square via computer search, it is probably going to be of high quality, since it is hard to obtain computer-readable word lists that contain very obscure words. The largest known double word-squares are of order 8. They are considered to be about as hard to construct as a regular word square of order-9, and this is substantiated by the work I've ^Qdone on the mathematics of square construction. The following fine example was constructed by Jeff Grant (see his article in _Word Ways_, Vol. 25 Num. 1, pp. 9-12): trattled hemerine apotomes metapore nailings aloisias tentmate assessed All are dictionary terms, but there are some weak entries, e.g. Aloisias: individuals named Aloisia, a feminine form of Aloysius occurring in the 16th and 17th century in parish registers of Hinton Charterhouse, England (The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names, 3rd Edition, E.G. Withycombe, 1977) Such words are, however, dear to the heart of logologists! For other examples of double squares see the article mentioned above. One addition to this article is that I've discovered a new double-7 square which may be the best found to date: smashes pontine ingrate relater asinine lingots sagenes A new type of form which is in a certain sense as natural as the regular and double square is the inversion square (so named by Frank Rubin). So far I've discovered the only known proper inversion 10-square: detasseled exercitate tectonical arthrolite scorpionis sinoiprocs etilorhtra lacinotcet etaticrexe delessated Based on analysis I've done inversion 10-squares are about as rare as regular 9-squares. Some interesting foreign language squares I've discovered include: Dutch German Italian Norwegian Swedish zaklamp waelzte accosto kaskade apropaa acribie abhauen ciascun apparat primaer krijsen ehrtest campato spinett riddare lijmers latente ospiter kantate omdomen absente zuenden scatola arealer paamind miertje testest tuteler dattera aerende penseel entente onorare etterat arenden And an 8-square: French marbrier amarante rabattes brasiers rationna intenses eternels ressassa These aren't the largest known. For example, a French 10-square has been constructed. Polyglot 9-square that uses 6 different languages: absorbera Swedish betoertem German storpiavo Italian oorhanger Dutch repandent French brinderai Italian etagerons French revenants English amortisse French Polyglot double 5-square that uses 10 different languages: a a g j e Dutch f a l o t French f l i r t English y t t r a Swedish r o t o l Italian D F G S N a i e p o n n r a r i n m n w s i a i e h s n s g h h i a n There are also many other types of forms. Some of the most common are pyramids, stars, and diamonds, and some come in regular and double varieties, and some are inherently double (e.g. rectangles). How hard is it to discover a square, anyway, and how many are there? As a data point, my program using the main (Air Force) entries in NI2 (26,332 words), found only seven 8x8 squares. This took an hour to run. They are: outtease appetite unabated acetated interact repeated repeated unweaned prenaris nopinene cadinene neomenia evenmete evenmete twigsome perscent apostate edentate toxicant pectosic pectosic teguexin ensconce bistered tindered emittent entresol entresol easement taconite antehall antehall rectoral amoebula amoebula anoxemia irenicum tearable tearable anaerobe tessular tessular seminist tincture entellus entellus cinnabar etiolate etiolate edentate esteemer deedless deedless tattlery declarer declared If the heuristic mathematics are worked out, the number of different words in your word-list before you'd expect to find a regular word square of order-n (the "support") is about e^{(n-1)/2}, where e ~ 15.8. For a double word square of order-n the support is about e^{n/2}. There is a simple algorithm which is more precise, and this gives a support of 75,641 for a regular 9-square, and a support of 272,976 for a double 9-square (using my 9-letter word list). Bibliography: Albert, E. "The Best 9x9 Square Yet" _Word Ways_ Vol. 24 Num. 4 Borgmann, D. "More Quality Word Squares" _Word Ways_ Vol. 21 Num. 1 Brooke, M. "A Word Square Update" _Word Ways_ Vol. 16 Num. 4 Grant, J. "9x9 Word Squares" _Word Ways_ Vol. 13 Num. 4 Grant, J. "Ars Magna: The Ten-Square" _Word Ways_ Vol. 18 Num. 4 Grant, J. "Double Word Squares"_Word Ways_, Vol. 25 Num. 1 Grant, J. "In Search of the Ten-Square" _Word Ways_ Vol. 23 Num. 4 Long, C. "Mathematics of Square Construction" _Word Ways_ Vol. 26 Num. 1 Ropes, G. H. "Further Struggles with a 10-Square" _Word Ways_ Vol. 23 Num. 1 Rubin, F. "Inversion Squares" _Word Ways_ Vol. 23 Num. 3 Chris Long 265 Old York Road Bridgewater, NJ 08807 ==> language/english/spelling/sets.of.words/variogram.p <== What is the largest known variogram (word square where repeated letters count as one square)? ==> language/english/spelling/sets.of.words/variogram.s <== o c c u p a t e s c h i n a m i n e c i g a r e t t e u n a ll o t t e d p a r o c h i n e a m e t h y s t a t i t t i s h e r e n t e n t e s t s e e d e a r t h -- Chris Long, 265 Old York Rd., Bridgewater, NJ 08807-2618 ==> language/english/spelling/sets.of.words/word.torture.p <== What is the longest word all of whose contiguous subsequences are words? ==> language/english/spelling/sets.of.words/word.torture.s <== This problem was discussed in _Word Ways_ in 1974-5. In August 1974, Ralph Beaman, in an article titled "Word Torture", offered the word SHADES, from which one obtains HADES, SHADE; ADES, HADE, SHAD; DES, ADE, HAD, SHA; ES, DE, AD, HA, SH; S, E, D, A, H. All of these are words given in Webster's Third. Since that time, a serious search has been launched for a seven-letter word. The near misses so far are: Date Person Word Missing Aug 74 Ralph Beaman GAMINES INES, GAMI, NES, INE Nov 74 Dmitri Borgmann ABASHED INE, NES, ABASHE, BASHE, ASHE (all in OED) May 75 David Robinson GUNITES GU, GUNIT (using Webster's Second) May 75 David Robinson ETAMINE ETAMI, TAMI (using Webster's Second) May 75 Ralph Beaman MORALES RAL (using Webster's Second) Aug 75 Tom Pulliam SHEAVES EAV (using Webster's Second) Webster's Second has been used for most of the attempts since it contains so many more words than Webster's Third. The seven-letter plateau remains to be achieved. ==> language/english/spelling/single.words.p <== What words have exceptional lengths, patterns, etc.? ==> language/english/spelling/single.words.s <== Spelling Letter Patterns Entire Word longest word trinitrophenylmethylnitramine (29,1) longest palindrome kinnikinnik (11,1) longest beginning with a palindrome adinida (7,1) longest beginning with b palindrome boob (4,1) longest beginning with c palindrome carac civic (5,2) longest beginning with d palindrome deified devoved (7,2) longest beginning with e palindrome ecce esse (4,2) longest beginning with f palindrome FF (2,1) ! longest beginning with g palindrome goog (4,1) longest beginning with h palindrome hagigah halalah (7,2) longest beginning with i palindrome igigi imami (5,2) longest beginning with j palindrome j (1,1) longest beginning with k palindrome kinnikinnik (11,1) longest beginning with l palindrome lemel level lysyl (5,3) longest beginning with m palindrome malayalam (9,1) longest beginning with n palindrome nauruan (7,1) longest beginning with o palindrome oppo otto (4,2) longest beginning with p palindrome peeweep (7,1) longest beginning with q palindrome qazaq (5,1) longest beginning with r palindrome reviver rotator (7,2) longest beginning with s palindrome sawbwas seesees seities sememes (7,4) longest beginning with t palindrome terret tibbit tippit (6,3) longest beginning with u palindrome uku ulu utu (3,3) longest beginning with v palindrome vav (3,1) longest beginning with w palindrome waw wow (3,2) longest beginning with x palindrome x (1,1) longest beginning with y palindrome yaray (5,1) longest beginning with z palindrome z (1,1) longest with middle a palindrome halalah rotator (7,2) longest with middle b palindrome sawbwas (7,1) longest with middle c palindrome soccos succus (6,2) longest with middle d palindrome murdrum (7,1) longest with middle e palindrome sememes (7,1) longest with middle f palindrome deified (7,1) longest with middle g palindrome degged (6,1) longest with middle h palindrome aha ihi oho (3,3) longest with middle i palindrome hagigah reviver (7,2) longest with middle j palindrome kajak (5,1) longest with middle k palindrome kinnikinnik (11,1) longest with middle l palindrome hallah selles (6,2) longest with middle m palindrome sammas (6,1) longest with middle n palindrome adinida (7,1) longest with middle o palindrome devoved (7,1) longest with middle p palindrome tippit (6,1) longest with middle q palindrome q (1,1) longest with middle r palindrome nauruan (7,1) longest with middle s palindrome seesees (7,1) longest with middle t palindrome seities (7,1) longest with middle u palindrome alula arura (5,2) longest with middle v palindrome civic level rever tevet (5,4) longest with middle w palindrome peeweep (7,1) longest with middle x palindrome sexes (5,1) longest with middle y palindrome malayalam (9,1) longest with middle z palindrome kazak qazaq (5,2) longest tautonym tangantangan (12,1) longest beginning with a tautonym akeake atlatl (6,2) longest beginning with b tautonym bellabella (10,1) longest beginning with c tautonym caracara chowchow couscous (8,3) longest beginning with d tautonym dugdug dumdum (6,2) longest beginning with e tautonym EE ee (2,2) longest beginning with f tautonym froufrou (8,1) longest beginning with g tautonym ganggang greegree guitguit (8,3) longest beginning with h tautonym hotshots (8,0) ? longest beginning with i tautonym ipilipil (8,1) longest beginning with j tautonym juju (4,1) longest beginning with k tautonym kavakava kawakawa khuskhus kohekohe kouskous kukukuku (8,6) longest beginning with l tautonym lapulapu lavalava lomilomi (8,3) longest beginning with m tautonym mahimahi makomako matamata murumuru (8,4) longest beginning with n tautonym nagnag (6,1) longest beginning with o tautonym oo (2,1) longest beginning with p tautonym palapala pioupiou piripiri poroporo (8,4) longest beginning with q tautonym quiaquia (8,1) longest beginning with r tautonym riroriro (8,1) longest beginning with s tautonym sweeswee (8,1) longest beginning with t tautonym tangantangan (12,1) longest beginning with u tautonym ulaula (6,1) longest beginning with v tautonym valval verver (6,2) longest beginning with w tautonym wallawalla (10,1) longest beginning with x tautonym ? (0,0) ? longest beginning with y tautonym yariyari (8,1) longest beginning with z tautonym zoozoo (6,1) longest head 'n' tail einsteins muckamuck okeydokey overcover pungapung taranta ra trinitrin (9,7) longest with middle a head 'n' tail muckamuck pungapung (9,2) longest with middle b head 'n' tail SBs aba (3,2) longest with middle c head 'n' tail overcover (9,1) longest with middle d head 'n' tail okeydokey (9,1) longest with middle e head 'n' tail arear caeca (5,2) longest with middle f head 'n' tail efe ofo (3,2) longest with middle g head 'n' tail aggag algal edged magma (5,4) longest with middle h head 'n' tail outshouts (9,0) ? longest with middle i head 'n' tail trinitrin (9,1) longest with middle j head 'n' tail anjan (5,1) longest with middle k head 'n' tail arkar kokko (5,2) longest with middle l head 'n' tail ingling khalkha (7,2) longest with middle m head 'n' tail bamba bombo mamma pampa (5,4) longest with middle n head 'n' tail tarantara (9,1) longest with middle o head 'n' tail ingoing mesomes (7,2) longest with middle p head 'n' tail SPs apa (3,2) longest with middle q head 'n' tail q (1,1) longest with middle r head 'n' tail adrad kurku ugrug verve (5,4) longest with middle s head 'n' tail hotshot (7,1) longest with middle t head 'n' tail einsteins (9,1) longest with middle u head 'n' tail mauma shush siusi veuve (5,4) longest with middle v head 'n' tail ava eve (3,2) longest with middle w head 'n' tail abwab (5,1) longest with middle x head 'n' tail manxman (7,1) longest with middle y head 'n' tail calycal (7,1) longest with middle z head 'n' tail z (1,1) Subset of Word longest internal palindrome kinnikinniks sensuousness sensuousnesses (11,3) longest internal tautonym anhydrohydroxyprogesterone anhydrohydroxyprogesterone s kinnikinnick kinnikinnicks kinnikinnics kinnikinniks magnetophotophoresis met hylethylpyridine micromicrofarad neuroneuronal ... (10,11) longest repeated prefix kinnikinnick kinnikinnicks kinnikinnics kinnikinniks mi cromicrofarad neuroneuronal (10,6) most consecutive doubled letters bookkeeper bookkeeping (3,2) most doubled letters possessionlessness possessionlessnesses successlessness su ccesslessnesses (4,4) longest two cadence humuhumunukunukuapuaa humuhumunukunukuapuaas (8,2) longest three cadence effervescence effervescences extendednesses neglectedness es pervertednesses redheadednesses reflectednesses unexpectednesses vallabhacha rya vallabhacharyas (5,10) longest four cadence alveolopalatal coproporphyrinuria coproporphyrinurias dist ributivities gastroschisises humuhumunukunukuapuaa humuhumunukunukuapuaas inevi tabilities roentgenometries somesthesises ... (4,12) longest five cadence indecipherablenesses recollectivenesses (4,2) Letter Counts Lipograms longest letters from first half hamamelidaceae (14,1) longest letters from second half nonsupports (11,0) ? longest without ab hydroxydesoxycorticosterone (27,1) longest without abcd philoprogenitivenesses (22,1) longest without a to h supposititiously (16,1) longest without a to k monotonously synonymously tumultuously voluptuously (12, 4) longest without a to n prototropy zoosporous (10,2) longest without a to q susurrus (8,1) longest without a to s tutty (5,1) longest without e humuhumunukunukuapuaas macracanthorhynchiasis phonocardiograp hically prorhipidoglossomorpha supradiaphragmatically (22,5) longest without et humuhumunukunukuapuaas phonocardiographically prorhipidoglos somorpha (22,3) longest without eta coccidioidomycosis (18,1) longest without etai phyllospondylous (16,1) longest without etain chlorophyllous chromosomology chrysochlorous phyllomorpho us polymorphously scolopophorous (14,6) longest without etains promorphology (13,1) Letter Choices Vowels longest all vowels aiee ieie (4,2) longest each vowel once entwicklungsroman (17,1) longest each extended vowel once cylindrocellular phosphuranylites ventriculogr aphy (16,3) shortest each vowel once eulogia eutocia eutopia isourea sequoia (7,5) shortest each extended vowel once oxyuridae (9,1) shortest vowels in order caesious (8,1) shortest extended vowels in order facetiously (11,1) longest vowels in order abstentious (11,1) longest extended vowels in order abstemiously (12,1) shortest vowels in reverse order muroidea (8,1) shortest extended vowels in reverse order ? (80,0) ? longest vowels in reverse order subcontinental (14,1) longest extended vowels in reverse order ? (0,0) ? longest one vowel strengths (9,1) longest two vowels schwartzbrots (13,1) longest containing a univocalic tathagatagarbhas (16,1) longest containing e univocalic strengthlessnesses (18,1) longest containing i univocalic instinctivistic (15,1) longest containing o univocalic loxolophodonts (14,1) longest containing u univocalic struldbrugs (11,1) longest containing y univocalic glycyls gypsyfy khlysts khlysty phytyls pyrryls qyrghyz rhythms styryls thymyls ... (7,11) longest alternating extended vowel-consonant hypovitaminosises (17,1) longest alternating vowel-consonant aluminosilicates diketopiperazine epicoraco humeral (16,3) Consonants longest consonant string bergschrund bergschrunds catchphrase eschscholtzia esc hscholtzias festschrift festschriften festschrifts goldschmidtine goldschmidtin es ... (6,24) longest one consonant assessees coccaceae (9,2) longest two consonant nauseousnesses sensuousnesses (14,2) Isograms longest isogram dermatoglyphics (15,1) longest pair isogram scintillescent (14,1) longest trio isogram deeded (6,1) longest tetrad isogram kukukuku (8,1) longest polygram unprosperousnesses (18,0) ? longest pyramid chachalaca deadheaded disseisees evennesses keennesses kinnikin ic rememberer sassanians sereneness sleeveless ... (10,11) most repeated letters dihydroxycholecalciferol hydroxydesoxycorticosterone hyst erosalpingographies