INTRODUCTION & OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS US GOLD! is a unique, electronic, cheat-proof modification of one of the oldest and MOST SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES that man has EVER devised. YES, US GOLD! IS A BUSINESS!, and, it is a LEGAL and HONEST way of running a business to make money. You are now about to set up a business and, by obtaining this disk, you have acquired the necessary tools to run this venture. This business, LEGALLY, ETHICALLY and HONESTLY distributes computer software under the shareware principal. As the sole copyright holder of this software, the Author hereby FREELY OFFERS AND AGREES TO ITS DISTRIBUTION THROUGH YOUR BUSINESS. As a condition of use however, you are bound to register the use of the software with the Author. The software you are distributing is U.S. GOLD! which includes not only valuable sharware programs, but an income opportunity as well. Once registered, you can duplicate and distribute as many disks of this software as you wish, completely legally and free from any interference from anyone. The Author recommends giving out 6 to 10 disks, FREE OF CHARGE. The software you are now using however, has a MUCH more profitable use. It can be used to manufacture and re-sell information (the shareware programs contained on this disk) effectively making YOU a distributor. Budget Manager (contained on this disk) is a fully functional program which anyone can use. However, printing is restricted only to those who have registered the program. This brings us to your income opportunity - as a distributor and information vendor. Just as an auto manufacturer buys parts from many different suppliers, you now need to buy the components for YOUR product. The product you are selling is INFORMATION, and you need to buy the parts to allow the system to manufacture YOUR information for re-sale. HERE'S HOW IT WORKS To unlock this program and enable you to duplicate this disk for free distribution, you must obtain special codes. The names and addresses of 4 information vendors are encoded within the data supplied with this software. They have each agreed (just as you must) to sell the information they manufacture for $10 per part. By selecting 'Print Purchase Orders' from the 'Purchases' menu, you produce orders for the information codes required (from these 4 vendors) to set up your second business as an information manufacturer (or vendor). These purchase orders should be sent to these 4 vendors IMMEDIATELY, with your checks for $10 to each of them, and to the Administration Center. These 4 vendors, and the Administration Center, will each send you an invoice for your $10 and a special code. When these codes arrive, store them in the system by selecting 'Input Stock' from the 'Purchases' menu. Once all 5 codes arrive, the system will be enable you to manufacture YOUR information (you can now duplicate the disks) and place YOUR name at the top of the distribution list, (discarding the details of the vendor at the bottom.) Subsequent purchasers of information will soon be sending YOU their $10 to unlock the full functionality of the Budget Manager software AND join the distribution network. Now, as you distribute this disk to others, they will send you purchase orders with $10 checks and you will enter their name into your program and generate an invoice for their $10 and the codes that they need to manufacture their disks and join the distribution down line. (The codes that you will supply are printed on the invoices you generate to the distributors in your down line.) This will also move you up one level each time. And, as you move up the distribution ladder, you will receive more and more requests (along with $10 checks) for codes to unlock the disks for the new distributors. (This is how your income opportunity grows, but more about that later.) To make an information code, the system combines the codes you have purchased from your up-line in a specially designed algorithm. This algorithm can generate (or manufacture) a level-code for every position below you in your down line. When future distributors send you their checks with a purchase order, these will be the codes YOU sell. For safety's sake, only YOU can generate the codes needed for YOUR down-line members to unlock Budget Manager and enable them to manufacture their disks and join the distribution down line. HERE'S THE INCOME OPPORTUNITY You have now invested $10 for administration and $10 for each of four pieces of information (codes) to become an information vendor. A total investment of $50. Once you have manufactured your new disks you are automatically an agent to your down line. The more disks you FREELY DISTRIBUTE, the greater your income opportunity. As an example, lets assume that you distribute 6 disks and, in turn, each of these people also distribute 6 disks. At this point, with 36 disks in your down line which places you at the first level, your income begins. You now receive 6 orders for information (and 6 checks) from each of the recipients of the 6 disks your down line have distributed. That's 6 X 6 or 36 pieces of information at $10 each, a Stage One profit of $310 ($360 less your $50 initial investment). Assuming that each of these people also freely distribute 6 disks each, with YOUR details having moved up to the number 2 position, you should receive 6 X 6 X 6 or 216 people, looking to pay you $10 for their codes, producing a healthy $2,160 profit for you to add to the $310 you already have. This produces a potential Stage 2 profit for you of $2,470. Your $50 investment is already returning substantial rewards. But wait...there's more!!! Let's go to the next level, using the same rules, 6 X 6 X 6 X 6 or 1,296 people are now clamoring to send you $10 each for their codes, making your potential Stage 3 profit $15,430. The final round, should see your name in the fourth (and last) position on over 7,000 disks, producing a staggering $77,760 to be added to your profit, making a grand total of $93,190 before your name drops off to make way for someone else! And, all you have to do for this incredible potential profit of $93,190 is make one initial investment of $50 and freely distribute just 6 disks. Then, if the down line continues to distribute 6 disks each, your profit is practically guaranteed. You can use the 'Profit Calculator' in the US GOLD! software to find out just what could happen if you and your down line distribute 8, 10, or 12 each! REMEMBER - YOU can freely distribute as MANY disks as you want, at ANY time! