WOLVEN By E.P. Long Wolvens are a minor bloodline which derives from any clan, when a lupine's kinfolk is sired. This bloodline works best in crossover campaigns, or games that involve a high presence of NPCs of the oposing mythos. If the character comes from a Garou enviroment (pre-embrace), the character may have knowledges which normal vampires would not have. However, if the character did not grow up with the tribe's kinfolk, he may be confronted with mysteries even his sire cannot explain. Also, due to reasons described below, there is a good chance that the character is blood-bound to her sire. The character may be seen only as a tool for exploitation. Wolvens belong to both clan and tribe, but they are ultimately excluded from both. Unlike Abominations, Wolvens can interact well enough between Garou and Kindred to act as intermediaries. Their unique perspective on the WoD gives them a very privilidged understanding. Beacause of this, they are mistrusted as well as useful. They walk a fine line between being indispensable and the Final Death. They are also a heck of a lot of fun to roleplay, being both physical and social. Disclaimer: I made this bloodline up long before I read the Kult rules. Therefore, I feel that I am under no obligation to change the name of this bloodline just because they took my name ;) Also, some people may find the Path of Gaia at the end somewhat lacking. I am not an expert in the field, so this is just sort of my best-guess. If anybody has worked out a Path based upon REAL religious and philosophical beliefs, I would be happy to see it posted or E-mailed to me. WOLVEN Nicknames: Bloodwolves Wolven are a minor bloodline, created by the siring of a Lupine's kinfolk. They are not Abominations, since the garou gene(s?) is dormant. However, their genetic make-up is different enough from regular humans to affect the embrace. For reasons which are not entirely clear, only about one in ten embraced kinfolk become Wolvens. There is not enough data to make conclusions about the subject. However, since they have no Gnosis score, they do not risk the death that Lupines face when Embraced. Most simply join the clan of their sire. As a bloodline, they have no structure or organization, simply because they are so rare. Normally they associate with their siring clan (or caitiff). Typically they take a clan name, as well as their bloodline. For example, there are Brujah-Wolvens, Tremere-Wolvens, etc. Since the Sabbat normally tries to simply exterminate the Lupines, there are few if any antitribu-wolvens, and the few who come only from Black Spiral stock. For the most part, they are treated as normal clan members. Indeed, seldom do their sires realise that their childes are different. When Wolvens are discovered, reaction ranges from expulsion from clan society to curiousity and investigation. Lupines generally stay away from Wolvens simply because they are too dangerous. The Wolvens could now be pawns of their leech masters and their knowledge of lupines would make them dangerous opponents. Seldomly do they actually hunt down the wolvens, out of pity and in respect for past service. Showing mercy generally cancels all debts in the eyes of the Garou. The exceptions to this are the Get of Fenris and Red Talons, who will destroy their Wolvens, and the Glasswalkers and Shadowlords, who may try to use the Wolvens. Some Bone Gnawers will make loose alliances with Nosferatu- Wolvens and some Children of Gaia attempt to establish the Wolvens as intermediaries between Garou and Kindred. Camarilla Gangrel generally treat the Wolven with respect, although their Sabbat brethren will hunt them down. Appearance: varies, as mortals. As a clan member, they tend to dress as their clan does, but follow the stereotypes with less enthusiasm. Many prefer to wear more natural clothing, and generally favour the practical over the fancy. Often they wear discrete pins, indicating their original Garou tribe. Haven: as per their clan. Since they are tolerated by most lupines and their natural disciplines, they are more likely to live in the countryside or wilderness than regular Kindred. Background: this also varies, as per clan. This usually occurs when their sire is unaware of their origin. Often they are embraced to be used as a weapon or spy against the Garou (or blood-bonded at the very least. This is bad, for when the Lupines find out, they go to great pains to destroy the Regent. The enslavement of blood is one of the Wyrm's vilest creations in their eyes. They often have a -4 Flaw: Blood-Bonded (-2 for Tremere).) When this is the case, the leeches take whoever they can get. Character Creation: They can have any type of concept. Physical attributes are often primary, as are Skills. Natures and Demeanors are usually similar. Common backgrounds are Contacts, Allies, and Influence. Wolvens may take Fetishes with Background points. However, since they have no Gnosis, they can only activate it by convincing or forcing a spirit to use its own power. They may also take the Totem background. However, since they have neither Rage nor Gnosis, they may have to convince the Totem spirit to provide the power for its Gift. This should require heavy roleplaying and is