methyldihydromorphinone microspectrophotometrically octamet hylpyrophosphoramide phosphatidylethanolamine pseudohermaphroditism tetrabromop henolphthalein tetraiodophenolphthalein ... (9,11) highest containing a repeated palaeacanthocephala tathagatagarbha tathagatagarb has (6,3) highest containing b repeated bubbybush flibbertigibbet flibbertigibbets flibbe rtigibbety (4,4) highest containing c repeated chroococcaceae chroococcaceous circumcrescence ci rcumcrescences echinococcic micrococcaceae (5,6) highest containing d repeated condiddled dadded deadheaded dendrodendritic didd ered diddled diddledees didodecahedron disbudded dodded ... (4,32) highest containing e repeated ethylenediaminetetraacetate (7,1) highest containing f repeated chiffchaff chiffchaffs giffgaff giffgaffed giffga ffing giffgaffs riffraff (4,7) highest containing g repeated aggregating aggreging chugalugging gagging gaggli ng ganggang ganggangs gigging giggling gigglingly ... (4,18) highest containing h repeated ichthyophthiriasis ichthyophthirius ichthyophthir iuses rhamphorhynchid rhamphorhynchids rhamphorhynchoid rhamphorhynchus (4,7) highest containing i repeated dirigibilities discriminabilities distinguishabil ities divisibilities ignitibilities indiscernibilities indiscerptibilities indi stinguishability indivisibility infinitesimalities ... (6,12) highest containing j repeated ajonjoli ajonjolis avijja avijjas djokjakarta gas trojejunal gastrojejunostomy hajj hajjes hajji ... (2,53) highest containing k repeated kakkak kakkaks knickknack knickknackatories knick knackatory knickknackeries knickknackery knickknacky kukukuku kukukukus (4,10) highest containing l repeated allochlorophyll allochlorophylls alloplastically intellectualistically lillypillies lillypilly polysyllabically (5,7) highest containing m repeated dynamometamorphism hamamelidanthemum immunocompro mised mammatocumulus mammectomies mammectomy mammiform mammilliform mammogram m ammonism ... (4,23) highest containing n repeated inconvenientness inconvenientnesses nannoplankton nannoplanktonic nondenominational nondenominationalism nonentanglement noninte rvention noninterventionist syngenesiotransplantation ... (5,12) highest containing o repeated monogonoporous pseudomonocotyledonous (6,2) highest containing p repeated aplopappus haplopappus hyperleptoprosopic hyperle ptoprosopy snippersnapper whippersnapper (4,6) highest containing q repeated qaraqalpaq qaraqalpaqs (3,2) highest containing r repeated ferriprotoporphyrin ferroprotoporphyrin (5,2) highest containing s repeated possessionlessnesses (9,1) highest containing t repeated ethylenediaminetetraacetate tetrasubstituted thro ttlebottom totipotentiality yttrotantalite (5,5) highest containing u repeated humuhumunukunukuapuaa humuhumunukunukuapuaas (9,2 ) highest containing v repeated overconservative ovoviviparity ovoviviparous ovov iviparously ovoviviparousness vulvovaginitis (3,6) ^Shighest containing w repeated bowwow bowwows powwow powwowed powwowing powwows swallowwort whillywhaw whillywhaws whitlowwort ... (3,17) highest containing x repeated dextropropoxyphene executrix executrixes exlex ex lexes exonarthex exotoxic exotoxin hexachlorocyclohexane hexahydroxy ... (2,37) highest containing y repeated acetylphenylhydrazine acetylphenylhydrazines anhy drohydroxyprogesterone anhydrohydroxyprogesterones brachydactyly chylophylly cr yptozygy cystopyelography cytophysiologically cytophysiology ... (3,91) highest containing z repeated pizzazz pizzazzes razzmatazz razzmatazzes (4,4) most different letters blepharoconjunctivitis pseudolamellibranchiata pseudolam ellibranchiate psychogalvanometric (16,4) highest ratio length/letters kukukuku (400,1) highest ratio length/letters (no tautonyms) senselessnesses (375,1) lowest length 16 ratio length/letters ventriculography (106,1) lowest length 17 ratio length/letters entwicklungsroman hydrobasaluminite ptery gomandibular (113,3) lowest length 18 ratio length/letters carboxyhemoglobins entwicklungsromane hyp erglobulinemias psychogalvanometer ventriculographies (120,5) lowest length 19 ratio length/letters psychogalvanometric (118,1) lowest length 20 ratio length/letters brachycephalizations dimethyltubocurarine encephalomyocarditis magnetofluiddynamics moschellandsbergites (133,5) lowest length 21 ratio length/letters diphenylthiocarbazone pseudolamellibranch ia sphygmomanometrically (140,3) lowest length 22 ratio length/letters blepharoconjunctivitis (137,1) lowest length 23 ratio length/letters pseudolamellibranchiata pseudolamellibran chiate (143,2) lowest length 24 ratio length/letters diphenylaminechlorarsine laryngotracheobr onchitis meningoencephalomyelitis (171,3) lowest length 25 ratio length/letters spectroheliokinematograph (166,1) Letter Appearance longest short letters erroneousnesses verrucosenesses (15,2) longest tall letters lighttight lillypilly (10,2) longest vertical-symmetry letters homotaxia thymomata (9,2) longest horizontal-symmetry letters checkbook checkhook chookchie (9,3) ^Q^Slongest full-symmetry letters ohio (4,1) highest ratio of dotted letters jinjili (71,1) Typewriter longest top row proprietory proterotype rupturewort (11,3) longest middle row shakalshas (10,1) longest bottom row MNC (3,1) ! longest in order wettish (7,1) longest in reverse order bourree chapote chappie chappow gouttee (7,5) longest left hand tesseradecades (14,0) ? longest right hand hypolimnion kinnikinnik (11,2) longest alternating hands leucocytozoans (14,1) longest one finger deeded humhum hummum muhuhu muumuu (6,5) longest adjacent keys assessees redresser redresses seeresses sweeswees (9,5) Puzzle longest palindrome in Morse code footstool (9,1) longest formed with chemical symbols nonrepresentationalism (22,1) longest formed with US postal codes convallarias (12,1) longest formed with amino acid abbreviations hisser proser serval valval (6,4) longest formed with piano notes cabbaged fabaceae fagaceae (8,3) Letter Order Alphabetical longest letters in order aegilops (8,1) longest letters in order with repeats aegilops (8,1) longest letters in reverse order sponged wronged (7,2) longest letters in reverse order with repeats trollied (8,1) longest roller-coaster decriminalizations provincializations (18,2) longest no letters in place trinitrophenylmethylnitramine (29,1) most letters in place abudefduf agammaglobulinemias archencephalon archetypical archetypically syngenesiotransplantation (5,6) most letters in place shifted cooperatively daughterlinesses definitivenesses g ymnoplast gymnoplasts inoperative inoperativeness inopportunely intraoperativel y neighborlinesses ... (6,16) most consecutive letters in order consecutively bierstube bierstuben bierstubes gymnopaedia gymnopaedias gymnopaedic gymnopedia gymnopedias gymnophiona gymnop last ... (4,27) most consecutive letters in order aborticide aborticides abscinded absconded ab scondence abscondences alimentotherapy aluminographies aluminography aluminotyp e ... (5,38) most consecutive letters appropinquates appropinquations appropinquities equipo nderates equiponderations perquisition perquisitions preconquest propinquities quadruplications ... (8,12) highest ratio of consecutive letters to length klompen (85,1) ==> language/english/spoonerisms.p <== List some exceptional spoonerisms. ==> language/english/spoonerisms.s <== Original by Spooner himself: I am afraid you have tasted the whole worm, and must therefore take the next town drain. Some years ago in the Parliament, a certain member known for his quick and rapier wit, cut across a certain other member who was trying to make some bad joke. He called him a "Shining Wit" then apologized for making a Spoonerism. Another famous broadcast fluff was on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, which an announcer identified as the "Canadian Broadcorping Castration." Oh yes, another radio announcer one that has sort of crept into common English usage is "one swell foop". A friend of mine had just eaten dinner in the school cafeteria, and he didn't look very happy. Another of my friends said, "John, what's wrong?" Knowing exactly what he was saying, he said, "It's the bound grief I had for dinner!" A radio announcer, talking about a royal visit (or some such) said the visitor would be greeted with a "twenty one sun galoot". There are several fractured fables based on spoonerisms, such as: A king on a desert island was so beloved by his people, they decided to give him a very special gift for the anniversary of his coronation. So after much thought, they decided to make him a throne out of seashells, which were plentiful on the island. And when it was finished, they presented it to the king, who loved it. But he soon discovered it was ^Q^Svery uncomfortable to sit on. So he told his subjects it was too special to use everyday (so as not to hurt their feelings) and put it in the attic of his palace (which was, of course, a hut like all the other dwellings on the island), planning to use it just for special occasions. But that night, it fell through the ceiling of his bedroom and landed on top of him, killing him instantly. And the moral of the story is: Those who live in grass houses shouldn't stow thrones! ==> language/english/synonyms/ambiguous.p <== What word in the English language is the most ambiguous? What is the greatest number of parts of speech that a single word can be used for? ==> language/english/synonyms/ambiguous.s <== In Webster's Ninth, "set" occupies 1.2 columns, has 25 vb entries, 11 vi entries, 23 noun entries, 7 adjective entries; "take" occupies 1.3 columns, has 19 vb entries, 8 vi entries, 4 noun entries. The word "like" occupies eight parts of speech: verb "Fruit flies like a banana." noun "We may never see its like again." adjective "People of like tastes agree." adverb "The rate is more like 12 percent." preposition "Time flies like an arrow." conjunction "They acted like they were scared." interjection "Like, man, that was far out." verbal auxiliary "So loud I like to fell out of bed." ==> language/english/synonyms/antonym.p <== What words, when a single letter is added, reverse their meanings? Exclude words that are obtained by adding an "a-" to the beginning. ==> language/english/synonyms/antonym.s <== e: fast -> feast, fiancee -> fiance h: treat -> threat r: fiend -> friend s: he -> she t: here -> there ==> language/english/synonyms/contradictory.proverbs.p <== What are some proverbs that contradict one another? ^Q^S^Q ==> language/english/synonyms/contradictory.proverbs.s <== Beware of Greeks bearing gifts. Never look a gift horse in the mouth. Look before you leap. He who hesitates is lost. Nothing venture, nothing gain. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Seek and ye shall find. Curiosity killed the cat. Save for a rainy day. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Life is what we make it. What is to be will be. Too many cooks spoil the broth. Many hands make light work. One man's meat is another man's poison. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. With age comes wisdom. Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings come all wise sayings. Bear ye one another's burdens. (Gal. 6:2) For every man shall bear his own burden. (Gal. 6:5) Great minds run in the same channel. Fools think alike. A rolling stone gathers no moss. A setting hen never lays. A hollow pot makes the most noise. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Faint heart never won fair lady. The meek shall inherit the Earth. To thine own self be true. The nail that stands out gets hammered down. ==> language/english/synonyms/contranym.p <== What words are their own antonym? ==> language/english/synonyms/contranym.s <== In his 1989 book _Crazy English_, Richard Lederer calls such words contranyms and lists more than 35, although some are phrases instead of words. These can be divided into homographs (same spelling) and homophones (same pronunciation). A partial list of homographs: aught = all, nothing bill = invoice, money cleave = to separate, to join clip = cut apart, fasten together comprise = contain, compose custom = usual, special dust = to remove, add fine particles fast = rapid, unmoving literally = actually, figuratively model = archetype, copy moot = debatable, academic note = promise to pay, money oversight = care, error peep = look quietly, beep peer = noble, person of equal rank put = lay, throw puzzle = pose problem, solve problem quantum = very small, very large (quantum leap) ravel = entangle, disentangle resign = to quit, to sign up again sanction = to approve of, to punish sanguine = murderous, optimistic scan = to examine closely, to glance at quickly set = fix, flow skin = to cover with, remove outer covering speak = express verbally, express nonverbally stipulate = request explicitly, agree to ^S^Q^Sstrike = miss (baseball), hit table = propose [British], set aside temper = calmness, passion trim = cut things off, put things on A very short list of homophones: aural, oral = heard, spoken fiance, fiancee = female betrothed, male betrothed raise, raze = erect, tear down A pair of French words which can be very confusing: La symetrie (symmetry) and L'asymetrie (asymmetry). Latin: immo = yes, no Possibilities: draw (curtains, open or close) (money, withdraw, accumulate interest) eke ==> language/english/synonyms/double.synonyms.p <== What words have two different synonymous meanings? ==> language/english/synonyms/double.synonyms.s <== list, roll: set of names (noun), tilt (verb) ==> language/finnish/finnish.plural.p <== What Finnish word is the anagram of its plural? ==> language/finnish/finnish.plural.s <== matto/matot (Finnish for "carpet"/"carpets"). ==> language/finnish/finnish.record.p <== What are some Finnish words with unusual properties? ==> language/finnish/finnish.record.s <== Spelling Letter Patterns Entire Word longest word pitka"nta"hta"yksenkokonaistaloudelliseensuhdannekehitykseen (57,1 ) longest palindrome naamioimaan (11,1) longest beginning with a palindrome avattava (8,1) longest beginning with b palindrome bob bsb (3,2) longest beginning with c palindrome cfc cic (3,2) longest beginning with d palindrome dad did do"d (3,3) longest beginning with e palindrome ettette (7,1) longest beginning with f palindrome f (1,1) longest beginning with g palindrome gorog (5,1) ^Q^S^Q^Slongest beginning with h palindrome hannah (6,1) longest beginning with i palindrome illalli iskuksi (7,2) longest beginning with j palindrome jj (2,1) longest beginning with k palindrome kayak (5,1) longest beginning with l palindrome lehel level (5,2) longest beginning with m palindrome mkm mmm mqm mtm mum (3,5) longest beginning with n palindrome naamioimaan (11,1) longest beginning with o palindrome ookoo (5,1) longest beginning with p palindrome piip (4,1) longest beginning with q palindrome q (1,1) longest beginning with r palindrome radar reger reser reyer rodor rosor rovor ( 5,7) longest beginning with s palindrome syo"ppo"ys (8,1) longest beginning with t palindrome tavattavat (10,1) longest beginning with u palindrome uupuu (5,1) longest beginning with v palindrome vv (2,1) longest beginning with w palindrome w (1,1) longest beginning with x palindrome x (1,1) longest beginning with y palindrome yly yry yty (3,3) longest beginning with z palindrome z (1,1) longest with middle a palindrome assassa illalli (7,2) longest with middle b palindrome abba ebbe (4,2) longest with middle c palindrome ecce (4,1) longest with middle d palindrome radar rodor sadas (5,3) longest with middle e palindrome ettette (7,1) longest with middle f palindrome afa cfc (3,2) longest with middle g palindrome reger (5,1) longest with middle h palindrome lehel nahan nuhun (5,3) longest with middle i palindrome neien taiat (5,2) longest with middle j palindrome aja eje rjr (3,3) longest with middle k palindrome ookoo sokos tikit (5,3) longest with middle l palindrome tallat tollot tullut (6,3) longest with middle m palindrome naamaan (7,1) longest with middle n palindrome hannah (6,1) longest with middle o palindrome naamioimaan (11,1) longest with middle p palindrome syo"ppo"ys (8,1) longest with middle q palindrome mqm (3,1) longest with middle r palindrome suuruus (7,1) longest with middle s palindrome nissin tissit (6,2) longest with middle