%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% MARKET-MASTER Version 7.00 Written and produced by: %% %% * * * * %% %% TOTAL LOGISTICS CONSULTING * * * %% %% 2664 HIDDEN TERRACE We Serve YOU With * TLC * %% %% ARCATA, CA. 95521 (c) * * %% %% (707) 839-5403 ** E-Mail at: AJENKE@aol.com * * %% %% * %% %% Copyright (c) Total Logistics Consulting 1992. All Rights Reserved. %% %% MARK-MASTER and LOGO are trademarks of Total Logistics Consulting. %% %% %% %% This program is a "SHARE-WARE" package. It is NOT FREEware, nor is it %% %% Public Domain. Please copy and distribute the entire package "AS IS". %% %% You are NOT authorized to modify this program package in any way !!! %% %% Use it and see if you are satisfied with its performance ! If you %% %% are, please send $49 ($69) plus $5 S+H to the above address. You are %% %% allowed a 60 day FREE evaluation period. More details in user's guide. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ****** NO WARRANTY ****** TLC (Total Logistics Consulting) makes NO WARRANTY of any kind, express or implied, including without limitation, any warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. TLC shall not be liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, special or consequential arising from a failure of this program to operate in the manner desired by the user. IN NO EVENT WILL TOTAL LOGISTICS CONSULTING BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS OR OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF YOUR USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM, OR FOR ANY CLAIM BY ANY OTHER PARTY. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. The above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. ============================================================================== @@@@@@ PLEASE NOTE @@@@@@ : There are two GRAPHICS screens when MARKET- MASTER is first starting up, and one when it is ending. If your mono- chrome monitor WILL NOT display these, there is an option on the main MENU1 screen to DISABLE graphics. This screen also allows you the option of TURNING OFF the SOUND. ============================================================================== ******************INDEX ****************** Section Number 1. - Hardware Requirements Section Number 2. - Program Introduction and Specifications Section Number 3. - Setup Section Number 4. - Customer/Distributor Sales Section Number 5. - Maintenance Section Number 6. - Inventory Control Section Number 7. - Utility Functions Section Number 8. - Quit Screen Section Number 9. - Order Form ****************************************************************************** I may be reached at the address at the beginning of this guide. Address the mail to AL JENKE: My Phone Number is (707) 839-5403. ****************************************************************************** %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Section Number 1. ****** Hardware Requirements ****** %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS and RECOMMENDATIONS **** NOTE **** The FIRST recommendation is that you make BACKUP copies of the supplied MARK-MASTER disks using the DOS COPY or XCOPY command. Then, put the masters away in a safe place and work from the backup copies !!! MARK-MASTER is a derivative of DBASE III, compiled with CLIPPER. As such, though it is a *STAND-ALONE* package, all data files can be manipulated with DBASE III. It will run on any 100% compatible IBM XT/AT/386/486 class comput- er. It runs under PC/MS-DOS Versions 3.x to 6.x. 512 K memory(RAM) is required. While running MARK-MASTER, it is STRONGLY suggested that all TSR's (if installed) be removed, as MARK-MASTER needs the recommended amount of memory FOR ITSELF in order to run properly ! A hard disk is required. A DISK- CACHING program is *HIGHLY* recommended ! A color monitor (CGA, EGA, preferably VGA) greatly improves the user interface, though a HERCULES GRAPHICS monochrome is quite usable. It will be necessary to make sure that your AUTOEXEC.BAT file (see your DOS User's Guide or local DOS guru, if necessary) contains a path statement in- cluding the ROOT and DOS files Directories. This is so that DOS can find the COMMAND.COM, MORE.COM, XCOPY.EXE and BACKUP.EXE files. Examples: Path=C:\;C:\DOS for a hard drive system. Make sure that you don't erase what- ever else was already in the AUTOEXEC.BAT if one already existed. The CONFIG.SYS file should have the entries: Files=30, Buffers=30 if a disk- caching program IS NOT installed; Files=30, Buffers=10 if one IS. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Section Number 2. ****** Program Introduction and Specifications ****** %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MARKET - MASTER is a Multi-Level Marketing Management System. It is designed to provide ALL the Invoice/Inventory/Distributor Tracking functions that a Distributor for an MLM company such as [ AMWAY ] might require. If you ARE an MLM distributor, the following FEATURE LIST, coupled with the LOW registration fee ($49 basic), should convince you immediately that "MARKET-MASTER" is a winner. If you desire an INTEGRATED MLM/Business-Checking Management Package, check out MLM - MASTER. It combines two systems, CHEX-MASTER and MARKET-MASTER into one easy to use, highly efficient, cost-saving business tool. An overview of the various features of the MARK-MASTER program are as follows: ****** NOTE: ****** C/D= customer/distributor * 1 } Full *optional* MASTER PRODUCT file for selected companies (ie: AMWAY), containing ALL products for invoice generation. Yearly updates are available to be processed with BUILT-IN update option. Unlike other programs, product file is FULLY updated while RETAINING certain local information, such as sales tax info. Obsolete products are also removed. * 2 } Security feature requires entry of account # to access system. * 3 } Fully automated C/D product entry requires only THREE items: product number, quantity, type code. * 4 } If product item IS NOT in the PRODUCT FILE, user is prompted for infor- mation. The item is then added to the ACTIVE FILE. * 5 } Automatic generation of C/D invoices and BONUS checks * 6 } Sequence # and date automatically inserted into check entries. * 7 } Prints BONUS CHECKS, as well as a variety of functional registers se- lected from a menu, to either screen or printer. * 8 } Bonus structure table setup in SETUP program. * 9 } Maintains monthly, yr-to-date, and running statistics on bonus and point value by INDIVIDUAL C/D. * 10 } Maintains complete profile on EACH C/D, with information automatically merged into invoices and bonus checks. * 11 } Provide unique information memo for C/D invoices. * 12 } Menu-selected "backup to floppy disk" option. * 13 } In addition to the optional FULL product file, an ACTIVE INVENTORY FILE is generated automatically as C/D orders are entered. Products may also be manually entered into this file. * 14 } Search on product information by product number. * 15 } Print inventory usage stats by ZERO on hand, DATE, or FREQUENCY. * 16 } Set inventory stocking level by item, and print TO-ORDER invoice of items below set level. * 17 } At the turn of the NEW YEAR, automatically backs-up data files. * 18 } Extensive error checking and reporting is used to maintain the integri- ty of the database at all points in the package. A detailed discussion of the various features will follow as we go through the two basic parts of the package, the "SETUP" and "FILE" sections. It is distributed as SHAREWARE. This concept allows you to try out the program of your choice first, at no cost, to see if you like it and if it meets your needs. If you decide to use it on a continuing basis, you are expected to become a REGISTERED USER. See the order form at the end of the manual. I suggest that the first thing that you do, after having read this discussion and operating instructions for the "MARKET-MASTER" system, is to select the "PRODUCT ORDER" option and, using the values already in the program, familiar- ize yourself with it. Experiment with it, select the various options, enter 'dummy' data and get the feel of how it works. Then, when you feel comfortable with the program and are ready to set it up to maintain YOUR accounts, select the "SETUP" program option. This will allow you to define the operating param- eters and values that the "MARKET-MASTER" system needs to operate. You will find (hopefully) that both the "FILE" and "SETUP" programs are pretty much "self-defining". That is, both have notes and operating instructions liberally scattered throughout at strategic points, giving you instructions as to what to do at a given point. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Section Number 3. ****** Setup ****** %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Upon entering the "SETUP" program, you will be confronted with a warning mes- sage! You will only be able to run the first part of "SETUP" once, as it zeros and defines numerous registers and variables. If you need to run this part again, it will be necessary to reinstall the whole package from scratch. #1 - # 4: The first four items allow for the setting of a C/D monthly/yearly incentive prize goal. The system will monitor the C/D yr-to-date values, and automatically signal on the invoice when this goal is reached. #5: The sales tax rate is self-exclamatory; enter as a WHOLE number (ie 6, not .06). #6: Moving along, we come to the handling charge. This is the percentage of product cost charged to distributors (it can also be charged to customers if a switch [ #21 ] is set). This is also entered as a WHOLE number. #7: The bookkeeping charge is a fee that can be added to distributor invoices for the bookkeeping service that you and this system performs for them. #8: As stated earlier, the ACCOUNT ACCESS NUMBER is the code number asked for at the opening screen in order to access