MATHS ALGORITHM computer LIBRARY = MAL, AUSTRALIAS' FIRST ULTIMATE WIDE RANGE NO-FRILLS BARGAIN MATHS PROBLEM SOLVER MADE EASY on IBM-VGA. INCLUDES DEMO, SHAREWARE. COPYRIGHT & PRODUCED BY Dr.Patrick ffyske Howden, Backyard Tech, Cone St, Macleay Island, Q 4184. Phone: Australia (07) 4095100. Fast, internationally tested, portable, very powerful, menu-driven, for every professional + student + expert in most fields who simply MUST solve nasty maths routinely & rapidly, but who don't have time to learn how. Only seconds to enter problems without program skill, friendly quickstart MAL fosters endless MATHS enthusiasm, a lifelong investment. Briefly practice on examples and you can recycle the small Manual. The 50+ MALgorithms include: VARIED MULTIGRAPHING - DATAFITTING - POLYNOMIAL MATHS - FACTORS, FRACTIONS, PRIMES, BASE CONVERT, RANDOMS - LONG ARITHMETIC - 0N-SCREEN CALCULATOR - DIFFERENTIATE, INTEGRATE - STATISTICS - MATRICES, DETERMINANTS - INTERPOLATION - FOURIER & TIME SERIES - ALPHA/NUMERIC SORT - TURN POINTS - DIFF. & ALGEBRAIC LINEAR & NONLIN EQUATION SYSTEMS... Descriptive text & HELP on related MENU or MALgorithm disk files. According to Bond University (Australia) Chancellor, Prof.Harry Messel: "Mal is to current applied maths usage what a modern IC is to old-fashioned, not easily checkable, hand-wired transistor circuit cards...taking months to design & test". Registration/Price of $35, 10 to 100 TIMES CHEAPER than similar competition, includes Manual+examples+p+h. Cheaper than calculators!! We have IBM-VGA/Herc, MAC, Sun/Unix, Olivetti, Apple 2, Laptop versions. Let's know your machine type & we'll do the rest. A second disk version for a mere $10. Please phone/write if your screen size (laptop) is smaller than usual. Impressive educational/guantity/group/trade discounts available. Any version with a MAC-disk Manual saves 1/3rd the price = saves paper. ** BRIEF HINTS ** BOOT computer. Set CAPS LOCK; turn off NUMLOCK. * For DEMO, type & RETURN .The MENU is child's play. * For MAIN MATHS LIBRARY, type & RETURN . Then follow clear simple instructions! Cheers. *A Reminder when typing in functions: write 5Y(2+X) as 5*Y*(2+X). X divided by (Y-3) is typed X/(Y-3). Also X to power of Y becomes X^Y, as in the Manual & on disk HELP.