t palindrome tavattavat (10,1) longest with middle u palindrome iskuksi (7,1) longest with middle v palindrome level rovor tavat (5,3) longest with middle w palindrome w (1,1) longest with middle x palindrome exe ixi (3,2) longest with middle y palindrome kayak reyer (5,2) longest with middle z palindrome z (1,1) longest tautonym tytta"rentytta"ren (16,1) longest beginning with a tautonym asiasi (6,1) longest beginning with b tautonym baba bibi (4,2) longest beginning with c tautonym cancan (6,1) longest beginning with d tautonym dandan (6,1) longest beginning with e tautonym ee (2,1) longest beginning with f tautonym ? longest beginning with g tautonym giogio (6,1) longest beginning with h tautonym ha"nha"n heihei (6,2) longest beginning with i tautonym isa"nisa"n (8,1) longest beginning with j tautonym jnejne joojoo (6,2) longest beginning with k tautonym kookoo (6,1) longest beginning with l tautonym lili lyly (4,2) longest beginning with m tautonym mormor (6,1) longest beginning with n tautonym nana nono (4,2) longest beginning with o tautonym ohoh (4,1) longest beginning with p tautonym peffapeffa pojanpojan (10,2) longest beginning with q tautonym ? ^Q^Slongest beginning with r tautonym roro (4,1) longest beginning with s tautonym sitsit (6,1) longest beginning with t tautonym tytta"rentytta"ren (16,1) longest beginning with u tautonym uu (2,1) longest beginning with v tautonym voivoivoivoi (12,1) longest beginning with w tautonym ? longest beginning with x tautonym ? longest beginning with y tautonym ? longest beginning with z tautonym zouzou (6,1) longest head 'n' tail koiraskoira sellaisella vastaavasta (11,3) longest with middle a head 'n' tail vastaavasta (11,1) longest with middle b head 'n' tail b (1,1) longest with middle c head 'n' tail c (1,1) longest with middle d head 'n' tail ada ede idi ldl (3,4) longest with middle e head 'n' tail eeeee (5,1) longest with middle f head 'n' tail kafka (5,1) longest with middle g head 'n' tail edged magma (5,2) longest with middle h head 'n' tail jahja ohhoh vahva yhhyh (5,4) longest with middle i head 'n' tail sellaisella (11,1) longest with middle j head 'n' tail aijai (5,1) longest with middle k head 'n' tail kuukkuu (7,1) longest with middle l head 'n' tail kulku lalla lilli oslos salsa ta"lta" tultu volvo (5,8) longest with middle m head 'n' tail chamcha (7,1) longest with middle n head 'n' tail tarantara (9,1) longest with middle o head 'n' tail nenonen (7,1) longest with middle p head 'n' tail pappa peppe uupuu (5,3) longest with middle q head 'n' tail mqm (3,1) longest with middle r head 'n' tail giorgio (7,1) longest with middle s head 'n' tail koiraskoira (11,1) longest with middle t head 'n' tail A"llita"lli tavattava (9,2) longest with middle u head 'n' tail laula vauva (5,2) longest with middle v head 'n' tail ava eve (3,2) longest with middle w head 'n' tail w (1,1) longest with middle x head 'n' tail exe ixi (3,2) longest with middle y head 'n' tail ta"yta" va"yva" (5,2) longest with middle z head 'n' tail z (1,1) Subset of Word longest internal palindrome bisneskeskukseksi rahoituskeskukseksi terveyskeskuk seksi ulkomaalaiskeskukseksi (11,4) longest internal tautonym A"teritsiputeritsipuolilautatsija"nka" (18,1) longest repeated prefix kansankansanvaalilla kiittikiittijaka"yma"a"ntaas lapse nlapsenlapsia lapsenlapsensa victorvictoria (12,5) most consecutive doubled letters aatteessaan liikkeella"a"n pa"a"tteelleen pa"a "tteessa"a"n periaatteellaan tietokonepa"a"tteella"a"n (5,6) most doubled letters lennonsuunnittelupa"a"llikko" suhteellisuusperiaatteella t uotannonsuunnittelupa"a"llikko" (7,3) ^Q^S^Q^Slongest two cadence alabamalaista pajavasara sahatavara sahatavaraa sahatavaran sahatavarassa sahatavarasta salakavala satamamakasiinissa tasasakarainen ... ( 5,11) longest three cadence asianharrastajia (6,1) longest four cadence rajakauppaorganisaatio rajakauppaorganisaationsa unkarilai spakolaisia (5,3) longest five cadence artikkelistafinancial asiakasrekisterista" ateriakorvauksi a autonasentajalta azerbaidzhanissa azerbaidzhanista dieettisuosituksista diplo miarkkitehti ekspressionistisesti epa"inhimillisissa"kin ... (4,61) Letter Counts Lipograms longest letters from first half nikkeliniemimaalla (18,1) longest letters from second half tytto"ysta"va"sta" (14,1) longest without ab yhdeksa"sta"kymmenesta"yhdeksa"sta" ympa"risto"nsuojeluinves tointien (30,2) longest without abcd ympa"risto"nsuojeluinvestointien (30,1) longest without a to h ka"a"nnynna"ispiiripa"a"lliko"ita" (27,1) longest without a to k ymma"rta"ma"tto"myytta"a"n (20,1) longest without a to n tytto"ysta"va"sta" (14,1) longest without a to q tytto"ysta"va"sta" (14,1) longest without a to s to"o"tta"a"va"t (10,1) longest without e apulaisosastotarkastajapa"a"lliko"n (32,1) longest without et kunnallisvaalikampanjassaan (27,1) longest without eta kirkkomusiikkipa"ivilla" (22,1) longest without etai lukuporoma"a"ra"nsa" (16,1) longest without etain hyo"kka"yska"skya" va"ha"ssa"kyro"ssa" (14,2) longest without etains hyo"kka"a"va"mpa"a" polkupyo"ra"lla" (13,2) Letter Choices Vowels longest all vowels eeeee uuuii (5,2) longest each vowel once perusla"hto"kohtia va"hemmisto"suojan va"hemmisto"suoja t (16,3) longest each extended vowel once lennonvarmistustyo"ssa" (21,1) shortest each vowel once kaukona"ko"inen (13,1) shortest each extended vowel once syo"pa"kuolemia (13,1) shortest vowels in order ? shortest extended vowels in order ? longest vowels in order ? longest extended vowels in order ? shortest vowels in reverse order ? shortest extended vowels in reverse order ? longest vowels in reverse order ? longest extended vowels in reverse order ? longest one vowel kfsdistr schlicht schmaltz schmolck schwa"rmt schwartz (8,6) longest two vowels mA@ngbranschf schwartzkopf (12,2) longest containing a univocalic harrastajakalastajat (20,1) longest containing e univocalic schellenberger (14,1) longest containing i univocalic inhimillisiin nihilistisiin siviilitripin (13,3 ) longest containing o univocalic octophoros stockholms volkogonov (10,3) longest containing u univocalic kukkuluuruu punkjuttuun tunnusluvut (11,3) ^Q^Slongest containing y univocalic kynnyskysymys (13,1) longest alternating extended vowel-consonant tavarajunaveturina (18,1) longest alternating vowel-consonant tavarajunaveturina (18,1) Consonants longest consonant string entschluss franskspra@kiga gcdkssa" goldschmieds hdtvs sa" hdtvsta" mkrtchian skdllle skdllta" skdlssa" ... (6,16) longest one consonant voivoivoivoi (12,1) longest two consonant muuttumattomuutta (17,1) Isograms longest isogram va"esto"pohjakin ympa"risto"hanke (14,2) longest pair isogram itsena"isyytena" kokemattomalle teknisestika"a"n tunnetuim mille (14,4) longest trio isogram pojanpojanpojan (15,1) longest tetrad isogram voivoivoivoi (12,1) longest polygram kiireellisyysja"rjestyksesta" (27,1) longest pyramid kaikenkaikkiaan keskikokoisiksi sisilialaisessa sunniittisissit (15,4) most repeated letters pitka"nta"hta"yksenkokonaistaloudelliseensuhdannekehityks een (14,1) highest containing a repeated oppilaastaanrakastajattarestaan (11,1) highest containing b repeated babbino babbitt babib barabbakseen belsebub bensi nbomben bobbi bobbie bobby bobbyn ... (3,13) highest containing c repeated acapriccio accademica acceptance acconci bocaccio caccini capecchi capecchin cappuccilli capricciata ... (3,41) highest containing d repeated jodlalaadididuaadi (5,1) highest containing e repeated pitka"nta"hta"yksenkokonaistaloudelliseensuhdanne kehitykseen (8,1) highest containing f repeated fofanoffit peffapeffa (4,2) highest containing g repeated vergangenheitsbewa"ltigung (4,1) highest containing h repeated harhahiihdosta hrushtshevhan rahghhh tphhhh vaiht oehtohoitoihin (4,5) highest containing i repeated luterilaispedagogismannerheimila"istannerheimila" isia" (10,1) highest containing j repeated harjujensuojeluohjelman ja"rjestelyasiakirjoja ja "rjesto"johtajaa ja"rjesto"johtajat ja"rjestyssijoja ja"senja"rjesto"jen ja"sen ^Q^S^Qja"rjesto"jensa ja"senja"rjesto"jensa" johtajanlahjojaan ka"sikirjoittajaohjaaj a ... (4,18) highest containing k repeated hiukkastutkimuskeskuksen hiukkastutkimuskeskukses sa joukkokulutushyo"dykkeeksi kaupunkikaksikko keskuspankkipolitiikkaa kirkkora kennuksissakin kirsikkakukkapuutarha korkeakoulupaikkakunnilla pikkupikkukesako ihin pitka"nta"hta"yksenkokonaistaloudelliseensuhdannekehitykseen ... (6,11) highest containing l repeated nelja"lla"kymmenella"kuudella paikallisellala"a"n itasolla yritystenhintakilpailukykyynkansainva"lisilla"markkinoilla (7,3) highest containing m repeated mammuttimaisemmat (6,1) highest containing n repeated nelja"a"nmiljoonaankolmeensataantuhanteen (8,1) highest containing o repeated kokooomusjohtoisen (6,1) highest containing p repeated piipputupakkapakkaukseen poppanareppu (5,2) highest containing q repeated acoustiques acqua acquaintance acquanetta ahlqvis t ahlqvistia ahlqvistillekin ahlqvistin almquist almqvist ... (1,388) highest containing r repeated baskiterroristija"rjesto" cairnterrierinsa" carre rras eurooppalaisterroristeihin eurooppalaisterroristeja harrivirran herrareser vi itsemurhaterroristi kamariorkerteri karria"a"rivirkamiehia" ... (4,33) highest containing s repeated itsena"isyysjulistuksessa kansainva"lisyyskasvatu ksessa kansallissosialistisesta kustannuslaskentaperusteisissa sadassaviidessa" kymmenessa" saksalaissuuntauksessa sisustusarkkitehtitoimistossa sisustusratkai suissa sisustussuunnittelussa sotasyyllisyysasiassa ... (7,15) highest containing t repeated kertaka"ytto"tuotteita neuvostoliittoinstituutist a tavoittamattomuutta tekstinka"sittelylaitteesta toteuttamistoimenpiteet toteu ttamistoimenpiteita" tuotantotavoitteet tytta"rentytta"resta" tytto"tertsetti ( 7,9) highest containing u repeated suuronnettomuustutkimuslautakuntaa (8,1) highest containing v repeated arvonlisa"veroliikevaihtovero mandariininviipalee nvirtaviivainen vahingonkorvausvelvollisuuden voivoivoivoi (4,4) highest containing w repeated kwakwakwak (3,1) ^Shighest containing x repeated exxon exxonilla maxixe mexx mexxeineen xerxeen xe rxes xxe xxii xxiiin ... (2,11) highest containing y repeated sotasyyllisyyskysymyksista" syyllisyyskysymykseen syyllisyyskysymyksesta" syyllisyyskysymysten (7,4) highest containing z repeated dzhordzhadze (3,1) most different letters ympa"risto"nsuojeluneuvottelukunnan ympa"risto"nsuojeluv aatimukset (18,2) highest ratio length/letters eeeee (500,1) highest ratio length/letters (no tautonyms) eeeee (500,1) ^Qlowest length 16 ratio length/letters perusla"hto"kohdan ympa"risto"ongelma (10 6,2) lowest length 17 ratio length/letters lyhenta"miskorvaus ympa"risto"ohjelman (1 06,2) lowest length 18 ratio length/letters vormundschaftliche ympa"risto"nsuojelua ( 112,2) lowest length 19 ratio length/letters ympa"risto"vahinkojen (111,1) lowest length 20 ratio length/letters ympa"risto"nvaihdoksen (117,1) lowest length 21 ratio length/letters kymmenvuotisjuhlarevy purjehduskyvytto"ma "ksi valtameripurjehduksen ympa"risto"nsuojelijain ympa"risto"puoluettakin (131 ,5) lowest length 22 ratio length/letters ra"ja"hdysvoimakkuudesta ympa"risto"nsuoj elijoita (137,2) lowest length 23 ratio length/letters radiopuhelinja"rjestelma" viimeistelyharj oituksen ympa"risto"nsuojelijoiden ympa"risto"nsuojelullisia (143,4) lowest length 24 ratio length/letters va"hemmisto"suojapyka"lilla" ympa"risto"n suojeluohjelma (141,2) lowest length 25 ratio length/letters ympa"risto"nsuojeluohjelman (147,1) Letter Appearance longest short letters messusaarnassaan (16,1) longest tall letters kiihdytti pitkittyi ylikiltti (9,3) longest vertical-symmetry letters tavoittamattomuutta (19,1) longest horizontal-symmetry letters heikohko (8,1) longest full-symmetry letters ihhii ohhoh (5,2) highest ratio of dotted letters hiipii (66,1) Typewriter longest top row prototyypit prototyyppi reportterit terroriteot (11,4) longest middle row lahjakkaalla (12,1) longest bottom row bbcn cnnn nbcn nvcn (4,4) longest in order erilla"a"n ryyppa"a"n (8,2) longest in reverse order bourree jaoitte na"ittte (7,3) longest left hand verrattaessa (12,1) longest right hand huippuhyppa"a"ja"na" myyma"la"pa"a"lliko"n (16,2) longest alternating hands turhanta"rkeys (13,1) longest one finger juhuuuuh (8,1) longest adjacent keys juhuuuuh (8,1) Puzzle longest palindrome in Morse code ettette naisina waiting (7,3) longest formed with chemical symbols kasviyhdyskuntasukkessioita (27,1) longest formed with US postal codes victorvictoria (14,1) longest formed with amino acid abbreviations valmet valser (6,2) longest formed with piano notes baggage (7,1) Letter Order Alphabetical longest letters in order almost delors (6,2) longest letters in order with repeats innostuu (8,1) longest letters in reverse order polkea tonkia vuomia wolfea (6,4) longest letters in reverse order with repeats A"speeaa polkkia uuuuiih (7,3) longest roller-coaster matkustajasataman metsa"osakeyhtio"ta" (17,2) longest no letters in place pitka"nta"hta"yksenkokonaistaloudelliseensuhdanneke hitykseen (57,1) most letters in place arkkitehtuuritoimisto avomerihylkeina" kiireellisyysja"rj estyksesta" laajenemismahdollisuudet soidensuojelun ta"ydellisyydenhimosta tita anidioksidipa"a"sto"ja" (5,7) most letters in place shifted elinkeinoverotuksesta elinkeinoverotus havainnoll istuvat (7,3) most consecutive letters in order consecutively aikuistuvan aikuistuvana alistu vaisuuteen alistuvan alistuvia altistuvat astuva astuvalla astuvan astuvansa .. . (4,227) most consecutive letters in order kulminaatiopiste kulminaatiopisteeseen kulmin aatiopisteissa" kulminaatiopisteita" pyha"inja"a"nno"skokoelma (6,5) most consecutive letters limapohjakengilla" (10,1) highest ratio of consecutive letters to length heftig ja"lkim kolmen virsut (83 ^S^Q^S^Q,4) ==> language/french/french.palindromes.p <== List some French palindromes. ==> language/french/french.palindromes.s <== Elu par cette crapule. L'a^me su^re ruse mal. A l'e'tape, e'pate-la! Sexe ve^tu, tu te vexes. Esope reste et se repose. L'ame des uns n'use de mal. Esope reste ici et se repose. Leon a trop par rapport a Noel. Se've`re mal a` l'a^me, re^ves. Tu l'as trop e'crase', Ce'sar, ce Port-Salut ! 