This file will help you get the answers to the puzzles on Myst island and all the different ages that you can go to in Myst version 1.0 Written by : Andrew Blayer You may freely distribute this file at your convenience The first section will explain a little about what you need to do on Myst island, how to use the map in the library, and how to get to the tower. The second section explains how to get to each of the different ages. The third section tells how to get through each age. The fourth and final section will tell how to finish the game. Myst Island - To start off, as you go up the path towards the library, you will find a note laying on the ground. It says, "Catherine, I've left you a message of utmost importance in our fore-chamber beside the dock. Enter the number of Marker Switches on this island to retrieve the message. Yours, Atrius" I'll give this one away. After you start and are on the dock, turn left. You should see an outline in the metal. Click on it to open the door. Now go all the way down to the bottom of the stairs to the pool of water. (By the way, the water is just a holographic image) Turn right twice and go up to the piece of paper on the wall. You should see something that looks like a button above the upper left-hand corner of the paper. Click on it. When it opens, change the left number to 0 and the right number to 8. Now press the red button and wait until it closes the panel. Go back to the imager, the thing with the water in it, and push the button in the front of it. Now you got the message and it's time to hit some switches. Hit the one on the dock and up the stairs by the gears. Walk around for a while and you should be able to hit 5 more for now. Now go into the library. It's the big building with pillars on the outside of it and an open door. Enter and turn around a few times. You will see a red and blue book. Go up to either of them, take the page beside it, and click it on that book. (Blue pages only work with the blue book and red pages only work with the red book. Clicking it on a book with a different color will have no effect) Now click on the book to open it and you find a person trapped in each of them begging for you to release them (The static makes it hard to understand them). You can't do anything for them yet. Check the bookshelf in the front of the library to find 4 books that have not been destroyed. In each one, you will find out about each age you must visit. In the book with the blue cover and leaves on the front, you will find constellations. Write down the patterns. You will need them later. In the blue book with the sun on it, you will see piano keys and numbers below them. Copy this down with the numbers and also the highlighted keys they are pointing to. Finally, go to the map near the door. To see if you've hit enough switches, hold the mouse button on the tower (flashing circles). The white line turning around should pause for a second and turn red on 4 different places. To gain access to the tower, you must be in the library. Go to the picture to the left of the bookshelf. Click on it. It should spin around and the bookshelf should go down forming stairs. When you go back there you will find an elevator. This will take you to the tower. When you are in the tower, you can go up the ladder in front of you where the tower is facing. You will just see rock if it is not facing a direction that is important. Now, if you go to the left or the right side of the elevator and move forward, you will see a ladder with a key on the wall. This is what is important. If you have the tower pointed in the right place, and go up the ladder, you will see a hint of what you need to do to gain access to the book located there that will take you to a certain age. To get out of the library (opening the bookshelf will close the library door), simply click on the picture to the right of the bookshelf and make it spin around. How to get to the different ages The Gears - Go to the map in the library, turn on the tower, and it stop on the picture of the gears. Go to the tower and look at the plaque on the wall above the ladder with the key. It will give you a time and 3 numbers. Write them down. Get out of there and go to the clock tower that is out in the water. Just keep going straight when you leave the library. Look at the clock and note what time it is. Now look down at the wheels. The large wheel will move the minute hand 5 minutes ahead. The small wheel moves the hour hand 1 hour ahead. Turn the wheels until the time on the clock matches the time you got from the tower. Push the red button. Gears should come out of the water making a bridge. Cross it and hit the switch. Now go into the clock. You have to figure out how to get the 3 little gears to go in the same sequence as the numbers in the tower that were below the time it gave you. If the weight goes down all the way, you have to reset it. To do this, just pull the lever with the black handle. When the numbers are right, the weight will go all the way down, and the gear in the front of the table will turn up like it was cut in half. Now you can go to the large gears in the beginning near the dock and they will be open. Go up to it, open the book inside it, and click on the moving picture. The Spaceship - This one isn't easy. Rotate the tower so it is facing the spaceship. Now go to the tower and look at the plaque above the ladder with the key. It will give you a certain number of volts. Next, you need to