NUTRITION WIZARD/QUICK-TEST QUICK-SUMMARY Here is fast, summary information on using Nutrition Wizard/Quick-Test: * 2-minute lightning-fast tour * Shortcut keystrokes * Dialog box quick-guide 2-MINUTE LIGHTNING-FAST TOUR OF NUTRITION WIZARD/QUICK-TEST Here is very fast tour of the major features of Nutrition Wizard/QT. The tour assumes you are familiar with the way most PC software works. If not, see the detailed instructions. +++ START UP NUTRITION WIZARD/QUICK-TEST To start the program, do either of the following... * From Windows, double-click on the Nutrition Wizard icon. * On the DOS command line type the disk drive and path to Nutrition Wizard/QT along with the program name (NWQT). For example: A:\NWQT C:\NUWIZARD\NWQT +++ THE BASIC SCREEN LAYOUT SHOWS EVERYTHING YOU NEED AT ONCE Here are the basic screen areas: +-------------------------------------+ | MAIN MENU | +------------------+------------------+ | | | | | FOOD LIST | | | | | FOOD MENU +------------------+ | | | | | NUTRITION | | | | +------------------+------------------+ | HINTS & SHORTCUTS | +-------------------------------------+ +++ SELECT SOME FOODS TO GET STARTED Select some foods from the food menu on the left half of the screen. Press highlighted letters you see along the left edge of the screen. You can also point and click using a mouse. When asked for a quantity, you can just press ENTER or click on the OK button. Press ESC to back up within a menu category. The list of foods appears in the upper right screen quarter. The total nutrition for these foods appears in the lower right corner. You can enter as much or as little information as you want right now, but the Nutrition Window display (lower right quarter) and reports assumes a whole day's food. So if you enter random foods or less than a whole day, some results won't make sense. +++ YOU INSTANTLY SEE A NUTRITION SUMMARY IN SIMPLE LOW/OK/HIGH FORMS Press TAB twice. The title "Whole Day Nutrition" in the center-right of the screen becomes bright. Pressing F5 expands this area to fill the whole screen and show more detail. Pressing TAB again highlights the food menu again and allows you to select more foods. Viewing this window is faster than creating and reading a report and gives a great overview of nutrition. Press ALT+M to select another meal. Or, if you want, you can enter all the foods for a day as one big "meal". +++ SAVE THE DAY'S SELECTIONS Press F2 to save your food selections. +++ IN TWO SECONDS GET A COMPLETE ANALYSIS & EASY IMPROVEMENT SUGGESTIONS Press F4 to create a Report. It appears on the screen in about 2 seconds. You can scroll the report on the screen using the PAGE-UP and PAGE-DOWN keys. Nutrition Wizard/QT analyzes the day's nutrition and make comments and suggestions in plain English. Nutrition Wizard evaluates nutrients far more exhaustively than you could ever do manually but it's far simpler and easier-to-use than any other nutrition evaluation or nutrition improvement system. Press ALT+M if you want to view or change meals again. +++ PRESS F1 TO GET INSTANT HELP To obtain help on whatever you are doing, press F1. To get specific help for new users press ALT+H. Make the help window disappear by pressing the ESC key. +++ HOW TO EXIT NUTRITION WIZARD/QUICK-TEST To leave Nutrition Wizard/QT, press ALT+Q. It concludes with a "Food Bite", a pearl of nutrition wisdom. After you've read it, press ENTER. In about 10 seconds it disappears by itself. You then see some information about Nutrition Wizard Deluxe. Press the requested function key to leave the program. MAJOR COMMAND SHORTCUT KEYS F1 - Context-sensitive help in whatever you are doing ALT+H - Help for new users TAB - Switch to (highlight) the next screen item or window panel F5 - Expand a window panel. Many windows show more detail when expanded. Pressing F5 again shrinks the window. UP or DOWN arrow, PAGE-UP, PAGE-DOWN keys - Scroll through a list, menu or report display F10 -- Activate the menu system. ENTER -- Means "ok". ESC -- Means "cancel" or "no". You can also use a mouse to do almost anything. DIALOG BOX QUICK-GUIDE Nutrition Wizard/Quick-Test uses pop-up windows called dialog boxes when it wants you to enter information. Here is a very quick summary of how to use them. See the documentation or on-line help (F1 and CTRL+F1) for more detailed information. +++ USE A MOUSE OR THE KEYBOARD You can do most things in a dialog box using either the keyboard or a mouse. Most of the descriptions below describe how to use the keyboard. !!!! The mouse is the easiest way to select items in a dialog box because all you do is point and click at the item of interest. Many items have highlighted shortcut letters or numbers. Typing ALT+letter directly activates that item. +++ GETTING AROUND USING THE KEYBOARD * Use the TAB key to move between objects in a dialog box -- the selected item or group is highlighted (has a brighter appearance). * ENTER means you are done entering information. This activates the OK command button. * ESC means cancel the dialog and Nutrition Wizard ignores anything you entered or changed. This activates the Cancel command button. This is the "I changed my mind" button. +++ AN EXAMPLE DIALOG BOX... INPUT LINE LIST BOX : : OPTION BUTTONS : : : : : : CHECK BOXES : : : : +---------------:---- Sample Dialog Box -------:-----------+ : : | : : | : : | Name |Mary_Mary_____________| : | : : | : | : :.................................. : | : | Gender Toppings : >>Food | : | +------------+ +-----------------+ +-----------+ | :........|(o) Female | |[ ] Mushrooms | | apple | | | |( ) Male | |[X] Onions | | grape | | | |( ) Other | |[X] Green pepper | |>orange | | | +------------+ +-----------------+ | pear | | | | pineapple | | | +-----------+ | | | | [Nutrients ] [ok-enter] [cancel-esc] | | : : : | +---------:---------------:----------------:---------------+ : : : COMMAND BUTTON ..:...............:................: Input line -- used to type in a name or number. * Just type to enter information. * BACKSPACE or DEL erase characters. * LEFT or RIGHT arrow keys move the cursor. List box -- choose an item from a list of selections. * It is a list of items -- exactly one item is always highlighted. * UP, DOWN arrow keys highlight a different item. * A list box may have more items in it than fit in its area. Use the PAGE-UP or PAGE-DOWN keys to see more. Or click on the small pointers in the scroll-bar to the right. * Or select an item by pointing and clicking on it with a mouse. Option buttons -- choose only one of several possibilities. * Only one item in the group can be selected -- such as male/female (you can't be both). * The one selected item has a large dot in its "button". * UP, DOWN arrow keys to highlight an item, press the SPACE bar to change it. * Or change by pointing and clicking using a mouse. Check boxes -- turn any number of options on and off. * An X in the box means an item is selected (on): * Any number of items in the group can be selected (on). * Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to highlight an item, press the SPACE bar to change it. * Or change an item by pointing and clicking using a mouse. Command button -- perform an action. * Usually at the bottom of the dialog window. * The most common buttons are OK and Cancel. * Press SPACE to activate a highlighted command button. * You can also activate a command by pointing and clicking using a mouse. Some dialogs have other buttons, such as... * Page button -- Dialogs needing more information than can fit in one window use a Page button. Activate this button to move to another page. The OK and Cancel buttons apply to all pages in a multi-page dialog. A dialog may also have other command buttons, such as to activate another dialog. Copyright 1995 QPlus Inc. Nutrition Wizard and QPlus are trademarks of QPlus Inc.