HIGHER LEVEL POWERS OF SERPENTIS FOR FALLEN ANGELS ****** Ethics: The character can impose a system of Ethics upon the Target. The target finds it very difficult to ignore this morality and any difficulties in opposition to this system are at +1. To succeed in imparting a higher nature the Character must role Intelligence+Empathy against 10-targets Humanity(or Path) (target 8 for both rolls). ****** Higher Nature: The use of this power imparts the target with a higher purpose of the characters choosing. The recipient will strive for this Goal, almost to the exclusion of all else. They gain 2 extra dice on all rolls that have anything to do with this higher purpose. To succeed in imparting a higher nature the Character must role Intelligence+Empathy against 10-targets Humanity(or Path) (target 8 for both rolls). ******* Pure Love: Bestows the effects of True Love upon an individual. The caster must expend a willpower point to do so but may use this power upon himself. ******* Tranquility: This power bestows an unnatural calm upon the character. All difficulties to frenzy are reduced by 2. ******** Luck: Allows the character to bestow luck upon another or himself permenantly. The recipient may repeat 3 failed rolls per story. To use this ability the character must expend one permenant willpower point. It cannot be used more than once per night. ********* Restore Faith: This power restores the ability for True Faith in an individual (Kindred or Kine). It requires a willing recipient and the permanent expenditure of 2 willpower points (1 for none kindred). When completed the recipient recieves a faith of 1. The character may himself benifit from this power. ********** Cleanse Soul: This power removes any single blot on a willing individuals soul. This power is so strong as to be able to totally erase a Mark of Damnation (Serpentis 10). This power also makes all Diabolists (unless they have achieved Golconda) immediately visible, surrounding them with an Aura of Corruption in the view of the user only.