9691 EDNA D'NILU O. MU. ACERE. PSEG ROEG Trace l'inegal palindrome. Neige. Bagatelle, dira Hercule. Le brut repentir, cet ecrit ne Perec. L'arc lu pese trop, lis a vice-versa. Perte . Cerise d'une verite banale, le Malstrom, Alep, mort edulcore, crepe porte de ce desir brise d'un iota. Livre si aboli, tes sacres ont ereinte, cor cruel, nos albatros. Etre las, autel bati, miette vice-versa du jeu que fit, nacre, medical, le selenite relaps, ellipsoidal. Ivre il bat, la turbine bat, l'isole me ravale : le verre si obei du Pernod - eh, port su ! - obsedante sonate teintee d'ivresse. Ce reve se mit - peste ! - a blaguer. Beh ! L'art sec n'a si peu qu'algebre, s'elabore de l'or evalue. Idiome etire, hesite, batard replie, l'os nu. Si, a la gene secrete - verbe nul a l'instar de cinq occis --, rets amincis, drailles inegales, il, avatar espace, caresse ce noir Belzebuth, oeil offense, tire ! L'echo fi (a desert) : Salut, sang, robe et ete. Fievres. Adam, rauque ; il ecrit : Abrupt ogre, eh, cerceuil, l'avenir tu, effile, genial a la rue (murmure sud eu ne tire vaseline separee ; l'epeire gelee rode : Hep, mortel ?) lia ta balafre native. Litige. Regagner (et ne m'...). Ressac. Il fremit, se sape, na ! Eh, cavale ! Timide, il nia ce sursaut. Hasard repu, tel, le magicien a morte me lit. Un ignare le rapsode, lacs emu, mixa, mela : Hep, Oceano Nox, o, bechamel azur ! Ejaculer ! Topaze ! Le cedre, malabar faible, Arsinoe le macule, mante ivre, glauque, ^S^Q^S^Qpis, l'air atone (sic). Art sournois : si, medicinale, l'autre glace (Melba ?) l'un ? N'alertai ni pollen (reteter : gerce, repu, dente...) ni tobacco. Tu, desir, brio rime, eh, prolixe necrophore, tu ferres l'avenir velu, ocre, cromant-ne ? Rage, l'ara. Veuglaire. Sedan, tes elzevirs t'obsedent. Romain ? Exact. Et Nemrod selle ses Samson ! Et nier teocalli ? Cave canem (car ce nu trop minois - rembuscade d'eruptives a babil - admonestra, fil accru, Tetebleu ! qu'Ariane evitat net. Attention, ebenier factice, ressorti du reel. Ci-git. Alpaga, gnome, le heros se lamente, trompe, chocolat : ce laid totem, ord, nil aplati, rituel biscornu ; ce sacre bedeau (quel bat ce Jesus !). Palace piege, Torpedo drue si a fellah tot ne peut ni le Big a ruer bezef. L'eugeniste en rut consuma d'art son epi d'eolinne ici rot (eh... rut ?). Toi, d'idem gin, elevera, elu, bifocal, lithos et notre pathos a la hauteur de sec salamlec ? Elucider. Ion eclate : Elle ? Tenu. Etna but (item mal fame), degre vide, julep : macedoine d'axiomes, sac seme d'Ecole, veniel, ah, le verbe enivre (ne sucer ni arreter, eh ca jamais !) lu n'abolira le hasard ? Nu, ottoman a l'echo, l'art su, oh, tara zero, belle Deborah, o, sacre ! Pute, vertubleu, qualite si vertu a la part tarife (decalitres ?) et nul n'a lu trop s'il seria de ce basilic Iseut. Il a prie bonzes, Samaritain, Tora, vilains monstres (idolatres DNA en sus), reves, evapores : Arbalete (betes) en noce du Tell ivre-mort, emeri tu : O, trapu a elfe, il lie l'os, il lia jeremiade lucide. Petard ! Rate ta reinette, bigleur cruel, non a ce lot ! Si, farcis-toi dito le coeur ! Lied a monstre velu, ange ni bete, sec a pseudo delire : Tsarine (sellee, la), Cid, Aretin, abruti de Ninive, Dejanire... Le Phenix, eve de sables, ecarte, ne peut egarer racines radiales en mana : l'Oubli, fetiche en argile. Foudre. Prix : Ile de la Gorgone en roc, et, o, Licorne ecartelee, ^S^Q^S^Q Sirene, rumb a bannir a ma (Red n'osa) niere de mimosa : Paysage d'Ourcq ocre sous ive d'ecale ; Volcan. Roc : tarot cele du Pere. Livres. Silene bavard, replie sur sa nullite (nu a je) belge : ipseite banale. L' (eh, ca!) hydromel a ri, psalterion. Erree Lorelei... Fi ! Marmelade derive d'Aladine. D'or, Noel : creche (l'an ici taverne gelee des bol...) a santon givre, fi !, cule de l'ane vairon. Lapalisse elu, gnoses sans orgeuil (ecru, sale, sec). Saluts : angiome. T'es si craneur ! [ici, repartir vers le debut, pour arriver a la signature: ] Georges Perec, Au Moulin d'Ande, 1969 ==> language/french/french.record.p <== What are some French words with unusual properties? ==> language/french/french.record.s <== Spelling Letter Patterns Entire Word longest word anticonstitutionnellement (25,1) longest palindrome ressasser (9,1) longest beginning with a palindrome aviva (5,1) longest beginning with b palindrome bob (3,1) longest beginning with c palindrome cc (2,1) longest beginning with d palindrome d' (1,1) longest beginning with e palindrome elle erre erre' esse (4,4) longest beginning with f palindrome ? longest beginning with g palindrome gag (3,1) longest beginning with h palindrome h (1,1) longest beginning with i palindrome ici (3,1) longest beginning with j palindrome j' (1,1) longest beginning with k palindrome kayak (5,1) longest beginning with l palindrome l l' (1,2) longest beginning with m palindrome mm (2,1) longest beginning with n palindrome nanan (5,1) longest beginning with o palindrome o^ (1,1) longest beginning with p palindrome ? longest beginning with q palindrome ? longest beginning with r palindrome ressasser (9,1) longest beginning with s palindrome selle's selles serre's serres (6,4) longest beginning with t palindrome to^t tut (3,2) longest beginning with u palindrome ? longest beginning with v palindrome ? longest beginning with w palindrome ? longest beginning with x palindrome x (1,1) longest beginning with y palindrome y (1,1) longest beginning with z palindrome ? longest with middle a palindrome ressasser (9,1) longest with middle b palindrome ? longest with middle c palindrome ici (3,1) longest with middle d palindrome radar (5,1) longest with middle e palindrome re'er (4,1) longest with middle f palindrome re'ifier (7,1) longest with middle g palindrome sagas (5,1) longest with middle h palindrome h (1,1) longest with middle i palindrome aviva (5,1) longest with middle j palindrome j' (1,1) longest with middle k palindrome ? longest with middle l palindrome selle's selles (6,2) longest with middle m palindrome se`mes seme's (5,2) longest with middle n palindrome nanan sanas sonos (5,3) longest with middle o palindrome bob non to^t (3,3) longest with middle p palindrome ? longest with middle q palindrome ? longest with middle r palindrome serre's serres (6,2) longest with middle s palindrome esse (4,1) longest with middle t palindrome rotor (5,1) longest with middle u palindrome eue sus tut (3,3) longest with middle v palindrome re^ver se`ves (5,2) longest with middle w palindrome ? longest with middle x palindrome sexes (5,1) longest with middle y palindrome kayak (5,1) longest with middle z palindrome ? longest tautonym traintrain (10,1) longest beginning with a tautonym ? longest beginning with b tautonym be'ribe'ri (8,1) longest beginning with c tautonym chercher couscous (8,2) longest beginning with d tautonym dada (4,1) longest beginning with e tautonym ? longest beginning with f tautonym flonflon froufrou (8,2) longest beginning with g tautonym glouglou (8,1) longest beginning with h tautonym ? ^S^Qlongest beginning with i tautonym ? longest beginning with j tautonym joujou (6,1) longest beginning with k tautonym ? longest beginning with l tautonym ? longest beginning with m tautonym me^me (4,1) longest beginning with n tautonym ? longest beginning with o tautonym ? longest beginning with p tautonym papa (4,1) longest beginning with q tautonym ? longest beginning with r tautonym rentrent (8,1) longest beginning with s tautonym ? longest beginning with t tautonym traintrain (10,1) longest beginning with u tautonym ? longest beginning with v tautonym ? longest beginning with w tautonym ? longest beginning with x tautonym ? longest beginning with y tautonym youyou (6,1) longest beginning with z tautonym ? longest head 'n' tail cherche cherche' de'rader de'rider de'roder entrent herch er quelque raierai raseras (7,10) longest with middle a head 'n' tail de'rader (7,1) longest with middle b head 'n' tail ? longest with middle c head 'n' tail hercher (7,1) longest with middle d head 'n' tail d' (1,1) longest with middle e head 'n' tail raierai raseras (7,2) longest with middle f head 'n' tail ? longest with middle g head 'n' tail magma (5,1) longest with middle h head 'n' tail e'chec (5,1) longest with middle i head 'n' tail de'rider (7,1) longest with middle j head 'n' tail j' (1,1) longest with middle k head 'n' tail ? longest with middle l head 'n' tail quelque (7,1) longest with middle m head 'n' tail pampa (5,1) longest with middle n head 'n' tail sense' tente tente' (5,3) longest with middle o head 'n' tail de'roder (7,1) longest with middle p head 'n' tail ? longest with middle q head 'n' tail ? longest with middle r head 'n' tail cherche cherche' entrent (7,3) longest with middle s head 'n' tail esses teste teste' (5,3) longest with middle t head 'n' tail antan (5,1) longest with middle u head 'n' tail veuve (5,1) longest with middle v head 'n' tail ? longest with middle w head 'n' tail ? longest with middle x head 'n' tail texte (5,1) longest with middle y head 'n' tail y (1,1) longest with middle z head 'n' tail ? Subset of Word longest internal palindrome ressasse`rent ressassera ressasserai ressasseraient ressasserais ressasserait ressasseras ressasserez ressasseriez ressasserions . .. (9,12) longest internal tautonym cherche`rent chercherai chercheraient chercherais che rcherait chercheras chercherez chercheriez chercherions chercherons ... (8,40) longest repeated prefix cherche`rent chercherai chercheraient chercherais cherc ^S^Q^Sherait chercheras chercherez chercheriez chercherions chercherons ... (8,22) most consecutive doubled letters irre'elle irre'elles (3,2) most doubled letters commissionne'e commissionne'es (4,2) longest two cadence de'ce'le're`rent de'ge'ne're`rent divisibilite' re'ge'ne're `rent re'ge'ne'rerez (5,5) longest three cadence effervescence effervescente effervescentes (5,3) longest four cadence enclencheraient entrelaceraient entreme^leraient entrepose raient insatisfaisants manutentionnions satisfaisants satisfaisions satisfassio ns (4,9) longest five cadence individualiserai individualiseraient individualiserais ind ividualiserait (4,4) Letter Counts Lipograms longest letters from first half de'calcifie'e (11,1) longest letters from second half pourvoyons provoquons supportons (10,3) longest without ab constitutionnellement interprofessionnelles socioprofessionn elles (21,3) longest without abcd interprofessionnelles (21,1) longest without a to h soumissionnions (15,1) longest without a to k pourvoyons provoquons supportons surmontons (10,4) longest without a to n pourtours (9,1) longest without a to q trusts (6,1) longest without a to s tut (3,1) longest without e institutionnalisation (21,1) longest without et approfondissions approvisionnions individualisions (16,3) longest without eta circonscririons circonscrivions soumissionnions (15,3) longest without etai subordonnons (12,1) longest without etain corrompus froufrous glouglous surplombs (9,4) longest without etains corrompu courroux froufrou glouglou (8,4) Letter Choices Vowels longest all vowels oui"e (4,1) longest each vowel once assujettissons chiropracteurs contradicteurs croustilla ntes grandiloquents insupportables insurmontables obscurantistes raccourcissent reconstituants ... (14,16) longest each extended vowel once hydrographiques prophylactiques (15,2) ^Q^S^Qshortest each vowel once oiseau (6,1) shortest each extended vowel once noyautiez (9,1) shortest vowels in order ? shortest extended vowels in order ? longest vowels in order ? longest extended vowels in order ? shortest vowels in reverse order rudoiera tutoiera (8,2) shortest extended vowels in reverse order ? longest vowels in reverse order rudoieras tutoieras (9,2) longest extended vowels in reverse order ? longest one vowel prompts putschs scripts sprints stricts (7,5) longest two vowels frustrants patchworks sphincters stressants tranchants trans crits transferts transports tremblants (10,9) longest containing a univocalic abracadabrants (14,1) longest containing e univocalic encheve^trements (15,1) longest containing i univocalic distinctifs indistincts instinctifs (11,3) longest containing o univocalic confondrons confondront confrontons coordonnons corroborons corromprons corrompront morfondrons morfondront (11,9) longest containing u univocalic cumulus putschs summums surplus tumulus (7,5) longest containing y univocalic lynx thym (4,2) longest alternating extended vowel-consonant de'solidariseras de'solidariserez re'capitulatives (15,3) longest alternating vowel-consonant de'solidariseras de'solidariserez re'capitu latives (15,3) Consonants longest consonant string abstraction abstractions abstraie abstraient abstraies abstraira abstrairai abstrairaient abstrairais abstrairait ... (4,565) longest one consonant saisissais suissesses (10,2) longest two consonant assainissions dessaisissais ressaisissais (13,3) Isograms longest isogram surplombaient (13,1) longest pair isogram concerteront e'parpillerai entrai^nerait occasionnais rena i^traient tenaillaient trai^neraient (12,7) longest trio isogram resserre's resserres (9,2) longest tetrad isogram ? longest polygram concentrationnaire (18,1) ^S^Q^S^Qlongest pyramid desserre'es ente^te`rent ente^tement rassasiais re'gresse'es re dresse'es resserrera saisissait (10,8) most repeated letters concentrationnaire concentrationnaires contractualiserion s internationaliserions internationaliserons photographieraient re'approvisionn erais re'approvisionneras standardiseraient (8,9) highest containing a repeated abracadabrant abracadabrante abracadabrantes abra cadabrants (5,4) highest containing b repeated baobab baobabs bibliobus (3,3) highest containing c repeated concupiscence (4,1) highest containing d repeated de'bandade de'bandades dividende dividendes rhodo dendron rhododendrons superdividende superdividendes (3,8) highest containing e repeated de'ge'ne'rescence e've'nementielle e've'nementiel les (6,3) highest containing f repeated affectif affectifs affirmatif affirmatifs effecti f effectifs fieffe' fieffe'e fieffe'es fieffe's ... (3,14) highest containing g repeated gigogne gigognes grignotage (3,3) highest containing h repeated hachisch haschich haschisch (3,3) highest containing i repeated indivisibilite' (6,1) highest containing j repeated joujou joujoux (2,2) highest containing k repeated bookmaker bookmakers drakkar drakkars enkikiner k aki kakis kamikaze kamikazes kapok ... (2,26) highest containing l repeated intellectuelle intellectuellement intellectuelles libellule libellules (4,5) highest containing m repeated accommodement accommodements anticommunisme comma ndement commandements comme'mora comme'moraient comme'morais comme'morait comme 'morant ... (3,112) highest containing n repeated anticonstitutionnellement conventionnaient conven tionnant conventionne`rent conventionnement conventionnements conventionnent co nventionneraient conventionnerions conventionnerons ... (5,25) highest containing o repeated coordonnerions coordonnerons coordonneront coordo nnions coordonnons corroboration corroborerions corroborerons corroboreront cor roborions ... (4,40) highest containing p repeated appropria appropriaient appropriais appropriait a ppropriant appropriation approprie approprie' approprie'e approprie'es ... (3,7 0) highest containing q repeated aquatique aquatiques e'quivoque e'quivoquer e'qui voques enquiquiner qqn qqu'un qqun quelconque ... (2,32) highest containing r repeated arre'rager carbonitrurer contrecarre`rent contrec arrer contrecarrera contrecarrerai contrecarreraient contrecarrerais contrecarr erait contrecarreras ... (4,177) highest containing s repeated dessaisissais dessaisissements dessaisisses dessa isissions dessaisissons ressaisissais ressaisisses ressaisissions ressaisissons ^S^Q suissesses (6,10) highest containing t repeated anticonstitutionnellement trottinette trottinette s (5,3) highest containing u repeated tumultueuse tumultueuses tumultueux (4,3) highest containing v repeated aviva avivaient avivais avivait avivant avive avi ve' avive'e avive'es avive's ... (2,349) highest containing w repeated bowling bowlings bungalow bungalows clown clowner ie clowneries clowns crawl crawler ... (1,97) highest containing x repeated anxieux expe'rimentaux hexagonaux lexicaux luxueu x luxurieux maximaux paradoxaux (2,8) highest containing y repeated hydrolyse hydrolyser hydrolyses hypophyse polypty que polyptyques polysyllabique polysyllabiques psychanalysant psychanalyse ... (2,28) highest containing z repeated zigzaguerez zigzagueriez zigzaguez zigzaguiez (3, 4) most different letters dactylographiques (16,1) highest ratio length/letters resserre'es saisissais (333,2) highest ratio length/letters (no tautonyms) resserre'es saisissais (333,2) lowest length 16 ratio length/letters dactylographique (106,1) lowest length 17 ratio length/letters dactylographiques (106,1) lowest length 18 ratio length/letters cine'matographiques dactylographierons (1 20,2) lowest length 19 ratio length/letters dactylographierions ste'nodactylographie (126,2) lowest length 20 ratio length/letters dactylographieraient (142,1) lowest length 21 ratio length/letters anticonstitutionnelle constitutionnelleme nt institutionnalise`rent institutionnaliserait institutionnaliseront interprof essionnelles re'approvisionneraient socioprofessionnelles (210,8) lowest length 22 ratio length/letters e'lectroence'phalogramme (183,1) lowest length 23 ratio length/letters e'lectroence'phalogrammes (176,1) lowest length 24 ratio length/letters ? lowest length 25 ratio length/letters anticonstitutionnellement (227,1) Letter Appearance longest short letters concurrencerons (15,1) longest tall letters digit hippy (5,2) longest vertical-symmetry letters vouvoyait (9,1) longest horizontal-symmetry letters de'coche'e (8,1) longest full-symmetry letters oh (2,1) highest ratio of dotted letters infini inimitie' initia initiais initiait initi e initie' initiiez jailli simili (50,10) Typewriter longest top row re'pertorie'e re'pertorier (11,2) longest middle row alfas dadas dalla flash galas halls lassa sagas shahs (5,9) longest bottom row cc cm mm (2,3) longest in order e'tuis qqu'un (5,2) longest in reverse order chapitre cloi^tre'e (8,2) longest left hand extraterrestres (15,1) longest right hand moinillon (9,1) longest alternating hands authentifiaient authentiquement (15,2) longest one finger de'ce'de'e (7,1) longest adjacent keys desserre'es redresse'es