From: Bob Penny Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology Subject: Public Notice to Scn lawyers from FACTNet, Inc. Date: Wed, 15 Feb 95 02:21:35 -0500 February 14, 1995 PUBLIC NOTICE TO OFFICIALS AND LAWYERS OF THE "CHURCH" OF SCIENTOLOGY FROM FACTNet, INC. FACTNet is a non-profit victim advocacy organization and electronic library and archive which contains information on many different cults. FACTNet anticipates that the "church" of Scientology will stage a raid on our facilities similar to the raid on the premises of Dennis Erlich. We believe Scientology will attempt to get a warrant under the false pretense of claiming we are violating their copyrights. While we continually have to protect our BBS's uploads and watch for "hacked in" material that may come from Scientology operatives trying to plant copyrighted materials on our system, we do not feel that the copyright violation issue will really have anything to do with Scientology's attempt to raid us. The real purpose of Scientology's probable raid is to try to examine and gain access to ongoing litigation investigations and other legal materials that are being stored at FACTNet for at least 8 major court cases from around the world. With this public notice we once again put the officials and attorneys of Scientology on notice that the materials stored at FACTNet are protected under the privileges of attorney client confidentiality, attorney client work product, the fair use exemptions for use of copyrighted materials in ongoing or upcoming litigation, and the privileges and immunities provided for materials being used in governmental investigations. If you send rent-a-cops to FACTNet with a bogus search warrant sworn out on incomplete and false affidavits that fail to mention the above, you will find yourself facing another SLAPP suit like the one in which Scientology was just ordered to pay Lawrence Wollersheim $135,000 in costs. We are a fully insured organization ready to fight for victims rights. In reference to the hero Dennis Erlich, I suggest you go back and reread the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 and get a copy of the religious copyright case that was just lost 3 days ago by a religious organization trying to use copyrights to prevent former members from practicing their beliefs. This new decision gives Dennis Erlich and others a powerful new tool to gut the copyright intimidation your evil group practices in the name of religion. Lawrence Wollersheim cc: Electronic Freedom Foundation, Boardwatch Magazine, American Library and Archive Associations, all appropriate Internet and BBS discussion groups. Feel free to copy this message to anyone you feel could be aided by it.