the system. This is needed for secu- rity access. Once it is entered into the program, entry can only be gained to the system by entering this number. If a value is NOT entered here, the system will bypass the entry screen and enter directly into the main MENU1. #9: Following this, you will be assigning the starting sequence number of the checks you intend to print. Program requirements are that it must be 5,000 or above!! Remember this when you order checks. #10: Enter the BEGINNING Customer Account Number. This may be ANY number of your choosing, but for AMWAY, it is recommended that the number 5000000 be used, so as to stay out of the Distributor Number region. A starting number of 5000000 has already been assigned. #11: This item will provide an automatic print out upon starting up the system of accounts that have not had any activity for the number of months that you enter here. #12: This entry sets up whether the individual distributor is handling his/her own returns with the company, or returning them to the PRIME distributor (YOU). #13: Entering a "Y" in here activates the incentive prize function. #14: Type { A } to activate "Auto" mode or { M } if you wish manual entry. This provides for automatically maintaining the starting sequence number of checks to be printed, vs setting it manually EACH TIME that a check run is made. Set this option to { M } if the same series of checks are being used with ANOTHER program also (ie CHEX-MASTER). #15: Entering a "B" in this item activates the BONUS check generation and printing feature. LEAVE IT BLANK if bonus checks ARE NOT to be written !! #16: An "I" in this line enables the inventory control system. #17: Here is the switch that was mentioned earlier, which allows a handling charge to be billed to CUSTOMERS, if desired. #18: Enter a "Y" in the final entry if the OPTIONAL "Master Product File" is installed. This will not be available for ALL MLM's. #19: Enter a "Y" here if you want OVERSTRIKE used on the opening and closing sections when printing the C/D invoice. This will cause these sections to print darker than the Main Body. Set this to "N" if the DEFAULT print mode of your printer is LQ (Letter Quality) or NLQ (Near Letter Quality), or if you are using something other than a DOT MATRIX PRINTER. In the second frame, you will be given the opportunity to set up the POINT- BONUS structure for your particular MLM. Consult your company literature for the specific values to enter. The system is already configured for AMWAY as of 1992. If this does not apply to you, LEAVE ALL VALUES SET AT ZERO !! If your DOS Files ARE NOT in a the standard \DOS or \DRDOS Directory, you will be asked if you wish to use the DOS "XCOPY" command or "BACKUP" command to save your data files at the end of a session. If you have DOS "XCOPY" avail- able, by ALL means use it (see HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS section at beginning)!! It will allow a save of only those files that were actually changed, rather than backing up everything. If they ARE, this value will be set Automatically. The preceding steps can be repeated at ANY time to reconfigure your check system. However, there are some things set up on the FIRST run of "SETUP" which WILL NOT repeat. These values will be AUTOMATICALLY protected since that portion of the program will be 'locked out' from running again. I suggest that you run the MARKMSTR program and become familiar with it using the values and data that are installed when you receive it. Then, when you are comfortable with it, go ahead and configure it to your specifications. We will next be looking at the "FILE" program screen by screen, and becoming familiar with its many and varied functions, features, and operations. As I said earlier, as you run the "MARK-MASTER program, you will find scattered throughout it many instruction messages telling you what to enter or what to do at various places. Therefore, a detailed set of operating instructions should NOT be necessary. If you should have any questions or problems, please feel free to contact me by letter or phone (*NOT* collect ---- PLEASE). Upon entering the system, the first thing that you will need to do is to enter your account access number that you assigned in "SETUP". If you enter an invalid number, you will be taken back to the DOS prompt and will have to start over again. If you did NOT assign a number, the access entry frame will be bypassed, and the system will proceed to the main MENU!. Also, at the changing of the year, a message will be displayed advising you that it is time to run an account summary and transfer last years files to an archive file. This is an automatic function; just reply { Y } and it will all be taken care of. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Section Number 4. ****** Customer/Distributor Sales ****** %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * ORDER PRODUCT * Customer and Distributor product orders are placed from this selection. There are four options: B-Browse allows a display ONLY of the product order file: E-Edit allows the same display, only with the ability to EDIT the fields: D-Display allows a DISPLAY of the product file by DATE and C/D NUMBER: A-Add is the vehicle by which orders are entered into the system. If the C/D NUMBER is left BLANK, a request will be made for the name code that you assigned. This is true throughout the program. It is handy if you can't remember the number. The ADD entry is very simple to use. After the number or name is inputted, that C/D file is searched and an data entry screen is displayed with the selected C/D information at the top, and a request for a product number to be entered at the bottom. You then enter the product number, order quantity, and a code. First, a search will be made through the ACTIVE inventory file, and if unsuccessful, then through the MASTER PRODUCT file, if installed. If the item IS NOT in either of these files, you will be given the opportunity to enter information for that product. This information is then entered into the ACTIVE INVENTORY file, updating it. There are six codes to choose from (D-F-O-P-R-X). "O" is the most common, used when an item is ordered and entered. "D" is USUALLY NOT used at this point. When the shipment arrives, and the invoices are being generated, change the "O"'s to "D" using the EDIT function to indicate that the item was disbursed. Also, if an item is BACKORDERED, change the code to a "B". Then, when the item arrives, change the code back to a "D". ***NOTE*** An "O" or "B" WILL NOT be transferred to the invoice ! "F" denotes a FREE item. Use this for a "no cost" item to a customer ( the "cost" and "retail" will be set to 0.00). "R" is used to credit a RETURN item if YOU personally are handling returns. "P" is a special purpose code. If the item IS NOT in either INVENTORY file, this code will set the PV-BV to the SAME value when you enter the product information. The final code, "X", allows for the entry into the system of items that WERE NOT ordered through you, but directly from the company by the customer. These WILL NOT be summed into the invoice "cost" and "retail" values, but will be into PV and BV. This code also asks for a date, rather than using the entry date like the other codes. Use the MONTH in which the transaction OCCURRED ! You will note that a date MINUS ONE MONTH appears in the DATE FIELD. If this is correct, just press [ Enter ]! * INVOICE PRINT * C/D invoice generation and printing is even easier. Upon making this choice, you are presented with three options: Single or Multiple invoices, or Preview. Single asks for a C/D number/name entry. Multiple prints all the invoices for items in the product file. The Utility Function Menu allows you to choose the printing of 1 or 2 copies of EACH invoice. The Pre- view option allows you to see the Invoice Data on-screen. There is a SEPARATE invoice format with appropriate data for both Customer and Distributor. * BONUS CHECKS * This is the most complex of the system functions. Through this entry, monthly point and bonus values are compiled against the BONUS structure which was setup, to generate the bonus file and print the bonus checks. It is interlocked with the invoice entry so that the proper sequence is maintained. ### ALL ### invoices MUST be processed BEFORE the GENERATE OPTION is run !!! If you have NOT assigned a starting check sequence number or, if you have incorrectly assigned one LESS THAN 5,000, you will see a message informing you of this fact. There are two possible conditions that you can encounter. The first is that you generate the bonus checks at the END of the CURRENT MONTH. The second is that you wait until the FOLLOWING MONTH. In the case of the latter, you should ## NOT ## enter any CURRENT MONTH orders until the BONUS option has been run. This ONLY applies if the bonus option is ENABLED. There- fore, if you are not going to use it, make sure that it is DISABLED in SETUP ! We will spend some time discussing these two possibilities, as well as the other options now. Within this selection there are four options: DISPLAY scans the bonus file for entries that have NOT YET had checks printed. GENERATE processes the product order file to generate bonus file entries. These may be printed AT THE SAME TIME or LATER. Can ## ONLY ## be run ONCE a MONTH !!!! PRINT allows for the printing, BY DATE, of checks that have NOT yet been printed. UPDATE needs special attention !!! It allows for the processing of "X" ITEMS ONLY that need to be added to the LAST bonus run BEFORE the checks are printed. They are processed only for the requested date. An example of this would be if the month end bonus run HAD ALREADY been done, but checks HAD NOT yet been print- ed, and later the following month you find out that certain distributors had customers who had placed orders DIRECTLY to the company. These items would