ressasse'es resserre'es (10,4) Puzzle longest palindrome in Morse code refiler tintait (7,2) longest formed with chemical symbols internationaliserions (21,1) longest formed with US postal codes calamine cocorico concilia concorde concord e' de'coinc/a lavandin mandarin me'morial moutarde (8,10) longest formed with amino acid abbreviations argile hisser promet serval valser ^S^Q^S^Q (6,5) longest formed with piano notes de'ce'de'e de'gage'e de'gagea efface'e (7,4) Letter Order Alphabetical longest letters in order bijoux dehors (6,2) longest letters in order with repeats accent afflux bijoux billot dehors effort (6,6) longest letters in reverse order rongea songea spolia spolie spolie' (6,5) longest letters in reverse order with repeats spolie'e (7,1) longest roller-coaster de'budge'tiserions remilitarisation syste'matisations sy ste'matiserions (16,4) longest no letters in place constitutionnellement interprofessionnelles (21,2) most letters in place abasourdiraient acade'micien acade'micienne acade'micienn es acade'miciens accre'diteraient accre'ditiez accre'ditif accre'ditifs accre'd itions ... (4,40) most letters in place shifted anticolonialiste anticolonialistes be'ne'ficierio ns congratulerez coope'rative coope'ratives de'christianise'es de'christianiser de'finiraient de'finissions ... (5,27) most consecutive letters in order consecutively abce'der abce`s anophe`le anoph e`les astuce astuces astucieuse astucieusement astucieuses astucieux ... (3,975 ) most consecutive letters in order abracadabrante abracadabrantes compliquerais compliqueras compliquerions compliquerons me'canographique me'canographiques mi santhropique misanthropiques (5,10) most consecutive letters anthropome'triques cine'matographiques empaquetterions empaquetterons misanthropique misanthropiques sporadiquement (9,7) highest ratio of consecutive letters to length quarts survit vertus (83,3) ==> language/german/german.palindromes.p <== List some German palindromes. ==> language/german/german.palindromes.s <== Ein Neger mit Gazelle zagt im Regen nie. ==> language/german/german.record.p <== What are some German words with unusual properties? ==> language/german/german.record.s <== ^S Spelling Letter Patterns Entire Word longest word Arbeitslosenversicherungsbeitra"ge Bundesausbildungsfo"rderungsges etz Krankenhaustagegeldversicherungen Wirtschaftspru"fungsgesellschaften (33,4) longest palindrome Rentner (7,1) longest beginning with a palindrome A"ra (3,1) longest beginning with b palindrome Bub (3,1) longest beginning with c palindrome ? longest beginning with d palindrome ? longest beginning with e palindrome Egge esse (4,2) longest beginning with f palindrome ? longest beginning with g palindrome ? longest beginning with h palindrome ? longest beginning with i palindrome ibi (3,1) longest beginning with j palindrome ? longest beginning with k palindrome ? longest beginning with l palindrome ? longest beginning with m palindrome minim (5,1) longest beginning with n palindrome nennen netten (6,2) longest beginning with o palindrome Otto (4,1) longest beginning with p palindrome ? longest beginning with q palindrome ? longest beginning with r palindrome Rentner (7,1) longest beginning with s palindrome Staats (6,1) longest beginning with t palindrome Tat tot (3,2) longest beginning with u palindrome Uhu (3,1) longest beginning with v palindrome ? longest beginning with w palindrome ? longest beginning with x palindrome ? longest beginning with y palindrome ? longest beginning with z palindrome ? longest with middle a palindrome Staats (6,1) longest with middle b palindrome Neben neben (5,2) longest with middle c palindrome ? longest with middle d palindrome ? longest with middle e palindrome Stets stets (5,2) longest with middle f palindrome ? longest with middle g palindrome Reger (5,1) longest with middle h palindrome Ehe Uhu ehe oho (3,4) longest with middle i palindrome ? longest with middle j palindrome ? longest with middle k palindrome ? longest with middle l palindrome ? longest with middle m palindrome ? longest with middle n palindrome Renner nennen (6,2) longest with middle o palindrome tot (3,1) longest with middle p palindrome ? longest with middle q palindrome ? longest with middle r palindrome A"ra (3,1) longest with middle s palindrome esse (4,1) longest with middle t palindrome Rentner (7,1) longest with middle u palindrome Neuen neuen (5,2) longest with middle v palindrome ? longest with middle w palindrome ? longest with middle x palindrome Sexes (5,1) longest with middle y palindrome ? longest with middle z palindrome ? ^Q^S^Qlongest tautonym Zinseszinses (12,1) longest beginning with a tautonym ? longest beginning with b tautonym Barbar Bonbon blabla (6,3) longest beginning with c tautonym ? longest beginning with d tautonym ? longest beginning with e tautonym ? longest beginning with f tautonym ? longest beginning with g tautonym ? longest beginning with h tautonym ? longest beginning with i tautonym ? longest beginning with j tautonym ? longest beginning with k tautonym ? longest beginning with l tautonym ? longest beginning with m tautonym Mama Momo (4,2) longest beginning with n tautonym nennen (6,1) longest beginning with o tautonym ? longest beginning with p tautonym Purpur (6,1) longest beginning with q tautonym ? longest beginning with r tautonym ? longest beginning with s tautonym ? longest beginning with t tautonym Tamtam (6,1) longest beginning with u tautonym ? longest beginning with v tautonym ? longest beginning with w tautonym Wowo (4,1) longest beginning with x tautonym ? longest beginning with y tautonym ? longest beginning with z tautonym Zinseszinses (12,1) longest head 'n' tail Helfershelfer (13,1) longest with middle a head 'n' tail Tat rar sas" (3,3) longest with middle b head 'n' tail Ausbaus (7,1) longest with middle c head 'n' tail ? longest with middle d head 'n' tail enden (5,1) longest with middle e head 'n' tail testetest (9,1) longest with middle f head 'n' tail ? longest with middle g head 'n' tail abgab engen (5,2) longest with middle h head 'n' tail Lehle (5,1) longest with middle i head 'n' tail Karteikarte (11,1) longest with middle j head 'n' tail ? longest with middle k head 'n' tail Aufkauf (7,1) longest with middle l head 'n' tail Auflauf (7,1) longest with middle m head 'n' tail ? longest with middle n head 'n' tail nenne (5,1) longest with middle o head 'n' tail sto"s"t (5,1) longest with middle p head 'n' tail Pippi (5,1) longest with middle q head 'n' tail ? longest with middle r head 'n' tail A"ra (3,1) longest with middle s head 'n' tail Helfershelfer (13,1) longest with middle t head 'n' tail ? longest with middle u head 'n' tail genu"gen (7,1) longest with middle v head 'n' tail ? longest with middle w head 'n' tail ? longest with middle x head 'n' tail Texte texte (5,2) longest with middle y head 'n' tail ? longest with middle z head 'n' tail ? Subset of Word longest internal palindrome Achselho"hlen Afrikareferat Arbeitstier Assoziativi ta"t Badegelegenheit Begegnungen Betoniereinrichtung Bierpreiserho"hung Bu"hnen humorist Darlehensnehmer ... (7,134) longest internal tautonym Frischfischfa"nger Menschenschicksale Menschenschla"g e Menschenschlag Menschenschlages Menschenschlangen menschenscheu menschenscheu em menschenscheuen menschenscheuer ... (10,17) longest repeated prefix Viervierteltakt wortwo"rtlich (8,2) most consecutive doubled letters Allee Alleebaum Alleen Alliierten Angriffsseit e Angriffsspiel Auslo"seeffekt Aussaat Barentssee Beifallsstu"rme ... (2,127) most doubled letters Kommunikationsschnittstelle Mes"stellennummer Schnittstell ennummer Spannungsschnittstelle (4,4) longest two cadence Panamakanal Panamakanalzone (5,2) longest three cadence Ferienreisenden Ferienreisendenrn Getreidepreisen Vermess enheiten elfenbeinerne herbestellende herbestellendem herbestellender herbestel lendes hineindenkenden ... (5,26) longest four cadence Aufnahmeantra"gen Beistellnetzteil Betriebsmeister Diskuss ionsvorschlag Europarekordlerin Feingliedrigkeit Haushaltsausgaben Investmentbe rater Investmentberatern Investmentvehikel ... (4,39) longest five cadence A"nderungswu"nschen Beilagena"nderungen Benutzerinterface Diplomingenieurtitel Geburtenregelungen Gedankenleserinnen Gesetzesa"nderungen Kreditwesengesetze Neigungssensoren Textsteuerbefehle ... (4,11) ^S^Q^S Letter Counts Lipograms longest letters from first half klammheimliche (14,1) longest letters from second half Prototyps Stos"trupp (9,2) longest without ab Feuchtigkeitsunempfindlichkeit (30,1) longest without abcd Illustrierungskomponenten Insektenvertilgungsmittel Untern ehmersteuervorteile (25,3) longest without a to h Kompositionsprinzip (19,1) longest without a to k Motorsports (11,1) longest without a to n Prototyps Stos"trupp (9,2) longest without a to q stu"rzt stu"tzt stutzt surrst wu"rzst (6,5) longest without a to s Tutu (4,1) longest without e Fus"ballnationalmannschaft Konfigurationsinformation (25,2) longest without et Diskussionsvorschlag (20,1) longest without eta Bildungskommission Zwillingsforschung (18,2) longest without etai Fu"hrungszuordnung (17,1) longest without etain Bohrvorschubs (13,1) longest without etains Chlorophyll (11,1) Letter Choices Vowels longest all vowels ? longest each vowel once Schlichtungsvorschla"gen Schlichtungsvorschlages (23,2) longest each extended vowel once Hydraulikkolbens (16,1) shortest each vowel once Autopsie (8,1) shortest each extended vowel once Olympiafu"nfte (13,1) shortest vowels in order Arbeitsordnung (14,1) shortest extended vowels in order ? longest vowels in order Arbeitsordnung (14,1) longest extended vowels in order ? shortest vowels in reverse order ? shortest extended vowels in reverse order ? longest vowels in reverse order ? longest extended vowels in reverse order ? longest one vowel schluchzst schnarchst schrumpfst (10,3) longest two vowels Schlachtschiff (14,1) longest containing a univocalic Landtagswahlkampf (17,1) longest containing e univocalic Geschlechtsverkehrs erstrebenswertesten erstreb enswertester erstrebenswertestes schreckenerregendem schreckenerregenden schrec kenerregendes zweckentfremdeteren zweckentfremdeterer zweckentfremdeteres ... ( ^Q^S^Q19,16) longest containing i univocalic pflichtwidrig spiritistisch zinspflichtig (13,3 ) longest containing o univocalic Mordkomplott Vollkornbrot (12,2) longest containing u univocalic Buchdruckkunst Flugstu"tzpunkt Luftstu"tzpunkt (14,3) longest containing y univocalic Lynch (5,1) longest alternating extended vowel-consonant Analysegera"te Pilotenexamen Relat ivita"ten Solitarita"ten Totalisatoren dazugeho"rigen dazugeho"riger dazugeho"r iges hexadezimalem hexadezimalen ... (13,20) longest alternating vowel-consonant Pilotenexamen Relativita"ten Solitarita"ten Totalisatoren dazugeho"rigen dazugeho"riger dazugeho"riges hexadezimalem hexad ezimalen karikativerem ... (13,19) Consonants longest consonant string Angstschweis" Angstschweis"es Angstschwelle Gerichtssc hreiber Gerichtsschreibern Geschichtsschreiber Geschichtsschreibers Geschichtss chreibung Glu"ckwunschschreiben (8,9) longest one consonant Unionen rarerer tutetet (7,3) longest two consonant eingegangenen (13,1) Isograms longest isogram Bildungsprojekt Machtverfilzung (15,2) longest pair isogram Parita"tspreise (14,1) longest trio isogram ? longest tetrad isogram ? longest polygram proportionierteren (18,1) longest pyramid beendenden besessenen ero"rterter erretteten errettetes gegesse nes geretteter gesessenen (10,8) most repeated letters Wirtschaftspru"fungsgesellschaften (12,1) highest containing a repeated A"quatorialafrika Antiquariatskatalog Antiquariat skataloge Apparateglasbla"ser Bausparkassenkatastrophe Fra"sparametervariation Fus"ballnationalmannschaft Generalstaatsanwalt Haushaltungsapparate Panamakanal ... (5,16) highest containing b repeated Betriebsbeschreibung Bibelbearbeitungen (4,2) highest containing c repeated Hochdruckschlauch Schnickschnacklose Schreckensna chrichten gleichgeschlechtlicher (4,4) highest containing d repeated Mindestdividende (4,1) ^S^Q^S^Q^Shighest containing e repeated Gewerbesteuerbescheid Herzensangelegenheiten Unte rnehmersteuervorteile aufsehenerregendere aufsehenerregenderem aufsehenerregend eren aufsehenerregenderes bemerkenswerterweise ekelerregenderem ekelerregendere n ... (7,25) highest containing f repeated Angriffswaffen Briefaufschrifft Elfmeterpfiff Fra chtschiffsflotte Kaffeelo"ffel Kaffeelo"ffeln Koffergriff Luftwaffenchef Offens ivangriff Schiffsfrachtbrief ... (4,12) highest containing g repeated entgegengegangene entgegengegangenen entgegengega ngener (5,3) highest containing h repeated Ho"chstwahrscheinlich ho"chstwahrscheinlich (5,2) highest containing i repeated Initialisierungsbit ptimistischeroptimistic (6,2) highest containing j repeated Jesaja Jubila"umsjahr Jungja"ger (2,3) highest containing k repeated Wolkenkuckucksla"nder Wolkenkuckucksland Wolkenku ckuckslands (4,3) highest containing l repeated Halbintellektueller Parallelfall Ultraschallwelle n Vollwellengleichrichtung (5,4) highest containing m repeated zusammenbekommenem zusammengekommenem zusammengen ommenem (5,3) highest containing n repeated Entspannungstendenzen (7,1) highest containing o repeated Koalitionsprotokoll Monopolorganisation (5,2) highest containing p repeated Papierpuppen (5,1) highest containing q repeated Liquidita"tsquellen (2,1) highest containing r repeated Frequenzprogrammierbarer (6,1) highest containing s repeated Bundestagsausschusses Mes"werterfassungssystems S chlichtungsausschusses Wissenschaftsausschus" (7,4) highest containing t repeated Bestattungsinstitut Bestattungsinstitute Bestattu ngsinstituten Frontplattentastatur Schnittstellenattribute (6,5) highest containing u repeated Grundstu"cksausnutzung Lusuxausfu"hrung U"berbru" ckungsru"ckzahlung Untersuchungsausschus" (5,4) highest containing v repeated Alternativvorschlag Altkonservativer Bundesvermo" gensverwaltung Devalvation Devalvierung Devisenvergehen Direktversicherungsvert ^Q^S^Q^Sra"ge Dividendenverzicht Effektivverzinsung Exklusivvertrag ... (2,338) highest containing w repeated Baumwollweis"waren (3,1) highest containing x repeated Artaxerxes Exportpraxis Pixelmatrix (2,3) highest containing y repeated Hydrauliksystemen Hydraulikzylinder Hydraulikzyli ndern Hydraulikzylinders Lymphozyten Mylady Polystyrol Psychoanalyse Psychoanal ytiker Psychoanalytikern ... (2,24) highest containing z repeated Einzelhandelsumsatzzahlen Einzelzimmerzuschlag Ja zzszene Lizenzzahlungen hinzuzuziehen zuru"ckzuzahlen zuru"ckzuziehen (3,7) most different letters Zylinderkopfschraube (18,1) highest ratio length/letters entgegengegangenen entgegengetretenen (360,2) highest ratio length/letters (no tautonyms) entgegengegangenen entgegengetreten en (360,2) lowest length 16 ratio length/letters Abschottzylinder Computerhandling Dschung elka"mpfer Maiglo"ckchenduft Mikroschaltungen Schwarzgeldkonto Vierpolschaltung Vorschubzylinder Zwischenprodukte aufdringlichstem ... (106,12) lowest length 17 ratio length/letters Bandstahlwerkzeug Denkmalschutzjahr Dschu ngelka"mpfern Entwicklungsfirma Gewerkschaftsbund Grundsa"tzlichkeit Kaufverpfl ichtung Mietwohnungsblock Parkverbotsschild Pflichtversa"umnis ... (113,23) lowest length 18 ratio length/letters Bevo"lkerungsdichte Druckkopfbelastung Fl u"chtlingsproblem Publikumsnachfrage Vo"lkergemeinschaft vormundschaftliche zwa ngsverpflichtet (112,7) lowest length 19 ratio length/letters Bevo"lkerungszuwachs Bundessozialgericht Bundestagswahlkampf Datenblocksicherung Flu"chtlingsproblems Softwarebezeichnun g vormundschaftlichen vormundschaftlicher vormundschaftliches (118,9) lowest length 20 ratio length/letters Zylinderkopfschraube (111,1) lowest length 21 ratio length/letters Bevo"lkerungswachstums (123,1) lowest length 22 ratio length/letters Profilschneidautomatik Stempeldruckabha"n giges (129,2) lowest length 23 ratio length/letters Bekleidungsvorschriften Gemeinschaftsprod uktion (135,2) lowest length 24 ratio length/letters Verwendungsmo"glichkeiten Wirtschaftspubl ikationen (141,2) lowest length 25 ratio length/letters Gemeinschaftsproduktionen Handlungsbevoll ma"chtigter U"berwachungsmo"glichkeiten Vera"nderungsmo"glichkeiten (147,4) Letter Appearance longest short letters Wasserressourcen (16,1) longest tall letters billigt (7,1) longest vertical-symmetry letters Atomium Automat (7,2) longest horizontal-symmetry letters bedecke (7,1) longest full-symmetry letters hoi oho (3,2) highest ratio of dotted letters Bikini (50,1) Typewriter longest top row erweiterter erzitterter erzittertet irritierter irritiertet qui ttierter repetierter repetiertet rezitiertet zerru"tteter (11,10) longest middle row Allahs (6,1) longest bottom row ? longest in order Wertzoll (8,1) longest in reverse order Blatte Kapuze kaputt (6,3) longest left hand Staatsvertrages Vertragsstaates wetterfestester (15,3) longest right hand Poliklinik (10,1) longest alternating hands vorzeichenrichtig (17,1) longest one finger Mu"nz Mumm (4,2) longest adjacent keys Fresser wassert (7,2) Puzzle longest palindrome in Morse code Retter (6,1) longest formed with chemical symbols Knotenrechnerapplikation Kontingentbeschra "nkungen Pressevero"ffentlichungen (24,3) longest formed with US postal codes Maschine Matthias (8,2) longest formed with amino acid abbreviations Pro arg pro (3,3) longest formed with piano notes Abgabe Bagdad (6,2) Letter Order Alphabetical longest letters in order Chintz Chlors Delors ablo"st dehnst filmst (6,6) longest letters in order with repeats Beginnt beehrst beeilst beginnt beirrst ( 7,5) longest letters in reverse order wolkige (7,1) longest letters in reverse order with repeats sonnige trommle vo"llige wolkige wollige wonnige (7,6) longest roller-coaster paramilita"rischen verfu"hrerischeren verfu"hrerischerer ^Q^S verfu"hrerischeres zivilisatorischem zivilisatorischen zivilisatorischer (17,7 ) longest no letters in place Geschwindigkeitsu"berschreitungen Selbstverwirklich ungsmo"glichkeit (32,2) most letters in place Geldentwicklung Goldentwicklung (6,2) most letters in place shifted Entwicklungskosten Entwicklungskostenbeteiligung Entwicklungssystem Entwicklungssysteme Softwareentwicklungssystem (7,5) most consecutive letters in order consecutively Anwendungsunterstu"tzung Applik ationsunterstu"tzung Arbeitslosenunterstu"tzung Arbeitslosenunterstu"tzungen Ar chitekturstudenten Bierstuben Bildersturm Bravourstu"ck Bravourstu"ckchen Bu"ch erstube ... (4,170) most consecutive letters in order Abschirmdienst Abschlus"widerstand Abschottzy linder Alarmknopf Berufsgeheimnis Blumentopf Bundesverfassungsgericht Christusv isionen Datenerfassungsrechners Elefantengeda"chtnis ... (5,41) most consecutive letters Fallschirmja"gerbrigade (10,1) highest ratio of consecutive letters to length fa"hige (83,1) ==> language/italian/italian.record.p <== What are some Italian words with unusual properties? ==> language/italian/italian.record.s <== Spelling Letter Patterns Entire Word longest word contemporaneamente contraddistinguere insufficientemente reinizial izzazione (18,4) longest palindrome onorarono (9,1) longest beginning with a palindrome avallava (8,1) longest beginning with b palindrome ? longest beginning with c palindrome ? longest beginning with d palindrome ? longest beginning with e palindrome esse (4,1) longest beginning with f palindrome ? longest beginning with g palindrome ? longest beginning with h palindrome ? longest beginning with i palindrome inni (4,1) longest beginning with j palindrome ? longest beginning with k palindrome ? longest beginning with l palindrome ? longest beginning with m palindrome ? longest beginning with n palindrome non (3,1) longest beginning with o palindrome onorarono (9,1) longest beginning with p palindrome ? longest beginning with q palindrome ? longest beginning with r palindrome ? longest beginning with s palindrome ? longest beginning with t palindrome ? longest beginning with u palindrome ? ^Q^S^Qlongest beginning with v palindrome ? longest beginning with w palindrome ? longest beginning with x palindrome ? longest beginning with y palindrome ? longest beginning with z palindrome ? longest with middle a palindrome onorarono (9,1) longest with middle b palindrome ? longest with middle c palindrome ? longest with middle d palindrome ? longest with middle e palindrome arera aveva (5,2) longest with middle f palindrome afa (3,1) longest with middle g palindrome ? longest with middle h palindrome ? longest with middle i palindrome i (1,1) longest with middle j palindrome ? longest with middle k palindrome ? longest with middle l palindrome avallava (8,1) longest with middle m palindrome ama (3,1) longest with middle n palindrome inni (4,1) longest with middle o palindrome non (3,1) longest with middle p palindrome ? longest with middle q palindrome ? longest with middle r palindrome aerea (5,1) longest with middle s palindrome esse osso (4,2) longest with middle t palindrome otto (4,1) longest with middle u palindrome ? longest with middle v palindrome ivi (3,1) longest with middle w palindrome ? longest with middle x palindrome ? longest with middle y palindrome ? longest with middle z palindrome ? longest tautonym restereste (10,1) longest beginning with a tautonym ? longest beginning with b tautonym ? longest beginning with c tautonym ? longest beginning with d tautonym ? longest beginning with e tautonym ? longest beginning with f tautonym ? longest beginning with g tautonym ? longest beginning with h tautonym ? longest beginning with i tautonym ? longest beginning with j tautonym ? longest beginning with k tautonym ? longest beginning with l tautonym ? longest beginning with m tautonym ? longest beginning with n tautonym nana (4,1) longest beginning with o tautonym ? longest beginning with p tautonym ? longest beginning with q tautonym ? longest beginning with r tautonym restereste (10,1) longest beginning with s tautonym ? longest beginning with t tautonym ? longest beginning with u tautonym ? longest beginning with v tautonym vivi (4,1) longest beginning with w tautonym ? longest beginning with x tautonym ? longest beginning with y tautonym ? longest beginning with z tautonym ? longest head 'n' tail conoscono (9,1) longest with middle a head 'n' tail leale (5,1) longest with middle b head 'n' tail ? longest with middle c head 'n' tail ? longest with middle d head 'n' tail iodio (5,1) longest with middle e head 'n' tail diedi (5,1) longest with middle f head 'n' tail afa (3,1) longest with middle g head 'n' tail ? longest with middle h head 'n' tail ? longest with middle i head 'n' tail i (1,1) longest with middle j head 'n' tail ? longest with middle k head 'n' tail ? longest with middle l head 'n' tail melme palpa salsa tolto (5,4) longest with middle m head 'n' tail bimbi mamma pompo pompo` (5,4) longest with middle n head 'n' tail nonno tanta tinti tonto (5,4) longest with middle o head 'n' tail non (3,1) longest with middle p head 'n' tail pappa (5,1) longest with middle q head 'n' tail ? longest with middle r head 'n' tail barba gorgo sorso torto (5,4) longest with middle s head 'n' tail conoscono (9,1) longest with middle t head 'n' tail tette (5,1) longest with middle u head 'n' tail ? longest with middle v head 'n' tail ivi (3,1) longest with middle w head 'n' tail ? longest with middle x head 'n' tail ? longest with middle y head 'n' tail ? longest with middle z head 'n' tail ? Subset of Word longest internal palindrome altererete ammacammo ammalammo cessassero fissassim o ignorarono interpreta interpretare interpretassi interpretata ... (7,28) longest internal tautonym assassina assassinai assassini assassino battettero c hiamiamolo contentera contentero gargarismi gargarismo ... (6,86) longest repeated prefix assassina assassinai assassini assassino gargarismi gar garismo mormorii mormorio tartaruga tartarughe ... (6,52) most consecutive doubled letters abbellii addii avvii inghiottii lineetta linee tte muggii rifuggii rullii sbigottii ... (2,14) most doubled letters abbassammo abbassasse abbassassi abbattemmo abbattesse abb attessi abbattette abbattetti abbellii abbellimmo ... (3,86) longest two cadence eleverete genererete inimicizia inimicizie recederete vener erete (5,6) longest three cadence abbastanza consentendone decrescente eccellente espedient e esperienze immissioni incipriati incipriavi inconveniente ... (4,19) longest four cadence abbraccia abbracciai acclamata acclamava acclamera` acclam erai affiatata affiatava affiatera affiaterai ... (3,211) longest five cadence identifichi inerentemente inserimenti permanentemente posi zionandosi visualizzabili visualizzati visualizzazione (3,8) Letter Counts Lipograms longest letters from first half illeggibili (11,1) longest letters from second half sottoposto (10,1) longest without ab insufficientemente (18,1) longest without abcd sottoespressione sottoespressioni (16,2) longest without a to h intromissioni (13,1) longest without a to k prorompono proromputo sottoposto sottosuolo (10,4) longest without a to n sottoposto (10,1) longest without a to q su tu (2,2) longest without a to s tu (2,1) longest without e incontrollabili (15,1) longest without et configurazioni posizionandosi visualizzabili (14,3) longest without eta corrispondono riconoscibili (13,2) longest without etai compongono concludono concorrono corrompono prorompono scr upoloso soccombono suppongono (10,8) longest without etain scrupoloso (10,1) longest without etains cocuzzolo (9,1) Letter Choices Vowels longest all vowels ai io (2,2) longest each vowel once aggiungendo computative concettuali documentati progett uali (11,5) longest each extended vowel once ? shortest each vowel once aiuole (6,1) shortest each extended vowel once ? shortest vowels in order ? shortest extended vowels in order ? longest vowels in order ? longest extended vowels in order ? shortest vowels in reverse order ? shortest extended vowels in reverse order ? longest vowels in reverse order ? longest extended vowels in reverse order ? longest one vowel gran nord (4,2) longest two vowels sblocchi scndendo sgranchi` spranghe spranghi standard strin ghe stronchi (8,8) longest containing a univocalic abbastanza affrancata affrancava aggrappata agg rappava amalgamata amalgamava fracassata fracassava raccattata ... (10,26) longest containing e univocalic precedentemente (15,1) longest containing i univocalic intimiditi intimidivi invisibili irrigiditi rip ristini significhi stillicidi (10,7) longest containing o univocalic compongono concorrono corrompono prorompono pro tocollo soccombono sottoposto (10,7) longest containing u univocalic blu gru pur sud sul (3,5) longest containing y univocalic ? longest alternating extended vowel-consonant denominatore disabilitare manipola tori recuperabile ridefinibile ridefinibili (12,6) longest alternating vowel-consonant denominatore disabilitare manipolatori recu ^S^Qperabile ridefinibile ridefinibili (12,6) Consonants longest consonant string scndendo substrati substrato (4,3) longest one consonant acciacco aggiogai aiutiate annoiano attuiate tatuiate (8, 6) longest two consonant abbassasse abbassassi abbattette abbattetti abbattiate ac cettiate acciaieria acciaierie accorcerai accorcerei ... (10,173) Isograms longest isogram acquistero` adulterino asciughero calpestino censuriamo combina ste compariste comperasti compilaste completavi ... (10,166) longest pair isogram abbattesse abboccammo abbondando abbozzammo accennasse acc ettasse addobbammo addossammo afferrasse affettasse ... (10,39) longest trio isogram ? longest tetrad isogram ? longest polygram abbattesse abbattette abboccammo abbondando abbozzammo accenna sse accettasse addobbammo addossammo afferrasse ... (10,53) longest pyramid abbassasse abbassassi ammassammo ammassasse ammassassi ammazzam mo assassinai istituissi istituisti obererebbe ... (10,21) most repeated letters caratteristiche commercializzato contemporaneamente contr addistinguere dicotomicamente duecentocinquanta interfacciamento rappresentativ i riorganizzazione (6,9) highest containing a repeated amalgamata amalgamava (5,2) highest containing b repeated abolirebbe abuserebbe babbi babbo babbuini babbui no bacerebbe baderebbe bagnerebbe ballerebbe ... (3,36) highest containing c repeated acciacchi acciacco (4,2) highest containing d repeated addendi addensando addentando additando addobband o addossando condividendo dedicando degradando denudando ... (3,21) highest containing e repeated precedentemente (6,1) highest containing f repeated affabile affabili affabilita affaccera affaccerai affaccerei affaccero affacci affaccia affacciai ... (2,1260) highest containing g repeated aggeggi gorgheggi gorgheggia gorgheggio (4,4) highest containing h repeated chiaccherare chimiche chioschi chirurghi piluchhe ro` rachitiche schiocchi (2,7) highest containing i repeated distinguibili inimicizia inimicizie inizializzati inizializzazione insiemistici intimidii intimiditi intimidivi invisibili ... ( 5,15) highest containing j repeated gjiaccerei (1,1) highest containing k repeated monokini (1,1) highest containing l repeated allocarlo allodola allodole ballabile ballabili c ancellarlo cellula cellule collezionarli colonnelli ... (3,39) highest containing m repeated ammacammo ammalammo ammaliammo ammassammo ammazza mmo ammirammo ammontammo camminammo commutammo immigrammo ... (4,12) ^S^Q^Shighest containing n repeated annientano annientino annunziano annunzino condan nano condannino consentendone danneranno inconveniente indipendentemente ... (4 ,17) highest containing o repeated coinvolgono compongono concorrono conoscono coron arono corrispondono corrompono doloroso logorarono monopolio ... (4,39) highest containing p repeated apppare appropri appropria appropriai appropriato approprino approprio pappa pappagalli pappagallo ... (3,20) highest containing q repeated qualunque soqquadro (2,2) highest containing r repeated percorrere precorrere ricorrere rincorrere (4,4) highest containing s repeated assestasse assestassi salassasse salassassi scass asse scassassi sgrassasse sgrassassi squassasse squassassi ... (5,12) highest containing t repeated abbattette abbattetti altrettante attentaste atte ntasti attentata attentate attentati attentato attentiate ... (4,67) highest containing u repeated qualunque tumultuera` tumultuero` usufruendo usuf ruiate usufruimmo usufruira usufruirai usufruire usufruirei ... (3,26) highest containing v repeated ravvivava ravvivavi ravvivavo (4,3) highest containing w repeated software (1,1) highest containing x repeated uxorcidi uxorcidio xenofobia xilofono (1,4) highest containing y repeated ? highest containing z repeated inizializzazione reinizializzazione (4,2) most different letters contraddistinguere (12,1) highest ratio length/letters allattata attaccata errerebbe tintinnii (300,4) highest ratio length/letters (no tautonyms) allattata attaccata errerebbe tinti nnii (300,4) lowest length 16 ratio length/letters contrapposizione schematizzazione tradizi onalmente (145,3) lowest length 17 ratio length/letters multidimensionali proporzionalmente (154, 2) lowest length 18 ratio length/letters contraddistinguere (150,1) lowest length 19 ratio length/letters ? lowest length 20 ratio length/letters ? lowest length 21 ratio length/letters ? lowest length 22 ratio length/letters ? ^Q^S^Q^Slowest length 23 ratio length/letters ? lowest length 24 ratio length/letters ? lowest length 25 ratio length/letters ? Letter Appearance longest short letters accasarono accasavamo accasavano accaseremo accecarono ac cecavamo accecavano accennammo accennasse accusarono ... (10,226) longest tall letters diffidi litighi (7,2) longest vertical-symmetry letters avvitavamo (10,1) longest horizontal-symmetry letters chiocce ciocche dediche dedichi eccedei obb edii (7,6) longest full-symmetry letters ho io (2,2) highest ratio of dotted letters iniziai rifinii (57,2) Typewriter longest top row irrequiete irrequieti irrequieto irriterete otturerete perequer ei pitturerei proiettero` proiettore proiettori ... (10,18) longest middle row salassa (7,1) longest bottom row ? longest in order toppa (5,1) longest in reverse order capire lauree sapore vapore (6,4) longest left hand abbassasse abbassaste abbattesse abbatteste abbattette abbeve rare abbeverata abbeverate abbeverava abbeverera` ... (10,199) longest right hand illuminino (10,1) longest alternating hands riformando rifornendo ritornando (10,3) longest one finger eccede (6,1) longest adjacent keys eresse essere fredde popolo popolo` sedere (6,6) Puzzle longest palindrome in Morse code infilai (7,1) longest formed with chemical symbols