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Once you have purchased the information, it is YOURS FOREVER! YOU NEVER HAVE TO PAY AGAIN! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR PROFIT WOULD BE IF YOU GAVE AWAY 25, 50 OR EVEN 100 DISKS? ----------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT IS DIFFERENT ABOUT US GOLD! In some instances, people in your down line will move, lose their motivation, become lazy, forget or just plain stop issuing codes. Regardless of the reasons, their down line (and in some cases their up-line) become stranded, damaged and unable to continue. We are also aware of some members who take 30 days or more to return codes, an act that hurts the whole network. (PLEASE, be considerate. Return your codes as soon as you receive a purchase order. REMEMBER...this will affect your income as well!) US GOLD! has been designed to cure the problem of 'drop-outs' and also to make another damaging principal, that of the 'buy-out' impossible. Drop-Outs. --------- If for any reason a code is not returned by a network member, just contact the administration center (by fax only) and we will contact that member directly. Should the position not resolve, we will (a). supply you with that member's level code directly, and (b). close up the gap by issuing a new down line This will ensure that your down line will continue. Buy-Outs. -------- Another feature implemented in US GOLD! is a random swap facility. This is operated randomly at each position, and is intended to remove the temptation to 'buy out' a matrix by individuals re-registering for each position. It will also increase the speed and distance that the network travels and the variety of it's members. An exchange will only be made with other members having equivalent down-line numbers, so the earning potential for each member's matrix will remain unaffected. Because the Administration Center is aware of each and every step in the network, address changes can be implemented efficiently and gaps in the network, due to drop-outs, can be closed up quickly. Software upgrades and new down lines will also be distributed from this single source. This will allow us to support network users directly, leading to a much improved speed and efficiency overall. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS You have already received the US GOLD Software disk. Apart from a computer, this is ALL you need to start your business. You should IMMEDIATELY print your registration form and the 4 purchase orders. Send these along with your checks for $10 each to the network Administration Center and the 4 information vendors contained in your Suppliers Database. THIS IS IMPORTANT as you will not be able to proceed with the plan until you have received your codes, enabling you to join the distribution channel and manufacture disks. Once your codes arrive, enter them into US GOLD! The system software can now use these codes to manufacture the information codes you will be distributing to others, thereby creating your own down line. SELECTING YOUR CUSTOMERS. As this is a computerized plan, it is important to spend your time researching your potential customers. They must obviously own or have good access to a computer and a printer. Any IBM compatible computer will do. As for the printer, almost any will suffice providing it is capable of printing plain text (not postscript). Throughout this document, all the figures are calculated assuming that each person invests a total of $50 for the registration of the software. ($10 to the Administration Center and $10 for each of the 4 vendors to receive the codes required for the manufacturing process. With that in mind, it is important to realize the potential worth of each of your customers, and how important it is for you to spend time explaining US GOLD! in detail, and helping them explain it to others. It may help to remember this single important fact ... --------------------------------------------------------------- FOR EACH SUCCESSFUL PERSON YOU INTRODUCE TO US GOLD!, YOU COULD EARN AS MUCH AS $15,530.00! --------------------------------------------------------------- To help you, here are some of the questions that are most often asked. IS IT LEGAL ? YES! ... You are setting up a genuine trading company, both buying and selling services and products of value within the community. The Software itself will help you by printing all the paperwork, orders and sales receipts. CAN I CHEAT ? In a word ... NO! The original paper based Money-Go-Round schemes suffered from one major drawback (apart from being illegal), and that was simple greed! Not happy with almost $94,000 for a $50 investment, operators of the plan consistently tried to cheat by putting their friends and family in each of the positions on the list. US GOLD! overcomes this by constantly shifting and swapping codes and algorithms, encrypting the software and data which prevents tampering. Think