be entered using the "X" code, and then the UPDATE option run with the date of the added items. ### NOTE ### As this example shows, it is important NOT to print checks until ALL activity for the month has been entered !!! Now for a word on actually PRINTING the CHECKS: The first display will tell you how many checks will be printing, as well as the starting sequence number. If this number does NOT match the next blank check, you have an error some- where. Find and correct it, and then return here to continue with print. When the message "PLACE CHECKS IN PRINTER" appears, do so and physically position them for proper print alignment. If you have HELP messages turned ON, an alignment screen will appear at this point to help you align your checks. As the message will say, correct alignment will be when there is about 1/8" space between the top of the X's and the top of the check, and the "A" in ALIGN is about 1/4" from the left edge of the check. If you have a PULL tractor, the first check in each run will NOT be usable ! The reason is that the tractor feed needs something to feed, and the check is too far down in the printer. You can overcome this problem by using the "CHECK SAVERS" offered by the company I will discuss shortly. You may also accomplish the same end by taping a piece of pin feed paper to the top of the first check. This problem DOES NOT exist if you have a PUSH tractor ! I have made arrangements with American Check Printers for MARKET-MASTER user's to obtain a special "Computer Check Ordering Kit" for only $19.95. This revo- lutionary way to order checks gives you a full color check catalog, 20 full size check samples, a personalized diskette and a stamped, self addressed return envelope to place your order. User's receive savings of up to 45% off the normal retail price of checks and 100 free "Getting Started" Checks. If you decide to purchase 250 or more checks, you receive $20.00 off your initial order. MARKET-MASTER uses the "Money Counts Format", and is set up for the pin feed Multipurpose Checks WITHOUT attached statement (Model 200, 205, 207). After the checks have been PRINTED, this option will then also allow you to REPRINT one or more checks. Simply follow the directions on the screen. * PRINT SUMMARY * Allows for the printing of various data files by either NUMBER/NAME and/or DATE, as appropriate. Here, as elsewhere, if the month is left blank, a FULL year is selected. The rest is self explanatory as you enter the frame and make the choices. **NOTE** The BACKORDER file list items on backorder. The BONUS file contains information relating to the bonus checks as well as to completed orders. The ITEM file is divided into two parts: the ARCHIVE file, which is where the product orders are placed AFTER the invoice is printed and the CURRENT file, which is items waiting to go to an invoice. * STATISTICS * This entry displays the PV/BV Stats for the PRIME Distributor. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Section Number 5. ****** Maintenance ****** %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * WRITE MEMO * Enables the writing of both a Customer, as well as, a Distribu- tor memo, to be placed at the bottom of the respective invoice. * C/D NAMES * Allows for the listing of the C/D NAME file by: [ C ] Customer, [ D ] Distributor, or [ F ] for a Full listing. Also, [ E ] enables the Creat- ing, Editing, Deleting, and Displaying of the C/D profile information file. The EDIT screen also displays monthly, yr-to-date, and running PV-BV values as well as bonus information. Of special note on the Create/Edit Screens is the CASH Account field. Place an "Y" in this field to flag those accounts that require (for whatever reason) a CASH BEFORE ORDER treatment. They will be flagged on the PRODUCT ORDER screen, as well as on the actual invoice ! last * PRODUCT INFORMATION * Searches the ACTIVE and MASTER INVENTORY files by product NUMBER, and outputs product information. * SETUP * You should already be familiar with this entry, as you have no doubt already run SET-UP, and it is well explained at the beginning of this GUIDE. * BACKUP * File Back-up has already been discussed in sufficient detail under the "SETUP" option. Use this selection to backup your database AT LEAST once a month, maybe more often. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Section Number 6. ****** Inventory Control ****** %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * EDIT ACTIVE INVENTORY * Consists of three choices: [ A ] Additional items to be ADDED to the ACTIVE INVENTORY file. This option is used when an inventory shipment comes in to update your ON-HAND count. It will also add items to the ACTIVE INVENTORY that are not already there. [ E ] EDITING of the ACTIVE INVENTORY file. Also allows setting of STOCKING LEVEL for inventory products, [ U ] Use to UPDATE items *NOT* contained in the MASTER PRODUCT File (ie: Personal Shopper Items, Eaches, Etc.). This is used in conjunction with the yearly MASTER PRODUCT FILE update. * TO-ORDER INVOICE * Generates an ORDER Invoice of those items in the ACTIVE INVENTORY file whose on-hand count has fallen below the set STOCKING LEVEL. * USAGE STATISTICS * Prints or displays USAGE STATS of items in the ACTIVE INVENTORY file based on three criteria: ZERO count on-hand.: NO ACTIVITY since entered date.: USAGE FREQUENCY by number of accesses below the entered value. Each time a product is accessed, a counter FOR THAT PRODUCT is incremented. * PRINT ACT. INV. * Gives FULL printout or display of ACTIVE INVENTORY file. * UPDATE MASTER PRODUCT FILE * Used to update *optional* MASTER PRODUCT file from yearly update disks. Update disk MUST be in drive "A". %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Section Number 7. ******Utility Functions ****** %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * DISPLAY USER'S GUIDE * Provides a display where the User's Guide may be scrolled through. There is also a SEARCH Option, where a selected word or phrase may be searched for. Enter a { ? } to display the various commands associated with the Display Screen. * PRINT USER'S GUIDE * This choice allows for generating a hard-copy output of the USER's GUIDE to the printer. To work, the printer must be on the DOS default port or LPT1. The computer will use the TYPE > PRN command. * REINDEX * This option will Recreate the index files for ALL the DATA-BASE Files used in the MASTER System. The ONLY reason that it should be necessary to use this option is if the system does not seem to be operating correctly. It may be that one of the index files has become damaged !!! ** There are also four functions to enable you to Select ON-OFF Sound, Graph- ics, Help Messages, and 1 or 2 copies of the Invoice upon printout. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Section Number 8. ****** Quit Screen ****** %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * QUIT * Exit to DOS. * DESIGN SCREENS * Allows you do change the colors, shadows, boarders, etc. * AUTHOR * Information about the Author and Distribution of this program. * INFORMATION * A word about this and other available programs. * ORDER * Outputs an Order Form to the Printer ( LPT1 ). This concludes the USER"S MANUAL. As I hope you have decided, this is a very powerful MLM management package. I have tried to make it as comprehensive as possible, and yet easy to use. I hope that the menu driven structure and online instructions will help to accomplish that end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Section Number 9. ****** Order Form ****** %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% =============================================================================== ORDER FORM =============================================================================== Mail to: TOTAL LOGISTICS CONSULTING 2664 HIDDEN TERRACE ARCATA, CA. 95521 From: Name________________________________________________________ Number & Street_____________________________________________ City________________________________________________________ State_____ Zip____________ Phone # ________________________ Where did you receive demo copy ? __________________________ ____________________________________________________________ REGISTERED Version of CHEX-MASTER at $24.00 ea. # ordered ____ $________ Demo Code Key #'s _________________________________________________________ REGISTERED Version of MARKET-MASTER at $49.00 ea. # ordered ____ $________ Demo Code Key #'s _________________________________________________________ REGISTERED Version of MLM - MASTER at $79.00 ea. # ordered ____ $ _______ Demo Code Key #'s _________________________________________________________ Master Product File for AMWAY at $20.00 ea. # ordered ____ $ _______ (ONLY with REGISTERED Version). An Update is available for $20.00 / year. NOTE: If you have a DEMO Version of the above programs, there is a Demo Code Key Number on the Program Screen. Please be sure to include this number for EACH Program if you DO NOT wish for a NEW DISK to be shipped. The Registration Number is derived from this Code Key. Thank You. If a new Diskette is wanted, please indicate by Circling ONE Below: Circle One : X - 5 1/4" 360k **** X - 5 1/4" 1.2m **** X - 3 1/2" 1.44m and include $ 5.00 S&H PER DISK. Otherwise, ONLY Registration Numbers will be sent for Registrations. Be sure to include Demo Code Key # from Screen. Shipping + Handling at $5.00 ea. # ordered ____ $ _______ SHAREWARE Version of CHEX-MASTER at $5.00 ea. # ordered ____ $________ SHAREWARE Version of MARKET-MASTER at $5.00 ea. # ordered ____ $________ SHAREWARE Version of MLM - MASTER at $5.00 ea. # ordered ____ $ _______ If ordering in CA., 7.5% Tax $________ Total Amount enclosed $________ =============================================================================== ===============================================================================