go to the power station. It is in the woods and has a big light above the door. Go down the stairs and push the button on the side of the door. When you go in, you should see 2 dials and 10 buttons. Turn one on, write down how many volts is produces, then turn it off. You have to find out which buttons will equal the number of volts that were in the tower. If you go over that number, it will cut the power to the ship. Don't worry. There are 2 towers with cables running up to them. One is behind the power station and the other is down the hill where the stone path to the ship is. They each have circuit breakers on them. You have to pick one, climb up it, and pull the lever. If you hear a little click, it's the wrong tower. If there is a loud click, almost like a door slamming shut, you can go back to the station and try again. When the power is right, go to the ship and open the door. In the front, you will find 5 switches and a lever. In the back is an organ. You must move the switches and have each tone match the sound and order as the picture of the piano keys in the book in the library. You can use the organ in the back to get the sound right. When you think they are right, pull the lever and click on the screen. The Trees - Here's an easy one. Rotate the tower to face the house in the woods then go to the tower. Look at the plaque above the ladder with the key and write down the numbered on it. Go to the house in the woods with the big tree behind it. Enter it, turn around, and go up to the safe. Press the buttons until the numbers match the ones you got from the tower. Open the box, light the match on the side, then go up to the furnace and light the pilot light in the lower left-hand corner of it. Now turn the red wheel clockwise until you see it turn 20 times. This should give you plenty of time. Leave the house, turn around, and go between the two trees on the right side of the screen. Go right up to the big tree. Wait until you see something that looks like an elevator in the tree. When you see it, go in it. There should be a button on the left side of the door. Hold it down until you can enter the room underground. When you are in the room, turn around and turn the wheel counterclockwise until it won't turn any more. Now you can go to the book, open it, and click on the screen. The Boat - Rotate the tower until it is facing the dock. Go up to the tower and write down the 3 dates and times on the plaque above the ladder with the key on it. Now you need to leave the library and go to the building to left when you exit the library. It has a chair in the middle of the room. Enter it, turn around, and press the light switch. Now sit in the chair and look up at the controls. Enter a date and press the flashing button. Note what constellation is there. Do this same thing for the other 2 dates. Now go to the field in front of the library with the ship in the pool. Look at the boxes on the sides and turn the 3 symbols that match the constellations you got from the star room green. You should hear water running and then see the ship in the pool out of the water. Now you can go back to the dock and go on the ship. Open the door, then take the book, open it, and click on the screen. How to solve each age (You need to only take back a certain color page from every age. In other words, if you take back the red page from one age, you need to take a red page from every age and same goes for the blue pages. You can take back both if you just want to see what the other has to say) The Gears - From the large gear, go to the building on the right. Enter it and take either hallway. No matter which one you take you will pass through a room and eventually come up to another intersection. Turn so you are facing down this new hallway. There should be a button on the right side of this hallway. Press it and go down the stairs. Go up to the panel and push the lever up. Wait until the symbol on the left side of the lever is one notch away from the breaks in the circles lining up and the let go. When the breaks are lined up, the circles should turn red. Go back up the stairs, turn around, push the button again, and move forward until you are in the elevator. Press the up button. When at the top, press the middle button and quickly leave the elevator. Go up to the controls on top of the elevator. These controls will rotate the building. You can also use the rotation simulator in the room that looks like a torture chamber to get the hang of it. It is to the right when you enter the building or to the right of the elevator. Push the left lever up all the way then pull it back down. Listen to the tone that's produced. Now push the lever back up and then the right lever. You need to hold the right lever until you think the building has turned enough. Let go of the right lever, wait until the gear stop spinning, and pull the left lever down. Again listen to the tone. Make sure it's different or else you didn't go anywhere. Now push the button in the lower part of the panel to bring the elevator back up. Go to the bottom and then leave the building. There are only two other places you must get to. They each have gear stands that have symbols on them. Write down the place and shape of the symbols on them. You will need to rotate the tower again until you can get to the other stand. You need a total of 4 symbols. Now, to get to the red page, you have to go into the room with the models of the boat, the spaceship, and the clock