for a moment, if you were to cheat, you would only save $50 (the cost of your codes). You couldn't put yourself any higher on the list, because the system puts you at number 1 anyway - so what's the point? In reality, you'll profit far more from just entering into the plan, in good faith and putting your efforts where it can do you the most good. WHY U.S. US GOLD! - and not some other plan ? If you look at most paper based plans, it is difficult to guarantee the legalities and, for the most part, there is no way of guaranteeing that you will not just lose your money to a greedy few. The US GOLD! System is designed to run legally and honestly and overcome individual greed by passing control of the plan to a machine that follows the rules. WHAT ABOUT COMPUTER VIRUSES? The biggest fear when distributing OR receiving software these days is that a virus might be lurking in it somewhere. To alleviate this, US GOLD! checks ITSELF for viruses! If it finds ANY modification, it will simply refuse to run, hanging your system without damage to your files. The distribution process is similarly safeguarded. By holding a complete duplicate copy of the software within itself, US GOLD! makes absolutely sure that each copy is exactly the same as the original. SOME DO'S AND DON'TS. DO... Make sure you understand that while US GOLD! can be operated simply for profit, the Budget Manager software is what you are actually distributing. By having a real product of value outside of the network, you are not simply running a money generating plan. DO... Select your customers carefully - If you distribute 6 disks, then each Customer will effectively be responsible for 17% of your income. By selecting just 6, you have the opportunity of keeping in touch with them, and helping them with any questions they may have in operating US GOLD! BE CAREFUL ABOUT MAIL SHOTS! - This is not a 'Get rich quick with no effort' plan.... US GOLD! has been designed to realize its full potential with just 6 customers. You can of course distribute as many as you like, but remember, by distributing just 6 disks, you will eventually have to generate codes and send replies to almost 8,000 customers! Just because each one has sent you $10 doesn't make the job any easier, even though the $93,190 you have earned WILL make it a little more enjoyable. DO... Keep in touch with your customers. As mentioned earlier, each is responsible for up to 17% of your income - YOU WANT THEM TO SUCCEED! If they are having trouble finding people to freely distribute US GOLD!, then HELP THEM - IT IS IN YOUR best interest. DON'T... Steal your customer's customers. The disk you provide to your customer has YOUR details in the AGENT'S box. YOU don't become a vendor until THEY distribute the disk to someone else. If you steal one of your customer's customers, then you will be 1 rung LOWER on the list than if your customer sells it! DO... Return codes AS SOON AS POSSIBLE - Once you receive a check and a purchase order, any delay effectively HOLDS UP YOUR OWN INCOME. The buyer cannot proceed distributing YOUR name as a vendor UNTIL YOU RETURN his code. If you take too long, you risk being 'locked-out' of the network by the administration Center! (If it is at all possible, try to telephone your codes back - this speeds up the whole network - and directly effects the rate at which YOU will receive your money from the next level). DO... Take care of your software and data files. Back up your system regularly. DON'T... Phone the administration center for codes or information. They must have your order ON PAPER before a code can be issued, and they are FORBIDDEN to discuss other members details or give advice on marketing US GOLD! - Queries of this nature should be directed to your agent (the person who sent you the disk). And finally, DON'T... Give the Software or codes away. - A wise man once said 'If Rolls Royces were free, then I wouldn't drive one!' The motivating force behind US GOLD! is PROFIT! - the investment that people are asked to make is so small in relation to the profit, that anyone who wants to 'do it for free' is NOT going to market the plan with the enthusiasm required, and that's 17% OF YOUR INCOME down the drain! A LAST WORD One final thing, select the 'Profit Calculator' from the system main menu, entering 6 for each of the level sales. The calculator will tell you that YOU will profit $93,190. Now change the first line to read '0'. This will be the result if you don't carry on! REGISTRATION As well as requiring your codes, US GOLD! must to be registered with the Administration Center before use. As part of this registration process, the numbers printed on the registration form allow us to validate your matrix for 'drop-outs' and 'barred members' (as described in the introduction). Your registration order will be printed automatically along with your other purchase orders. This down line validation routine ensures that your up-line members are as strong and active as possible, increasing your earning potential to the ABSOLUTE maximum. Your down line will also be checked for any other tampering or modifications which could lower your income potential. We impose a one-time fee of $10 for this service. If tampering or drop-outs are found, you will be issued a modified data disk at no extra charge. Should you have any problems with the matrix, e.g. members not returning codes, the administration center is in a position to resolve your problems quickly and efficiently - including (as a last resort) the re-issue of codes from non-active members and the distribution of software upgrades when required. A WORD OF WARNING! - ONLY THE ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON YOUR DISK CAN RETURN THE CORRECT CODE FOR YOUR MATRIX!