FrontDoor Log Analyzer - FDLA Version 1.01e Copyright 1991-94 by R.J. (Bob) Ross - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SysOp - RJ's Byteline BBS - FidoNet 1:134/75 03 June, 1994 REGISTRATION ------------ FDLA is free for use in a non commercial environment and may be copied and distributed freely and publicly for this purpose. I do request that you register your copy of FDLA though. This is primarily to feed my ego and satisfy my curiosity on where my programs are being used. I have a world map on my wall and stick map pins in at the geographical location of known users of my programs. It's easy to register FDLA. If you are a FidoNet Node then just send NetMail to Bob Ross at 1:134/75 and tell me that you use the program. Please mention the Version number you are using. If you can't get mail to me via this method then I'd be pleased to receive a letter or post card. My postal address is: R.J. Ross #107A, 3730 50th Street North West Calgary, Alberta, CANADA T3A 2V9 Please do take the time and effort contact me. You will earn a pin on my map if you do.