tower. Go up to the chair that looks like a throne. You should see an outline in the wall. Click below the corner of the tapestry hanging on the wall. A doorway should open up. Go in there. Go to the chests in the corner to the left in the back of the room. There should be a red page in the open chest on the top. To get the blue page, go into the torture chamber room and go up to the chair with the ax leaning on it. There should be an indent in the wall with a brown strip in the middle of it. Click on it and it should open up a doorway. Enter it and go to the shelves in the back. There should be a blue page on the bottom shelf. To get back to Myst island, go back to the large gear and look at the gear panel with 4 symbols and a red button it. Push the green buttons until the symbols match the positions and shapes you found them on the stands on those islands and then push the red button. A set of stairs should go down and then you can pick up the Myst book, go back to the library with a page, and put it in the matching color book. The Spaceship - Exit the spaceship and now you will have to wander for a while. You need to look for 5 stone and wood tables. These each have a red button and symbols above them. Press the button and make sure the symbols light up. The symbols you are looking for are water drops, a crack with heat coming out of it, the hands of a clock, a symbol that looks like a knife, and wind blowing out of a tunnel. After you have hit all the buttons, go to the symbol with the wind. Go down the pipe that's in front of the button. At the bottom, you can hit the switch to light the tunnel if you want, but you need to go down the tunnel and up the pipe. Go up to the tower with the satellite dishes on it and open the front panel. Look at the controls. Click on the water drop symbol and use the right arrow to move the dish to 153.4 degrees. Click on the symbol with the crack and use the right arrow to turn the dish to 130.3 degrees. Click on the symbol with the clock hands and use the right arrow to turn the dish to 55.6 degrees. Click on the symbol with the knife on it and use the right arrow to turn the dish to 15.0 degrees. Click on the wind symbol and use the left arrow to turn the dish to 212.2 degrees. Now press the button with the funny looking E on it. Listen to and note what order the sounds are being played in. Next, go back to the door that you passed in the beginning of this age and go up to the panel on the right side of the door. There should be a set of 5 switches. Use each switch to match the sound and order that everything was played in at the satellite tower. When everything is matched up, press the button in the corner. Don't forget a page. The red page is on the shelf with the symbol that looks like a knife. The blue page is on a table near the switch for the water. Go down the stairs and push the blue button to enter the transport. F = forward, L = left, and R = right. As soon as you sit down, hit the forward button. From there you need to go F,L,L,F,R,R,F,R,R,F,F,R,R,F,F,R,R,F,R,F,R,F,R,F, R,R,F,L,F,R,F. Then you can exit the transport, go to the Myst book, and return to the library. The Trees - First you must turn around and follow the path straight until you reach the building with the water tank in it. In the building, look down at the faucet and turn it so the sound of running water is loud. Go back down the path and at the first intersection you come to, go left. At the second intersection, look down at the water flow switch and then you have to turn it so the water goes down the pipe to the right, then go right. At the third and fourth intersections, do the same as you did at the first intersection. Now go up to the elevator, enter it, close the door, and pull the lever. F = forward, L = left, R = right. Exit the elevator and then go F,R,F,F,F,R,F,F,F,F,F,L,F,F,F,R,F,F,R,F,F,F,F,F,R,F,F,L,F,F,F,L,F,L,F,R. Now Now go up to the lever and pull it. Next, turn right and go F,R,F,F,R,F,F,R, F,F,F,F,F,F,R,F,F,F,F. Then go down the stairs, open the door, go to the water flow switch directly ahead, and turn it so it goes down the direction you just came from. Now turn around, go back up the stairs, turn around, and use the elevator. To get to the blue page, keep going forward, ignore the first building, go right at the intersection, and then go into the house. Turn left and look on the floor for the blue page. To get to the red page, go left from the elevator and then keep going forward to the large house. Go up to the desk on the left side of the bed and open the drawer to find the red page. Go down to the drawers on the bottom of the bed and open the one on the right. Copy down the note exactly as it is. You will need it later. Go back to the elevator, go down, then go back down the stairs. Now you have to go back to the water flow switch and put it back the way it was. Go down the path to the right. At the next intersection, change the water flow so it goes down the path to the left. Next, go left to the next intersection and change the flow to go to the right. Go right. Then at the next intersection, go left, then forward to another lever. Pull it. Go forward to the elevator, turn right, and follow the pipe until you reach the water. Turn the crank so the pipe makes a connection on the other side. Go all the way back to the second water flow switch from the building with the water tank. You need to change it back again, then follow the flow to the next switch, go right