rappresentativi (15,1) longest formed with US postal codes allagavamo allattiamo arrivavamo caricavamo comandiamo cominciamo cominciava cominciavi conciavamo conciliamo ... (10,32) longest formed with amino acid abbreviations pro val (3,2) longest formed with piano notes accadda accadde (7,2) Letter Order Alphabetical longest letters in order chino degno (5,2) longest letters in order with repeats accenno (7,1) longest letters in reverse order solida sponda tromba tronca (6,4) longest letters in reverse order with repeats solida spicca sponda trecca tromb a tronca (6,6) longest roller-coaster compilatore compilatori preliminare preliminari (11,4) ^Q^S^Qlongest no letters in place reinizializzazione (18,1) most letters in place abbreviai acciacchi accrediti dannegghi predefinite prede finito rendergli (4,7) most letters in place shifted definibili ghiaccino operativo ridefinibile ridef inibili (5,5) most consecutive letters in order consecutively abroghiamo abroghiate abroghino affoghiamo affoghiate affoghino agghiacci agghiaccia agghiaccio aggioghino ... (3,622) most consecutive letters in order restaurava restauravi restauravo restituiva r estituivi restituivo (5,6) most consecutive letters perquisito (7,1) highest ratio of consecutive letters to length fughe fughi stura sturi sturo st uro` (80,6) ==> language/multi.palindromes.p <== List some multi-lingual palindromes. ==> language/multi.palindromes.s <== Hebrew: aba or abba, English: dad German: tat, English: deed ==> language/norwegian/norwegian.record.p <== What are some Norwegian words with unusual properties? ==> language/norwegian/norwegian.record.s <== Spelling Letter Patterns Entire Word longest word arbeidstakerorganisasjonene korrekturlesingsprogrammene statstjene stemannskartellet undervisningsorganisasjoner (27,4) longest palindrome stillits (8,1) longest beginning with a palindrome amma anna (4,2) longest beginning with b palindrome ? longest beginning with c palindrome ? longest beginning with d palindrome da@d do"d dyd (3,3) longest beginning with e palindrome ergre (5,1) longest beginning with f palindrome ? longest beginning with g palindrome gniding (7,1) longest beginning with h palindrome ? longest beginning with i palindrome i (1,1) longest beginning with j palindrome ? longest beginning with k palindrome kik kok (3,2) longest beginning with l palindrome ? longest beginning with m palindrome madam (5,1) longest beginning with n palindrome nebben (6,1) longest beginning with o palindrome obo (3,1) longest beginning with p palindrome pep pip pop prp (3,4) longest beginning with q palindrome ? longest beginning with r palindrome rallar rekker renner retter (6,4) longest beginning with s palindrome stillits (8,1) longest beginning with t palindrome tekket tellet teppet tillit (6,4) longest beginning with u palindrome ? longest beginning with v palindrome vev viv vov (3,3) longest beginning with w palindrome ? longest beginning with x palindrome ? longest beginning with y palindrome ? longest beginning with z palindrome ? longest with middle a palindrome stats (5,1) longest with middle b palindrome nebben (6,1) ^Slongest with middle c palindrome ? longest with middle d palindrome gniding stedets (7,2) longest with middle e palindrome sees (4,1) longest with middle f palindrome ? longest with middle g palindrome ergre (5,1) longest with middle h palindrome aha (3,1) longest with middle i palindrome eie kik pip rir tit viv (3,6) ^Q longest with middle j palindrome ? longest with middle k palindrome rekker tekket (6,2) longest with middle l palindrome stillits (8,1) longest with middle m palindrome amma (4,1) longest with middle n palindrome renner (6,1) longest with middle o palindrome kok non pop ror sos vov (3,6) longest with middle p palindrome teppet (6,1) longest with middle q palindrome ? longest with middle r palindrome prp (3,1) longest with middle s palindrome nesen reser (5,2) longest with middle t palindrome retter settes (6,2) longest with middle u palindrome sus tut (3,2) longest with middle v palindrome neven (5,1) longest with middle w palindrome ? longest with middle x palindrome ? longest with middle y palindrome dyd ryr (3,2) longest with middle z palindrome ? longest tautonym barbar berber bonbon cancan erverv farfar mormor purpur tartar (6,9) longest beginning with a tautonym ? longest beginning with b tautonym barbar berber bonbon (6,3) longest beginning with c tautonym cancan (6,1) longest beginning with d tautonym ? longest beginning with e tautonym erverv (6,1) longest beginning with f tautonym farfar (6,1) longest beginning with g tautonym ? longest beginning with h tautonym ? longest beginning with i tautonym ? longest beginning with j tautonym ? longest beginning with k tautonym kaka (4,1) longest beginning with l tautonym ? longest beginning with m tautonym mormor (6,1) longest beginning with n tautonym nn (2,1) longest beginning with o tautonym ? longest beginning with p tautonym purpur (6,1) longest beginning with q tautonym ? longest beginning with r tautonym ? longest beginning with s tautonym ? longest beginning with t tautonym tartar (6,1) longest beginning with u tautonym ? longest beginning with v tautonym veve (4,1) longest beginning with w tautonym ? longest beginning with x tautonym ? longest beginning with y tautonym ? longest beginning with z tautonym ? longest head 'n' tail barnebarn endevende (9,2) longest with middle a head 'n' tail miami (5,1) longest with middle b head 'n' tail obo (3,1) longest with middle c head 'n' tail ? longest with middle d head 'n' tail enden (5,1) longest with middle e head 'n' tail barnebarn (9,1) longest with middle f head 'n' tail lefle (5,1) longest with middle g head 'n' tail avgav engen magma (5,3) longest with middle h head 'n' tail aha (3,1) longest with middle i head 'n' tail seise veive (5,2) longest with middle j head 'n' tail ? longest with middle k head 'n' tail enken omkom saksa takta tekte (5,5) longest with middle l head 'n' tail erler etlet oslos telte volvo (5,5) longest with middle m head 'n' tail ermer mamma (5,2) longest with middle n head 'n' tail ganga nenne tanta tente (5,4) longest with middle o head 'n' tail kok non pop ror sos vov (3,6) longest with middle p head 'n' tail pappa (5,1) longest with middle q head 'n' tail ? longest with middle r head 'n' tail terte verve (5,2) longest with middle s head 'n' tail etset sesse tasta teste (5,4) longest with middle t head 'n' tail enten erter satsa tette (5,4) ^S^Qlongest with middle u head 'n' tail sausa stust (5,2) longest with middle v head 'n' tail endevende (9,1) longest with middle w head 'n' tail ? longest with middle x head 'n' tail ? longest with middle y head 'n' tail dyd ryr (3,2) longest with middle z head 'n' tail ? Subset of Word longest internal palindrome pennevennen (9,1) longest internal tautonym allmennmenneskelig allmennmenneskelige (8,2) longest repeated prefix barbaren barbariet barbarisere barbarisk barbariske ber beris berberisen berberiss bonbonen cancanen ... (6,27) most consecutive doubled letters irreell kassaapparat kassaapparatet (3,3) most doubled letters tilleggsstraff tilleggsstraffa tilleggsstraffen (4,3) longest two cadence degenerere degenererer regenerere (5,3) longest three cadence medbestemmelsesrett (6,1) longest four cadence fengselsvesenet rekordforbedring (4,2) longest five cadence arbeidsdepartementet arbeidsdepartementets vindusinnfatnin gen (4,3) Letter Counts Lipograms longest letters from first half allmenndannende (15,1) longest letters from second half oppsta@tt oppstuss prototyp stuttorv torvstro" (8,5) longest without ab retrospeksjonretroversjon (25,1) longest without abcd retrospeksjonretroversjon (25,1) longest without a to h sta@lkonstruksjon (16,1) longest without a to k motorsport motorstopp (10,2) longest without a to n oppsta@tt oppstuss prototyp stuttorv torvstro" (8,5) longest without a to q to"rrva"r utsto"tt utstyrt (7,3) longest without a to s ta@tt tutt tytt uto"y va"tt va@tt (4,6) longest without e byggforskningsinstitutt (23,1) longest without et ungdomsorganisasjon (19,1) longest without eta forskningsopphold (17,1) longest without etai ungdomsforbunds (15,1) longest without etain bruksforhold (12,1) longest without etains koldjomfru va"rforhold (10,2) Letter Choices Vowels longest all vowels aue eau eie (3,3) longest each vowel once ? longest each extended vowel once ? shortest each vowel once ? shortest each extended vowel once ? shortest vowels in order ? shortest extended vowels in order ? longest vowels in order ? longest extended vowels in order ? shortest vowels in reverse order ? shortest extended vowels in reverse order ? longest vowels in reverse order ? longest extended vowels in reverse order ? longest one vowel skjelmsk (8,1) longest two vowels skjo"nnskrift stridsskrift (12,2) longest containing a univocalic farskapssaka kassaapparat salgsapparat (12,3) longest containing e univocalic medbestemmelsesrett (19,1) ^S^Q^Slongest containing i univocalic prisstigning spiritistisk stridsskrift (12,3) longest containing o univocalic oppholdsrom (11,1) longest containing u univocalic brukskunst (10,1) longest containing y univocalic lydtrykk (8,1) longest alternating extended vowel-consonant demilitarisere originaliteten vita mininisere (14,3) longest alternating vowel-consonant demilitarisere originaliteten vitamininiser e (14,3) Consonants longest consonant string punktskrift tilleggsstraff tilleggsstraffa tilleggsstr affen (6,4) longest one consonant unionene (8,1) longest two consonant appenninene autoriteter statssto"tte territoriet (11,4) Isograms longest isogram godtkjo"psvaren (14,1) longest pair isogram musikkinstrumenter (18,1) longest trio isogram ? longest tetrad isogram ? longest polygram musikkinstrumenter (18,1) longest pyramid ekserserer statskassa statsskatt (10,3) most repeated letters differanseapproksimasjon kommunikasjonshjelpemidler musik kinstrumenter tverrkontraksjonstallet (9,4) highest containing a repeated abrakadabra abrakadabraet administrasjonsapparate t administrasjonsapparatets kassaapparat kassaapparatet (5,6) highest containing b repeated babbel babbelet ballklubben barneklubb bedriftskl ubb bedriftsklubben bensinbombe bensinbomber bergnebbe breiflabb ... (3,13) highest containing c repeated baccardi backfisch boccia cabincruiser cabincruis eren cancan cancanen cancer canceren ccm ... (2,49) highest containing d repeated do"dfo"dd driftsunderskudd middelaldrende skredde rsydd (4,4) highest containing e repeated aldersgrensebestemmelsene (8,1) highest containing f repeated diffusjonseffekt (4,1) highest containing g repeated beregningsgrunnlaget boligbyggelag boligbygging b oligbyggingen tilleggsbevilgning tilleggsbevilgningen (4,6) highest containing h repeated avhengighetsforhold avhengighetsforholdet (3,2) ^Q^S^Q^Shighest containing i repeated akklimatiseringsperiode aluminiumsindustri alumin iumsindustrien artilleristilling binomialutvikling differensialligning differen sialligningen differensialligningene differensiallikning differensiallikningen ... (4,78) highest containing j repeated aksjeemisjonen aksjeemisjoner aksjekjo"pet aksjem ajoriteten aksjonslinje aksjonslinjen artisjokkhjerte bataljonssjef bekjentgjo" relse bekjentgjo"relsen ... (2,86) highest containing k repeated alkoholikerklinikk konstruksjonsteknikken vekkekl okke vekkerklokke (5,4) highest containing l repeated fellingstillatelse (5,1) highest containing m repeated familiemedlemmer komitemedlemmenes mellomrommet ( 4,3) highest containing n repeated annonseomkostningene grunnutdanningen tangensials penningen vindusinnfatningen (6,4) highest containing o repeated onomatopoetikon onomatopoetikonet onomatopoietiko n (5,3) highest containing p repeated oppstopper oppstopperen opptrapping opptrappinga opptrappingen (4,5) highest containing q repeated aqua diplomatique enquete enqueteen enqueten iq m annequin mannequinen mannequiner mocambique ... (1,25) highest containing r repeated arbeiderpartiregjering korrekturlesingsprogrammen e korrekturlesingsprogrammet retrospeksjonretroversjon terroriserer (5,5) highest containing s repeated administrasjonsmessig assosiasjonsrikdom bero"rin gsassosiasjon beslutningsprosess beslutningsprosessen bessemerprosessen diffusj onsprosess eksistensialistisk livsforsikringsselskaper mikroprosessorsystem ... (5,13) highest containing t repeated sentralinstituttet statstjenestemannskartellet (6 ,2) highest containing u repeated akupunktur aluminiumfluorid aluminiumforbruket al uminiumsindustri aluminiumsindustrien aluminiumsprodukter aluminiumsvinduer dum dumkule futurum futurumet ... (3,25) highest containing v repeated veloverveid virvelvind virvelvinden (3,3) highest containing w repeated knowhow newsweek warszawa wienerwurst wigwam (2,5 ) highest containing x repeated xerxes (2,1) highest containing y repeated arbeidslo"ysetrygd belysningsstyrke belysningssty rken belysningsutstyr bygdo"y byggelo"yve byggryn byggrynet bystyre bystyret .. . (2,86) highest containing z repeated jazz jazzen jibbenzzsjo"uttr mezzoforte mezzosopr an mezzosopranen razzia razziaen zanzibar zanzibarisk (2,10) most different letters publikasjonsvirksomhet (17,1) highest ratio length/letters attentatmennene etterrett refererer (300,3) highest ratio length/letters (no tautonyms) attentatmennene etterrett refererer (300,3) lowest length 16 ratio length/letters nyhetsformidling redaksjonsutvalg utvikli ngsarbeid (114,3) lowest length 17 ratio length/letters riksma@lsforbundet (113,1) lowest length 18 ratio length/letters utvekslingsprogram (120,1) lowest length 19 ratio length/letters avgiftsforho"yelsene (126,1) lowest length 20 ratio length/letters avskjedsforestilling popula"rvitenskapeli g (133,2) lowest length 21 ratio length/letters administrasjonsflo"yen opplysningsvirksom het popula"rvitenskapelige (140,3) lowest length 22 ratio length/letters publikasjonsvirksomhet (129,1) lowest length 23 ratio length/letters databehandlingsfunksjon tekstbehandlingsp rogram (143,2) lowest length 24 ratio length/letters folkeopplysningsarbeidet (150,1) lowest length 25 ratio length/letters koordinattransformasjoner (192,1) Letter Appearance longest short letters reassuransen sommervarmen (12,2) longest tall letters flittig flyktig pliktig tilbydd tilbygg tilgift tilgitt (7 ,7) longest vertical-symmetry letters automat ho"ya"tta mahatma mottatt (7,4) longest horizontal-symmetry letters bebodde (7,1) longest full-symmetry letters ohio (4,1) highest ratio of dotted letters bikini isjias jiujitsu (50,3) Typewriter longest top row opprioritere uprioriterte (12,2) ^Q^S^Q^S^Qlongest middle row allslags do"dsfall salgslag (8,3) longest bottom row bbc ccm (3,2) longest in order etikk etiop etisk ettal oppad topas toppa topps tuppa yppal (5 ,10) longest in reverse order blaute blautt blotte kaputt kjappe spotte spytte (6,7) longest left hand breddegrader (12,1) longest right hand poliklinikk (11,1) longest alternating hands subjektivisme (13,1) longest one finger hunn kikk munn (4,3) longest adjacent keys dressere dressert sedertre (8,3) Puzzle longest palindrome in Morse code rekker retter settes tekket teppet (6,5) longest formed with chemical symbols alkoholikerklinikk vindusinnfatningen (18, 2) longest formed with US postal codes mottakinga utmattinga utnyttinga (10,3) longest formed with amino acid abbreviations valser (6,1) longest formed with piano notes bededag (7,1) Letter Order Alphabetical longest letters in order forsta@ (6,1) longest letters in order with repeats addert begikk forsta@ oppsta@ (6,4) longest letters in reverse order utrolige (8,1) longest letters in reverse order with repeats utrolige (8,1) longest roller-coaster operativsystemet (16,1) longest no letters in place statstjenestemannskartellet undervisningsorganisasj oner (27,2) most letters in place aksjekapitalen (5,1) most letters in place shifted aksjekapitalen avdelingskontorer databehandlingsu tstyr deflasjonen differensialoperator forstuva forstuve forstuvet frekvensfors kyver gjenoppretta ... (5,29) most consecutive letters in order consecutively forstuva forstuve forstuvet (5, 3) most consecutive letters in order akklimatiseringsperiode allmenneuropeiske fo" rsteutgaven forstuva forstuve forstuvet kulminasjon kulminasjonen vekselstro"ms generator vekselstro"msgeneratoren (5,10) most consecutive letters