ultimately up to the ST whether this is permitable. Clan Disciplines: Special. All Wolvens start out with Protean. However, their second discipline is determined by their auspice. Ragabash get Obfuscation, Theurges get Spiritus (from the ST Guide to the Sabbat), Philodox get Auspex, Galliards take Presence, and Ahrouns take Celerity. The player chooses her third discipline from the regular clan list. The wolf-form in Protean 4 is the same as for the Wolven's tribe. Wolven who attain the 6th level of Protean automatically gain the ability to transform into the Hispo or Glabro forms of Garou, and those who reach the 7th may assume Crinos form (complete with stat. adjustments). For wolf-form, use either the stat. adjustments in Clanbook: Gangrel or in W:tA (ST's choice). Wolvens may be able to entreat spirits to teach them Garou gifts as well (or threaten them with Spiritus or Spirit Thaumaturgy). If the ST allows this, then they may be learned, but at 2x the experience costs for first level gifts, 3x for second, etc. Estimate or keep records of how much Renown the Wolven has gained. Weakness: Special. All Wolvens possess their clan weakness. In addition, they suffer from at least one of the following additional weaknesses as well: * they all have the Gangrel weakness. The animal form is always a wolf (type varies by tribe). If the character is a Gangrel-wolven, then they lose an attribute dot after every second frenzy (instead of three). * they take aggravated damage from silver (but this damage can be soaked with regular dice, only not regenerated). They still suffer Luna's bane. This must be actual damage, simple contact is not enough to injure the Wolven. However, whenever the Wolven is in contact with silver, all difficulties (including Frenzy rolls) are increased by 1. * on the night of the full moon, all Frenzy rolls have their difficulty increased by one. * for the servants of the Wyrm, Wolvens are still considered to be Kinfolk. Hence, they are often the target of Bane spirits and Pentex first-teams The ST should decide what weaknesses the Wolven gets. Generally, the more Garou powers and manerisms which the Wolven takes, the more weaknesses he gets. Preferred Path: Many Wolvens follow the Path of Gaia (see below). Few follow any other Path, although many retain just their basic humanity. The exception to this is Black-Spiral Wolven, who typically follow the Path of Typhon, Evil Revelations, or Dead and the Soul. Gaining Clan Prestige: as per their clan. Garou do take an interest in the affairs of the Wolven, and this may make the Wolven respected or reviled in their eyes, far more so than normal kindred. Quote: "If the Wyrm and Gehenna is to be stopped, then both the Leeches and Garou must unite. Our first goal is to remove the wyrm-tainted Prince of this city. Of course, I am the best qualified to lead the anarchs to this victory and establish a more just society..." Stereotypes: (Clan views often override these ones) Assamites: Jackals and mercenaries. Take them if you can. If not, you probably have a relative who can. Brujah: We have much in common, as our Rage makes us both strong. But they are destructive, disorganized and nilhistic and cause much misery in their rampages. Still, their are some who could make noble allies. Caitiff: We are both people without a home. They seem to be among the most destructive Kindred. Do not sink to their baseness. Gangrel: Our brothers and sisters. They have great control over Gaia's children but have lost touch with their spiritual side. It is a pity that so many have surrendered to Harano. Lasombra: Wyrm servants. Rage. Malkavians: They are corrupted by the Wyrm but some still fight. They might be more capable than they seem, but I doubt it. Best to leave them to their insanity. Nosferatu: Perhaps it is because the Wyrm is so visible to them, that they can fight its spiritual taint. Be careful, they seem to know everything. Ravnos: These tricksters are like the Nuwisha - worthless. They don't fight against Gehenna and they get in the way of those who do. Setites: These guys make Pentex look like nuns. Beware of the forked tongue of the wyrm. Fortunately they are easier to kill than some. Unfortunately, they are harder to find. Toreador: Vacuous, snot-nosed idiots. They aren't the worst of the lot, if only because their petty games keep them from doing real harm. Tremere: We could learn a lot from these guys, but I don't think the knowledge would be worth the price of our souls. Tzimisce: When they are angered, they assume the monstrous form of the wyrm. They are the vilest of your enemies. Kill them before they end us all. Ventrue: They have the most power and are responsible for the rape of Gaia by leeches. Justice must be served; the guilty must be punished. Anarchs: We can respect their aims, but their lack of restraint shows that they are not a viable alternative to the Camarilla. Camarilla: it is oppressive, yes, but at least it limits Kindred damage to Gaia. Better to fix it, than trash it. Inconnu: They're fooling themselves. We kindred are creatures of the Wyrm, and not even our mystics can master it completely. Sabbat: The Wyrm's hand. Let us rip it apart, finger by finger. View the Path of Gaia.