again, and at the next switch change it so it goes to the left. Now go back to the elevator that's after the part where the bridge came out of the water and use it. Open the door, pick up the Myst book, and click on the screen to return to the library. The Boat - Right in the beginning, turn left and go to the table out in the water. Click on the bell-shaped object on the right side. This should have drained the lighthouse. Go back to the ship and then into the lighthouse. Look down, and go to the bottom of the stairs. Get close to the chest and click on the little lever on the bottom of it on the left side. Water should drain from it. Click on it again when it's done. Go back up, then go to the table out in the water again, and click on the bell in the middle. This should have drained the tunnels underground, but don't go there yet. Go back to the lighthouse and look down at the chest floating in the water. Click on the key chained to the boards to open it. Take the key from the chest, click on the ladder, and use the key on the lock that's keeping that door shut. Go up the ladder and turn around. Turn the crank attached to the floor until the batteries are charged completely. You can click on them to see how much power they have. They are on the right side of the crank. When they are full, go back to the ship where you started and go in the tunnel in front of you. Go to the bottom, turn around, and click up the stairs once. Look at the bottom of the archway. You should see a slight line about in the middle of it. Click below it and a panel should open up. Go in it and follow the hallway until you see a round object on the floor. Look down at it. You need to push the right button that will turn on the underwater lamps. Imagine the object is a compass and the crown symbol points north. You need to press the button that is diagonal from the red arrow pointing southeast. You'll know you hit the right button if the lights don't go out and an alarm doesn't go off. If you did hit the wrong button, just go back to the lighthouse, charge up the batteries, and try again. Now you need to know where the pages are here. Go to the bottom of the tunnel you were in before you went through the panel, push the button to open the door, and walk in the room. You should be in a nicely decorated room. Turn left, go toward the dresser, and open the bottom drawer to find the red page. The blue page is down the tunnel on the other half of the ship. Go over the stairs from the first half and turn left to find the tunnel. Open the door and go in. There should be a rib cage hanging on the wall in front of you. Turn left and look on the bed to find the blue page. While in that room, turn around, go up to the dresser, and open the second to last drawer to find the other half of the note. Piece the two halves together because they are very important to the end of the game. Now, with whatever page you want, the batteries charged, and underwater lamps on, go to that table out in the water and push the bell on the left. Now go back on the ship, turn right, go down the stairs, open the door, and go to the bottom of the ship. Look down at the table and click on it to reveal the Myst book. Open it and click on the screen to return to the library. Finishing The Game Myst Island - In the library, listen to whoever you have gotten the most pages for (5 red and/or blue pages) to find out which book you must read and what pattern to use in the fireplace. Read the book they tell you to look at, copy the pattern, go in the fireplace, and push the button. You must copy the pattern exactly as it was in the book. When you think it is right, push the red button. If you are wrong, the lights will go off and the door will open. Just push the button and try again. If you are right, the fireplace will turn around and you will see the two pages and green book they spoke of. Ignore their warnings of not touching the green book and open it. You finally see that Atrus is alive. And in case you've been wondering which of the two brothers to set free, you find out that both of them were involved with trapping him in Dunny and had an extreme lust for the treasures that they could have gotten from the books. You also find out what he needs to stop them. That's what is in the island vault. Click on the red button twice to get out of there. Find the vault by using the information on the two halves of the note. When you have the page he needs, go back to the green book, open it, and click on the screen. Make sure you have a white page in your possession or you will be stuck in Dunny forever. (Also, the only other 2 ways you can lose, is if you free either Sirus or Ackinar. You will end up trapped in the book and they will laugh at you and tear out all the pages you took so much time collecting until you see nothing but static) Dunny - Turn left when you get there and go up to Atrius. When he asks for the page, click it on him. When he returns to Myst, wander around for about half a minute and then go back to his desk. He should return then. If not, just wander some more. Just listen to what he has to say and that's it, you've won. He gives hints about a second Myst game, and lets you use his Myst book to go back to Myst island. You can now go to any age that you want to. By the way, in case you hadn't noticed, you won't have to worry about those two brothers any more. Also, the music that plays when you quit is different. Have fun exploring the different ages.