databehandlingsfunksjon kommunikasjonshjelpemidler pub ^S^Q^S^Qlikasjonsvirksomhet (9,3) highest ratio of consecutive letters to length heftig (83,1) ==> language/repeated.word.p <== In any language, construct a sentence by repeating one word four times. ==> language/repeated.word.s <== In Annamite: Ba ba ba ba. (Three ladies gave a box on the ear to the favorite of the Prince.) ==> language/swedish/swedish.record.p <== What are some Swedish words with unusual properties? ==> language/swedish/swedish.record.s <== Spelling Letter Patterns Entire Word longest word programmeringsfo"rutsa"ttningar (29,1) longest palindrome rattar (6,1) longest beginning with a palindrome Anna alla amma (4,3) longest beginning with b palindrome ? longest beginning with c palindrome ? longest beginning with d palindrome da@d do"d (3,2) longest beginning with e palindrome esse (4,1) longest beginning with f palindrome ? longest beginning with g palindrome ? longest beginning with h palindrome ? longest beginning with i palindrome ini (3,1) longest beginning with j palindrome ? longest beginning with k palindrome ka"k ka@k kik ko"k (3,4) longest beginning with l palindrome ? longest beginning with m palindrome mim (3,1) longest beginning with n palindrome ? longest beginning with o palindrome oro (3,1) longest beginning with p palindrome pdp pip pop (3,3) longest beginning with q palindrome ? longest beginning with r palindrome rattar (6,1) longest beginning with s palindrome sa@s ses sis sos sus (3,5) longest beginning with t palindrome ta"t ta@t tut (3,3) longest beginning with u palindrome ? longest beginning with v palindrome varav (5,1) longest beginning with w palindrome ? longest beginning with x palindrome ? longest beginning with y palindrome ? longest beginning with z palindrome ? longest with middle a palindrome rar (3,1) longest with middle b palindrome ? longest with middle c palindrome ? longest with middle d palindrome radar (5,1) ^S^Q^Slongest with middle e palindrome ses vev (3,2) longest with middle f palindrome ? longest with middle g palindrome ? longest with middle h palindrome aha (3,1) longest with middle i palindrome kik mim pip sis viv (3,5) longest with middle j palindrome aja (3,1) longest with middle k palindrome eke (3,1) longest with middle l palindrome alla (4,1) longest with middle m palindrome ramar (5,1) longest with middle n palindrome Anna (4,1) longest with middle o palindrome pop sos vov (3,3) longest with middle p palindrome apa (3,1) longest with middle q palindrome ? longest with middle r palindrome varav (5,1) longest with middle s palindrome esse (4,1) longest with middle t palindrome rattar (6,1) longest with middle u palindrome sus tut (3,2) longest with middle v palindrome ? longest with middle w palindrome ? longest with middle x palindrome ? longest with middle y palindrome ? longest with middle z palindrome ? longest tautonym berber mormor (6,2) longest beginning with a tautonym ? longest beginning with b tautonym berber (6,1) longest beginning with c tautonym ? longest beginning with d tautonym ? longest beginning with e tautonym ? longest beginning with f tautonym ? longest beginning with g tautonym ? longest beginning with h tautonym ? longest beginning with i tautonym ? longest beginning with j tautonym jojo (4,1) longest beginning with k tautonym ? longest beginning with l tautonym ? longest beginning with m tautonym mormor (6,1) longest beginning with n tautonym ? longest beginning with o tautonym ? longest beginning with p tautonym ? longest beginning with q tautonym ? longest beginning with r tautonym ? longest beginning with s tautonym ? longest beginning with t tautonym toto (4,1) longest beginning with u tautonym ? longest beginning with v tautonym ? longest beginning with w tautonym ? ^Q^Slongest beginning with x tautonym ? longest beginning with y tautonym ? longest beginning with z tautonym ? longest head 'n' tail Volvo annan armar avgav dadda elfel mamma pappa samsa san sa ... (5,11) longest with middle a head 'n' tail rar (3,1) longest with middle b head 'n' tail ? longest with middle c head 'n' tail ? longest with middle d head 'n' tail dadda (5,1) longest with middle e head 'n' tail ses vev (3,2) longest with middle f head 'n' tail elfel (5,1) longest with middle g head 'n' tail avgav (5,1) longest with middle h head 'n' tail aha (3,1) longest with middle i head 'n' tail kik mim pip sis viv (3,5) longest with middle j head 'n' tail aja (3,1) longest with middle k head 'n' tail eke (3,1) longest with middle l head 'n' tail Volvo (5,1) longest with middle m head 'n' tail armar mamma samsa (5,3) longest with middle n head 'n' tail annan sansa (5,2) longest with middle o head 'n' tail pop sos vov (3,3) longest with middle p head 'n' tail pappa (5,1) longest with middle q head 'n' tail ? longest with middle r head 'n' tail oro (3,1) longest with middle s head 'n' tail asa (3,1) longest with middle t head 'n' tail satsa (5,1) longest with middle u head 'n' tail sus tut (3,2) longest with middle v head 'n' tail ? longest with middle w head 'n' tail ? longest with middle x head 'n' tail ? longest with middle y head 'n' tail ? longest with middle z head 'n' tail ? Subset of Word longest internal palindrome dragningar fo"redragningar fo"rsvagningar hoptagnin gar interpretator interpretatorer interpretatorn personalplaneringsdelar promem oria promemorian ... (7,12) longest internal tautonym a@rsperspektiv (8,1) longest repeated prefix mormorsmors (6,1) most consecutive doubled letters ideell ideella ideellt kommitteer reell reella reellt skadeeffekt (2,8) most doubled letters kommitteer labbtillfa"llen labbtillfa"llet omsta"llningsti ^Qllfa"llet otillfredssta"llande rapporteringstillfa"lle tillverkningssta"lle (3, 7) longest two cadence levererera leverereras (4,2) longest three cadence sammanfalla sammanfatta sammankallar sammanlagda sammansa tta skalbaggarna (4,6) longest four cadence a"ndringarna atlantpakten attrahera beslutsma"ssighet civi lisation distribution fo"ra"ldraga@rd ha@rdvaruservice ha@rdvaruverktyg handlin ^Sgarna ... (3,33) longest five cadence a"rendehantering anknytningen anla"ggningen anpassningen a nva"ndningen formuleringarna granbarkborre ho"gerparenteser inloggningen inrikt ningen ... (3,21) Letter Counts Lipograms longest letters from first half kemikaliebehandla (17,1) longest letters from second half a@tra@va"rt prototyp storspov torvstro" (8,4) longest without ab produktionsstyrningssystem (26,1) longest without abcd synkroniseringssekvenser (24,1) longest without a to h ma"nniskokropp tullkontorist (13,2) longest without a to k mormorsmors (11,1) longest without a to n a@tra@va"rt prototyp storspov torvstro" (8,4) longest without a to q a@tra@va"rt (8,1) longest without a to s tva"tt (5,1) longest without e anva"ndarsammanslutningar cirkulationstja"nstgo"ring (24,2) longest without et bokfo"ringsgranskning (20,1) longest without eta uppkopplingsfo"rso"k (18,1) longest without etai la"nsskolna"mnds (14,1) longest without etain mormorsmors (11,1) longest without etains blomkrukor dva"rgbjo"rk jordloppor (10,3) Letter Choices Vowels longest all vowels a@a"o" (3,1) longest each vowel once ? longest each extended vowel once ? shortest each vowel once ? shortest each extended vowel once ? shortest vowels in order ? shortest extended vowels in order ? longest vowels in order ? longest extended vowels in order ? shortest vowels in reverse order ? shortest extended vowels in reverse order ? longest vowels in reverse order ? longest extended vowels in reverse order ? longest one vowel dtlkrets (8,1) longest two vowels blixtsnabbt gransknings (11,2) longest containing a univocalic sammankallar skalbaggarna (12,2) longest containing e univocalic reglementet televerkets (11,2) longest containing i univocalic tidningsklipp (13,1) longest containing o univocalic plockkontroll (13,1) longest containing u univocalic slutspurt (9,1) longest containing y univocalic nybyggd (7,1) longest alternating extended vowel-consonant digitaliserade (14,1) longest alternating vowel-consonant digitaliserade (14,1) Consonants longest consonant string a"ngsstrit programmeringsspra@k regeringsskrivelse (6, 3) longest one consonant Aurora (6,1) longest two consonant barria"rer intention intuition outtestat preparera (9,5) Isograms longest isogram Ha"gerstalund o"verska@dligt oo"verska@dlig ta"vlingsform tidsl ^Quckorna tva@hjulingar (12,6) longest pair isogram gireringen (10,1) longest trio isogram ? longest tetrad isogram ? longest polygram mormorsmors (11,1) longest pyramid anamma fiffig minimi mottot pannan papaya samsas svassa tafatt (6,9) most repeated letters korrigeringstransaktion materialstyrningssystem (9,2) highest containing a repeated anva"ndarsammanslutningar (5,1) highest containing b repeated bearbetningsbeskrivning blixtsnabbt bubbelminne b ubbelminnet bubbla bubblorna (3,6) highest containing c repeated Chicago acceleration accelerator acceleratorer ac celererad accent accentuera acceptabel acceptabelt acceptabla ... (2,35) highest containing d repeated skra"ddarsydd (4,1) highest containing e repeated beteendevetenskapliga (6,1) highest containing f repeated Friluftsfra"mjandet Friluftsfra"mjandets fiffig f iffigt fiffla fo"ra"ldratra"ff fo"rbluffa fo"rfattarfond fo"rtra"fflighet frilu ftsfra"mjandets ... (3,12) highest containing g repeated smugglingslagstiftning (5,1) highest containing h repeated hemho"righet (3,1) highest containing i repeated initialisering (5,1) highest containing j repeated jockej jojk jojo projektuppfo"ljningen tjej tjeje r (2,6) highest containing k repeated kyrkvakterskan (4,1) highest containing l repeated omsta"llningstillfa"llet (6,1) highest containing m repeated gemensammma (4,1) highest containing n repeated anknytningen anpassningsutrustning anva"ndarfo"re ningen anva"ndarsammanslutningar anva"ndningen anva"ndningsomra@den anva"ndning steknik betalningsbevakningen ledningsdragningen minnesanteckningsar ... (5,16) highest containing o repeated socialantropolog (4,1) highest containing p repeated papperstyp trappuppga@ngar uppkoppling uppkopplin gsbega"ran uppkopplingsfo"rso"k uppsluppen vippomkopplare vippomkopplaren vippo mkopplarens vippomkopplarna (4,10) highest containing q repeated Nyqvist Osquar Osquarulda Osqulda lindqvist squaw toque (1,7) highest containing r repeated programmerarkretsen programmeringsfo"rutsa"ttning ar ra@varuresurser systemprogrammerarkursen (5,4) highest containing s repeated produktionsstyrningssystem programmeringsassistan s synkroniseringssekvenser sysselsa"tts (5,4) highest containing t repeated utnyttjandestatistik (6,1) highest containing u repeated maskinvarustrukturer (3,1) highest containing v repeated Ulvsundava"gen Volvo a"rtvivel anva"ndarbeskrivni ng anva"ndarkravspecifikation anva"ndarutveckling anva"ndarva"nliga anva"ndarva "nlighet anva"ndarva"nligt anvvisning ... (2,130) highest containing w repeated knowhow (2,1) highest containing x repeated xenix (2,1) highest containing y repeated materialstyrningssystem nybyggare nybyggaren nyby ggd nybyggnad nyrekrytering produktionsstyrningssystem royalty synonym synonyma ... (2,12) highest containing z repeated intermezzo intermezzot jazz (2,3) most different letters fasfo"rskjutningsproblem (18,1) highest ratio length/letters mormorsmors (275,1) highest ratio length/letters (no tautonyms) mormorsmors (275,1) lowest length 16 ratio length/letters funktionsfo"rma"ga (114,1) lowest length 17 ratio length/letters skolmyndigheterna (113,1) lowest length 18 ratio length/letters Friluftsfra"mjandet a@klagarmyndigheten a nva"ndarutveckling befolkningstrycket datorbestyckningen uppdateringsfa"lten up pfo"ljningssystem utbildningslokaler (128,8) ^S^Qlowest length 19 ratio length/letters upphandlingsbehovet va"xlingsfo"rfarandet (126,2) lowest length 20 ratio length/letters a@lderdomsskro"plighet fo"rbrukningsmater ial fo"rbrukningsmateriel kompileringsa@tga"rder ordbehandlingssystem (133,5) lowest length 21 ratio length/letters ha@rdvarubesta"llningar upplysningsverksa mhet (131,2) lowest length 22 ratio length/letters fo"rfattningshandbo"cker tra"dplanterings kampanj tra"dplanteringsprojekt (146,3) lowest length 23 ratio length/letters fasfo"rskjutningsproblem (127,1) lowest length 24 ratio length/letters cirkulationstja"nstgo"ring (160,1) lowest length 25 ratio length/letters teckenomvandlingstabeller (156,1) Letter Appearance longest short letters mormorsmors (11,1) longest tall letters liktydigt (9,1) longest vertical-symmetry letters automat maximum oha"mmat (7,3) longest horizontal-symmetry letters dioxid ebcdic ekbock (6,3) longest full-symmetry letters ? highest ratio of dotted letters idioti minimi (50,2) Typewriter longest top row prioritet (9,1) longest middle row flaskhals (9,1) longest bottom row mm (2,1) longest in order uppha"v (6,1) longest in reverse order ba"ttre kaputt va"ggar (6,3) longest left hand Westerberg adressater vedertaget (10,3) longest right hand homonym million minimum monopol oja"mlik opinion polynom (7, 7) longest alternating hands provisoriskt (12,1) longest one finger hunn hymn (4,2) longest adjacent keys dessa dress edert freds yttre (5,5) Puzzle longest palindrome in Morse code esse no"ja sans tant (4,4) longest formed with chemical symbols banbeskrivningen replikerbarheten represen tationer (16,3) longest formed with US postal codes Gunvor Pascal indela inlade inland inviga m emoar utdela utlade utland ... (6,12) longest formed with amino acid abbreviations asp pro (3,2) longest formed with piano notes bagage (6,1) Letter Order ^S^Q^S^Q^S^Q Alphabetical longest letters in order abort ansta@ begin behov bersa@ besta@ bista@ borst de ist dekor ... (5,13) longest letters in order with repeats accent access belopp (6,3) longest letters in reverse order o"vriga poliga trolig utreda (6,4) longest letters in reverse order with repeats utsedda (7,1) longest roller-coaster parameterfa"lten (15,1) longest no letters in place programmeringsfo"rutsa"ttningar (29,1) most letters in place abstraktion akademi akademiker akademin akademisk alldele s anma"lningsblankett anskaffning anskaffningar ansta"llningsnummer ... (3,42) most letters in place shifted kooperativ masterslavetyp operativ operativa oper ativt ordbehandlingssystem textbehandlingssystem torparstugan upphandlingsbeslu t (5,9) most consecutive letters in order consecutively gra"ddstuvad gra"ddstuvade gra" stuva gra"stuvan stuva timmerstuga torparstugan (4,7) most consecutive letters in order gra"ddstuvad gra"ddstuvade gra"stuva gra"stuv an (5,4) most consecutive letters fo"rfattningshandbo"cker (9,1) highest ratio of consecutive letters to length vurst (100,1) ==> language/synonymous.reversals.p <== What words are synonymous with their reversals in other langauges? ==> language/synonymous.reversals.s <== Dutch: nier (kidney), French: rein Almost: French: etats (plural), English: state (singular) ==> language/vowels.repeated.p <== In any language, what word contains the same vowel repeated four times in a row ? ==> language/vowels.repeated.s <== Article 23235 of rec.puzzles: ~Newsgroups: rec.puzzles Path: questrel!!usc!!!linac!att!princeton!phoe nix.Princeton.EDU!cgseife ~From: cgseife@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Charles Geoffrey Seife) ~Subject: Re: possibly original puzzle... Message-ID: <1993May1.034910.21220@Princeton.EDU> Originator: news@nimaster ~Sender: news@Princeton.EDU (USENET News System) Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: Princeton University ~References: <> <1993Apr29.222358.1@vaxc.stev> ~Date: Sat, 1 May 1993 03:49:10 GMT ~Lines: 28 In article zed@Dartmouth.EDU (Ted Schuerzing er) writes: >In article <> > writes: > > >Unfortunately, that's not what the question asked -- it states that the >first two vowels must be the same. > >For three vowels in a row, I came up with words like "booing" and >"cooing". A better one might be "agreeable". I haven't come up with >one for four yet, but I read in an old edition of Guinness that there's >an Estonian word that contains has the same vowel four times in a row. >Since the question didn't specify English words, I guess this would be >acceptable, as would words in other agglutinative languages (eg. >Finnish) :-) > > >--Ted Schuerzinger The Estonian word 'Ja"a"a"a"rne', which means "standing by the edge of the ice."