Welcome to the POV-Ray tutorial. It is absolutey recommended that you print this tutorial out, and use it as you would a book. There are versions for most machines/software packages. The file povtut95.zip contains the files: ptwfw6a.doc - PC/Word for Windows version 6a ptwfw2.doc - " " " " 2 ptwp5.doc - PC/WorpPerfect for Windows version 5 ptwfm4.mcw - Mac/Word version 4 ptrtf.rtf - Rich Text Format. Many progs import this. ptascii.txt - Ascii with line breaks. If you have to.... matmap.gif - a gif, necessary for the tutorial plasma3.gif - another one, which is also included in POV legal.txt - READ THIS Please select the best (try converting from them all if you don't have anything that will take one of them exactly) and delete the rest. Look for EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) in later versions. If you don't want to commit your printer to 109+ pages at one go, just print out a few pages at a time, and if you give up halfway you haven't wasted all that toner/ribbon/ink/paper. Please send you thoughts to me, Jon Peterson, zctyjhp@ts.bcc.ac.uk