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It is well documented that there are pockets of people, who are centenarians, clustered not only in the mountainous Caucasias, where they are most celebrated but also in other rural areas like Yakutia, in Siberia or the Poltays District of the Urkrain, as well as Tibet and Spain. Compare this to the elderly in the U.S. who are often medicated and placed in nursing homes, resigned to die, without ever thinking of reaching the age of 100! One U.S. centurion was interviewed and congratulated by the president of the U.S. and given a party to honor his longevity. This party became a great occasion and a symbol of what all hope for, namely, a long life! While the centurion mentioned above was confined to a nursing home, the people of the same age, and even older who live in Russia, Spain, and Tibet are actively involved in life at this stage of their lives! In the Russian district of Kargasck, the people are a dairy and vegetable-eating populace who cherish family ideals and traditions. A common outlook, shared by all the inhabitants, is to not let life pressure them. They are hearty, outdoor folk who work as carpenters, beekeepers, and farmers, and they usually live to be well over 100 years of age! These elders are revered, active and valued members of their society and family. The harmony prevalent in the Kargosokian society cannot be reproduced in our Western world of stress and fast-paced living. However; the Russian centurions attribute their longevity not only to their work habits, but also the Kombucha Elixir Tea which has been in their diets for hundreds of years! This tea contains a concentrated amount of high quality proteins which the body ingests and uses immediately. The enzymes respond to the beneficial living micro-organisms in the body and metabolize them readily. Dr. Pam Pen, a scientist of Japan, reports his findings as follows: "The tea helps restore hair growth after 4 to 6 months, and grey hair will darken, and it can strengthen the eyesight." Because he found the culture contains three basic vital elements needed by the body, he claims that the tea is a life extender. Dr. Kienaar of Germany is using this tea to support cancer treatments. He has documented Kombucha's toxin removal abilities extensively. He states that this tea can prevent cancer if taken daily. The Kombucha grows in a membrane-form and is a symbiosis of yeast cells and different beneficial bacteria. This is a beneficial form of yeast which does not resemble the common kitchen yeast at all. It is also of importance to note for those who suffer from harmful yeast infections that the Kombucha actually attacks and helps to remove the harmful yeast, Candida, from the body! Among the beneficial bacteria in the Kombucha are: Bacterium Xylinum, Bacterium gluconicum, Acetobacter ketogenum and Pichia fermentans. The Kombucha needs to live in a solution composed of black tea and sugar. It is the Elixir which results from the Kombucha resting in this solution which you strain off and drink daily. It taste is very pleasant and refreshing. In the right temperature such as the temperature in the average home, it will multiply constantly! The Kombucha multiplies progressively and produces glucuronic acid, lactic acid, acetic acid, several vitamins, and many beneficial amino acids. The Kombucha transforms the sugar and black tea into enzymes, useful for the body. The mixture later contains not only these products, but also 0.5% alcohol. Glucuronic acid is used in the body to build the important polysaccharides such as: Hyalurenic acid which is vital for the connective tissues in the body. Chondrontinsulfat acid which is the basic substance in our cartilage: Mukoitinsulfat acid which is essential for the mucous membranes and for the viticour (eye), and also Hepatin and Lactic acid which is needed especially for our colon. The Kombucha Elixir works like a natural antibiotic. The Kombucha has been used for many hundreds, and maybe thousands of years by those who believe it can activate the glandular system, stimulate the metabolism, reduce weight, lower uric acid, lower cholesterol, alleviate rheumatism, arthritis, and neurasthenia, it is good for the stomach, liver, and kidney disorders, gout, boils, natural beneficial colon flora and it increases the blood circulation and aids those under stress. This little marvel has been used as a successful "Panacea". The Kombucha takes only seven days to reproduce itself, leaving you with three-quarters of a gallon of health elixir. The whole plant and the `babies' it produces look like tan pancakes which float on top of the tea which is prepared for them to live on in the container. The Elixir of the Kombucha has many benefits and if properly cultivated it is said it will: 1) Eliminate wrinkles and help in the removal of brown spots on hands. It is a skin humecant. 2) Prevent certain kinds of cancer. In Manchula, where this plant came from, there has not been detected one single case of cancer. Everyday, the people there drink the elixir. 3) During Menopause, it will reduce hot-flash discomforts. 4) Just after drinking the Kombucha Elixir, you may feel a warm sensation when the tea's components enter the blood stream. This is the result of the tea causing a draining action of toxic chemical elements and fluids. 5) You will notice increased mobility in your extremities and flexibility around your waist because of the elimination of toxic materials from the body which have been settled for a long time in various organs and intestines. 6) It helps constipation. 7) It helps relieve muscular aches and pains in the shoulders and neck. 8) It helps relieve bronchitis and asthma sufferers and relieves coughing in two or three days. Children with long-standing phlegm problems will be greatly helped. 9) It helps with kidney problems. 10) It has proven helpful in cataracts and other formations on the cornea. 11) Helps heal diseases of all types, due to being a wide-spectrum, natural antibiotic. 12) It will lower cholesterol and soften veins and arteries. 13) It stops infectious diarrhea. 14) It helps to burn fat, helping to reduce weight. 15) It helps relieve insomnia. 16) It helps the liver work more efficiently. 17) It will level off glucose and sudden drops in blood sugar in diabetics and those with hypoglycemia. If taken daily, it will eliminate urea in 100 days. 18) It has surprising effects on the scalp, it helps avoid balding, thickens hair, and helps to eliminates gray hair. 19) It helps digestion. Preparation and propagation of the Kombucha is simple and easy and requires very little attention. Once established in its growing container, a common gallon glass jar, or one gallon crock, it only requires attention once a week when a fresh solution needs to be made for the new `baby' Kombucha. Unlike other herbs and medicines, you don't need to continue purchasing this product, it will provide you with Elixir, indefinitely because it is self-propagating! Complete care, growing instructions and dosage information is sent with every Order. To Order a Kombucha start, Return to the Main Menu. Most of the ordering information is already preprogrammed into the Order Form for your convenience. Just fill out the quantity and totals. <*> Thank You for Ordering and . . . Enjoy You New Good Health! <*> =============================================================================== <<<<< End of File >>>>>