Mr. Machinist WHATSNEW.TXT file. ( 04-08-95 ) =============================================== MRM107 Added 'Spaces? (y/n/a)' function to sequencing and un-sequencing. MRM108 Change of author address and fixed helpfile bug in 'ChangeDir' menu function. Input a new function in the circle menu called, 'Pin in a Diamond'. This function will calculate the pin diameter within any symmetrical four sided shape with square corners. This establishes a good way to measure small diamond shape cut outs. MRM109 Moved dialog boxes out of the way of menus, caused execution of 'OK' button by striking 'Enter' on last input line, removed the bug that caused system lock-up in 3 points on a circle if a user input coordinates that rest on a straight line, added a function in the circle menu called, 'Pin in a Diamond' that calculates a diameter within a four sided symmetrical shape, added a printhelp choice in the helpfile, revised the manual, fixed the bug in the bolt circle function where if a user used the function once then 'Escaped' out and then used the function a second time right away it would cause a system lock-up, changed the views in 'bolt circle' and 'drill details' to 'editable' views. MRM110 Added math to all input lines that may require it. Also added a section in the help file called, 'The Cutting Edge'. These are writtings that are used by permission of their author at the discretion of the author of this program. A person can learn a lot from these writtings so check them out. Stan Dornfeld is the latest author of many very informative writtings that have been included within the Mr. Machinist help file. Continually look for new 'studies' within the help file for they are very informative! If you can come up with a good writting that has to do with machining metal then please send it in or up-load it to the Mr. Machinist BBS. By submitting your work you automatically give permission to the author of this program to use it in this programs help file if the author thinks it is worth while to the people who use Mr. Machinist. Also added a 'Threads' menu choice which we will add to in the future. Right now there is a function there called, 'Compound Rest Travel'. This calculates the distance a compound rest must travel on a lath when cutting a V-thread. MRM110 (01-07-95) Made the use of LPT2 possible, assigned F11 to DOS Shell, removed a bug in the 3 Points on a Circle Function, added the command line option of '/?,/lpt2', cut down memory consumtion. MRM111 (03/03/95) Added g-code creation of Bolt Circles, fixed 3 points on a circle round of error on the radius answer, F12 key added to create a formula file, SFM.TXT file added so user can edit speeds of different materials, help file information has been increased and the price of the program has also increased. Watch for version 2.0 with more g-code creation and other great functions! MRM111c (04/08/95) Added Circle Divided function, fixed speed/feed errors in Bolt circle G code function, fixed SFM error in milling speed/feed report, increased help file size. Keep watch for upgrades because they can come quickly! When shareware users register their shareware, their shareware will be better shareware! F1 Computing