==================== REGISTRATION FORM ==================== ------------------------------------------------- Page 1 / 2 --- B I D Ltd. P.O.Box 34 10121 Berlin G e r m a n y ----------------------------------------------------------------- Bank: Bank f. Gemeinwirtschaft (BfG Berlin) Account: 1608 180 600 BLZ: 100 101 11 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Postscheck: Deutsche Bundespost: 4873 81-105 ================================================================= Name: ________________________________________________________ Firm: ________________________________________________________ Street: ________________________________________________________ ZIP: _________ City: _____________________________________ Telephone:( )_______________ Fax: ( )__________________ ================================================================= With this form I apply a registration for the following software: Program: RADIODESK Version: 1.1 Spec.: Shareware After receiving my registration number I am a full license user of this software. Therefore I may use it for privat purposes only. I am free to copy RADIODESK and pass it on to friends and enemies. I have also been reminded that the original copyright on the soft- ware is not touched by this approval and remains by the BID Ltd.. Hacking, distribution under another name and all other changes made by you are strictly forbidden and will be prosecuted immediately! This registration does not allow any commercial use of the software. Registration fee: $ 20.- (incl. VATs, P&P, shipment) Kind of payment (please sign): Cash in letter:___ Postal order: ___ Eurocheque:___ _________________________________________________________________ After payment you will get a nice little postal package with your very personal full-featured version of RADIODESK! The differences between shareware and registered version are: no more shareware-screens and a huge "STATSI.DAT" file filled with 100 recent addresses of broadcasting stations from all over the world. You will also get a 3 months e-mail support and will be informed about new updates and other software from BID. Of course, as a registered user, you can profit by our interesting discount prices on other products from BID... _________________________________________________________________ Date Signature ----------------------------------------------------------------- ==================== REGISTRATION FORM ==================== ------------------------------------------------- Page 2 / 2 --- PERSONAL REMARKS ON RADIODESK: How I have got this version of RADIODESK: ____ Internet/Usenet ____ Mailbox ___ Friends ore foes Name/Address (opt.): ____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ My opinion/critic/remarks/wishes: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ____ Please send information about other BID products too! OTHER OPTIONAL DATA ............................................. _________________________________________________________________ I am working with the following hardware: Computer (PC/XT/AT/Notebook): _________ Firm: __________________ Prozessor (8286/386/486/586): _________ CoProzessor: ____________ Operating syst (DOS/WIN/OS-2): ________ VDU: _________________ Favour.software: ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ HAM / SWL: Tell us something about your hobby! What is your radio equipment? Are you a HAM? Since when? What do you like most on SWL? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ================================================================= Thank you very much for your approval. Welcome to the BID club! =================================================================